It was indisputable that Baron Ponta Magnus was an outstanding businessman.

I’m sure my goals would be accomplished effortlessly, if I joined hands with him. Even at the rate of just thirty percent, I would smoothly rise to the point of becoming independent.

However, that path was not my only resort.

There were countless alternatives. It wasn’t necessary to associate with a dirty scammer.

“I-I apologize, Lady Ariel. I hope you relieve your anger.”

Baron Magnus bowed deeply. His apology wasn’t in his fear of losing the chance to associate with me; it clearly wasn’t a threat to his image. It was apparent that the Baron was pretending to apologize, worried about the impression that he would leave on Cedric.

Nevertheless, we’ll see.

I have decided. I would soon make Baron Magnus hit the ground and regret the events that occurred on this very day.

“Then, I will excuse myself.”

I courteously bid farewell to Cedric to match the proper etiquette. As I exited the terrace, I detected footsteps behind me.

I looked back.

“… Is there something wrong?”

As I looked warily at Cedric, he, who had been following me until now, lowered his head and whispered softly, “Are you all right?”


You followed me just to ask that? I asked once again, unable to hide my amazement. Cedric nodded, his eyes holding an odd emotion inside them.

“You seem to be alright.”

“If you’re just doing this for the sake of our deal, I’m alright. It wasn’t I, but Baron Magnus who was humiliated.”

“That’s true.”

Cedric nodded as he subtly raised the corners of his mouth.

Did you truly follow me for the mere reason of being worried? No. That’s not possible.

I narrowed my eyes, indirectly asking him to reveal his business. Cedric brought up his true motives only then.

“Could you spare me a moment?”

“… Why? Your Excellence couldn’t possibly be offering a business deal.”

“A business proposal…? Were you really thinking of partnering with him?”

“No, it was a one-sided offer. Your Grace had witnessed how I blatantly refused his request.”

Cedric wore an even more peculiar expression. For a moment, he gazed at me as if he had encountered something strange.

However, the silence was brief. Cedric soon opened his mouth.

“I have something I wish to ask.”


“No, I wish to state a complaint.”

“… Your Grace?”

The brutal statement Rang in my ears. I can’t believe Duke Evans held a complaint against me.

Did I do something wrong? I doubt that. Cedric and I haven’t encountered each other since our last meeting, which had been a few weeks ago.

As I nervously pondered, Cedric said the following unexpected words, “The Anixia scent.”

“… Yes?”

“Why is the shipment delayed?”

Cedric complained, his face grave.

I searched my memory. It was a monthly commitment to deliver the Anixia scent to Cedric. Has it already been a month since I last did so?

No, absolutely not. I couldn’t have forgotten such an important date. How could I, when the Imperial city’s welfare was between my palms?

I concealed my ridicule and protested.

“It hasn’t been a month, Duke. If I recall correctly, there is still one week left.”

“It hasn’t been a month?”

Cedric mumbled quietly. Are you complaining when you haven’t made sure of your claim? How ridiculous.

“Yes, it’s still not past the timing.”

“Then, let’s shorten the period.”


“Send more this week.”

I blinked at the sudden request.

“As you know, I’m giving you a month’s worth of perfume. There’s no reason to shorten the period.”

“I’ve already spent this month’s worth.”


You’ve already used it up? …Such an amount? I’m sure I raised the volume a bit more than the regular quantity. This is distressing.

“Is your Grace using the scent properly? It couldn’t have all been used by this point.”

“I used it according to my usage except for a bit more.”

…That means you didn’t follow the usage!

I was terror-stricken. There were no specific side effects on the Anixia scent, as far as I knew. However, Cedric contained a special constitution. If he overused the scent, unexpected problems may develop.

“Are you alright? Have there been any strange occurrences recently? Is your heartbeat beating extremely fast or do you lack sleep!?”

Cedric pondered.

“Well, not much …”

Phew, that’s reassuring.

Fortunately, there was no problem with Cedric’s body. As I sighed in relief, he added, “However, no matter what I eat, I’m starving for more; I also became sensitive.”

Problem … I think there’s a problem.

I swallowed my saliva.

The original novel did not describe Cedric’s rampage in detail. All the book stated was when Cedric came to his senses, his surroundings were completely demolished.

That said, craving for more food and being sensitive … it seemed unpleasant; like a warning for future incidents.

‘No, he’s still not in an imbalanced state.’

