“I’ll have fun with you! Let’s take a walk together, drink tea in front of the lake, and arrange flowers.”

“Haha. Madam should get on a date with His Majesty

“Ah……, yes. I have a date with His Majesty again today.”

Janet, who was visibly disappointed, sighed. I took advantage of the gap and quickly pulled my arm out of her grasp.

“Of course. Are you looking forward to what kind of date you’re going to have with him today?”

“Well, yes….”

I felt like I had to whip Cardan.

Janet is pouting instead of being excited about her date.

Yeah, if he followed my script, there wouldn’t be this problem.

I blamed Cardan inside and quickly moved my feet toward Janet’s closet.

“So, you’re lending me your dress, aren’t you?”

I opened the closet door without hesitation before Janet could refuse.

“You can give me any dress that you don’t wear very often because it might get ruined during our date.”

I was looking around the closet looking for a suitable dress, but my chin and my arm were caught.

When I turned around, Janet looked up at me with a grim expression.

“Just leave it to me.”

Almost an hour after that I was still stuck in the closet.

“Oh, this looks so pretty on you. Try it on.”

“………I’ve already changed five clothes”

It was all because Janet was burning with passion, that even Madam Rosette would be moved.

“No, well, you don’t know until you try it on. Like last time. The sleeves were short when you tried them on.”

“It’s okay if the sleeves are a little short…”

But Janet, who did not reply, started taking off my dress again.


Janet, who hummed and took off all my clothes leaving only a thin schmitz, looked around and hugged my waist.

Just looking at her blankly, wondering what she was doing, Janet buried her face on my shoulder as if she was encouraged.

“I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but the Duke smells pleasant. The scent of lilac.”

I tried to remove Janet, who was eagerly sniffing the soap scent provided by the Star palace, but she muttered lowly.

“My mother smelled like lilac, too.”

For a moment, Janet rubbed her cheek on my shoulder like a child, so I stopped and hardened my body.

I slowly swept Janet’s head with my hand pushing her away.

It was a long time before I finally spoke.

“Do you want to come see me? Date.”

I swept Janet’s hair again and smiled.

“I’m going to go boating. You can just watch with His Majesty from the side.”

It was clear that if Cardan heard about the date, she’d hear something, but when I saw Janet’s bright smile, I didn’t mind his nagging at all.

Maybe it’s because I learned that she almost drowned in the lake because of Prince Momad when she was young. In revenge for Janet as well as for myself, I thought I should succeed.


“You’ve been waiting for a long time, haven’t you?”

I went down to the boat where Crown Prince Momad was waiting, lifting the hem of my skirt.

“I’ve been waiting a little bit, but……?”

The crown prince, who was responding sharply, widened his eyes as he saw my outfit.

“Hoho, it took me a while to dress up to look good for the crown prince.”

The large inflated pannier with balloon-like sleeves seemed to be behind the trend, but the reaction of the crown prince, who blinked his eyes in a daze, seemed to be noteworthy.

“No, you’re late because of your dress. A gentleman should understand.”

The crown prince bent down and held out his hand.

“Shall we go, my lady?”

“Oh-ho. Oh-ho. Thank you.”

The puffy sleeves slapped Momad on the cheek as I stirred my arm before gently putting my hand on the hand he reached out. But he led me with a determined face, pretending nothing happened.

As we got on the ferry, Momad raised the oars without hesitation.

“I’ll stir it. The lady should just relax and enjoy the view of the lake.”

I was moved to tears.

“Of course, I thought you would leave one side for me to paddle. That’s very gentlemanly.”

Momad smiled coolly as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

“How would you row with that slender arm? Leave it to me.”

“Right? It’s ridiculous to row with this arm, isn’t it?”

When I saw Janet and Cardan arriving at the lake, my voice automatically grew.

When I changed their date schedule from looking around a nearby brewery to taking a walk by the lake, Cardan, who was happy just to walk, looked incredulous as soon as he found me.

Janet, on the other hand, waved brightly at me.

She was cute as she jumped trying to say hello, so I smiled without realizing it.

“Stir a little more vigorously. Vigorously.”

I beckoned Momad.

“I have a bet with the madam about whose date was more enjoyable later.”

Momad, who glanced at the two people standing by the lake, clenched his teeth and began rowing.

