Chapter 159 159. Gourd Fight

After hearing the original words, the Styx hidden in the space couldn't help but smile, "You are just ordinary people and ordinary creatures in my eyes. Can I kill you?"

The Styx shook his head. Anyway, the time has not expired yet, so let's wait.

It's not just Sanqing, Nuwa, Dijun, and Hongyun who sensed the opportunity.

Because he lost his seat and didn't know why, Yun was in a bad mood recently. After feeling the guidance, he was finally much happier.

Therefore, he and Zhen Yuanzi also rushed here together.

The Xiantian Gourd Vine, born in Buzhou Mountain, has seven Xiantian gourds, one each of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple.

In the original trajectory, the red color was obtained by Hongyun, and then it was refined by Hongyun into the Nine-Nine Soul-scattering Gourd;

The orange color was obtained by Nuwa, and then it was refined into the Monster-Calling Gourd;

The yellow color was obtained by Dijun, and then it was refined into the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife;

The green gourd was obtained by Yuanshi, and it was not revealed what it was refined into;

The cyan gourd was obtained by Tongtian, and it was refined into the Water-Fire Gourd;

The purple color was obtained by Laozi, and later it became the Purple Gold Gourd;

The gourd vine was obtained by Nuwa to create humans and turned into a treasure of merit;

There was also a blue gourd, which was said to have disappeared before it was mature, and it was also said that it was obtained by Hongjun and given to Haotian.

The Styx hid in space for a long time, and also observed the blue gourd for a long time, and found that the seven gourds were mature, and the blue gourd was the most magical. Rather than saying it was a gourd, it was better to say that it was a gourd seed.

The gourd vine is one of the ten best innate spiritual roots, and each of the ten best innate spiritual roots is different.

Some bear fruit, and some, like gourd vines and bitter bamboo, can produce innate spiritual treasures.

The same is true for gourd vines, and the blue gourd is the seed.

The legend that it withered before maturity is actually not true. In fact, the blue gourd as a seed did not wither, but was re-bred.

After waiting for endless years, it sprouted and bloomed again to produce gourds.

This discovery surprised Minghe.

He had been wrong before. He thought that the gourd vine could be saved, but he didn't expect that it didn't need to be saved at all. As one of the ten best innate spiritual roots, it would not disappear easily.

Long ago, when Minghe's cultivation realm was still very low, he worried about the ancients and thought that the gourd vine was envied by the heaven, so it disappeared. Now thinking back, he really thought too much.

The realm determines the vision. The vision at that time was indeed not very good. Many things that were considered certain at that time are now ridiculous when they are recalled.

Minghe shook his head, sighed about the past, and waited for the arrival of all the people with opportunities.

Thousands of years passed, and Di Jun, Tai Yi and Fu Xi arrived.

When the three saw the Three Pure Ones, they were glad that they came together. If Di Jun had come alone, it would have been a little dangerous.

After Di Jun and Tai Yi arrived, they saw the seven gourds at a glance, and suddenly, like the Three Pure Ones before, they were a little excited.

Unlike the four brothers of the Four Pure Ones, who could feed the whole family if one person was full, the huge demon clan lacked everything and everything was precious.

Therefore, seeing the seven gourds, the two brothers were a little overjoyed.

However, Di Jun and Tai Yi were not that stupid. If they were stupid, they would not be able to form a strong force.

The two were very cautious and smart. Seeing that the Three Pure Ones were waiting here instead of taking the gourds, they understood everything.

Di Jun deduced and found that the people of opportunity had not all come, so the gourd was not completely mature, and they could only wait.

The relationship between the Three Pure Ones and the demon clan was not good. After all, Yuanshi’s words in the Zixiao Palace really offended the demon clan.

There might be a big fight later, and the relationship is not good again. After reluctantly greeting each other, the two sides went their separate ways and ignored each other.

The somewhat silent situation was actually a secret communication between the two sides.

"Second brother, it is really not simple. Di Jun and Tai Yi are here too. I don't know how many people will be here later?" Tongtian said cautiously.

"It doesn't matter. When the enemy comes, the general will stop the water. When the water comes, the earth will be built. Besides, this gourd cannot be obtained by fighting. It is impossible to get it without opportunity. The three of us are the authentic Pangu. This gourd should belong to the three of us.

What's more, there is the eldest brother next to us, no problem!" Laozi said.

"Second brother is right." Yuanshi said.

On the other side...

"Brother, these three pure ones are not simple. They have a good cultivation before. The Taoist said that they are the same as us, and they are all at the level of Daluo perfection." Taiyi asked uneasily.

