Bai Qianchun looked at Zhu Bao's smiling face with deep eyes, and said softly, "You can join our team if you want, but you must follow the rules of our team. Next, you will follow us first. After a period of observation, I If you feel that you have passed the observation period, you can officially join my team. However, during the observation period, you can also allocate points like a full member. If you dissatisfy me during the observation period, I can stop and expel you from the team at any time. , or if you do something to harm my team during the observation period, you will immediately become our team's competitor. When the time comes, it depends on your ability whether you can escape safely or be stripped of your points by our team."

"So, do you still want to join my team?"

The more Zhu Bao listened, the brighter his eyes became. He straightened his head and said, "Join in."

It’s good to have high requirements and strict requirements. This will further prove the strength of a team.

It's not good for the previous teams that tried to recruit him into the team. Only if they are not good will they relax the conditions or recruit players unconditionally to stay together.

Therefore, when Zhu Bao heard Bai Qianchun's regulations, he was not dissatisfied, but actually very happy.

Bai Qianchun nodded calmly, "Then you can follow us as a reserve member of the team."

Zhu Bao raised his head and chest and said happily, "Okay."

The team members who were still a little wary of him suddenly had smiles on their faces and became enthusiastic.

Sun Xin hooked Zhu Bao's neck and said with a hearty smile, "You have good taste. Our team is definitely the strongest team in the examination room with Boss Bai leading it."

Zhu Bao's eyes lit up and his chest puffed up, "I also want to be the strongest team member."

Brother Liangchen said that if he is not strong enough, then he should join the strongest team. Only then can he survive and take some time off. He regards Brother Liangchen's words as a guideline and agrees very much, so he turns over a few during the martial arts exam. The team is looking for the strongest team.

Sun Xin and several other team members smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Good boy, you have ambition."

"By the way, which examination room number are you here? Are there any people you need to pay attention to? Or are there any dangerous places, such as SS-level ferocious beasts? We just killed an SS-level ferocious beast, and now we have recovered our strength. It’s no problem if I can do it again.”

Zhu Bao's ears perked up and he listened carefully, especially after hearing that he had killed an SS-level beast, his eyes suddenly lit up like light bulbs, he patted his chest and said proudly, "I know, I know, this is No. 8 Just ask me if there are any characters or SS-level beasts in the examination room. I've been walking around most of this examination room in the past few days, and I've met two-thirds of the candidates, not to mention all of them. The ones that need attention should be A candidate named Ye Yang, he looks very bright with a smile showing two small fangs, but according to my intuition, he is very good at fighting, and he is a dangerous person who is not easy to mess with. As for the other candidates, none of them can fight, anyway. Not as good as me."

Sun Xin and other team members looked ashamed, but this guy was quite confident!

Only Quan Lang looked at him with strange eyes. Isn't this kid the same little scoundrel who had cheated on Zhou Lang before and took three small healing pills from Zhou Lang as compensation?

Ah, he is indeed an extraordinary person.

Zhu Bao glanced sharply at his strange look, but without detecting any malice, he looked away and continued, "I also encountered three SS-level ferocious beasts, but I couldn't defeat them and ran away. What do you think?" If I'm looking for them, I know the approximate location and can find them quickly if they haven't left."

Bai Qianchun observed the expression on his face calmly. He didn't show anything unusual when he mentioned Ye Yang. Ye Yang's appearance was 80% similar to that in the ancient martial arts world, plus the aura after practicing ancient martial arts. His walking steps are unique and different from ordinary people. Anyone who is a member of Ziwutong can easily recognize him, but this Zhu Bao does not seem to have it. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he is acting.

She did not rush to a conclusion and decided to observe further.

Then she said, "Then let's lead the way to the SS-level beast. It's still early today, so there's no harm in hunting another one."

The team members immediately grinned, "Great, we have a lot of points to earn again."

Seeing that they were not afraid at all, but were eager to try, as if they had already hunted an SS-level beast, Zhu Bao knew that they had not lied before. Their team had indeed hunted an SS-level beast before, and he immediately followed. Grinning, hehe.

The teams he joined before were very cowardly. They would run away as soon as they encountered SS-level beasts. Zhu Bao, who wanted to taste the meat of SS-level beasts, was very angry, but he couldn't do it in a one-on-one challenge. I can run along like my ass is on fire. So he felt more and more that what Brother Liangchen said was good advice. It was important to find a strong teammate in the strongest team.

Without further ado, the team members climbed up the tree and picked a few handfuls of wood milk berries before hurriedly looking for the SS-level ferocious beasts.

Since Zhu Bao wanted to lead the way, the co-pilot of the flying car left a seat for him, and Quan Lang and two other team members who were previously sitting in the flying car came up and sat on the roof of the flying car.

The four people on the roof of the speeding car were tied with four green safety belts, holding three dark cauldrons on their heads, and continued to set off at lightning speed.

"Yes, yes, yes, drive to the left. There is an SS-level giant rhinoceros over there. Its hooves are particularly powerful, and its skin is very thick. Its defense is far superior to other ferocious beasts. I could only run away when I encountered it before, but we The team is so strong, it will be no problem to kill it. I heard that the meat of this giant rhinoceros is very delicious, ranking second on the interstellar high-quality and delicious meat rankings."

There was a sudden sniffing sound inside the flying car.

The focus of Zhu Bao's words is mainly on the last sentence. He didn't eat anything good on Chaos Star. He only improved after knowing that Brother Liangchen came, but it only took ten days and a half to eat meat and food. Vegetables and the rest are all supported by nutrient solution, so he has an unusual obsession with eating delicious meat.

It just so happened that Sun Xin and others, who had tasted a lot of ferocious beast meat, were also very interested in eating it, especially the delicious snake soup they had just eaten before. They really couldn't wait to taste another SS-level ferocious beast meat. , so after hearing Zhu Bao's last sentence, everyone became excited, and even silently speeded up, for fear that they would be robbed by other candidates before they could rush over.

However, they hurried and hurried slowly. The faces of the three people on the roof of the car except Bai Qianchun were blown away, but they still failed to catch up. When they arrived nearby, a small team was already having sex with the giant rhinoceros.

When in doubt, he asked the captain, "Captain, what should we do?"

Bai Qianchun sat on the roof of the car, squinting and looking in the direction where the fighting was fierce. "Go down and take a look first. We are in a competitive relationship, and we don't care about first come, first served."

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