“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Baron.”


“The pleasure is mine. You’re much more beautiful than what I’ve heard through the rumors. Any bouquet of flowers would lose its brilliance in front of the young lady.”


“That’s an old-fashioned line, Lord Magnus.”


“Our Ariel likes stylish things.”


As soon as the Baron opened his mouth, the evil women’s unit sputtered their criticism like tiny chicks. I placed my index finger over my mouth as I hissed at the girls. They quickly quieted down, not uttering another word. Nevertheless, their eyes, bearing alertness towards Baron Magnus remained the same.


“I’m sorry, Baron. What did you say?”


“Oh, haha … They’re quite the brilliant ladies. Well, I’ve been looking for the lady.”




“Yes, there’s something I wish to tell you.”


“What is it?”


“Here’s a little bit … the matter of the conversation regards to business.”




I widened my eyes.


If it was anyone else, I would have lightly excused them as someone unfamiliar. However, this was none other than Baron Magnus, the business prodigy.


He was the mastermind behind the rise of the Magnus name and associated with a number of innovative ideas at an early age.


The most famous was the beauty salon. Salons, where talented hairdressers and designers would constantly reside in, are a popular place among young ladies.


I decided to listen to what he would offer.


“Why don’t we move to the terrace, Milady?”


“Hmm… alright.”


After making sure the deadly group of girls wouldn’t follow, I headed to the terrace along with Baron Magnus. It was still early in the ball, so everyone was still full of energy. Therefore, there were no individuals occupying the terrace.


“Now that I’ve brought you here, I will be straightforward to you, Lady Ariel.”


Baron Magnus’s eyes glimmered.


“I’m interested in the Lady’s perfume skills. What do you think? Why don’t we band together and expand your business?”


“… Business.”


As I repeated the word carefully, Baron Magnus nodded quickly.


“That’s right Lady Ariel. As you know, society is full of positive discussion about Milady’s perfume. You must seize the opportunity when it comes! That’s right now.”


“You mean to accept your offer?”


“That’s right, let’s work earnestly in merchandising such talent. We already have production staff and delivery plans set in place.”


“Is that so? How brisk.”


“Hoho, you might not know much about me. I didn’t want to say this, however, any business I’ve worked on so far has never failed. I assure you, I will turn the Lady’s perfume into diamonds.”


Hmm. I tilted my head.


It was certainly time for such a transition.


I couldn’t make perfume alone with Rina forever. Selling the perfumes myself was also a hassle. Baron Magnus’s offering a deal of partnership was definitely striking. However, he has not yet mentioned the most important thing of all.


“What about the percentage?”




“Obviously, you aren’t doing charity work. I’m sure there’s a percentage of profit you wish for by offering to do this.”


“Ah, let’s leave such details until we go over the contract. I’ve got baggage waiting nearby. Let’s leave, my lady.”


Baron Magnus pulled his hand forward, attempting to escort me.


However, I didn’t move. My feet were stuck to the floor.


“Please tell me the percentage first. That’s the major point in business.”


“Oh, of course, Milady. Haha, you have a unique personality,” Baron Magnus replied. A big smile was painted on his face.


“How about a ratio of seven to three?”


“I’m seven. Am I correct?”


If the Baron would be able to solve the troublesome deliveries, it wouldn’t be a loss to give him 30 percent of the profit. First of all, although I knew how to produce perfume, that didn’t change the fact that I am a beginner in terms of business.


Baron Magnus raised his lips even further.


“Three for the Lady. However, do not worry. Not only the production costs, but all the other expenses will be one hundred percent, my responsibility.”


“The negotiation is over. Excuse me then. Goodbye.”


I nodded my head and turned around.


Although I wouldn’t become a partner, I still tried to be polite. However, even swindlers could surpass him with his skills. Seven versus three, what kind of bargain is that?


I quickened my steps, attempting to flee from this flamboyant thief. However, he soon grabbed my shoulders.


“Ha, haha. Why are you doing this, Lady Ariel? Like I said, this is a considerably good opportunity.”


It was a good opportunity for you. A good opportunity to suck up promising business items.


I hid the thoughts I wished to voice and gazed at him blankly.


Baron Magnus spoked as if there was something unpleasant inside his mouth.


“You don’t like the proportion? Don’t worry. I’ll take responsibility and grow this business on a huge scale, and no matter what percentage, the Lady will be very rich!”


