When I opened my eyes again, I was still in Cardan’s arms.

But the surrounding view was an unfamiliar bedroom.

“Oh… Did we arrive at the Star Palace?”


I waited for Cardan to put me down, but he didn’t budge.

“You can put me down now.”

In the end, I had no choice but to pull his sleeve slightly.

“Why? Is it uncomfortable?”

Cardan’s smile looking down at me was stunningly beautiful.

“Hmm. Yes.”

Such excessive handsomeness. It is more harmful the closer it is.

But instead of putting me down, Cardan embraced me a little tighter.

The sound of his heartbeat in my ear made my face heat up slightly.

“……Didn’t you say you would do as I please for a week?”

Cardan finally let me down on the bed with a sigh.

“Oh, I don’t have to lie down.”

When I tried to get up, Cardan pushed me lightly, laid me down again, and covered me with a blanket.

“Lie down.”


“Even if you’ve experienced it once…. I meant it this time.”

Cardan’s eyes looking at me with subdued eyes made me wiggle my toes under the blanket without realizing it.

“So take a break for the time being.”

Cardan took the documents I was holding and threw them roughly on the desk on one side of the bedroom.


I pointed to the desk. My luggage was all sorted out, and the desk was already full of papers.

“Can you bring me the thickest proposal over there?”

Cardan sighed slightly.

“I told you to rest.”

“It’s not for me, it’s yours.”

Cardan picked up the proposal I pointed to. His face rotted in an instant as he scanned the contents.

“A romantic week at the Star Palace of Letira.”

Cardan’s face, which recited the title stiffly, looked far from “romantic.”

I murmured as I glanced at Cardan.

“There’s also a subtitle below it.”

Cardan’s eyebrows wriggled.

“The Empire Saving Project.”

“Haha, would you like to participate in the project?”

Cardan quickly read through the schedule for the week.

And then he declared, covering it up.



As I tried to get up, shaking, Cardan came up to the bed at once and forced me to lie down.

Then he glared at me with his glaring eyes and pointed to the first page of the schedule.

“A kiss on the back of her hand while standing in front of the sunset and saying, ‘You’re the one who’s more dazzling than the sun.'”

Cardan chewed again as he turned over the chapter with a dry gesture.

“When the wind blows, smooth her hair by saying, ‘The wind must be jealous of your beauty. I want to be a man who will support you more than this chair if I can.’ When the princess covers her mouth and laughs, naturally grab her hand and whisper, “Don’t cover your beautiful smile.”

Cardan, who read the climax points I carefully devised like a rapid fire, threw the proposal on the side of the bed table with a loud bang.

“Are you crazy, Duke?”

I wiggled my fingers before Cardan’s terrifying gaze.

I felt a sense of injustice. He left out all the questions I’ve listed about the Empress Dowager and he read only the embarrassing part.

Considering the before and after scenarios, I even set the timing to deliver the question in a natural way.

You don’t even know what I’m trying to do.….

“The Empire needs to be saved first.”

Cardan touched his forehead with one hand.

“We don’t have to go this far.”

“Why don’t we need to?”

I refuted immediately.

“Think about it. Lady Linoa and Lady Treve, who were recommended to Your Majesty as concubines, all went through harsh training for Your Majesty at first.”

Cardan only raised his eyebrows, but did not deny it.

Yeah, you’re handsome. I stifled my disgust and came up with the most important point.

“But after being rejected by Your Majesty, what did they do?”


Cardan replied half-heartedly as if he was not interested.

That’s right. You wouldn’t know because you made me break up with them.

I had no choice but to give the correct answer.

“They gave up neatly.”

“What does that mean?”

I clicked my tongue.

“That’s how shallow the heart is. Lady Linoa and Lady Treve, immediately transferred to Prince Lionel when he visited from the East. In short, a concubine can change her mind as soon as the right man appears. They have to be willing to betray their country and make them devote themselves to Your Majesty, but only a few blushes won’t do it.”

I spoke seriously to Cardan, who looked down at me with a blank face as if he was filled with energy.

“For the heart to be able to endure, this is the only way.”


Cardan smiled a thin smile that didn’t look pleasant.

It seemed that the voice of my heart came out too frankly.

I added in a hurry to make up for my mistake.

“Ha, anyway, it’s all for the empire, think about it and close your eyes.”


You said you’d do everything I tell you!

