I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 413 Zhu Bao is about to start his performance again

Zhu Bao, who had deceived two idiots from the economics department and got fifty points, was humming a tune in a mature woodland fruit forest, wandering around collecting like a treasure-hunting mouse, his cheeks bulging with food.

"The main star is really good. It's rich in supplies. You can eat such delicious fruits without spending star coins. Brother Liangchen really didn't lie to me, but who is the person that brother Liangchen wants me to help find? It's also mysterious. .”

He sighed and rubbed his full belly, his round black eyes full of satisfaction. Then he straightened his clothes to make the purple sycamore leaves embroidered on his chest more visible, and then continued to climb the tree to pick them. Mu Naiguo put it in the backpack.

He wouldn't know how to start a fire and cook by himself. He was lucky enough to come across a supply box, which contained all pots, pans, and seasonings. He cut off a piece of B-level ferocious beast and tried to make it himself. Not to mention the taste, it was simply worse than the low-quality nutrient solution he had pulled out of the trash when he was on Chaos Star.

So he completely gave up on the idea of ​​cooking and having enough food and clothing by himself. After taking a few bites of food from a few idiot teams, he could only come to pick ready-made fruits to eat. This wood milk fruit forest was the best harvest he encountered today. The wood milk fruit was sour and sweet, and tasted particularly good. After he was full, he planned to pick more and put them in his backpack.

If the military school hadn't stipulated that everything belonged to the military school and could not be taken out of the examination room, he would have picked all the wood milk fruits in the entire wood milk fruit forest and packed them away.

Zhu Bao was riding on a branch, holding the trunk between his legs, humming and picking fruits. Suddenly he raised his head alertly and looked to the side, only to see an arrogant red speedster heading towards him. Howling and flying.

His round eyes suddenly shone brightly, and he muttered, "Someone has assembled the speed car now. It must be a powerful team."

He Zhu Bao likes to join the best and most powerful team. Only the strongest commander can make him Zhu Bao obey orders, just like Brother Liangchen.

[Michelle: Hahaha, here it comes, Zhu Bao is about to start his performance again. 】

[Baby of the Yangyang family: Hahahaha, I just like it when he joins the team with a sweet talk, and then gets rid of the scum of the team with the shameless reason of "you are not strong enough to retain an excellent team member like me". 】

[Lemon Tea: Humph, it’s me, Goddess Bai, who’s here. I, Goddess Bai, won’t let that sweet-mouthed scumbag Zhu Bao defraud me of points and feelings. 】

[Michelle: Hahahaha. It's wonderful. It's wonderful. Let's see whether Goddess Bai controls the overall situation and convinces Zhu Bao, or whether Zhu Bao is superior and cheats the points and escapes. 】

[Little baby of Yangyang’s family: Hey, rub your hands together, I’m also looking forward to it. 】

[Latin: Expectation +1]

"Captain, there is a woodland fruit forest ahead. I heard from former candidates that the woodnut milk fruit in the examination room is sweet and delicious. Do we want to pick some?" Yu Ou shouted excitedly while sitting in the flying car.

Bai Qianchun's calm voice came from the roof of the car, "Well, let's go down and have a look."

She discovered this wood milk fruit forest earlier than Yu Ou in the flying car, and also saw an examinee riding on a tree branch with his butt sticking out to pick fruits.

Under Zhu Bao's excited greeting with waving arms, the speeding car slowly slowed down and finally stopped under Zhu Bao's tree.

Zhu Bao slid down from the tree, and then trotted toward the speeding car happily. He praised the two people on the roof of the speeding car with bright eyes and said sincerely, "Wow, that's cool!"

The two people sitting on the roof of the car holding the big pot were numb and their feet were weak. They gave him a pale smile and cursed in their hearts that mmmp is so cool. They were scared to death!

Bai Qianchun jumped down from the roof of the flying car. Her cold eyes looked at the man who was approaching her with a smile on his face. Her eyes swept over his clothes. Suddenly, her eyes paused slightly. There were many flowers on the purple sycamore leaves. He stayed there for a second, and then looked away silently.

Zhu Baona is such a keen person. He caught it the moment Bai Qianchun's eyes stopped. Could it be that she was the person that Brother Liangchen asked him to help find?

Then he subconsciously straightened his chest, making the purple sycamore leaves on his chest shine even more.

Bai Qianchun moved her gaze to Zhu Bao's face. The seemingly calm expression and eyes were actually not calm in her heart.

The purple sycamore leaf was the symbol of the Ziwutong team in her previous life. Since she had no money to cast a team emblem, the eldest sister, who had some skills in sewing and mending, personally embroidered a piece of purple sycamore on the clothes of each Ziwutong team member. Leaves as logo.

The purple sycamore leaves on the chest of this candidate are too similar. Although the stitching does not look like the eldest sister's personal show, it is a bit neater, but the shape, size, and the connection at the bottom of the stem under the sycamore leaf are exactly the same. .

She had speculated that she and Ye Yang Lengxiao might not be the only ones who came to this star after hearing about Tanlangxing's "Yueyuan Gongzi" before, but there might also be other members of the Ziwutong team. Unfortunately, this year she Inquiring into the news has turned up nothing. Even "Master Yueyuan" has disappeared and there is no trace, so the investigation is gradually relaxed.

I didn't expect to encounter such a clue during the martial arts exam.

By chance, no, it can never be such a coincidence.

However, now in the live broadcast in front of the public, Bai Qianchun had no intention of questioning the candidate opposite, but only planned to observe him secretly first.

Judging from his appearance, he doesn't look like any member of the Ziwutong team, but in another world, his appearance may change.

Seeing that Bai Qianchun was still reluctant to speak, Zhu Bao was not embarrassed. If the mountain is not mine, I will do it. He smiled with his eyes bent and said cheerfully and enthusiastically, "Hello, hello. My name is Zhu Bao. Seeing that your team looks very strong, can I join your team? I know how to work and fight with little food. I can fight an A-level ferocious beast on my own without any problem, and I can also keep watch at night."

He made a fuss, and began to use his tongue to promote himself skillfully. He praised himself freely without any sense of shame. The five people Sun Xin who got off the speed car and those who got off the top of the speed car felt weak. The two people who were helped down were stunned for a while.

Good guy, this guy is really thick-skinned, much better than their previous self-promotion of wanting to join the team, at least they can't be so shameless and boast about themselves without blushing!

Yu Ou, on the other hand, had a look of emotion on his face. When he saw them in the original examination room No. 1, which candidate didn't run away immediately. Those who joined the team were all convinced and eagerly wanted to join the team, and then they were admitted. Yes, this Zhu Bao is the first candidate who started recommending himself as soon as they met without having to fight.

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