What is surprising is that when Bai Qianchun's little foot kicked the giant bull that weighed several thousand kilograms into the head, it actually flew out. Although it only flew more than one meter away, it really flew away. It flew away and all four hooves of the cow were off the ground.

After landing, its front hooves were in a panic, and the cow almost fell over.

Taking advantage of the fact that it was sick and killing it, Bai Qianchun gave another run-up and pursued it lightly. He whipped the cow's head with a whip. While whipping it back, he tilted his head to look at the tree on one side and chuckled. He said, "When you've seen enough, come out and help."

"Hahahaha." I saw a young man jumping out of a leafy banyan tree with a smile. He jumped down from the tall tree, his figure swept across the tree vigorously, and he flashed towards Bai Qianchun very quickly. Next to him, he smiled at Bai Qianchun with a white and tender face, revealing two small tiger teeth, "Hey, I hid it so well, Sister Chun, when did you find me?"

Bai Qianchun glanced at him and said, "I noticed it from the beginning. Come and help quickly."

Ye Yang bared his teeth and smiled with a bright smile, "Okay."

Then the two members of Ziwutong began to fight against each other in a tacit understanding that was difficult for others to interfere with.

The movement skills of the two seemed to be exactly the same, they jumped lightly, every move seemed like they could fly, and their mid-air attacks were stress-free.

Advancing and retreating, making noises in the east and attacking in the west, and other tactics are almost understood by the other party just by exchanging a look, and their fighting style does not seem to be like a person with super powers using super powers. One picks flowers and leaves, flies like needles, and the palm of the other seems soft. In fact, there is a hidden rhythm. You can tell that those palms are working when you look at the giant rhino looking dizzy and shaking the whole cow when you slap it with one palm after another.

With the perfect cooperation between the two, more than twenty minutes later, the SS-level rhinoceros they besieged finally let out a dull roar and fell down.

Whether it was the team members who were still dealing with the blind mad cow next door or the audience before the live broadcast, they all looked at it with their mouths wide open. Is this solved?

Ye Yang walked over with a smile and kicked the huge bull's head that fell on the ground. Then he turned around and smiled, showing two rows of teeth. "Don't worry, he's dead for sure."

Bai Qianchun picked up another handful of pine needles from the nearby pine needle tree, and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly on her sweaty face, and then she reminded aloud, "There is one more, so we can eat beef stew at night." "

Ye Yang's eyes suddenly lit up, "Can you stew beef brisket with potatoes? I found a potato field nearby before."

“Will potatoes grow here?”

"Maybe someone sowed the seeds. Anyway, I dug up a bunch. Although it's only as big as a fist and far inferior to the huge boulder-sized potatoes from our Muyuan planet, it tastes good." Ye Yang replied casually, and then his eyes Looking at Bai Qianchun, he continued to remind, "Potato stewed beef brisket."

Bai Qianchun glanced at him and said, "With this little talent, there is a member of my team who is good at cooking. Although he is not as good as Leng Xiao, his cooking is also very delicious. Let him cook this later."

Ye Yang's eyes sparkled, "That's fine, that's fine. I'm tired of all the barbecue I've been eating these days, as long as I can cook better than ordinary people."

Under Zhu Bao's surprised eyes, the two of them walked over with great familiarity as they chatted and laughed, and then spent more than 20 minutes easily killing the SS-level blind mad cow in front of everyone's eyes.

The moment the cow fell, the team members' eyes immediately burst into excitement, blowing both of them away.

Zhu Bao also came over curiously and asked, "Captain, does he know Ye Yang?"

He had said before that Ye Yang was the most dangerous person in Examination Hall No. 8. He didn't expect to know the captain, and judging from their tacit cooperation in fighting monsters, it was obvious that they not only knew each other but were also familiar with each other, and had even fought side by side for many years. for a long time.

The corners of Bai Qianchun's mouth were slightly raised, and there was a smile in her eyes, "Well, we are both from Muyuan Star, so of course we know each other."

Ye Yang also cooperated and smiled brightly, "Yes, yes, yes, we not only know each other, but we are also very familiar with each other."

Bai Qianchun had a chuckle on her lips and acquiesced.

She had no intention of pretending not to be familiar with Ye Yang and Leng Xiao. They were both from the same planet, and the identity she created for herself was that she was a relative of a certain pharmacy master in the Muyuan Star Experimental Park, and she learned the wrong medicine pills from them. His skills and talents are outstanding, even better than others, and he is highly praised by Muyuan Star Lord.

In this way, it is normal for her to be familiar with Star Master's follower Ye Yang Lengxiao.

As for others who want to check, they can't. Muyuan Planet is currently implementing a high-pressure and controlled blockade system. Now everyone on Muyuan Planet has been screened by her. Other outside forces know that Muyuan Planet is Source Star Master has a set of methods to find out undercover agents, so in the past two months, they have hardly put any thought into sending undercover agents. It is extremely difficult for them to reach out. Even if they want to investigate something, they can only It was what she wanted those people to know.

So she wasn't worried at all that her fabricated identity would be exposed. On the contrary, the more they investigated, the more they were able to confirm the authenticity of her identity.

Bai Qianchun later proposed that Ye Yang be included in the team and become an official member of the team. As expected, the other team members welcomed him very much.

With regard to Ye Yang's performance just now, with his super strong fighting power, he joined the team not as a hindrance to seek shelter, but as a powerful addition to a tiger.

Although Zhu Bao, who has not yet become an official teammate, has a little bit of envy and jealousy, he has no objections. Ye Yang is indeed better than him, and he is friends with the captain. Almost everyone in this team is the captain's fanboy. In the team under the command and control of the captain, they would accept it even if the captain Bai Qianchun added a waste, and they would even speculate in their hearts that this waste had something they didn't know about to be favored by their captain.

All in all, as long as Bai Qianchun is the captain, he has formed absolute authority in the hearts of the team members, and no one will refute it.

Zhu Bao once again lamented that this captain is really strong, not only in strength, but also in charisma, much like his brother Liangchen. Although his brother Liangchen suddenly emerged, he conquered the Chaos Star with his own means, ability, strength and charisma. of countless people and became a leader they wholeheartedly supported.

After a group of people chatted happily for a while, they quickly began to clean up the battlefield skillfully. Even though the giant rhinoceros was dead, its skin's defense was still at its ceiling. It was quite difficult to cut some meat to satisfy its hunger.

At this time, Zhu Bao contributed his own energy dagger made from material parts to solve the problem of difficulty in cutting meat, which won the unanimous favor of everyone in the team.

"Quick, quick, right here, there are two SS-level giant rhinos right here. They seem to have lost their voice. That team may have escaped too."

There was a rustle in the woods in the distance, and Shen Junhao's loud voice could be heard. The members of Bai Qianchun's team stopped what they were doing, the smiles on their faces turned serious, and they looked warily in the direction of the sound. .

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