(t/n: Ahhhh we’re at the 100th episode (*/ω\*))

“There are a lot of bugs because we’re near the lake.”

Janet added as if to turn his gaze away from her red cheeks.

“You’d better hurry up and eat before the bugs do, Your Majesty.”

“………I couldn’t even do this much for you.”

As Cardan frowned slightly, Janet’s eyes turned to the wrinkles on his straight forehead.

Her fork slipped and hit the back of his other hand, but Janet was already mesmerized.

She stabbed the back of his hand a few more times, keeping her eyes on Cardan’s face.

At a glance, a pretty bitter red mark was engraved on the back of his hand.

Cardan didn’t show it to his face.

She was honestly scared.

“Ahem, ahem!”

If it wasn’t for the old maid coughing hard behind her, she would have kept mistaken the back of his hand for pasta and rolled it up.

“No, Your Majesty!”

Janet, who had come to her senses, waved her hand as she blushed again.

Cardan couldn’t take his eyes off the fork marks on the back of his hand that swung back and forth in front of him.

Maybe she mistook his gaze for concentrating on her words, but Janet took a small deep breath and laughed.

“Please don’t frown on your beautiful face over trivial things.”

He could feel Janet’s eyes glancing at his face continuously, whether she was trying to check if her acting worked.


If Erina did that, he wouldn’t have straightened his eyebrows because he was so upset and annoyed, but fortunately, he was able to accept it with moderate acting because he was not amused by the woman in front of him.

Janet sighed with relief when he made up a pretty good smile.

At that time, Knoxus, who was in the bushes, began to rustle and head somewhere.

“The sun has begun to set and the wind is strange, so let’s go.”

 Cardan stood up straight away.

“Today, it was fun.”

Before Janet could answer, Cardan moved in the direction where Knoxus disappeared.

In moderation, he must have fulfilled the schedule demanded by the Duke of Baloa. He couldn’t help but follow Knoxusbecause he was very suspicious.


Soon after, an angry boar popped out of the tree.


Exaggeratedly, a boar larger than a house roared, waving its thick tusks.

The dogs barked furiously and chased the boar closely.


“Woof woof woof!”

The sides, hind legs, tails, and everything else, the dogs skillfully avoided their tusks and bit the boar as if playing with it.

A few sharp tusks narrowly brushed the dogs’ sides, but they dodged sharply just before being stabbed.

“Oh, my God.”

As I hurriedly changed my plan to clap behind the crown prince’s back, the crown prince touched my shoulder.

“If the dogs take out the boar’s camp, they will end up with arrows all at once.”

The crown prince explained, looking at the wild boar, surrounded by dogs and breathing heavily.

I felt uncomfortable about the situation and stiffened my face.

“Let’s just end it now.”

Apart from the threatening of wild boars and dogs, it was unpleasant. Even though it was a hunt, it was really inhumane to slowly dry and kill the boar like this.

But the crown prince smiled slightly at my words.

“Hunting is the beauty of waiting.”

I didn’t like it, but the dogs couldn’t hear me and there was nothing else I could do.

As I step back quickly, I try to remove the crown prince’s hand.

The boar rushed toward us, squeezing a gap between the pounding dogs.

The wild boar quickly narrowed the distance when the dogs, drunk on the heat of hunting, chased after them.

“It’s dangerous!”

The crown prince’s hand, which was holding my shoulder, naturally wrapped around my body.

“Oh my god!”


I shrieked at the crown prince in front of the boar.


As soon as an urgent cry broke out from the crown prince’s mouth, the dogs turned and attacked the boar’s side.


The boar ran away from the dogs. It targeted me again.

“I’ll protect you!”

The crown prince, who barely raised himself, approached me, but I was already running.

I wasn’t sure when I first saw it, but twice wasn’t a coincidence.

The dogs, who were pushing the wild boar, suddenly showed a gap, the well-trained dogs were so absorbed in hunting that they drove the wild boars toward us, and the Crown Prince’s small signal turned right away.