"Don't worry, brother. This spiritual treasure is not something that anyone can snatch away. If you don't have the opportunity, you can only sigh in vain. Just wait. There will be others coming."


Just like this, both sides had their own plans, waiting for the opportunity to arrive.

Nearly a thousand years later...

Nuwa came and was stunned when she saw the Three Pure Ones.

Before, the Three Pure Ones could not say that they were good or bad to Nuwa. After all, Nuwa was also a person sitting on the futon, so it was natural to greet each other.

But Di Jun was very happy. Nuwa's brother Fuxi was standing here. They just parted ways, but unexpectedly, they met Nuwa again after turning a corner.

Therefore, Di Jun hurriedly greeted warmly, which was regarded as pulling Nuwa to his side without leaving any trace.

Nuwa was also smart. She had no relationship with the Three Pure Ones, while Di Jun had her own brother on his side. Seeing Di Jun like this, she was happy to be with Di Jun.

In this way, the three-person side and the four-person side were finalized.


A long time passed, but the person with the opportunity still didn't come, which made the seven people waiting very impatiently.

Even Styx started to complain. Damn Hongyun didn't hurry up when he had the chance. I really don't know what he was thinking.


After nearly a thousand years, Hongyun finally arrived too late.

As soon as Hongyun arrived, he found that seven people were looking at him unkindly.

"Fellow Taoists, please be polite." Hongyun said awkwardly. Zhen Yuanzi next to him also saluted several people.

Immediately, Hongyun spoke again: "It seems that we are the ones with this chance. You can see that the gourd is ripe."

Hong Yun knew something was wrong. He understood everything as soon as he came, and as expected, the gourd matured instantly after he arrived. Therefore, Hong Yun planned to solve the problem as soon as possible.

No matter what...

After the gourd is ripe and everyone has arrived.

The nine people suddenly became serious from the initial peacefulness. Looking at the seven gourds with the Taoist rhyme circulating, I said: "The three of us are Pangu Zongzong. These seven gourds should be shared by three of me, and one of my three brothers. Take one."

After I finished speaking, Di Jun, Nuwa and others, who had already made plans, nodded and said: "What my fellow Taoist said is reasonable, and it is a great good thing."

After saying that, everyone looked at Hongyun again.

"Pindao agrees." Hongyun also nodded hurriedly. There were only two of them here, so he felt bad and said hurriedly.

After saying that, I was the first to move forward. I saw a purple gourd falling off automatically and flying towards him quickly. I waved and put it away.

After putting them away, I looked at the remaining six with a bit of reluctance, with a look of nostalgia on my face.

After that, Yuan Yu moved forward, waved his hand, and the green gourd flew towards him. The sky continued, and the green gourd flew towards him.

After taking the Sanqing, they didn't even say a word or leave, and just watched them continue. This made Di Jun and Hong Yun feel bad.

Di Jun knew that he would definitely get one, but his younger brother Taiyi had no chance.

Therefore, they made an instant decision when Hong Yun came. They must seize Hong Yun's opportunity. Anyway, no one said anything to seize Hong Yun's opportunity.

Everyone even thought that the good old Hong Yun gave it to them. As for Zhen Yuanzi beside Hong Yun, none of them had a helper here.

But Sanqing seems to pay this attention, which is not good.

Di Jun was not idle either. He took a few steps forward and waved, and saw a yellow gourd falling off automatically and flying towards him. This made Di Jun feel reassured.

After Di Jun finished, Taiyi and Di Jun looked at each other, keeping everything in mind.

Nuwa immediately moved forward, and an orange gourd flew towards her quickly. Nuwa felt reassured after taking it, but she did not leave.

The reason why she got the gourd so easily was because Dijun, Taiyi and his eldest brother stood up for her. What's more, Nuwa felt that there was still an opportunity, so naturally Nuwa would not leave just because she got the benefit.

She decided to stay first and advance and retreat together with Di Jun, Taiyi and Fuxi.

After seeing Nuwa's behavior, Di Jun and Taiyi were very happy and secretly sighed that Nuwa really trusted people.

At this time!

There are two gourds left, one red and one blue.

Hong Yun finally couldn't bear it anymore. He clearly felt that the red gourd was calling him, so he gritted his teeth and said quickly: "It's Pindao's turn."




Yuan Yuan and Di Jun shouted almost simultaneously, interrupting Hong Yun's actions.

"What do you fellow Taoists mean? You should understand that the red gourd belongs to the Taoist. This is the Taoist's opportunity." Hong Yun said angrily.

"Ha ha……"

Taiyi smiled and said: "We didn't say it wasn't your chance, it's just..."

Taiyi teased: "It is widely said that Taoist friend is a good person and very compassionate.

