I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 418 A big friend sends everyone away with one punch

Bai Qianchun picked a stone and sat down, looking at Shen Junhao indifferently, "He hasn't betrayed yet!"

Shen Junhao was choked and his face turned purple with anger.

Zhu Baoze laughed, his confidence immediately rising, and then he showed a row of white teeth and directed a burst of passion at Shen Junhao, "Don't waste your efforts, our captain is different from a small-minded chicken like you. Besides, When I joined the team, I said that I wanted to be a member of the strongest team. Your team is all weak and cowardly, but their attitude is very arrogant. You can tell at a glance that it will be over sooner or later. If I don't run away I'm still here to be punished with you guys. Besides, I haven't officially joined your team. I applied to the military academy to become a bound member of your team. I'm still a free agent. I can leave whenever I want. Where? It’s bothering you.”

Then he walked over and knelt down, and slapped Shen Junhao's bruised and purple face with a smile, "Okay, let's stop talking about old friendships. Let's continue to have friendly discussions to get all your team's points." It’s a question of taking it out.”

Shen Junhao was so angry that he vomited blood and stared. He had never seen such a shameless person!

Shui Weiyi and the others also gritted their teeth and decided not to give in!

Another half hour passed.

A rich aroma emerged from the pot of beef brisket stewed with potatoes. Zhu Bao then wiped the sweat from his forehead, happily let go of Shui Weiyi's collar, the hardest bone to chew, and happily said to him Bai Qianchun reported the situation.

Bai Qianchun and Ye Yang accepted the large sum of points that Zhu Bao collected from the two teams and divided them equally, and then divided Zhu Bao about a hundred points as hard work expenses.

Zhu Baoxi bared his teeth, ah, this is simply his dream team and the best captain. He is not selfish at all, fair and generous.

The other team members who were not allocated points did not have much opinion. They did not contribute at all to deal with Shui Weiyi and the others, so it was normal that they were not allocated points.

Secretly praying in their hearts that they would not share the spoils equally, Shen Junhao and Shui Weiyi, who were working internally, saw this situation and were so angry that they almost vomited blood. What on earth is going on with this team? Isn’t there anyone who is mentally unbalanced and has conflicts?

Unfortunately, they were left alone after waiting for most of the day, until the team happily started to set up tents and ate beef brisket stewed with potatoes and rice.

Shen Junhao sniffed the rich aroma of meat that drifted over, his stomach grumbled with hunger, and saliva came out of the corner of his mouth. His original feeling of resentment and resentment gradually turned into envy and yearning.

This beef brisket stewed with potatoes is so fragrant. It is indeed SS-level beast meat. He had only eaten it once or twice at banquets when he was at the Shen family, but it was not as fragrant as tonight.

[Xiong Xiong’s dad: Wow, that’s awesome. This level of force is incredible. I just killed two SS-level ferocious beasts and I can punch a big friend and send them all away. I really can’t bear to accept it. 】

[Sea Mingyue: Are all the people on Muyuan Planet so fierce? Am I the only one who noticed that they didn't use their powers when they punched a big friend just now? 】

[Look at my Scud: I’ve seen it too, I’ve seen it too, they don’t use any superpowers, their movements are strange, and they can fight easily and neatly. I also noticed that they can disperse the opposite superpowers through the air. , what kind of weird ability is this? He looks so strong. 】

[I want to rise: Not all candidates from Muyuan Planet have this ability. Xu Can, who is fourth in the literary test next door, does not have it. Ah, the candidate named Jian Yang also has a little bit, but not Bai Qianchun and Bai Qianchun at all. Ye Yang is skilled. 】

[Foodie Soul: Hey, that candidate named Jian Yang, why did he go into the central area of ​​​​the rainforest with others? It is a gathering place for ferocious beasts. It is very dangerous. Just now, a small team was swollen and wanted to attack them. As for the SS-level ferocious beasts, they were scared to death by the dense group of ferocious beasts. The team of dozens of people collapsed, and a few of them pressed the rescue button and asked the teacher to rescue them. 】

[I want to rise: Ah, the candidates from Muyuan Star are indeed talented and bold. Hey, add a follower and see how this candidate named Jian Yang can punch a vicious beast. 】

There was a lot of discussion on the live broadcast screen, but Bai Qianchun and others got into the tent and slept early after eating. They killed three SS-level beasts that day. They were very excited, but they were also really tired and had no energy. Sitting by the fire and talking nonsense.

Even Bai Qianchun didn't bother with her camphor vine house anymore, she chose a tent set up by the team members and slept there.

The camp gradually became quiet, and a group of people such as Shui Weiyi and Shen Junhao slowly started to make some noise. One or two of them looked at the night watchman on the other side of the campfire with dark eyes, and said cautiously, "Brother Yi, we want to don't want."

Shui Weiyi's eyes dimmed in the dark night, and his voice sounded with unknown emotion, "Wait a little longer."

As a result, the whispering sound gradually decreased.

Shen Junhao also glanced in the direction of the campfire and quickly looked away. After being tortured by Bai Qianchun and Zhu Bao, he could no longer muster his energy and was cowardly.

His mission is to be admitted to the First Military Academy. Bai Qianchun is too strong. He can no longer think of fighting with her now. He is afraid that if the planned sneak attack fails, she will force him to press the help button and escape. Bureau, when he will truly lose the qualification to take the exam, it will be over.

So he will never attack her again without being 100% sure of winning. As for Shui Weiyi

He wanted to win over the Shui family, but this man seemed unwilling to do so and seemed to be plotting something in his heart.

Shen Junhao, who was so afraid of being implicated that he almost had his underwear taken out, silently moved to the side, not daring to get too close to him. He was thinking that he might just run away with the team now.

But looking at the dark sky and the roar of the ferocious beast in the distance, he was scared again.

The examination room was not very safe at night. He had always chosen safe places to camp and rest, but tonight he had no place to find a place, in case he was picked up by a ferocious beast while walking at night.

Might as well stay safe here.

He thought for a while, but still didn't leave. He just greeted a few team members in a low voice, silently distanced himself from Shui Weiyi, sat down under a big tree not far away, pulled up his clothes and huddled together to feel comfortable. 's eyes closed.

Several of his team members have the same personality as him. Although they are arrogant, they are also cowardly. Almost as soon as Shen Junhao greeted them, none of them immediately followed without objection.

They won't leave this camp, but they can stay away from Shuiweiyi.

When Shui Weiyi saw their actions, his face became more and more gloomy and dark in the dark night.

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