All points to me.

This was all the Crown Prince’s plan.


“Well done.”

When Cardan left, an old maid waiting nearby approached.

Janet, who was nervous inside, was relieved then.

The maid was one of the henchmen of Empress Dowager. It was clear that she would monitor her every move and report it to Empress Dowager.

It must have already reached the Empress Dowager’s ear through this maid, that she rode alone in the carriage without His Majesty and he disappeared upon arriving with the Duke.

The Empress Dowager was no better than a benefactor, but at the same time, Janet was always worried that she might not meet the expectations of the Empress Dowager.

So at today’s date, she must receive good reviews.

“His Majesty’s response has definitely changed after changing the operation.”

Janet forced a smile to hide her anxiety.

“In the end, the Duke of Baloa was right.”

The Duke said the emperor needed someone who would sacrifice everything for him.

A trustworthy individual who will never betray him.

She was confident at first. Because of her timid personality, she’s only been told that she’s nice all her life.

Each person she met often treated her harshly after concluding that she was “nice” only with her first impression.

She wondered if her fragile nature, which she hated so much, would finally help…….

She realized it when she saw the emperor’s eyes looking at the Duke of Baloa.

She’s been misinterpreting the Duke’s advice all this time.

“The person who will sacrifice for him” was a reference to the emperor’s hand and foot, like the Duke of Baloa, a deceptive spirit who would act like a snake’s tongue.

“I can do well now.”

With a servile smile that was not suitable for a subordinate, Janet grabbed the maid’s hand.

“Please tell the Empress Dowager that I have found the secret.”

“Yes, princess. I think things will proceed smoothly in the future, too.”

The maid immediately read Janet’s anxiety as she could not avoid the sharp eyes of the old maid.

“Isn’t he a man famous for his flair for women? Don’t worry too much, it’s just a matter of getting a good impression anyway.”


Janet smiled a light smile, rubbing the back of her hand, which began to be bitter as she relaxed a little.

As the Empress Dowager warned, she almost fell for the emperor’s magical beauty a few times, but she still endured.

No, she had to hang in there.

She had to endure it for the sake of the man she left behind in the kingdom.

“It’s not like this, but follow him.”

The maid pointed to Cardan, who was disappearing into the forest.

“I heard that the Duke of Baloa sticks close to the emperor like a leech and constantly pours flattery.”

The old maid nodded gravely.

“Even if I were a man, I would have no choice but to go to the person who praises his greatness every day.”

“Okay, I’ll try harder.”

Janet immediately jumped out of her seat and got up and ran toward the forest.

She couldn’t finish this meeting like this today to instill confidence in the Empress Dowager.

However, it was not easy to catch up with Cardan, who left first.

“Which direction did he go?”

Janet, who had lost him in the forest, looked around.

“Your Majesty!”

She called Cardan a few times, but there was no answer.

As she walked, it became dark around her.

Janet trembled in the evening breeze when it began to get cold.

It was meaningless to find Cardan anymore.

She’ll try harder tomorrow.

“Let’s go home now.”

Muttering to herself, Janet turned to return to the way she had come.

No, she definitely intended to.

“……… which way did I come……?”

Among the dense trees, this road and that road all looked the same.

To make matters worse, light rain began to fall.

“I can walk along the lake, right?”

Janet walked toward the lake, which she saw through a crack in the tree.

“If I go out to the lake, I will see where I am, and if I walk along, I will arrive at the Star Palace.”

Janet muttered to herself and took steps to suppress her creeping anxiety.

There was no one here, Peter, to save her, but she had to be alert and not be as weak as her father always reproached her.

“All I have to do is keep walking. All I have to do is walk.”

Her voice trembled terribly, but Janet smiled deliberately.

She has to do more in the future, so she must not lose her courage just by getting lost.

It was her turn to save Peter.

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