Chapter 158 158. Calabash Vine

Hongjun's eyes looked nervous, but Bai Zhan's expression didn't change at all.

As for Hongjun, he just glanced at the two of them and said nothing.

After that, Hongjun glanced at Siqing and Nuwa and said: "I will preach three times, and each time the Sanyuan Meeting will be held, the seats will be seated like this from now on, and cannot be changed."

After saying that, before everyone could recover, Hongjun had already started preaching.

"Before the heaven and earth first opened, there was a mixture of things. They were born before heaven and earth. They were lonely and lonely. They were independent and unchangeable. They moved around without peril. They could be the mother of the world. I don't know its name. The name of it is Dao. The strong name is Da. , Da means passing, passing means far, and far means reverse. Therefore, the Tao is great, the sky is great, the earth is great, and the living beings are also great."

"The Tao can be explained, but it is not Tao. The name can be named, but it is not named. The nameless beginning of heaven and earth; the name is the mother of all things. Therefore, there is always nothing, in order to observe its wonder; there is always, in order to observe its beauty. These two come from the same place. Different names, the same name is Xuan.

"The appearance of Confucius only follows Tao. Tao is a thing, but it is trance. It is trance, and there are images in it; it is trance, and there are things in it. It is slim and dark, and there is essence in it; its essence It’s true, there’s faith in it.”

"The great road is vast, and it can be left or right. All things rely on it to survive without giving up, and success is achieved without success. Clothing and nourishing all things without being the master can be called small; all things return to the ground without being the master, which can be called great. So. In the end, it does not think it is great, so it can become great.”

When the saint preached, he was naturally different from others. He saw golden lotuses emerging from the ground, brilliant light from the sky, bursts of fairy sounds, and goddesses scattering flowers. Sometimes the sky above the Zixiao Palace was like a glacier pressing down on the top, sometimes like a sea of ​​fire covering everything, and sometimes like a spring rain moistening things. .

The supreme road came from Hongjun's mouth, and everyone could hear people sometimes laughing, sometimes frowning in thought, sometimes wailing, with different expressions...

As Hongjun's sermon continued to deepen, it became increasingly difficult for everyone in the audience to listen.

I could understand it before, but now I feel like I'm in a fog, completely confused. Only the monks in the first two rows can understand a thing or two, and among them, the people on the seven futons in the front listen the most.

Hongjun's sermons became increasingly difficult to understand, and even those sitting in the front row found it increasingly difficult to listen.

Of course, Xuan Qing and Bai Zhan are not included. Both of them are Styx clones. They are essentially at the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. There will naturally be no difficulty in preaching at the Daluo Jinxian realm. of.

Among the others, Lao Tzu was the first to show the three flowers on the top. All three flowers were in bloom, and the three flowers were pure white.

After Lao Tzu, the original three flowers also appeared, and the yellow light bloomed among the original three flowers, which was extremely noble.

Tongtian saw that the two brothers had released the three flowers on their heads, and they also showed the three flowers on their heads. The three flowers on their heads showed a touch of green color.

Nuwa also has three flowers in full bloom, with a touch of earth color on top of the three flowers.

The souls of Emperor Jiang, Zhu Jiuyin, Hou Tu and others of the Wu Clan all showed their respective Dharma appearances and blood-red color.

Among them, Jie Yin and Zhunti are also different. Due to the guidance of the demon god of cause and effect, Jie Yin majors in the great annihilation, and Zhunti majors in cause and effect. The three flowers of the two are particularly different. Jie Yin's gray-black Nirvana Surrounded by light, the green light of quasi-cause and effect gathers.


They are all different, and the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn are also very mysterious.

Although all living beings are cultivating the Way of Heaven at this time, their cultivation is different. Hongjun’s sermon this time is the most complete and systematic sermon based on the three thousand paths of the creation of Jade Butterfly, which evolved from the Dao to the Dao of Heaven. .

Even though many of the great powers have attained Daluo Consummation, from Hongjun’s sermon this time, they heard the Tao that they had not yet comprehended.

Therefore, even those who have achieved great perfection will have a deeper understanding after listening to the sermon. Those with great perseverance will directly scatter part of their understanding and practice again.

Those who are prudent will make up for their own mistakes through patchwork.

However..., it wasn't until later that they discovered that patching up was not enough. They had not had the willpower to rebuild before, and now it was too late.

Hongjun's sermons will not stop because you don't understand, nor will he start over because you have made a mistake.

Although all living beings have the same opportunity, it is also a test of great perseverance, great wisdom, great luck, and great determination.

Those who fall behind cannot keep up. Those who cannot keep up cry because of the Taoist heart, while those who follow also laugh because of the Taoist heart. There are three thousand guests in all sentient beings, each of whom is different.

