Wouldn’t the Duke of Baloa help her?

The Duke of Baloa is a nicer person than anyone else.

Just like how she saved her from the hounds……. She thinks she’ll help her this time, too.

Janet shook her head soon after.

“Let’s not be stupid.”

Not only did the Duke of Baloa have no way of knowing about Lores, but the Empress Dowager repeatedly asked her to keep Peter a secret.

If people learn about Peter’s existence, they will create all sorts of scandalous rumors about the princess having a special relationship with her knight.

Then it would be difficult to ingratiate herself with the emperor, and she would never complete the task given to her.

So she deliberately lied to the Duke that Peter was dead.

“Don’t be silly.”

Janet murmured, rubbing the tears that had begun to flow.

After much thought, Janet eventually moved into Momad’s room.

“Help me.”

This word popped up out of nowhere.

Cold sweat began to flow from her as her brother glared at her.

He was in a pleasant mood before, but he’s been in a foul mood since he fell into the lake.


She couldn’t speak well because she felt like she was about to choke.

“Tell me about Peter, please.”

When there was no answer, Janet grabbed her brother’s hand.

Momad freaked out as if he had touched dirt, so she quickly let go of his hand, but Janet did not give up.

“I know Brother knows. News from Lores…….”

Momad raised his eyebrows.

“If I tell you, what can you do for me?”

“Anything. I’ll do anything.”

Momad’s face was filled with a frighteningly satisfying smile as she spoke without breathing.

“Do as I tell you on the day of the banquet and I’ll let you know. News about Peter.”

When she saw Momad’s dangerous glistening eyes, she had a hunch that she had fallen into a trap.

But there was no other way.

“What do I have to do at the banquet……?”

Momad waved his hands.

“There’s nothing difficult about it. All you have to do is put something in the Duke’s drink.”

“The Duke of Baloa?”

She naturally clenched her fist. Momad smirked as he glanced at the back of her white hand.

“Why? You don’t think you can do it?”

Janet bit her lip.

Her stomach felt heavy.

How much has she owed to the Duke of Baloa?

She could still clearly see the Duke covering her from the hounds with a desperate face.

But she had to repay her grace with revenge.

But in the end, Janet had no choice but to slowly open her mouth.

“No, I’ll do it.”

Because he couldn’t give up on Peter.

Momad laughed fishily.

“It’s nothing. It’s just a drug that amplifies the effect of alcohol.”


“I’ll only humiliate her in moderation.”


As promised, I stayed in the room quietly for the rest of my stay at the annex.

It was a very leisurely day except for her receiving reports of the dating situation through Knoxus and processing some documents.

“Is this a letter from the prince of the East Continent?”

A few days ago, I received a letter saying that Lady Treve had finally left for the East continent.

As expected, about half of the letters were letters of gratitude for taking good care of Lady Treve.

“Whew. What have I done?”

All I did was gather up clothes made of taraka silk with Cardan’s money.

I rubbed my nose and smiled happily.

Turning to the next page, unexpected contents appeared.

【The slave that the Duke asked me to take care of ran away. I understand that he is the son of Count Linoa, who is quite close to the Duke, so I am sorry.】

“Tut tut. I even asked for his convenience, but he ran away. It’s a disgrace for the country.”

I picked my ears.

“Oh, Count Linoa will come back crying again.”

【I’ve asked people to track him down, but I’ve only heard that he’s already boarded a ship bound for the Western wasteland.】

“He managed to get on a ship without money.”

【These days, more and more people are visiting cities from the wilderness of the West among the aristocrats of the East, so it’s likely that he escaped by joining them. The wasteland city is a lawless area, so it is said that they can enjoy all kinds of illegal pleasures, so I think he left for that.】

“The news of the wasteland city has spread to the East continent.”

I folded my arms.

I couldn’t get involved because it was outside imperial territory, but reports were posted from time to time.

There’s a city in the wilderness where criminals live.

Cities outside the national constraints were operating according to their own laws, so it might be natural that all kinds of illegal things were rampant.

The problem is that there are quite a few people who are easily caught up in such illegal entertainment.

Like the eldest son of Count Linoa.