While my mouth was puffing out of frustration, Cardan picked up the proposal.

“I’ll follow the schedule here, but I’ll take out all the useless things, so know that.”

“That’s the point…….”

As Cardan’s eyes became fierce, I covered my face with a blanket without realizing it.

The blanket wouldn’t be helpful, but maybe I felt like I wanted to borrow a brackish hand, perhaps because the sense when I was hit was still clear.

Then a soft touch snatched my hand holding the blanket.

As the blanket came down, Cardan’s face, which was relaxed with a smile, came into my eyes.

At first glance, his red eyes shining transparently in the sunlight coming through the window looked friendly.

As Cardan leaned closer to me, his fine black hair covered his forehead.

A low voice came from too close a distance.

“Don’t cover your beautiful face with a blanket.”

I was blinking in bewilderment, and Cardan raised his eyebrows.

“Now the Duke has no choice but to admit it, right?”


“It’s a terrible plan.”

Cardan’s hand crumpled the proposal disastrously.

“Oh……? Yes…….”

Only after barely answering did Cardan release my hand with a satisfied smile.

When the cold air touched my hand, my hand flinched unconsciously and squeezed the remaining warmth at my fingertips.

“Then, we agreed to follow the schedule roughly.”

“Yes, yes…”

Looking blankly at Cardan’s back as he left to fulfill his upcoming schedule, I touched my heart.

“Wow… the power of that handsome face.”

I muttered, feeling my quick heartbeat.

“My plan didn’t stink at all.”


“My plan was perfect.”

But Cardan was long gone for me to push my case, so I missed the only chance to persuade him.



Soon after, Knoxus knocked on my bedroom door.

As soon as he opened the door, Knoxus looked up and down at me with a pale face.

“Master, are you all right? I heard you collapsed.”

“It’s all right, it’s all right.”

I relieved Knoxus by waving my hand.

“By the way, you’re just in time.”

I headed straight to the desk.

When I handed over a copy of the pre-made “Romantic Week at the Star Palace of Letira,” Knoxus looked down at the project with a puzzled face.

“A romantic week at the Star Palace of Letira……?”

“Yes, this is your new mission.”

I turned over to a page with a detailed date plan for the first day.

“You can follow His Majesty secretly and monitor if he is carrying out the schedule written here.”

The expression of Knoxus, who was reading the page, became more and more faint.

“Are you the one who shines brighter than the sun?”

“Ah, you don’t have to pay attention to such small details, you just have to make sure he’s following the overall schedule well.”

Knoxus was still puzzled, but soon nodded slowly.

“Yes, master, I will obey you.”

Proud. As expected, Knoxus was the only one who understood my mind well.

I was about to tap Knoxus on the shoulder to say good work, but I heard a knock at the door.

“There are many people looking for me today.”

I muttered, but I finally opened the door.

And I immediately regretted it.


Crown Prince Momad, who was standing in front of the door, smiled deeply.

“I’m here to apologize for my previous rudeness.”

It was a polite attitude I had never seen before.

I was surprised at the moment and opened my eyes wide.

He doesn’t seem like a man with a lot of pride and stubbornness. I never thought he’d apologize so gently.

“Oh, well… I felt bad. That’s it. You don’t have to come and apologize like this.”

I tried to close the door, but failed because the crown prince naturally intervened through the gap.

“I really wanted to apologize to the Duke.”

Rather than expressing his apology, it sounded like he had no intention of apologizing to Cardan.

“It was just a hasty comment that I said without knowing that the Duke would be listening to my words.”

When I was about to send the crown prince off, after he apologized

The crown prince raised his eyebrows and smiled significantly.

“I’m jealous of the woman I originally had in mind. I made a mistake out of anger.”


I was so overwhelmed that I almost made a stupid face with my mouth open.

I could feel Knoxus startling behind me.

“Haha, you don’t have to blush like that.”

However, the crown prince’s next words woke me up as if he was doused with cold water.

I managed to put up with my vomiting.

“I guess my face turned red because of the fever.”

I felt like ants were crawling all over my body, so I just wanted to send the crown prince away quickly.

“I’ll accept your apology. Then I have a lot of work to do, so bye.”

However, the crown prince only smiled and did not move at the door.

“Shame is a virtue of a lady.”

What shame? I was struggling in the mire of deep skepticism about why I stopped Cardan from beating up this guy, when his hand suddenly came under my nose.

