That’s how her mother died. With her younger brother who never saw the light.

Her father fell into addiction to alcohol, and her brother, who witnessed everything, suffered from aphasia for a while.

The incident ruined everything, everyone.

Only Janet was unscathed.

So she couldn’t shed a tear even at her mother’s funeral.

The funeral was barely held months after the accident because of her father’s refusal to accept her mother’s death.

Even on the day of the funeral, her father appeared staggering, drunk and leaning on his aide, and as soon as he saw his mother’s coffin, her brother collapsed in a fit.

Only Janet, the youngest princess, stood up to the dignity of the royal family.

The whispers of the people around her echoed loudly in her ears.

“Yeah, the princess was a bit of a troublemaker.”

“I knew she’d have a big accident sometime.”

“It will all come back to her.”

After the ceremony, Janet stood blankly in front of her mother’s grave and muttered.

“It’s my fault.”

It was a voice that burst out without realizing it.

The word hung in her mouth like a parrot in the middle of everyone watching her.

“It was my fault. It was my fault. It’s my fault.”

At the same time, she couldn’t say anything to the people whispering behind her back.

Because she wants her mother back.

“Give her back.”

Then someone touched her shoulder.

It was her brother.

There was no focus in his eyes, his words slurred, but it was as clear from his grip on her shoulder.

“Because of you. Because of you, my mother…”

The little boy, muttering something unclear, soon grabbed Janet’s shoulder and shook her.

“It’s your fault, so give her back!”

Janet was shaken, and was squeezed and torn as her shoulder was wounded.

She really wanted to if she could. However, she couldn’t say anything and just shook because she was the youngest princess who couldn’t do anything.

Her brother’s eyes widened for a moment.

“Who are you to cry?”

When she blinked, tears fell as her brother said.

“It’s true.”

Janet touched her cheek with her hand in disbelief. There were hot tears on it. Perhaps because of the saltiness, her tears felt like they burned everywhere.

Just before being shaken by her brother’s hand again, someone grabbed her brother’s hand.

She slowly raised her head and her father was looking down at her.

Her father, who straightened his back, looked like a huge mountain. Just like before he was drunk and mourning. Just like that time when he lifted her with his bare arms and patted her shoulders, she felt like she was reaching for the sky.


But Janet’s words were eaten by the king’s cold scolding.

“Yes, it’s your fault.”

After a short word, her father turned around and took her brother’s hand.

With only her brother holding her father’s hand, he turned around once as if to peek at her.

Janet stumbled out of the Duke of Baloa’s room.

She cried in the arms of the Duke when she came to visit her. Indeed, she was definitely a nuisance.

While blaming herself like that, she couldn’t stop crying on the way back to her bedroom.

As for the one thing she cried a lot about, it was always the same before and after the accident.

“Madam, what’s going on?”

When she arrived in the bedroom, the maid ran in panic.

“No, look at your eyes. How did this happen!”

“No, nothing happened.”

Janet shook her head and forced herself to swallow her tears.

“I’m just, I’m just sorry I hurt the Duke. I just cried a bit because I was sorry.”

“Why are you so weak-hearted?”

The maid trembled and offered a cup of tea.

Janet, who took the glass and barely took a sip, soon made a deflating sound.

“I know. I’m being silly, too.”


“I just didn’t like it. I hated the fact that someone else was hurt because of me to the point where I cried.”

Like her mother. Like her younger brother.

……like Peter.

Peter was also the one who fell under a curse because of her.

Her father didn’t see her for so long that she didn’t even know how long it had been since the funeral.

It was a boating day when she saw her father’s face again. My nanny begged for a boat ride, so we finally did.

“Are you that excited?”

The nanny asked, combing her hair.

“Is it too obvious?”

“It’s written on your face. It’s written.”

The nanny smiled and carefully opened her mouth with a rather serious face.

“Don’t be too surprised if they treat the Princess differently than usual.”

The nanny swept her hair with a soft touch as if she had noticed Janet hardening her body.

“It’s because they’re still suffering from the memories of that time, but if they see your face often after some time, you’ll be able to get back to the way you used to be.”


Janet clenched her fist and vowed.

She won’t make a mistake today and she’ll be quiet like a princess.

As the nanny warned, her father was completely different from what she knew. The way he ignored her greeting without making eye contact was cold.