You see, our demon tribe has many people, but we don’t have any spiritual treasures to take advantage of. Since fellow Taoist is so compassionate, why not give us the red gourd? Don't worry, we will spread the kindness of our Taoist friends. What do you think? "

"My three brothers also have the same idea. Fellow Taoist Hongyun will consider it," Yuan Ye said.

"! You are bullying others too much!" Hongyun was completely angry, and even good people sometimes get angry.

"How can you go too far to deceive others! Fellow Taoist gave up the position of a great opportunity, why don't you give up this small gourd?" Di Jun also said.

Yes, Hongyun, you were able to give in to the big opportunity before, but why can't you give in to a small gourd now? "Tongtian also said.

Don't look at Tongtian, Dijun, Laozi, etc., they look very heroic and majestic.

But no matter what, they won't let this kind of competition for opportunities and spiritual treasures happen.

The aggrieved Hongyun was furious, but fortunately he still had some remaining wisdom. He said: "Even if the old Taoist gives up, how can you tell the difference? Even if the blue one belongs to Taoist Taoist Tai, but after the old Taoist gives up the red gourd, how can you tell the difference?" ?”

Hongyun was not stupid at all. Although he didn't know why he gave up his throne in Zixiao Palace, at this time he started to use divorce tactics.

This gave Sanqing and Dijun a headache. They knew that this was the most difficult thing to deal with.

You can make a decision with your eyes closed when dealing with Hongyun, but you need to be cautious when competing with the opponent.

"Hmph! You don't have to worry about this. You just need to let it go. This emperor and the three fellow Taoists Sanqing will discuss it on their own. Now it's you, let it, no, let it?" Di Jun asked word by word.

"You?" Hongyun was all red, and now her face was also red. This was because she was feeling aggrieved.

Seeing this scene, Zhen Yuanzi hurriedly stood behind Hongyun, and the top-grade innate spiritual treasure book appeared in his hand.

At the same time, Styx in the space felt depressed for a while. You have all discussed your feelings and left nothing for me.

Emotional deity has been waiting for so long in vain?

You juniors, for the sake of Hongjun, I have given up six of you, but you are still not satisfied.

Moreover, Styx somewhat sympathized with Hongyun. After all, he was also an unlucky man who was being plotted against. Being bullied like this made Styx feel a little pitiful.

At the same time, Styx knew very well that the red gourd was very important to Hongyun.

In the future, after Hongyun was killed, he would rely on this gourd to retain a trace of his soul. After the reincarnation was born, Hongyun's achievement in entering the reincarnation was also very important to the prehistoric era.

It can be said that Hongyun can keep a trace of his remaining soul in the future, all thanks to the Nine-Nine Soul-Removing Gourd.

Since Hongjun asked him to follow the rules, he should follow the rules and not let Hongyun's final value be lost. "Hongyun, will you give in or not?"

Taiyi and Yuan Yuan pressed forward step by step, making Hongyun finally angry.

"You're going too far."

With a sound of "Boom--", the good old man was in full swing, as if he had made a scene.

At the same time, Zhen Yuanzi was also surging with mana, cooperating with Hongyun.

"Haha, you're the one waiting for me." Taiyi was the most decisive. After seeing Hongyun and Zhen Yuanzi letting go of their momentum, he no longer held back. He was fearless when facing the two of them.

Right now!

"Ahem, stop it first!"


A plain but clear voice came, and the space instantly rippled, and a young Taoist slowly walked out.

They had only felt this feeling in Daozu Hongjun, and everyone was shocked.

No one knew Styx, but everyone felt the aura of Styx, which made everyone feel fear!

"Senior, who are you?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then asked.

"I, Styx, have been here for a long time. I see you arguing and arguing, and I still want to fight." Styx shook his head.

Styx didn't want to show up. After they each took the gourds, he would just collect the rest.

Unexpectedly, they did not follow the routine and insisted on fighting?

Styx had to appear.

Ming He said again: "Since it is determined by fate, this red one should belong to Hongyun, why are you robbing it like this? It is unwise to only make the law of heaven dissatisfied and to bear the burden of cause and effect."

Dijun, Taiyi, Nuwa and others were all dripping with cold sweat after saying this, but Hongyun felt like a confidant that someone finally stood up for her.

But soon, Sanqing couldn't help it anymore, especially Yuan Yuan. Although he couldn't see through this person's cultivation level and knew that he was not simple, he couldn't ignore the three of them like this.

"This fellow Taoist...ah!" Yuan was desolate.

Without a word, a figure appeared next to Yuan Yuan and slapped him on the head. It was Xuan Qing.

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