“Heok, huk, heok…….”

I breathed heavily and ran as fast as I could

I heard the prince calling my name from behind, but I ignored it and ran to death.

Are you trying to kill me? If you intend to kill me, let me die beautifully. Why are you being obstinate, saying you’re going to protect me?

I didn’t know his intentions, but it was clear that I shouldn’t trust the crown prince in this situation.

It was soon my limit.

My legs, which were not used to running, were already slowing down, and my lungs throbbed every time I breathed in.

No matter how much I changed direction, the dogs persistently drove the boar toward me.

The cries of the boar and the cries of dogs were only getting closer.

Nonetheless I ran.

Looking for a suitable tree to climb among the smooth pine trees without branches at the bottom.

There must be a lot of trees with lower branches in the lake.

As I expected, as soon as I stepped out onto the lake, I found a suitable tree.

A slender tree with drooping branches that can be climbed with my weak arms.


Before the boar’s tusks crossed my leg, I snatched the branches from the tree.

As I rode the tree, I did not realize that a thorn had stuck in my palm.


The boar wandered under the tree again surrounded by dogs, but failed to reach me.


I was about to take a breather when the crown prince called me from below.

“Duke, come down from such a dangerous place!”

Yeah, sure I’ll do that.

I don’t know his intentions anyway. However, as soon as I tried to stretch my middle finger toward the crown prince out of annoyance, the tree began to shake violently.



Looking down, the wild boar whose tusks were caught in the tree was struggling to escape.

Every time it shook its heavy body, the thin tree also shook.

I hugged the tree desperately, wrapping my arms and legs around the trunk of the tree.

“Hurry up and jump! I’ll catch you!”

The crown prince, who arrived late, urged me by stretching his arms toward me.

Not being able to hunt the boar as originally intended, the crown prince only waved his arms at me.

“Trust me!”

His words made me laugh in the midst of being tossed around.

Asking the Duke of Baloa to trust him.

Really, he was a man who had no idea what I was like.

So it was even more revolting.

I was unbearably angry that I was being played by a man like that even in this situation where my hands were slipping one by one.

Rather than being played by the crown prince, I was so angry that I thought it would be better to stay away from him and stay here.

Now his intentions are now clear.

He’s clearly trying to scare me with a few dogs and save me with a nice script.

Certainly, I was scared.

If I hold out and fall, it will not end nicely, whether I get hit by the boar’s tusk, bitten by dogs, or break my bones.

However, there was one thing the crown prince overlooked.

The more scared I am, the stronger I become.

I had to.

Since I came to my senses in this world, I’ve had no choice but to juice my fears and turn them into poison.

“Don’t be afraid, just trust me!”

Towards the crown prince, who insisted on me believing in him, I eventually took one hand off and raised my middle finger.

I’m trying to enjoy the look of the crown prince blinking because he doesn’t know what to say.


The tree began to tilt with the sound of something being ripped off.

When I came to my senses, I was stuck in the lake with a small tree that was broken in half by a boar.

As I was submerged, I was willing to be rescued if he offered, but the mammoth only looked at me with a stupid face.

He was such an idiot until the very end.

With the fierce wind, dripping raindrops dug into the lake like an awl.

The strong current eventually caused my hand to loosen from the old tree.


“What were you doing hiding in the bushes, Sir Ethan?”

Knoxus was surprised by Cardan, who appeared from behind without a trace.

“Y, Your Majesty.”

Cardan clicked his tongue as Knoxus rolled his eyes as if he was uncomfortable with him.

“It must have been by the order of the Duke of Baloa.”

The silence of Knoxus was a sufficient answer.

Cardan smiled a thin smile and chinned toward the forest path where Knoxus was diligently walking.

“What kind of insidious mission is it this time?”

“It’s not a mission, but my master went hunting so I was looking for her.”

Cardan narrowed his eyes. Erina had never enjoyed hunting except when she first tried to be the Duke and be recognized by other nobles.

Knoxus’ eyes were filled with weak anxiety as well.