But Janet didn’t give up.

She couldn’t talk about swordsmanship with her father like her brother, or about hunting that they went to last time, but she tried to show her father a different attitude from before.

As before, she did not lean dangerously out of the boat to soak her hands in the water, nor did she go back and forth on the boat to see other scenery.

Like a princess, like an adult. Her every action was cautious.

So she didn’t hear her father’s worried warning that she would have heard at least once before this outing.

If the boat hadn’t suddenly rocked, the boat ride might have ended well.

But as soon as the boat shook, my brother pushed her back and she fell into the lake.

She struggled.

She struggled desperately at first to live, not to sink below the surface.

However, as soon as she saw her father’s insensitive face, who only looked at her while clutching her brother’s shoulder, her whole body became exhausted.

Janet couldn’t close her eyes even as she sank to a frightening depth.

The thought of her father’s face engraved on her eyes would come back to mind whenever she closed it, so she looked at the bottom of the boat that was gradually moving away with her eyes wide open.

From the boat’s bottom, she saw a small shadow swimming in the water 

The boat’s bottom made of wooden planks. Small bubbles splash in the water. Clear sunlight.

She’s glad the scenery she saw at the end was pretty.

The moment she thought so, the sunlight disappeared. And there were arms stretched towards her and beckoning at her.

Janet realized it again when she held the hand holding her without hesitation.

Actually, she didn’t want to die. Actually, she really, really wanted to live.

Her father, who lost her mother and brother because of her, and her brother may be dumbfounded.

She really, really, really wants to live.

No matter how scary her father is, she doesn’t want to not see him forever.

So as soon as Peter pulled her up to the surface, her tears began to flow.

Disgraceful tears poured out, completely forgetting the notion of acting like an adult, gentle princess.

Her eyes were red and bloodshot.

She doesn’t want anyone to see her hateful ugly face anymore.

She should see her father with a smile.

She was determined to do so, but the surface of the lake was once again disturbed as when Peter jumped in.

They sank again when an oar that cut the current fiercely hit Peter’s head.

By the time they finally surfaced again, the boat had long since departed.

Leaving her and Peter in the middle of the lake.

Peter, who didn’t give up on her, saved her life.

However, unlike her, who is fine without any damage, Peter, who was hit by an oar, eventually became blind in one eye.

That day, Peter Arthur Van’s brilliant future died.

Although he was appointed as her escort as his reward for saving the princess, it was a demotion.

Despite being her dedicated escort knight, he is often called first for dirty, unsavory tasks.

Janet had no power to protect Peter, overshadowing the words of his master.

So Janet realized earlier.

Anyone who gets involved with her dies.

No matter how kind her mother is and how capable Peter is, they will be cursed just for being with her.

Maybe that’s why she thinks sometimes.

Her aunt, who became the Empress Dowager of the Hithronian Empire, chose her not because she was the only single lady in the Eslandic royal family, but because she believed in rumors about the cursed Janet.

She wants her curse to be transferred to the emperor of the empire and his life line to be cut off without having to touch it.

“And yet…….”

Janet murmured as she gathered her knees together and drew herself together.

“I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me.”


On the day of my scheduled date with Prince Momad, I suddenly headed to Janet’s room.

“Can I borrow your dress?”

I smiled sweetly at Janet, who widened her rabbit’s eyes in surprise.

“It’s my second date with Crown Prince Momad today. I want to show him a pretty look, but I don’t have the right clothes.”

“You’re going on a date with my brother again?”

As her wide-open eyes got bigger, her eyeballs seemed about to pop out as if they were going to spill right away.

“Yes. I think the last date was a bit disappointing in many ways, right?”

I’ve been beaten from start to finish.

“I’m fully prepared for this date so that I don’t have any regrets. But when I thought about it, I didn’t prepare the most basic dress.”


Janet wiggled her hand a few times and opened her mouth.

“Can’t you just not go on a date?”

Her voice asking carefully showed signs of concern.

“Why? We came to the Star Palace after a long time, so it’s too unfortunate if we go back without enjoying a proper date.”

Janet rolled her eyes around and grabbed my hand.

“Rather! Why don’t you go on a date with me?”

The she even crossed their arms as if she was afraid I will run away.

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