【I don’t think there’s a need to worry, because even in the West wasteland, no one would treat the count’s son recklessly.】

“I’m not worried about Harvey. It’s because I’m worried about Count Linoa.”

I folded the letter thinking that I should meet Count Linoa as soon as I got back to the palace.

Then someone knocked on the door.

Madame Rosette stood in front of me when I opened the door.

“Huh…? Madame, what are you doing here…….”

“What do you mean by what?”

Madame Rosette walked past me and began to stir the room.

Her hand gestures made the assistants move in precise order.

“This is not the time to be like this!”

I was almost dragged around for a moment because I was stunned by her fierce stare.

“First of all, I’ll help you with the dress fitting.”

But she came to her senses when Madame Rosette held out a dark purple dress.

It was a very familiar dress.

The dress that caught my eye at once when I visited the boutique to pick a present for Janet.

A dress that was pretty enough for me to want to buy despite being broke.

The dress was still pretty.

And I was still broke.

“Madam Rosette! I never ordered this dress!”

I didn’t have the money to buy this, to be exact.

But Madame Rosette pushed me recklessly toward the dressing room.

“You ordered it then. You asked me to charge the expenses to the emperor’s palace.”

Did I do all that bullshit? My conscience wasn’t so great so I was confused.

But before I could think further, I was caught by Madame Rosette’s assistants and couldn’t move.

“There’s no time for delay.”

Madame Rosette took my clothes off with a flick of her finger.

“We’re running out of time for the banquet.”

“Banquet? I’m not coming to the banquet……?”

As soon as I saw myself in the mirror, my weak protest sank right in.

“You’re not intending to attend the banquet? I’m sure His Majesty—”

“No, I’ll go.”

I grabbed the mirror.

“It’s so pretty. I have to go.”

It was exactly what I imagined.

A faint light shimmered through the deep purple and mysterious gray. It was so soft to touch that I felt like I was walking in a purple cloud.

As the intense dress mingled with the cool features of the Duke of Baloa, I felt dazzlingly ecstatic in front of the mirror.

“It would be nice to have matching accessories.”

“Of course.”

At my faint murmur, Madame Rosette immediately flicked her finger at her assistants.

In an instant, various ornaments were placed in front of me.

I chose a few things as if I was possessed.

“Oh, the Duke’s eye is really impressive.”

Madame Rosette clapped her hands.

“This necklace is made of purple diamonds and platinum. Purple diamonds are especially beautiful as they are precious.”

“It must be expensive…”


I shook my head quickly as Madame Rosette, who was about to hang the diamond around my neck, paused.

“No. You can charge the cost to the emperor’s palace.”

Hmm. Well, that’s enough to be called embezzlement.

Who made me a beggar?

The complete appearance of accessories, makeup, and hair made me hum.

I didn’t know it before, but enjoying Ropan with other people’s money was also quite a different charm.

Perhaps because it was an opportunity that would never happen again, it was more thrilling to pay with other people’s money.

“Yes. If it wasn’t for this face, who would do Ropan?”

As I examined my appearance in the mirror, I fell into ecstasy.

“Isn’t it fair to say that I’m a magnificent beauty? What do you think, Madame Rosette? Madam, what do you think, really?

However, Madame Rosette, who was supposed to play the role of patronizing next to her, had no answer.

I finally took my eyes off the mirror and looked around.

Until a while ago, Madame Rosette and her assistants, who were hovering around me, had disappeared.

“It’s blinding.”

Instead, Cardan was leaning against the door.

It was obvious that he was making fun of me by raising the corners of his mouth, but I decided to be brazen.


I raised my chin as I patted myself in the mirror.

“I’m more beautiful than Your Majesty because I’m decorated like this.”


Cardan smirked and took the hair off my cheek.

As his fingertips brushed my cheek, I slightly bit the flesh of my mouth.

Although I said nonsense that I was prettier, Cardan’s appearance in a tailcoat with his hair neatly put back is so handsome that looking at him made me regret it.

When I realized that, I took a step back without realizing it.

“What about Janet?”

“She said she would attend the banquet with Crown Prince Momad today.”

I belatedly remembered wearing makeup after I hit my forehead and regretted it.

“How much did she hate Your Majesty to attend the banquet with her brother who pushed her into the lake? Are you sure you went on a proper date?”

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