
I stuck my tongue out at Cardan’s back once more.

It would be perfect if he could be more friendly and coax Princess Janet here.

“Get off for now.”

However, contrary to my expectations, Cardan responded calmly, and did not comfort Janet, who was still shedding tears.

Fortunately, Janet grabbed his hand with a big smile.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Take this too.”

Janet burst into tears of emotion again despite his rugged behavior as he roughly gave her a jewelry box.

“I can’t believe you even prepared a gift like this……. I really don’t know what to do.”

“Yes, stop crying.”

Cardan, who spoke if he was acting, tried to turn around as if he had completed his mission.

However, when Janet weaved her arms naturally around him, he had no choice but to stop.

“Are you going to escort me to the Star Palace?”

Janet wiped away her tears and smiled brightly.

Please. Please say yes.

I telepathically glared at Cardan.

Cardan looked at me with a frown on his forehead and nodded immediately, as if my earnest desire had worked.


Only then did I let out a sigh of relief.

Just in time, I beckoned to Knokus as he came down from the driver’s seat.

“Knoxus, take this and run to the Star Palace quickly.”

I took out some of the boxes I had marked as gifts for the first day in the carriage and handed them to Knoxus.

“Go and grab any maid and tell her to bring it to the concubine’s bedroom.”

“I understand.”

Knoxus, to his credit, quickly disappeared with some large boxes.

Now it would be perfect if only Cardan escorted Janet to the Star Palace…….

Walking along the beautiful lake road, even if he can’t offer her whispers of love, if he smiles affectionately a few times, Janet will surely fall in love with him.

An uninvited guest intervened at the time when I was giving Cardan a cheering look from such a distance.

“By the way, where is the Duke of Baloa?”

The Crown Prince’s irritating voice was heard.

The crown prince, who jumped out of the other carriage, looked around.

He didn’t seem to have spotted me yet because the carriage door was covering me which I had left open when I handed over the gifts to Knoxus, but I could see him clearly through the small window.

“Why are you looking for the Duke of Baloa?”

Cardan’s voice cooled at once.


The smiling crown prince was so rude. But the ensuing question was more rude than that.

“I was just wondering what she did alone in the carriage with Your Majesty on the way here.”

The warm spring air froze like frost in the freezing cold.

Under great pressure, Janet as well as the coachman standing a little far away were reeling.

If I hadn’t leaned on the wagon, I would have fainted to the ground.

Only Crown Prince Momad had an arrogant smile and straightened his back.

But he seemed to also be struggling judging from the slight tremor of his knees.

“………what does that mean?”

After an eternity, a sharp voice fell.

“Your Majesty knows better, doesn’t he?”

The crown prince pulled up one corner of his mouth.


As soon as Cardan took a step toward the crown prince, I sprang out like an arrow.

I didn’t have time to think.

Because I witnessed it once, I knew exactly what kind of energy Cardan is giving off now.


His energy was directed at a single target.

“Your Majesty!”

I succeeded in intervening between the two just before Cardan reached the crown prince.

But I collapsed right away.


I pride myself on being able to penetrate the aura.

This has happened to me before, but how can I dissuade him?

This is something I’ve never done before.

I couldn’t even swallow my breath because I felt like my body was going to be pierced.

I thought I could really die like this.

The pressure that held me up like a lie evaporated.


Someone hurriedly picked me up, as I lay on the ground like a doll with a fallen string.

Even in my blurred vision, Cardan’s features were visible.


The voice calling me was so stiff and urgent that it seemed like it was choking.

Even in my half-conscious state, I grabbed Cardan by the shoulder.

“Your Majesty…”

My voice sounded hoarse.

It was still difficult to see because of my blurred vision, but at first glance, Cardan’s face seemed to be crumpled.

“A diplomatic catastrophe…… You can’t…….”

If the crown prince of another country was killed by the emperor of the empire at a separate palace where they were supposed to be on vacation, Cardan would forever be recorded as a tyrant in history books.

And even if he was a real scoundrel, that was still absolutely unacceptable.

I pushed Cardan’s stiffened arm to stand up.

Yet Cardan didn’t budge an inch like a rock.

“What does diplomacy have to do with you when you’re hurt?”

His roughly chewed voice was dry enough to be rough.

