“Have you lost your mind!”

“Oh my gosh.”

As soon as we reached the shore of the lake, I was greeted by Cardan’s threatening voice.

I felt the urge to board Knoxus’ ship again, but Knoxus had already left to pick up the crown prince.

“Why is the patient who was supposed to lie quietly in a bed, not in bed but in the lake instead?”

I scratched my head.

“It’s been a long time since I came to the villa, but it’s unfair if only Your Majesty goes on a date.”

“That’s what you’re talking about—”

Cardan, who cut me off roughly, took a threatening step toward me.

I flinched unconsciously, but someone stepped in between us and blocked Cardan’s way.

It was Janet.

“D, don’t bother our Duke.”

As if she was afraid of Cardan, Janet hugged me while her whole body was trembling.

I quickly winked at Cardan.

It was a sign that since the concubine was trembling with fear, he should do something quickly.


Cardan was so exasperated to the point that he seemed speechless.

Fortunately, Jane calmed down after I tapped her back a few times. It was quite cute to see her sniffling and burying herself in my arms.

But in a moment, the arm that was wrapped around my waist was torn off.

Janet, who was quickly taken away by Cardan, looked at him with rabbit eyes.

“Y, Your Majesty…?”

Cardan, who managed to conceal his expression, smiled softly.

“I think you’re very surprised, so you’d better go back to the separate palace now.”

Fortunately, Janet’s shoulders, which had shrunk due to tension, loosened a bit, as if Cardan’s smile might have worked.

Cardan, who noticed this, glanced at the old maid waiting in the distance, so I opened my mouth with reluctance.

“As expected, Your Majesty is full of consideration and kindness! His kindness is as beautiful as his face.”

The corners of Cardan’s mouth, which was pulled up beautifully, began to twitch dangerously.

Before Cardan lost his reason, I quickly pushed Janet on the back. If Cardan threatens me here again, she might get hurt.

“Go ahead. I’ll be right with you to return your dress.”

After sending Janet, I spoke to Cardan to calm him down.

“I didn’t forget Your Majesty’s request. I was really intending to lie down quietly after I properly humiliated the Crown Prince. Since I have achieved my purpose, I will not cause any accidents anymore and stay in my room for the rest of our stay.”

The moment Cardan’s lips parted while listening to me in silence, I flinched without realizing it. I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of nagging, right?

Contrary to my concerns, however, Cardan sighed as he brushed his hair over.

“Never mind. How can I stop the Duke?”

I grinned at Cardan’s expression, whose anger eased a little.

“……I guess so, right? I’m the kind of person who can’t be stopped.”

Cardan burst out laughing at my brazen answer. And patted my head gently with his big hand.

I blinked at his sudden touch, then a low voice fell over my head.

“Yes, so continue doing it like you did today. If you want to cause an accident, do it right in front of my eyes. Like last time……”

His soft voice snapped sharply.

“Don’t get hurt in my absence.”

The hand that patted my hair touched my earlobe. Heat rose up everywhere he touched. The unfamiliar sensation made me take a step back.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Cardan lowered his hand with a bitter smile at my stiff answer.

I felt terrible for no reason.

But before I could think further, Cardan got down on one knee with his back turned in front of me.

As soon as I looked at him wondering what this was, Cardan looked back as if he was frustrated.

“What are you doing? Get on my back now.”


“The water is touching your wound so it should be stinging now.”

How did you find out?

I was surprised by Cardan, who noticed it like a ghost, and asked me to carry me on his back.

“T, thank you.”

“Wearing this sort of dress. Heavy.”

The hand that supported me while he grumbled was very careful.

At this point, I had no choice but to know. That his grumbling was actually all a show.

It’s Cardan’s consideration to make me, who feels uncomfortable, feel comfortable after receiving his help.

“Oh, if I’m heavy, please put me down. How dare I put a stain on your precious back?”

Knowing that, I had no choice but to play along. I know it’s shameless, but I don’t have the confidence to completely cut off Cardan.

“Yes. Be grateful if you know.”

And I know that Cardan will always be a part of this chaotic performance.

I let go of Cardan’s broad back, sweeping away my throbbing heart for some reason.

(t/n: ahhhhhhhh ಥ_ಥ)


“In the end, Momad worked it out.”

By candlelight, the Empress Dowager smiled softly as she burned a note from the separate palace.

