I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 417 The traitor is a habitual offender

[Xiong Xiong’s father: Oh, here comes the good-looking one. Here comes the good-looking one. Shen Junhao is so shameless. He even brought Shui Weiyi’s team here. Do you want to come here to pick up the missing ones? 】

[Spicy and sour: Hahahaha, the two sides meet like this, are they going to have sex? Fight, fight. 】

The audience was very excited about this scene. Since this year's military academy exams started allowing the meat and herbs of ferocious beasts to be exchanged for points, most of the candidates have gone hunting for ferocious beasts. There has been less battle of wits and courage between candidates than in previous years. There were a lot of mistakes, which was very annoying for the audience who liked to watch candidates fighting each other to get their number plates.

So they were so excited when they saw the Shura field they were about to encounter.

[Yaoyang is my home: Bai Qianchun’s team and Shui Weiyi’s team both came to the No. 8 examination room across the examination room. They are both very powerful. However, Bai Qianchun’s team is the strongest, and Shui Weiyi’s team’s position is originally It was close to the dividing line between examination rooms 9 and 8, so it was not difficult for their team to cross the examination room. 】

[Mingyue on the Sea: Danger is in danger, Shui Weiyi and Shen Junhao are both shameless and mean people. If they go over there, they will definitely snatch the giant rhinoceros. 】

[Qiqizi: Bai Qianchun’s team fought two SS-level giant rhinos, which consumed a lot of physical strength and abilities. In addition, their team is small, and adding the newcomers Zhu Bao and Ye Yang only has twelve people. , the two teams opposite Shui Weiyi and Shen Junhao had more than fifty people together. No matter how elite the team members were, it was difficult for them to beat four hands with two fists, and they were still weak. . 】

[Sea Mingyue: What to do, what to do, run or not run. If they run away, the fight against the two giant rhinos will be in vain. But if they don’t run, they must not be caught by the two teams of Shen Junhao and Shui Weiyi! 】

[Look at me Scud: Let’s run quickly. Even if we don’t have firewood in the green hills we left behind, it’s not too late to find these two teams to get the points back after we’ve rested and regained our strength. Hurry, run, run]

The audience outside the live broadcast clenched their fists and watched the live broadcast nervously. They all shouted words such as "Run, run, run." This sincerity, frowning and holding their breath, was much better than waiting with Shen Junhao soon. Everyone in Bai Qianchun's team would be nervous when they met.

Pulling away the dense grass, Shen Junhao, Shui Weiyi and his party were finally exposed in front of Bai Qianchun and others. The situation on Bai Qianchun's team was also clearly visible to Shui Weiyi and his party.

Shen Junhao's originally smiling face froze, his eyes widened and he glanced several times at the two giant rhinos that were lying on the ground and letting others do whatever they wanted. His expression could not hide his shock, "How, how is it possible, two SS-level giant rhinos?" All dead?"

Shui Weiyi, who was following him, pushed the person in front of him away and paused for a moment before looking forward. Then he frowned impatiently, "What's going on? Didn't you say that the two SS-level giant rhinos were very powerful?" Is it great? That’s it???”

Shen Junhao twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyes a little dazed, "I don't know why they died so quickly."

In his mind, either the team just now was still fighting the two giant rhinos, and they came just in time to grab the monsters, or the team had already run away.

But he never expected this situation! ! !

There are only a few people in that team! ! !

Shui Weiyi's eyes were dark, with a sinister smile on his face. He stared at Bai Qianchun and the others as if they were staring at a group of fat sheep. He licked his lips and said in an excited tone, "Since The SS-level ferocious beast is dead, so let’s rob people, brothers, do it.”

More than thirty team members behind him immediately responded excitedly, and even the people in Shen Junhao's team were incited to get excited, and then they all excitedly pounced on Bai Qianchun and the others like tigers.

Bai Qianchun clicked her tongue lightly, her eyes glowing with a cold light, "Don't let the points sent to you go to waste."

Then she turned back to the other teammates and said, "You continue to work, let me handle this."

Then he turned back to look at Ye Yang, "Let's go."

Ye Yang geared up and showed two small tiger teeth excitedly, "Okay."

Ten minutes later, wailing could be heard everywhere.

Shui Weiyi, who had been arrogant and domineering for only a few minutes, was dragged by one of his legs and thrown into a pile of human flesh piled up like a arhat. The expression on his feminine face with a big footprint was suffocated and gloomy.

Shen Junhao, who was pressed down, had a bitter look on his face, and his expression was painful and ferocious.

No, it's none of his business. He didn't say he wanted to take action. It was Shui Weiyi who said he would take action. The members of his team made their own decisions. Why did they also beat him and treat him like a pile of human flesh at the bottom? Bottom.

yu~~My intestines were almost vomited from the pressure!

Qin Xiao, who was instructing his companions to peel the newly dug potatoes, glanced over there, his expression numb. He had been lying down so many times that he was used to it!

He rolled up his sleeves and planned to help but couldn't help. He watched two wolves enter the sheep herd and beat a group of strong "sheep" to pieces. Zhu Bao's eyes were wide open as he rolled on the ground, and his chest was filled with tears. The excitement lasted for a long time.

Yes, yes, the team was added correctly this time.

Not only is the captain's commanding ability first-class, but his combat ability is also at the top of the pyramid. Look at the more than fifty "little sheep", one of them is calling "obedient" under her hands, as if they are standing and being kicked by her. Yes, none of them have the ability to fight back at all, they are so awesome!

Bai Qianchun clapped her hands with a very calm expression on her cold face, and said to her team members, "Who will have a friendly discussion with them and hand over all the points?"

Zhu Bao stood on tiptoes and raised his hands excitedly, saying actively, "Me, me, I'll do it. I'm the best at friendly discussions. I promise to even take out their underwear."

The experienced Yu Ou and Sun Xin glanced at him and silently took back their steps to come out. Okay, let's leave it to the newcomers to show off. Although they are also good at grabbing people's underwear, they are not good at being friendly. discuss.

Bai Qianchun glanced at Zhu Bao and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Shen Junhao looked at Zhu Bao walking towards him. He suddenly felt dizzy and didn't want to vomit. His expression turned frightened and ugly. He gritted his teeth resentfully and said, "Zhu Bao, it's you -"

Zhu Bao smiled and said, "Long time no see, Mr. Shen. The few points you gave me before are so delicious. How about handing over the rest? Anyway, those points are not related to your account, so you won't be able to save much."

Shen Junhao's pale face turned red with anger. He glared at Zhu Bao fiercely, then looked in the direction of Bai Qianchun and shouted urgently, "Zhu Bao is a traitor and a habitual criminal. He might stab you in the back when you are fighting. , Do you dare to accept such a person?"

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