“She went with Crown Prince Momad.”

Even before the last word came out of Knoxus’ mouth, Cardan was already turning his back and rushing his steps.

Raindrops began to fall from the dim sky like an ominous sign.

He wonders how long he’s been walking around in the forest.

The wind carried the faint cry of a crow. Before the sound could reach his ears, he was running.

But when he arrived at the scene, Erina was nowhere to be seen.

There was only an old tree that fell on the lake, the crown prince standing in front of it with a blank face, dogs wandering around, and a wild boar that fell down with its tusks stuck in the old tree.

The crow also wandered around as if he had lost his way, as the sky rapidly darkened.

Then a jacket hanging from a branch came into his eyes through the rain.

Quickly scanning the direction of the old tree’s fall, Cardan tried to jump into the water, but at that moment, a sound of delirium was heard from behind.

“It’s no use.”


“The Duke of Baloa has already been washed away.”

A chill swept through the crown prince’s back as Cardan stared at the jacket silently.

He instinctively found a corner to run away from.

“I, I’ll go back and get a boar to find her body.”

In a barely audible voice, Kardan slowly raised his head as if he had escaped the trance.


Like the sound of gravel grinding, the syllables were broken one by one.

“Well, I mean. A funeral is to be held…….”

Cardan’s face, as he strided along the shore, did not show any expression, but Crown Prince Momad fell into a trance and was unable to breathe.

It’s as if the flames in those red eyes ate all the air. It was so suffocating.

“The Duke of Baloa is not dead.”

Unlike his fierce eyes, he had an amicable voice.

“The Duke of Baloa is not a woman who will die from this kind of trick.”

The crown prince nodded without realizing it.

Since he became a Sword Master, his blood has been boiling because he wanted to put his sword together with this man.

He was confident of winning.

It is said that he had rolled on the battlefield quite a bit during his time as a prince, but his sword must have rusted up because he had only been playing games for several years.

But now that he’s facing him, the unconditional conviction that he had before is starting to crack.

So when Cardan’s eyes shifted to the Duke’s aide, who arrived late, the crown prince was unconsciously relieved.

“Go set up a search party.”

When the aide, who understood the situation right away, left with a short word, his eyes focused on him, which was both eerily cold and horribly hot.

“If the prince wants to bring a boat, bring it.”

At the end of his sentence, Cardan disappeared into the forest alone.

Only a feeble crow followed him.

As the pressure weighing down on him disappeared, the crown prince barely burst into breath. He felt dirty, too, when he saw the dogs whining like cowards.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to do as I am told.”

Cardan never made him do anything, but he didn’t want to admit that he was overwhelmed for a moment, so the crown prince purposely cursed in the air.

At that time, Erina’s jacket, which was still hanging on the old tree, caught his eye.

The crown prince’s eyes lit up.

“There’s nothing I can’t search for.”

Before the smell was washed away by the rain, Momad hurriedly snatched the jacket and threw it at the hounds.


“I can’t see the star palace.”

It wasn’t long until the night with the full moon was shining brightly.

And Janet was still walking by the lake.

Though the lights of the star palace were not visible for several hours, she silently rushed, shivering at each owl’s cry and the rustling of the bushes.

Her clothes were all wet because of the rain, and her stomach kept growling.

If she had known this would happen, she would have had a hearty dinner instead of being nervous not to be possessed by the emperor’s magical beauty.

“Isn’t this the right direction……. Huhuek.”

The tears that she had been holding back eventually leaked out.

She was walking, wiping away her tears, and she stepped on something soft.

“Keuk! Keeukk! Keleuk, Keleuk.”


With a terrible scream, Janet burst into tears while stamping her feet.

“C, Corpse! Kyaaaa……! Peter, help me……. I can’t do it, I can’t do it anymore. Huhuek…”

“Oh, my ears are falling off.”

The body lying by the lake rose as they picked their ears.

Moonlight naturally melted into the hair that brushed the body’s shoulder.

“D, Duke of Baloa……?”

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