As the morning dawned, the light rose, and the scattered sounds gradually grew louder.

Shen Junhao opened his eyes and tilted his head comfortably. Although he slept under a tree last night, he slept well. He didn't wake up all night, and his bones were numb from sleep. He stretched his body and stood up slowly. , a smile appeared on his face unconsciously, but the corner of his mouth that he just raised froze when he saw the scene in the tree next door.

Look at the big green cocoons hanging upside down on the big banyan tree. They are Shui Weiyi, a man in his thirties. Shui Weiyi has a nice-looking but extremely dark face. Even though they were upside down, Shen Junhao could still recognize people at a glance.

He looked at the other side, and then at his teammates who were sleeping lazily and drooling beside him, and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth crazily.

Hey, what is he talking about? Shui Weiyi and his group will suffer disaster sooner or later, and now this is just disaster!

Fortunately, he was smart last night and took the team members to move out early, otherwise he would definitely be dragged down by them!

After Bai Qianchun washed up, she sat in front of the big pot by the campfire and waited for her meal.

Today's breakfast was beef patties with wood milk porridge. The taste was still outstanding. After eating it, Ye Yang praised Qin Xiao for his good cooking skills and recommended Leng Xiao, a friend of his, to him. He hoped that the two of them could communicate more and improve their cooking skills. When the time comes, he can be a taster.

As a person with some social fears, Qin Xiao didn't reject Ye Yang's words at all, and her eyes lit up at that time.

It was obvious that Ye Yang had the right insertion point, and Qin Xiao's friendliness towards him was +10+10+10.

After eating, Bai Qianchun's team didn't waste any more time here. After cleaning up the camp, they were ready to set off.

At this moment, a notification message from the college suddenly rang.

[Ding dong - The central area is overrun with SS-level ferocious beasts. Several candidates have sneaked into the central area and have lost contact. Please ask other capable candidates to come to the rescue and do your best. Save one person and you will get +500 points. Check Points +10,000 for clear reasons for missing contact. 】

Bai Qianchun was stunned, what a huge reward!

"There's something wrong with this year's entrance exam. How can we make something that hasn't happened before?" Quan Lang frowned as he looked at the notification that had just popped up.

Sun Xin beside him also nodded when he heard the words, "The situation is not right. There are obvious signs in the central area and usually no one goes in. Why did these disconnected candidates get lost after entering?" Is it okay? And the military school can just send teachers to rescue him, let us go, we don’t know if those candidates will survive until then."

The candidates were suspicious, the viewers on the live broadcast were suspicious, and even the other principals gathered in the principal's office of the First Military Academy were confused by this sudden action.

What's going on.

"Lao Yu, what's going on with you? Not to mention that the points format has been changed this year, why are you still trying to deceive people? Just now one candidate lost contact, how many are there! And this situation is not very common. Well, the central area is inherently dangerous. There are many ferocious beasts above S level. Going inside is equivalent to death. The double S leopard just knocked people down when they rushed out. There is no need to make a fuss about losing contact. In previous years, It’s not impossible, and besides, Xu Que is still in charge this year, so the candidate should be fine.”

Yu Hai remained calm, with a smile on his lips, and slowly drank tea, "What else could it be? There are too many S-level and above ferocious beasts in there, lest they live too leisurely and cause disaster, I just want to let them Candidates are just helping to kill more. Besides, some legions have said before that the unity of the soldiers is too poor. This is just to cultivate the unity of the candidates. Why are you worrying so much?"

"Is that so?" The other principals obviously didn't believe it, but after staring at Yu Hai's face for a long time, they couldn't see any flaws in him. They could only curse "old fox" in their hearts, and then continued to watch the live broadcast. They wanted to Look what this old fox is up to.

"Captain, what should we do? Do you want to go over and have a look?" Zhu Bao asked with bright eyes around Bai Qianchun, with a bit of eagerness in his eyes. It was obvious that the two SS-level giant rhinos yesterday gave him courage, and He also wanted to explore the true strength of this team, or Bai Qianchun as the captain.

Bai Qianchun glanced at him and said thoughtfully, "Then go and take a look. Since the academy has issued a task, it must have profound meaning, and the reward points are quite high."

If they find out the reason, they can get 10,000 points, which they can earn by killing several SS-level ferocious beasts.

Furthermore, she has already joined Ye Yang. The strength of the entire team can be said to have been improved by more than one step. The central area is the hunting ground she will target next. Only high risks can lead to high returns.

Now that Bai Qianchun has spoken, the team members naturally have no objections. Although they are a little uneasy about entering the central area, they can't hide their excitement. The spirit of adventure exists deep in the hearts of these good-blooded men. , and chased.

The team members quickly got on the speeding car. On the roof of the speeding car was sitting the number three people, with the number two people hanging below, and they flew towards the central area.

Shen Junhao watched their strange flying car fly away, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't remember them.

The team members around him who dared not express their anger also breathed a sigh of relief, then tugged on Shen Junhao's clothes and pointed in the direction of Shui Weiyi's group of green cocoons, "Brother Shen, what should we do with those people? "

Shen Junhao also took a look, and he felt uncomfortable after he had just calmed down. Logically speaking, everyone is a competitor, and Shui Weiyi and his team members are a group of strong competitors. He should let them go. The right thing to do is to eliminate them altogether, or to add insult to injury, but Shui Weiyi is from the Shui family.

Shen Junhao was depressed, but he still walked towards the direction of the green cocoon with a smile on his face, "What else can we do? Of course it is to save people. We were comrades before. How can we abandon our comrades at this time? Hurry, get Master Shui They put it down."

Each examination room in the rain forest is actually divided around the central area. The entire examination room is described as a round cake, that is, the central circular area in the central area is circled, and then the remaining cake is cut into fan shapes with a knife. Each examination room.

However, the examination room numbers are not divided one after another, but the order of the examination rooms is disrupted.

For example, the room next to Examination Room 1 where Bai Qianchun is located is not Examination Room 2 or Examination Room 20, the last examination room where the krait bites its tail, but Examination Room 8 and Examination Room 10.

However, every examination room has the same characteristic. If you go deeper, you can reach the center of the rainforest.

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