Especially the top powers, Sanqing, Zhunti, Jieyin, Nuwa, Zhen Yuanzi, Kunpeng, Lei Ze, Dongwanggong, etc...

Their luck is the strongest and they have the most inheritance, so their mistakes are much smaller. In addition, they have high cultivation and high realm, so they understand, hear and understand more Tao, and the gap widens. .

In a blink of an eye...

The sermons of the three congregations are coming to an end.

At this moment, there are not many people who can still understand and look normal, even if it is Sanqing who is forcing memorization with a happy face, and sometimes the Tao Yun even collapses.

Only two people seemed to remain unchanged. These two people were Xuan Qing sitting in first place and Bai Zhan in sixth place.

Although the Tao that the two of them practiced was based on the rules of the Tao because of the attention of the Tao of Heaven, the Tao included countless things. For them, Hongjun's sermon was nothing more than a stone from another mountain. It was more accurate. Sort out your own cultivation.

Of course, this is also the reason why Hongjun only talked about the perfection of Daluo Jinxian in this sermon. If he talked about the way to kill three corpses and the way to be a quasi-sage, they would gain a lot. After all, after practicing the way of heaven, Hunyuan Jin Although immortals can walk, it is very difficult to walk. That is to say, they can only walk through the three thousand avenues of Styx, the deity of Styx.

While everyone was still immersed in Hongjun's sermon, Hongjun suddenly stopped. Those who could not react for a moment, or those who were intoxicated, almost did something excessive.

Fortunately, a coercion came from Hongjun, suppressing everyone and waking up the weak-minded creatures who were already lost and crying and laughing.

"This sermon is over, please go back. After the Hundred Dollar Meeting, Zixiao Palace will give the second lecture. You can come again to listen to the sermon. In addition, Zixiao Palace is closed and cannot be crossed. Don't look for it."

Having said that...

Before everyone could nod, Hongjun had already disappeared.

And everyone bowed down to worship again at the place where Hongjun disappeared.

"Farewell to Dao Ancestor."

Hongjun's first sermon was over. After Hongjun left, the great masters present began to murmur, and then began to look at each other. Some even interacted with each other, and then the great masters began to leave one after another.

I have benefited a lot from listening to the sermon before, so I need to go back to retreat to gain some insights. I am also waiting for the next sermon from the Taoist Patriarch.

After listening to the sermon this time, everyone recognized the greatness of Taoist Hongjun, so when they left, they all bowed to Zixiao Palace first.

Only the ancestral witches, they only respect the Father God, regardless of the way of heaven or the Taoist ancestors, they are disrespectful. What's more, they have the teachings of Zijia and the inheritance of the great road in their own blood. Therefore, although the witch clan is in Within the Dao of Heaven, it is the only existence in the ancient world that can cultivate the Dao.

He wandered away from Zixiao Palace.

Sea of ​​blood!

"Calabash Vine has been born. It seems that I have to take a trip!" Ming He muttered and then disappeared into the sea of ​​blood.

In Buzhou Mountain, the Styx River appeared in it.

Although Styx cannot use the secret technique, he can check the location of the gourd vine at any time by stretching out the river of time.

"Hey, I've been here many times before on the mountainside of Buzhou Mountain. It seems that Tiandao had already been born at that time. It must have been covered by Tiandao." Ming He muttered.

Just when Minghe was about to take action, a figure appeared on the spot, it was Hongjun.

Hongjun looked at Ming He and said: "I have met fellow Taoist Ming He. Fellow Taoist, this gourd vine is a thing of destiny. It is also related to the continuation and layout of the ancient world in the future. Fellow Taoist, please don't..."

After hearing what Hongjun said, Minghe frowned, and then said: "I don't want to swallow the gourd for myself, but what I want is the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil and the gourd vine!" Hong After hearing Ming He's words, Jun was silent for a moment and then said: "Fellow Taoist has great wisdom, so he naturally knows the destiny represented by this gourd vine..."

After hearing Hongjun's words, Minghe couldn't help but frown, and then said again: "I know the mission that this gourd vine needs to complete, and I will send it to you when the time comes."

After hearing Ming He's words, Hongjun nodded, and then disappeared.

Styx naturally understood what Hongjun said. The gourd vine carried the great luck, and the seven gourds were the continuation of the good luck. They were crucial to the future, and he naturally could not destroy it.

Therefore, Styx only needs to save the gourd vine. Of course, it was not without gain, at least the immature blue gourd had some gain.

If you add the Jiutianxi soil under the gourd vine, it will be a big harvest.

After that, Styx followed the position seen by Time Changhe, and saw Calabash Vine on the hillside of Buzhou Mountain.

The six gourds above are almost ripe, and Minghe keeps his word. Since Hongjun reminded him, he can't break his promise.

Soon I discovered that those destined people have not yet arrived. After the destined people arrive, the gourd will be completely mature.