Thanks to this, we were able to get far out in an instant.

I pulled a plug from the bottom of the boat pretending to pick up a handkerchief when I thought it was far enough.

It’s perfect.

Water began to leak little by little from the hole that had been drilled in advance.

Then, I waited until the water was full enough to lock my toes and stand up.

“Oh, my!”

The boat shook dangerously and water rushed into it all at once.

“Look at this water!”

“Oh my!”

The crown prince trembled more embarrassed than I was.

“W, what’s this?”

While the crown prince was jumping up and down, I secretly pushed the oar he had let go into the lake.

“No, no!”

Momad, who belatedly noticed the oars drifting away, flew as if about to throw himself out of the boat, but the oars had already sunk.

“Kyaaa! There’s no paddle! It looks like we’re going to sink like this!”

With a shy scream, I slapped the crown prince on the arm.

Before I knew it, the water was up to my shins.

At this rate, it was only a matter of time before the boat sank.

I slapped the crown prince’s chest a few more times, sniffing fake tears.

“Prince, do you know how to swim?”

I could tell the answer just by looking at Momad’s face, which became whiter than a piece of paper.

Looking at his eyes eroded by fear, it seemed that the only thing he was afraid of is water.


“Oh, my.”

I smiled inwardly, then I spotted an unusual movement by the lake in the distance.

Before I knew it, Cardan, who had taken off his jacket, was even taking off his shoes.

“That’s not….”

An ominous premonition came upon me.

The crown prince also began to shake his hands as if he had found the figure.

“Here! Here! Here!”

You can’t sprinkle ashes on cooked rice like this.*

(t/n: She meant he should not ruin her plan like this)

“Your Majesty!”

I took a deep breath and roared.

“Please keep safe! Please don’t mind your humble subjects and preserve your precious body! Even if this boat sinks, we cannot allow a drop of water on the hem of Your Majesty’s robe!”

Cardan, who was about to jump into the water, stopped because of my voice, as if I’ve gone mad.

I couldn’t see his face because it was far away, but he must have had an aghast look in his face.

“What’s wrong with you?”

At the same time, Momad, who grabbed my shoulder, began to tremble.

“Why stop someone who wants to help us!”

With a grim expression on my face, I put my hand on my chest.

“Even if I sink into the cold lake and die, I just want to keep my loyalty to His Majesty pure.”


Momad pushed me away and began to beckon Cardan again.

“Here! Here! Help!”

But Cardan had already picked up his shoes.

As the water was knee-deep, the crown prince immediately breathed as if he was going to faint.

I’m in trouble if he faints like this.

“Look over there! Help is coming!”

I pointed to Knoxus who appeared on the boat that I had prepared in advance. As instructed in advance, the boat where Knoxus was approached quickly.

“Are you all right, Master?”

“Come on, come on!”

The crown prince beckoned Knoxus more than I did.

“Stop moving.”

As soon as Knoxus’ ship got closer, the crown prince grabbed his shoulder to get on.

“No matter how much life is at stake, don’t tell me you’re planning to get on before a lady?”

I blinked and looked up at the crown prince with a pitiful expression.

His eyes shook violently and he swallowed his saliva so hard that his throat was shaking.

“Oh, no. Of course, we have to let the lady ride first.”

While reluctantly helping me get on first, the crown prince’s expression rotted even more.

No wonder, because as soon as I got on, Knoxus’ boat was filled of my dress without a place to set foot.

“Excuse me for a moment.”


I stopped the crown prince immediately when he tried to climb up.

“This is a borrowed dress. It can’t be stepped on. Prince, just ride the next one, okay?”

“What, what, what do you mean!”

The crown prince ended up exploding. I lightly waved at the crown prince, whose neck even turned white.

“A dress is more important than life for a lady. Let’s go, Knoxus.”

Knoxus, who stirred the oars vigorously at my command, gave the Crown Prince his last present.


The crown prince, who was smacked on the shin with an oar, was thrown into the lake.

“Argh! Help me! Ackkk, ugh ahh!”

I left the madly floundering crown prince, pretending not to know.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. A swordmaster wouldn’t die if he drank a bit of lake water.

It would be just as fair if he drank as much water as I drank when I fell into the lake while hunting in the past.

It would be great if he could drink Janet’s share on top of that.

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