Instinctively, I noticed. Cardan’s condition right now is at stake.

“Haha, it was Your Majesty who hurt me.”

I tried to make a lame joke to relax the mood, but the arm that held me only tightened around my body even more.


A low-pitched voice came out with a snap.

“So, it’s even more unforgivable.”

Feeling sorry at those words, I fumbled around Cardan’s arm.

“I’m fine. Maybe it’s because I already got hit by it once, so it’s less painful.”

Cardan’s face collapsed more horribly at my words.


He lifted my body lightly with a deep sigh.

“It’s all my karma.”

Mumbling incomprehensiblely, Cardan began to stride forward.

I glanced reflexively at where Janet was standing, but my vision was blurred and I couldn’t even recognize her expression.

“Stop worrying.”

Cardan whispered softly so that I could only hear it.

“I’ll do as you please for the rest of the week.”


“So for now, I’ll do what I want for now.”

In the end, I nodded a few times.

Not only was I powerless to protest, but Cardan’s arms surrounding me were too warm.

Perhaps that’s why, even though I knew everyone was watching, my head slowly fell on Cardan’s shoulder.

Eventually, I ended up being held in his arms.


“See, I was right, wasn’t I?”

The crown prince chinned at the receding back of Cardan.

Janet followed his back with her eyes, too.


She answered, however, in a firm voice.

“What do you mean by no? Trying to deny it doesn’t change anything.”

The crown prince chuckled.

“By the way, my aunt, did she think such a boring method would work?”

The crown prince stretched his stiff body.

Even though his body is stiff as soon as he got out of the carriage after sitting inside for several hours, it didn’t dampen his spirits because he was exhilarated from facing the Emperor’s energy.

“It’s better to have an all-out war. What is he doing in the dark?”

“No, you’re wrong, Brother.”

Prince Momad crumpled his forehead when she pointed out him, but Janet did not back down.

“I don’t know His Majesty…….”

Janet looked at the end of the document dangling in the Duke’s hand for the last time.

“But the Duke of Baloa is not like that. I’m sure they just worked in the carriage.”

She had no choice but to be sure.

Because she knew what the eyes of a woman in love looked like.

“That’s what it is. Work is work.”

Janet couldn’t bear to contradict.

They had high expectations of her, not only the royal family, but also her only aunt who was kind to her.

When she saw the expression the emperor made when the Duke collapsed, she lost confidence.

She felt a slight sense of uneasiness.

She’s afraid she’ll revert back to her useless and insignificant past self. She looked weak and couldn’t protect anything that was hers.

Even at this moment, Her brother, who is always confident, tried to take her share.

“Now that this is the case, it would be faster for me to target the Duke.”

Janet looked at her brother, who was smiling fishily, with anxious eyes.

“Don’t worry, I’m only going to scare her moderately.”


Erina quickly fell into his arms.

She held on to a document dearly.

She smiled normally and he couldn’t help but feel sorry, so he hurried to make her lie down comfortably.

However, when they arrived at the bedroom in the annex, he just hung around in front of the bed because he didn’t want to let go of Erina, who was quiet in his arms for some reason.

Fortunately, Erina seemed to be not very uncomfortable, so she only breathed evenly.

He was just standing and looking at it for a while as if he was possessed, but Erina’s breathing suddenly changed.


Erina groaned quietly as she narrowed her forehead as if she was having a nightmare.

The papers in her hand were crumpled.


Her rapid breath was like a faint sob.


In my sleep, the Duke of Baloa’s memory resurfaced like fragments.

The Duke was standing in front of the window in the dark. Her reflection in the window fluttered along with the candlelight in her hand.

I was able to recognize it because of the unique window frame.

The Duke of Baloa was standing in Eleanor’s bedroom in the Duke’s castle.

“Do you blame me?”

Asked the Duke of Baloa at once.

Of course there was no answer.

At the corner of the window, I could see Eleanor lying motionless on the bed.

“There’s no use complaining.”


“Unlike you, I have no regrets.”

The end of her voice that said so cracked slightly.

The Duke of Baloa murmured, looking down at her temple candle.

“Even if I ruin everything with my hands, I will never regret it.”

It was a cold voice, but somehow it seemed like the whisper of a person shaking in fear.

The resolution of a person who is struggling for fear that her regret will grow out of control and devour her.

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