I have to say that Heaven’s calculation was just right.

After thinking about it, the Styx disappeared into space, waiting for the destined person to arrive, and for the gourd to fully mature.

Sanqing, who left Zixiao Palace, suddenly felt a sense of attraction.

Lao Tzu, Yuan Yuan and Tong Tian looked at Xuan Qing.

Xuan Qing saw the expressions of the three people and immediately said: "Second brother, third brother and fourth brother, your opportunity has arrived, go and find that opportunity!"

"Brother, is it true?" Tongtian asked.

"Yes, if the prediction is correct, a spiritual treasure that is destined for you and the three of you should be born. You and others, hurry up and hurry up." Xuan Qing said.

After listening to Xuan Qing's words, the three of them hurried towards Buzhou Mountain.

Nuwa, on the other side, was on her way with Fuxi when she suddenly felt a throbbing feeling and understood the call of opportunity.

They wanted Fu Xi to go with them, but right now they were accompanied by Di Jun and Tai Yi, who were trying to win over Fu Xi.

"Fellow Taoist Fuxi, you and I are both great powers from the beginning. Strictly speaking, we are all members of the demon clan. Although we are born, we are completely different from the witch clan. However, the ambition of the witch clan is well known to the world. I sincerely invite fellow Taoist Fuxi to join our demon clan and have the same status as my two brothers." Di Jun spoke very boldly.

Taiyi on the side also started to invite.

When Emperor Jun learned that Fuxi was Nuwa's brother, Nuwa sat on the futon and performed a series of battles and deductions, which was quite impressive.

Emperor Jun then made up his mind and decided to pull Fuxi into the demon clan's carriage.

This Fuxi was not only Nuwa's brother, but also a rare master. Coupled with his proficiency in formations, Di Jun had no reason not to invite him.

Fuxi was very embarrassed and glanced at the sister next to him.

Nuwa dislikes fighting and does not like to join any forces.

But this time the Yao clan invited Fuxi to join the Yao clan. In Nuwa's view, this might be her brother's destiny, so she felt that she could not miss his opportunity.

After hearing about Di Jun's conditions and kindness, Nuwa said: "Brother, just follow Taoist friends Di Jun and others to visit the Monster Clan. My sister can go back by herself."

After saying that, the decisive Nuwa left directly.

Di Jun and others were stunned when they saw this, "My sister is so decisive."

"Haha..." Fuxi smiled.

In this way, Emperor Jun invited Fuxi to visit the demon clan's base camp, and Nuwa went back on her own.

However, Nuwa's excuse to return to Fengqishan was just an excuse. After all, an opportunity was coming, and a magical guidance was calling her.

Naturally, Nuwa couldn't let it go. Nuwa knew that if you don't take it from Heaven, you will suffer disaster.

Therefore, after Nuwa separated from the three people, she immediately went to Mount Buzhou.

On the other side…

Di Jun, who was halfway there, also felt the guidance, which made him very excited. After talking to Taiyi, Fuxi and others, I decided to let Taiyi accompany Fuxi and look for opportunities on his own.

"Fellow Taoist, how about this? Your safety is related to the fate of our demon clan. My fellow Taoist Tai and I will accompany you!"

Although the birth of this spiritual treasure is waiting for someone with good luck, it is inevitable that some people will spy on it and even fight. "

"Yes, brother." Taiyi also said.

When Di Jun saw the two of them saying this, Di Jun was no longer ambiguous and headed towards Mount Buzhou with Taiyi and Fuxi.

The five people hurried towards Zhoushan, the fastest was Sanqing. It took three thousand years for the three of them to arrive.

When the three of them saw seven gourds, they were pleasantly surprised.

Although the seven gourds are not yet mature, you can understand by looking at their Taoist charm and restraints. This is the best innate spiritual treasure with the forty-four restraints. And as soon as it was discovered that there were seven, the three of them could not be happy.

"Wait a minute!" Yuan Yuan couldn't hold back his surprise, and when he wanted to move forward, I stopped him.

"Third brother, this gourd is not mature yet. In addition, as brother has deduced, we can't get them all. There are still people who have the opportunity to come. It will be difficult for the gourd to mature if there are not enough people." Laozi said.


Yuan Yuan and Tong Tian were stunned after hearing this. They deduced and found that it was indeed the case.

"It's a pity." Tongtian sighed.

"Second brother, fourth brother, and my third brother, let's see who is coming. If it is an ordinary creature, just kill it. How dare ordinary people compete with my three brothers?" Yuan Yuan said.

Tongtian and Laozi agreed with Yuan's words, and they felt that Yuan's words were right.

This is the rule in the prehistoric times. If you are not strong, you will not only get nothing, but your destiny will become no destiny, and you may even lose your life.

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