“Lady Baloa.”

The crown prince, whom I met at the entrance to the Star Palace, was dressed in hunting clothes from head to toe.

He had a large bow on his back, a set of arrows on one thigh, and a hunting knife on the other.

On both sides were two giant hounds.

“Prince, I don’t know if you’ve been waiting for a long time.”

As soon as I approached a few steps, the dogs began to growl threateningly.

I faltered and retreated, but the crown prince only laughed.

“No, I just got here, too.”

As if he had noticed that I was watching the dogs with wary eyes, the crown prince flicked his finger and scolded the dogs. After that, the dogs became silent as a lie.

But I wasn’t particularly relieved.

“Haha, you brought your dogs, and they’re very attentive…”

“These are royal hounds. There’s no better partner than these guys when it comes to hunting wild boars or in the woods.”

Are we going to catch a wild boar…?

Perhaps he can’t see my face rotting, the crown prince laughed as he scratched the head of a hound.

“When I heard that we were going to the Star Palace, I immediately contacted the kingdom and told them to bring these dogs. The forest around the Star Palace is well known for being a good place to hunt.”

“Haha, I didn’t know.”

The crown prince pointed the way to the forest.

“Follow me. I’ll tell you the essence of a hunt.”

We walked deep into the forest for a long time.

The dogs got ahead of us sniffing the dirt floor and kicking the small animals out of the bushes. However, the crown prince didn’t even pretend to pull a bow because it wasn’t enough for the small animals.

“It’s not a hunt to catch these little things.”

Before chasing a fox, the crown prince called the dogs back.

It stopped at the prince’s signal to the point where I wondered if it was the dogs that jumped at the fox in excitement a while ago.

It wasn’t usually the case for a well-trained dog.

“You’ll have to delve deep to catch prey.”

The trees became thicker as the road disappeared, but the crown prince did not care and hurried.

As I tried to keep up, I slipped the conversation into a different direction.

“You must be quite a hunting enthusiast to think of bringing your dogs here.”

The crown prince grinned as he smoothed the bow.

“My hunting skills are lacking anywhere.”

“It’s amazing.”

After a rough compliment, I brought my point.

“You must have paid a considerable price to bring the dogs from afar. Besides, the ring you gave me last time was not an ordinary expensive item. I must have underestimated the wealth of the Esland’s royal family.”

I intentionally said something that would hurt the crown prince’s pride.

 The crown prince who can never stand being insulted would be furious and start saying this and that.

“What do you mean, you underestimated our wealth?”

Sure enough, the crown prince looked right back at me.

“Haha, I was just curious. A few days ago, one of my businesses became bankrupt.”

My whole fortune was blown away, very.

“I don’t think I’m very talented at making money, but I wanted to ask for advice.”

I made up a soft voice.

“What’s the secret of the royal family’s wealth in Esland?”

The crown prince’s eyes glanced sharply at me. It wasn’t long before he glanced away, but his look was wary.

“I am very sorry to hear that your business ended up bankrupt.”

I didn’t think it would be easy to change the subject.

Therefore, I have no choice but to urge him to loosen his guard.

“Yes. I tried to send some trade ships to the East, but all of them were destroyed. It was my first time touching foreign trade, but I failed miserably, so I couldn’t stand up for a while.”

I began to emphasize emotions that the crown prince could sympathize with as I told my story in a lame way.

“I may be the Duke of the Empire, but I feel very ashamed that I am the only one who fails to trade in the East, where a count succeeded.… It was strange. For a while, I went out on purpose to the gatherings that Count Linoa was attending. Wearing the most expensive pocket watch.”

Fortunately, the crown prince was listening to my nonsense.

“Well, it was worth looking at the ring that the prince gave me as a gift, but the watch is really the real thing. The inside of the gold frame is all set with diamonds, so—”

I raised my palm. I pretended to hold out an imaginary watch then said

“The way it fits my hand is different.”

The crown prince frowned slightly because he didn’t like the ring he had difficulty finding being disparaged.

But I kept going, pretending I didn’t see anything.

“Still, since our family is a family of meritorious subjects of the empire, we have all sorts of heirlooms.”

Although it’s all in the cold sea now.

“It won’t matter if I ruin a few businesses because our family is strong from the ground up, but I was just curious. How do families who are not as well off as Duke live…….”

In the end, the crown prince crumpled his face.

You’re annoyed, right? You should brag about your pride now, right?

“I couldn’t believe you completely ruined trades. It’s a shame.”

As I expected, the Crown Prince managed to keep his voice calm and made a series of sarcastic remarks.

