I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 415 Shen Junhao’s words are all farts

At the center of the battle, it was different from how Bai Qianchun and others imagined candidates besieging giant rhinos. Instead, there were two SS-level giant rhinoceroses snorting and attacking people from both sides, then pawing at their hooves. The two bulls were side by side, their eyes glowing red. The eldest one was chasing a group of human Twolegs all over the place.

The candidates who had been chased to death and unable to fly were not angry but happy when they saw Bai Qianchun and others falling not far away. They waved to them one by one in surprise and shouted heartbreakingly at the top of their lungs, "Help!" , save us.”

The candidate who looked like a captain running at the front also shouted in surprise, "Friends in front of me, there are two SS-level giant rhinos here, let's deal with one each."

Bai Qianchun frowned and looked at the two huge giant rhinos. He didn't expect that there were two hidden here.

"Could it be a male and a female? I've only met one before." Zhu Bao, who led a group of people here, was even more dumbfounded than Bai Qianchun and others. He really gave good guidance this time. You are serious about your work, you didn’t intend to deliberately harm your team members, why did you encounter such an accident!

He glanced cautiously in Bai Qianchun's direction, aggrieved, for fear that she would suspect that he did it on purpose.

Bai Qianchun didn't pay attention to his eyes, but frowned slightly. She stood at the front of the crowd and looked at the group of people running closer and closer. She narrowed her black eyes and gave instructions in a cold voice, "Cooperate with them. Let's deal with the left side." That giant rhinoceros, I will lead it aside first, and you will follow and act accordingly."

The team members who were initially shocked by the two SS-level giant rhinoceros were still a little uneasy and were wondering if they should turn around and run away. They suddenly seemed to have found their backbone and felt certain in their hearts. Then they became excited one by one, and then followed Bai Bai with eager eyes. Qian Chun looked over.

Zhu Bao was shocked by their spirited and enthusiastic momentum, and swallowed his saliva, "I really, really want to do it, these are two SS-level rhinos, and the other ones who were crushed cried daddy and mommy. I know the team led by Shen Junhao. He has no abilities and likes to brag and talk big words. His ability to escape is also top-notch. The few team members he has recruited also have the same virtues as him. If the fight is halfway through, they will What if you find you can’t do anything anymore, give up your job, and run away, leaving us with the two SS giant rhinos?”

No matter how he thought about it, Zhu Bao felt that his guess was very likely to happen.

Sun Xin patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "Don't worry. Anyway, we just have to follow the captain's instructions. If the captain says it can be done, we will follow it. Moreover, the captain has no plan for the situation you mentioned, and he must have expected it." Arrived and ready.”

Yu Ou also nodded with a silly look on his face, "That's right, we just need to obey the captain's command in everything. Even if we can't defeat two SS-level ferocious beasts at once, we can still run away. This giant rhinoceros has strong defense but not very fast speed. Damn it, it’s only a matter of minutes if we want to escape, and besides, we have a flying car.”

Zhu Bao: Ah, that makes sense.

Zhu Bao was soon persuaded by everyone in the team.

He finally understood. This team was different from the other teams he had been with before. This team had extraordinary cohesion, and everyone believed in their captain wholeheartedly. A team with such strong cohesion was terrifying. Yes, as long as the captain makes the right decision, he can definitely bring out the powerful combat effectiveness of the entire team. One plus one is far greater than two. This is a real team.

Zhu Bao clenched his fists when he was affected. Even if he couldn't fully trust him yet, he would actively cooperate. After all, he was still in the team's observation period.

While several people were talking, Bai Qianchun, who was standing in front of everyone, suddenly moved. Her whole figure floated over like a breeze, followed by her and stopped in mid-air. Green light exploded in her hands, and countless green thorns appeared. The vines rise from the ground, majestic and majestic——

The vines entangled and bound the giant rhinoceros on the left, hindering its footsteps.

The giant rhinoceros snorted and let out a dull roar. The iron hooves stepped on the thorn vines that restrained it, causing juices from the vines to splash.

It is worthy of being an SS-level ferocious beast with the ceiling of defense. The sharp and cold thorn vines that can pierce the SS-level two-headed giant snake have almost no effect on it, leaving no trace on its skin.

The team members were stunned for a while. These S-class giant rhinos were indeed extraordinary, and their defense power was not limited. They were secretly thinking that the captain's tried and tested trick was useless, so they could continue. When they had a fight, their captain proved that she could do it, and that she could do it especially well.

When the move failed, Bai Qianchun was not discouraged. Following the vines rising from the ground, they quickly weaved themselves in mid-air. The green fluorescent light flashed to form a green palm. He stretched his wrist and snapped the giant rhinoceros on the left. Fan flew out more than ten meters and completely distanced himself from the giant rhinoceros on the right. The threat of the two bulls standing side by side was instantly resolved.

Bai Qianchun chased the giant rhinoceros, and a cold voice floated over, "Do it and attack its eyes."


The team members, who had already tensed up and were ready, ejected instantly and launched a fierce attack into the eyes of the giant rhinoceros without any hesitation.

Although Zhu Bao was stunned for a moment, he still kept up with the pace of the team by relying on his flexible footsteps and excellent motor cells. He stayed among the team members and did not dare to be lazy. He also used all his strength to attack with supernatural powers. Giant rhinoceros eyes.


The fierce and angry cry of the cow came. The giant rhinoceros could not withstand this powerful attack output. After a while, its two eyes were blinded and tears of blood flowed out. The whole cow also fell into darkness and began to bump wildly.

Bang bang bang, the surrounding trees broke violently after the collision, and fell down row after row.

When Shen Junhao saw that the crazy giant rhinoceros was about to charge towards them, he was immediately frightened out of his wits. The two rhinoceroses fought, forgetting their promise to deal with one each, and quickly shouted in panic, "Run, run." "

With a crash, a group of team members who were greedy for life and fearful of death also retreated and disappeared with Shen Junhao.

The other giant rhinoceros, Moo Moo Moo, who was unchecked, turned around and charged towards Bai Qianchun and the others with its hooves angrily. The two sharp black horns on its head would definitely hurt people if they collided with them. Poke one through the other.

When Zhu Bao saw this, his face darkened, he knew this would happen! Shen Junhao is just a person who talks nonsense.

He turned to look at Bai Qianchun, anxious to see what her next plan was, but he saw that her cold and beautiful face was not panic at all, she tapped her toes, and a cold voice came, "You guys first turn your eyes on the other side?" The giant rhinoceros is attacking, it can't see you, just avoid it and leave the other giant rhinoceros to me."

As she said that, she ran over and stood in front of Zhu Bao and others, and kicked the giant rhinoceros fiercely towards them.

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