I fearfully stared at Cedric. The man in front of me suddenly seemed like a terrible biochemical weapon, or a time bomb that would explode at any given moment.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

“… Ah, no. It’s nothing. Either way, I think your Grace is in bad condition. What has happened in the meantime?”

“Not much happened. Only …”

As if he suddenly recalled something important, he made an oh sound.

“I’m not seeing you every weekend.”

I was speechless for a moment. I didn’t expect such an answer.

“… That has nothing to do with the Duke’s condition.”

“It is true.”

“A-Anyway. I will send you the scent as soon as I return to the residence. You’ll be alright in the meantime, I’m sure?”

Cedric stared at me.

Instead of agreeing, he replied with an unusual comment, “Are you sending the parcel by delivery?”

“Pardon? That’s right … yes. Just as last time.”

Cedric went silent once more.

He gazed at me, lost in thought.

The moment I tried to open my mouth after feeling the suffocating atmosphere, he replied, “It’s part of our contract.”


Ariel Winston would make sure to provide Cedric Evans with the scent of Anixia every month. I nodded my head.

“Can we change the regulations a bit?”

“Yes? What is it?”

The contents of the contract were perfect and simple, not to be filled or subtracted by. Cedric replied to the question with a keen smile playing on his lips as he witnessed my obvious confusion.

“I’ll add one more condition. The perfume is to be delivered by the lady herself.”

“… What?”

“I can visit the Lady, or she can come to me yourself. It’ll go back and forth, and I’ll deal with perfumes and payments myself.”

“Excuse me, Your Grace. Why do you need such a condition?”

I couldn’t think of any reason to meet face-to-face to exchange the package. Cedric opened his mouth and stated the following.

“There’s something I wish to test.”


“I’m sorry if I’m acting stubborn. I’ll pay you extra as compensation.”

“Your Grace, you do know we’ve just been through a breakup scandal. Even if it’s for the sake of our deal, if someone captures us alone together …”

“I’ll give you ten times the amount.”

I almost heard the sound of a car crash. Ariel had never received more than the price of her valuables from Cedric. She didn’t wish to do business with the man she loved, but it ended up that way.

However, the scent of Anixia was not cheap, considering the cost of the ingredients. Ten times that amount. This month, no. This week. Ten times the cost of the materials every week …

Clink, clink. The sound of gold coins piled up in my ears.

I nodded vigorously, successfully tempted by the gold.

“All right, Your Grace. Anyhow, it’s only once this week.”

“It’s a deal.”

“Yes, it’s a deal.”

Cedric raised the corners of his mouth faintly. The results seemed very satisfactory for him.

“See you tomorrow, Then.”

I stiffened at the word ‘tomorrow.’

That’s right. I said I’d make his perfume as soon as I returned today, so I’d have to deliver the package tomorrow.

The thought of facing this walking biochemical weapon again tomorrow made me feel nervous.

However, it would only be for a moment, so everything will be alright. I’ll just have to hand him the perfume.

I bid farewell to Cedric. He returned the gesture in a perfectly elegant and aristocratic gesture.


The next day, as soon as I arose from bed, a letter was given to me. The sender was Cedric Evans.

[I’d like to see you around 4 o’clock today at 〈Rostella.〉

P.S. If that would be difficult, I’ll arrive at the Winston’s myself.]

It was a fierce and elegant handwriting. Cedric’s face seemed to be visible amidst the font, which caused me to laugh unconsciously.

The butler, who had previously arrived to deliver the note, stared at me as if I were some strange creature, then ignored me.

Since I didn’t have to work my fingers to the bone yesterday, I felt better today. I prepared to head out and left the mansion as the appointment time neared.

“My lady, where should I take you?”

“Machelan District, Rostella.”

The horseman shook the reins. The carriage rattled gently as it moved.

However, such speed did not last long. As soon as we entered the Machelan District, the carriage was unable to move even a few meters.

I nervously pulled out my pocket watch. We weren’t running too late. However, at this rate, we might turn out to be.

Feeling frustrated, I stuck my head out the window.

“Oh my God, what day is it? What kind of crowd is this …”

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The streets were filled with people. The same was true for both the sidewalks and carriage paths.

‘Is it a festival or something?’

I caught the wrong day. I clicked my tongue.

I’d rather walk at this rate. Fortunately, however, I was able to arrive at the destination before the appointed time.

As I was about to exit the carriage, I suddenly heard the horseman’s bloody scream.

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