Although the speeding car was bearing more weight than it could bear, it still diligently sent several people to the edge of the central area.


A powerful whistling sound came, and several giant birds were hovering in the air ahead. The birds looked sharply in the direction of the speeding car. It seemed that as soon as they entered their territory, they would launch an attack.

Quan Lang swallowed his saliva, "The central area is ahead. There are many SS-level ferocious beasts visible to the naked eye. We can't break through from the air, so why don't we go down and walk."

"Yeah." His proposal was quickly approved, and the speeding car stopped at the edge of the central area.

Bai Qianchun took out the electronic radar after putting away the speed car. If you want to save the candidates in the central area, this is a guiding light. Just follow the little red dot in the central area to find it.

Ye Yang curiously turned his head and took a look, "Hey, there's just a little red dot inside. Did all the other candidates fail?"

Bai Qianchun frowned and glanced in the direction of the central area, "I don't know. Let's find this person first."


The team members had no objections and followed the instructions carefully. Then they took the powder from Bai Qianchun and applied it on their bodies. They asked curiously, "What kind of powder is this and what does it do?"

Bai Qianchun: "The powder that eliminates the smell on your body. As long as we are careful not to be seen by those ferocious beasts, they will not be able to smell our scent and come here."

Zhu Bao's eyes sparkled, "Awesome, captain, where did you get this medicinal powder? Why haven't I heard of it before? If you have this thing, you can enter the adventurous wasteland where many ferocious beasts are stationed."

Bai Qianchun replied calmly, "I made it on the road a few days ago. As for the formula, it is a new drug that was just developed by Mu Yuanxing and has not yet been launched."

Zhu Bao looked envious, "The new drug, as long as it goes on the market, Muyuanxing can make a lot of money again."

It's easier to make money than his brother Liangchen.

The other team members also praised their captain for his foresight and foresight. He had been preparing this kind of medicine powder for a long time. Did he expect that their team would come to the central area?

[Lemon Tea: That's for sure. Our White Goddess is unrivaled in intelligence and precise command. She always knows how to take one step at a time. She must have been ready to come to the central area. 】

[Brother Bao, I am very good at it: No wonder Goddess Bai used to hold a small pot to cook something on the road. It turns out she was making this good medicine. The swamp flower antidote has never been used before, but this medicine was not in vain. 】

[Xingxing Dian Deng: Ahhhh, the central area of ​​the examination room. No examinee has ever been able to go deep into the examination room before. At most, they only wandered around the edges. I have a hunch that Bai Qianchun’s team may be the first to go deep into the central area. Team at the place. 】

There is a snow-white room in the center of the examination room, and the lights are so bright that it is blindingly bright.

A man in a white coat suddenly stood up and said in a panic, "Oh no, a team of candidates is coming in."

Next to him, a man in a white coat who looked very senior at first glance turned around with a fat face and gave him a disgusted look, "Don't make such a fuss. There are so many ferocious beasts above S level in the central area. How could those useless candidates enter?" Come on, young man, you are not calm at all, you only know how to be startled."

The young man in white coat glared at him angrily, "This team is different. They are coated with odor-eliminating powder. Now they have passed through the perimeter and are coming towards our laboratory. No, I have to tell Lin Sir, the test subject we just captured cannot be kept. He has a signal that can be detected by the electronic radar of the candidate team."

The expression of the senior white coat also changed. He interrupted the young white coat fiercely, "No, the test subject was awake for a period of time when he was captured. He already knew our existence. He can't hand it over unless he is a human being." dead."

At this time, an old man with gray hair on his temples and a gloomy aura walked in. The young man in white coat and the senior man in white coat quickly bowed and said hello, "Mr. Lin."

The old man glanced at them with sinister eyes, "He cannot be handed over, nor can he die. He has an energy similar to supernatural powers that is worthy of study. You first keep an eye on the team that comes in. I will have people take the experimental subjects' Enable signal shielding in the room."

The two men in white coats nodded and flattered, smiling and flattering, "Mr. Lin, you are so considerate."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Lin's best approach is to think more carefully than idiots like us."

The old man snorted arrogantly at them, "Just know that you are a fool, and use your brain more in the future."

"Yes Yes."

The two of them bowed their heads and respectfully sent the person away before wiping their sweat.

The senior man in the white coat sat back in the chair again and continued to play the game he had just played. He took the time to look at the young man and said with a greasy smile, "Did you hear what Mr. Lin said? Keep a close eye on it." That team, after this incident is over, you can still go to Mr. Lin to show your merits, and I, as a senior, will not compete with you."

The young man in the white coat clenched his fists in his hands, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes. Sooner or later, he would kill this fat man and enter the upper level of the laboratory.

In the densely shaded forest in the central area, Bai Qianchun and the others once again narrowly escaped a group of SS-level foursomes, hiding behind a huge tree and panting.

Exciting, really exciting!

Since entering the central area, they encountered a total of eighteen waves of SS-level ferocious beasts, including groups of ferocious beasts and some lone ferocious beasts. However, they never dared to confront them head-on, and could only adopt evasive mode, because as long as they did it , whether they win or the ferocious beast wins, it will cause a lot of noise. When the time comes to attract onlookers to pick up the other ferocious beasts, Bai Qianchun and the others will be unable to fly, so they have spent all their efforts along the way. Avoiding in fear.

But without exception, the eyes of the team members, including Qin Xiao, were shining brightly. Apparently, the previous thrills did not bring haze to them, but instead aroused their excitement.

"Eh-" Bai Qianchun, who was holding the electronic radar, suddenly exclaimed softly.

The team members who were alert all around immediately came over and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong, captain?"

"The red dot in the electronic radar is gone. Is there no signal here?"

The next second, the audience who were also silent in the excitement in front of the live broadcast room suddenly saw that the screen went black.

[Sea Mingyue: What the hell is going on? The screen is black? It's time to see something wonderful. 】

[Foodie Soul: The last thing I heard from Goddess Bai was that the signal was lost? Is there something blocking the signal in the central area? The previous candidate may have lost contact in this way. 】

[Xingxing Dian Deng: But that’s not right. The candidate was only on the periphery before and lost contact. He did not go to the central area like Goddess Bai and others. 】

[Sea Mingyue: The military academy should come out and explain. Didn’t it say that the live broadcast covers the entire examination room? The central area is also an examination room now. Why is there no signal? 】

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