“Thank you for perceiving my abilities well, Baron. However, I don’t think I’m ready to invest in a business just yet,” I lied, smiling brightly. Baron Magnus stared at me. He looked absurd.


“Who’s the one who asked about the percentage … Lady Ariel, please don’t do that. Give me an hour. If you listen to my plan in detail, you’ll definitely find it attractive.”


“I’m so sorry. I have a meeting I must attend to today. Well then.”


“Lady Ariel! All right, six to four! No, let’s adjust the rate to what you wish for!”


I snorted inwardly.


If he was like this from the beginning, I would have considered it. However, Baron Magnus had already revealed his dark, inner thoughts. No matter how much he attempted to mislead me, it was too late now.


“I apologize. It’s almost time for the meeting, so I’ll get going…”


“Lady! I’ll give you a deposit! Five! How about five…”


“Baron Magnus!”


The last voice did not belong to me.


The deafening cry startled me. I twirled my head, searching for where the sound had come from.


Oh my God. I widened my mouth.


The group of girls I had been separated from earlier were running towards my location. Their shoes were clacking against the floor.


“Our Ariel refused!”


“It’s not respectful for a gentleman to keep asking a Lady to dance if she doesn’t wish for it!”


The girls directed their remarks at Baron Magnus in a brusque manner.


Fortunately or not, they didn’t seem to have heard about the business deal. The girls appeared to think that Baron Magnus was rejected after asking me to dance.


“Please let go of Lady Ariel, Baron!”


As the clamor continued, the eyes of those who were dancing turned towards the terrace. Baron Magnus’s face turned ripe red.


…This is going to get bigger than necessary. I stepped forward, attempting to stop this situation.

“What a disappointment, Lady Winston.”


Baron Magnus angrily glared my way.


“Haha, I must have been foolish enough to think of partnering with a woman like you,” he muttered to himself. However, his words were definitely aimed at me.


“She had been abandoned by the Duke, yet she’s still acting as a self-absorbed, brazen woman.”


The room turned chilly.


The girls’ faces suddenly hardened. It was at that moment that Luna attempted to open her mouth while sending a deadly glare towards Baron Magnus.


“I’m sorry, Baron.”


An unexpected voice sank to my ears.


“The rumor seems to have been misinterpreted.”


The long awaited guest appeared in front of Baron Magnus. For a moment, the Baron was overcome by shock.


I also opened my mouth.


This guy, why is he here?


Amidst the silence, an uninvited guest drew up the corners of his mouth.


“As the one who had been abandoned was me.”


It was a line that did not fit, in the least, with his fascinating smile.




Baron Magnus rapidly shook his head.


“L … Long time no see. What brings you here …”


“Well, it’s a day that all nobles attended, am I not allowed to?”


“Th-That’s not what I meant.”


Baron Magnus was flustered.


The sudden appearance of such a figure filled the dance hall with whispers. Cedric Evans seemed terribly relaxed, despite all the attention he received.


He gazed down at Baron Magnus.


“The rude words you just spat at Lady Winston.”


“H-Hick. I didn’t mean … that … that’s not what I meant …”


“I’m trying to correct you, yet why are you so nervous? The facts are wrong. The one who abandoned me is Lady Winston, and the one who was abandoned is me.”


Whispers filled the room.


The ballroom bursted into another uproar. Everyone stared as if they couldn’t believe what they had just heard.


I tapped my arm, using my index finger. A strange irritation flared up.


Just like the incident with Patricia, everyone just snorted when I said so, but now that Cedric admitted it, they believed it instantly. It was displeasing.


“I-I-I see. I apologize, Your Grace. I didn’t even know …”


“Well, in any case, the rude remarks you just told the Lady won’t excuse you.”


“Th-That’s right. You’re right. I was out of my mind for a moment …!” Baron Magnus stuttered while repeatedly apologizing. Cedric’s appearance surprised him so much he seemed to be uttering any word that came to his mind.


The Baron looked back at me with a pleading face.


“L-Lady Ariel. I apologize. Please, pardon the absurd remarks I’ve uttered just now.”


“No, I don’t want to hear it.”

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I cut the Baron off with a stiff face.


It was a semi-forced apology under Cedric’s influence. I couldn’t have been relieved by such an apology.


“Also, Baron Magnus. Let me be clear. I have no intention of joining you in any business. Now and of course, in the future.”


Baron Magnus blinked multiple times.


“Even if I’m lucky enough to expand my perfume business, I will not attend any salons managed by the Baron.”

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