“Esland has opened a new era of growth with exports. No matter how big your family isisn’t “wealth” a difficult thing to overcome over three generations? It’s only when a competent person leads the family for a long time.”

“Export? Well, where do you do it? East? South?

I pretend to be furious.

“Or are you doing it with a marginal kingdom? Don’t tell me… You don’t think exchanging some supplies with Taraka is an export, do you?”

The crown prince’s expression changed from moment to moment.

It reddened, then turned blue, then yellowish and eventually turned white then he responded stiffly.

“It’s the West.”

“Really? They don’t have special contact with the Empire. Can we call them the West continent? The empire accounts for two thirds of the Western continent though? What, are you dealing with some wasteland?”

Oh, my, my, my. His face is going to explode.

I became anxious when I saw the crown prince trembling.

Don’t tell me he is about to hunt me here without holding back his anger?

I added quickly, glancing at him.

“No, I’m just asking because I’m curious. I’m curious. It’s the prince’s wealth, and I can tell just by looking at the ring you gave me as a gift.”

But it didn’t have much effect on his trembling shoulders.

“Oh! I was jealous, because I was jealous!”


“I mess up every business I do, but others seem to be doing well, so I asked in case there was anything I could find out! You know?!”

Only then did the crown prince regain his composure.

“Something like that.”


“We trade anywhere in the West. In the wasteland, whatever.”

Obviously, there’s nothing particular that Esland exports to the Empire…….

As soon as I tried to dig deeper into the unclear prince’s words, the dogs started barking madly as they ran out.

“I think they found a boar.”

The crown prince twitched his pouty lips and put a demonstration on his bow.

“Look forward to it. I’ll show you my superior hunting skills.”


At that time, Cardan was listening to the rustling sound in the bushes across the street at an outdoor dinner in front of the lake without touching his food.

He didn’t know why Knoxus was crouching in the bushes, but it must have been Erina’s instructions.

“Your Majesty.”


“Your Majesty.”

In addition to this love affair, Erina must be concerned about what he would be doing now, but Janet’s voice interrupted his thoughts.

Janet even looked nervous at his unresponsive appearance, as if he had been called quite a few times.

“Oh. I’ve been thinking about something else, so I’ve been rude. What’s going on?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

Janet smiled shyly as if she had never done so.

“I was just amazed by the beautiful view of the lake. It’s like looking at His Majesty’s eyes.”

Cardan’s forehead narrowed slightly.

He heard this kind of line somewhere.

“Did you meet the Duke before you met me?”

Janet blinked at the unexpected question.

“No, I haven’t seen the Duke since I arrived at the separate palace.”

“I see.”

He was just trying to dismiss it as a baseless thought, but Janet smiled softly as she put her hand on the back of his hand.

“I think your hands will be cold from the breeze of the lake. I want to be a person who can comfortably protect Your Majesty when he is resting, since you are busy day and night for the Empire.”

As Cardan only watched how much Janet was doing, she continued to talk as if she was encouraged.

“If I can, I want to block all the storms in the world. It is a great loss for the Empire to see your beautiful appearance stained with anxiety.”

Obviously, when he first met her, she was so shy that she couldn’t even say a word.

But now, she was talking about silly things so well that he thought she might have received special training from Erina.

He would have been deceived by her shameless acting if he hadn’t noticed that her fist was so pale.

Cardan smiled softly.

If it’s acting, he’s confident on this side, too.

“You have a very kind heart. I’ve never seen anyone give me this much.”

Cardan looked around for a moment to make sure Erina was not there.

He wasn’t confident that he could bear seeing her if she caught him now, given what he said about her proposal.

Fortunately, Erina was nowhere to be found.

“I also want to be a man who can support you more firmly than that chair if I can.”

Janet looked up at him with a bewildered look as if she had been forced to raise the corners of her mouth.

Just in time there was a light breeze.

Cardan pulled back the stiff corners of his mouth as he took off the hair that stuck to Janet’s cheek.

“The wind must be jealous of your beauty, too.”

He wasn’t confident in articulating the terrible lines that he didn’t think of himself, so he quickly spit them out, but the effect was pretty good.

Janet opened her mouth and stared at him blankly, not knowing that the hair was going into her mouth in the wind.


At the very next moment, Janet slapped her face relentlessly.

Cardan was startled at the harsh sound. Janet smiled shyly, covering her red cheeks as if she had never done so.

“T, thank you, Your Majesty…….”

This woman is not normal either.

Looking at Janet’s cheek, which began to swell in an instant, Cardan thought to himself.

Contrary to her weak impression, she was never an easy opponent.

(t/n: lmao the cheesy lines. Cardan I’m proud of you.)

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