In his hand, there was a jewel box containing a brilliant ring.

“As an apology, I’ll present you with a wonderful dinner date with a masterpiece of Blancher craftsmen made of diamond and platinum.”


Without realizing it, I reached out to the ring like I was possessed.

“Really…… did you buy it for me?”

The crown prince’s smile deepened a little.

“Yes, I ordered it thinking of your beautiful hair.”

It was a line reminiscent of the excitement point of “A Romantic Week at the Star Palace of Letira,” which I worked hard on.

Now I know a little bit.

Why Cardan thought I was out of my mind, and Knoxus was embarrassed.

It was something you should never do unless you’re pretty.

It was something I would have never come up with without Cardan’s face in mind.

But I folded my cheeks with one hand and took the ring with my other hand.

“Oh my… You didn’t have to prepare a gift like this.”

“So, are we going on a date?”

I nodded right away to the crown prince who kept asking.

“Yes, of course.”

Next to me, Knoxus was startled, but I only smiled broadly.

“I’m really looking forward to it.”

The crown prince nodded his head.

“Then I’ll see you again in the afternoon.”

“Hoho, I should take out my pretty clothes after a long time.”

The only pretty clothes I have were a blouse with a little lace, but I covered my mouth like a shy lady and laughed.

From the corner of my field of view, I could see Knoxus, which had hardened like a stone statue, but I ignored it for now.

“Ah, you’d better wear comfortable clothes.”

The Crown Prince replied with a grin.

“I’m thinking of going hunting.”


I told the crown prince to wait at the entrance of the palace and returned to the room. As soon as Knoxus saw me, he finally erupted in exasperation.

“Are you really going with that person?”


I answered in a casual manner.

“Is it because of the jewels?”

Knoxus stared at my bulging pocket.

“Well, I can’t say no.”

When I tapped my pocket and smiled proudly, Knoxus groaned and covered his eyes with one hand.

“Just for a gem, I’ll work hard and buy it for you…”

The hand that was tapping my pocket was instantly caught by Knoxus.

“Can you not go?”

“No, it’s because you don’t know how expensive Blancher’s work is.”

Knoxus’ face slowly crumbled at my firm answer.

My heart ached at the sight, so I covered the back of his hand with my other hand.

“His most famous works are equivalent to the monthly proceeds of the duke’s most valuable estate.”

Knoxus’ face did not lighten up at my explanation, so I hurriedly added.

“By the way, Crown Prince Momed ordered something custom-made from the Blancher craftsman. He even said he put an order after seeing my hair, so it must have been ordered in a short notice. He must have paid an astronomical amount of money.”


“On the subject of the crown prince of a small kingdom.”

At my last words I uttered as if mockingly, the realization gradually spread to Knoxus’ face.

“No matter how much the Empress Dowager has your back, you can’t just offer this much money on a date.”

I squeezed Knoxus’ hand as hard as I could.

“I know you’re worried. But I must find out the source of the funds.”

“I’ll follow you.”

In response to the firm answer from Knoxus, I shook my head and tapped on the “Romantic Week at the Star Palace of Letira”

“Did you forget? You must keep an eye on His Majesty.”

“What’s the big deal about his surveillance!”

For some reason, Knoxus, who raised his voice, clenched his fists tightly.

“I don’t know what the prince is going to do, so how can I send my master alone?”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about me.”

I tried to reassure him, but when the eyes of Knoxus dangerously shook with anxiety, I became weak.

“Oh, I see.”

I took the planner and read it quickly.

“Here you go.”

I hit the middle of the date schedule on the first day.

“Up to here. Just check on them until sunset appreciation.”

Taking a pen from the desk, Knoxus murmured, drawing a meticulous asterisk in the part I pointed.

“Until he kisses the back of her hand while looking at the sunset.”

“Oh, he doesn’t have to do that. They just need to check out the sunset.”

I thought it would be romantic when I thought about it. Strangely, only the face of the crown prince kept overlapping against the backdrop of the sunset, perhaps because it was right after the crown prince came and left.

In a word, it made me feel very discouraged.

I erased the image of the crown prince who tried to ruin my romance from my memory and tapped Knoxus on the shoulder.

“If you confirm that, you can come and watch the crown prince or not, do as you please.”

“I’ll go.”

With a determined expression, Knoxus folded the first day’s schedule and put it in his chest pocket.

“By all means, I’ll come to you.”

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