“Shall we send them a message to leave now?”

The empress waved her hand at the chief maid who asked carefully.

“No. I think it’s okay to let the Duke of Baloa play with him in moderation.”

The head maid, who nodded, added one more remark.

“There is also news that the concubine has become psychologically dependent on the Duke of Baloa. Is it okay to leave it like this?”

“There’s no reason not to be okay.”

The lady-in-waiting pursed her lips at the calm answer of the Empress Dowager.

“Isn’t it a big deal if she falls for the Duke’s temptation?”

“Not at all. Peter’s fate is at stake, so Janet won’t be able to do anything rashly.”

The Empress Dowager tilted her head as she tapped her finger on the desk.

“In addition, it doesn’t matter if Janet actually decides to betray us and help the Duke.”

“What do you mean by that?”

The maid blinked in surprise. Janet was a child whom the Empress Dowager had handpicked to join the royal family.

The Duke of Baloa’s reign is so renowned that everyone in the empire knows it. If Janet loses the throne due to the Duke’s influence, everything could end up down the drain.

“Janet, what does she know about our plans?”

The lady-in-waiting, who had been thinking carefully, widened her eyes gradually in surprise.

“That she should acquaint herself with His Majesty…… That’s all she knows……?”

The Empress nodded.

“Furthermore, I didn’t tell the king of Esland all about my plan, but Janet did it all.”


“The child only knows what she has to do, and if the Duke tries to take her over, there will be no harvest.”

When the maid tilted her head as if she was still unsure, the Empress Dowager looked up.

“Janet is just a pawn.”


“Even if she decides to betray us, a child as soft-hearted and indecisive as Janet will eventually show her thoughts on her face.”

The maid had no choice but to agree with this remark.

The concubine was not a child who could be proficient at lying or come up with a clever trick.

It was clear that if she tried to betray them, she would be found out soon.

“I picked her because she was that kind of child. She’s that easy to use.”

The Empress Dowager smirked at the sight of the maid nodding slowly.

“Then did you choose her in hopes that she would really seduce the emperor?”

The Empress Dowager shook her hands as if she had nothing more to say.

“They just have to interact moderately. The emperor gets along with the new concubine. That’s Janet’s role.”

“I understand.”

The maid bowed her head.

She realized it again. She was closest to the Empress Dowager, yet she probably doesn’t know her whole plan either.

On this huge chessboard, everyone is a chess piece, and the only person who knows the whole picture will be the Empress Dowager.

“So what shall we do with the letter from Sir Peter Arthur Van? I was supposed to deliver a letter to the concubine every week, but, as you know, Lord Arthur Van was not in a condition to send a letter…….”

“That is indeed the case. He’s doing his duty at Lores. Why was he so careless?”

The Empress Dowager clicked her tongue in annoyance.

“Write a letter to Janet in moderation by imitating his handwriting. After all, Janet is not a smart kid enough to even notice that.”


Janet read the letter again and again, biting her nails.

The content was mediocre.

A letter asking about her well-being in just a few short lines, then a few more lines saying he’s doing well. It was embarrassing to even call it a letter.

It was a letter that would not have been written by a silent and blunt Peter.

Therefore as soon as she read the letter, Janet felt something was wrong.

“……Then, I will reduce the number of our letters, looking forward to the day when I meet the princess in person again.”

Janet whispered the last sentence of the letter over and over again.

It was a statement that tickled her heart.

If only Peter had really written it.

But she knew Peter well. Peter never talked about the future. No promises, no assumptions, no wishes were expressed.

Peter kept his distance in this way. He drew the line so that she wouldn’t leave a small place for him in the future.

So when he asked to meet one day, Janet had no choice but to be sure.

“This is not Peter.”

When she said it out loud, fear bit her neck like a tiger.

“W, what should I do?”

Who can she ask for help?

The Empress Dowager?

However, the person who delivered this letter was none other than her maid, her henchman.

“Sir Arthur Van is doing well.”

It was clear that what she said while handing over the letter was a lie.

It was right that she was her benefactor who gave her a second chance. She also promised to withdraw Peter, who was transferred to Lores.

But now she couldn’t get rid of the feeling that she was hiding something.

Janet squeezed her trembling hand.

“Where to find help…?”

Suddenly, the Duke of Baloa came to mind.

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