“I know you get reports from your aide regularly.”

He must have known that I had been watching him using Knoxus.


I was so embarrassed that I coughed in vain.

The report I received through Knoxus was praiseworthy.

It had been a long time since I heard that Janet was so into Cardan, who constantly showers her with all sorts of obnoxious compliments and praise.

At this rate, it seemed only a matter of time before they could turn Janet to their side.

“I’m planning to check it with my own eyes today.”

“Ah. I’ll have to stay alert.”

Cardan naturally began to escort me.

Before I knew it, Cardan was leading me skillfully, his hands around my waist.

I trembled when I leaned on his hand without realizing it.

Don’t get caught up in his pace like this.

For both me and Cardan.

“I don’t think you’re good enough yet, so you must dance to three songs with Janet today.”

“I just have to dance to three songs, right?”

The sight of Cardan answering slowly made me feel uneasy for no reason.

I hasten to add before he could say anything else.

“I’m not going to dance today. My legs are still recovering, so I don’t think I can dance.”

In fact, I avoided Cardan by making excuses for a wound that had already healed.

“That’s too bad.”

I shrugged at Cardan’s simple answer.

“There’s nothing to regret. I’m planning to attend anyway so I can have an expensive drink.”

Strangely, however, my steps towards the banquet hall slowed down.

I no longer feel a desire to attend this banquet.

I’m sure I was very excited about showing off my dress a while ago.

A self-deprecating laugh flowed out.

It’s not like I’m playing drums and percussion by myself.

It was very unseemly for me to be excited then disappointed.

“Is there a problem?”

When he saw my expression, I purposely raised my eyes in a funny way at Cardan, who asked carefully.

“Instead, I’ll keep an eye on Your Majesty to see if you’re doing it right, so don’t try to fool me.”

“Who the hell is the servant and who is the Emperor?”

Cardan smirked and patted my forehead with a laugh.

“Okay, stop staring at me. My eyes are going to fall.”

My hand was burning and I ended up closing my eyes tightly.

As soon as we arrived at the banquet hall, as he had promised, Cardan left to find Janet.

When I was left alone in the corner, I felt uneasy and picked up a champagne glass first.

“Expensive alcohol is also delicious.”

But as I tried to sip my drink alone among the dancing couples, my mood got worse and worse.

I emptied the champagne glass quickly, but rather than feeling better, my chest tightened more.

“Is the air murky?”

I started walking towards the exit, muttering about nothing.

For a moment, I didn’t want to be in this banquet hall anymore, overshadowing my declaration to Cardan that I would watch him.

But when I was about to leave the banquet hall, someone grabbed me by the arm.

“The Duke of Baloa.”

It was Janet.

I was a bit taken aback by her being alone, but I quickly smiled.

“Oh, are you looking for His Majesty?”

I was looking through the banquet hall quickly for Cardan, who was one head taller than others, but Janet shook her head.

“No. I want to get some air outside, but I think the Duke is also heading out, so I want to join you.”

Clearly, Janet didn’t look well.

But I can’t drag her out of the banquet hall, because she needs to dance with Cardan.

“Shall we get some fresh air on the terrace?”

“A, all right.”

Janet nodded and pushed urgently.

“You can step out on the terrace first. I’ll bring you a drink right away.”

“I don’t need a drink…”

I tried to dissuade Janet by saying that she didn’t have to, but she had already disappeared.

When I had no choice but to go to the terrace first, the cool night breeze welcomed me.

“I think I’m going to live a bit better now.”

When I took a deep breath, my stuffy chest was relieved a little.

Then, I followed Janette, who was following the waiter’s tail to get a drink in the banquet hall.

“Thank you for taking care of me like this.”

My small murmur stopped when I found Cardan looking through every corner of the banquet hall in the distance.

When Cardan’s eyes finally reached Janet, who succeeded in taking a glass from the waiter, I grabbed the balcony railing without realizing it.

But Cardan turned his eyes away, turning a blind eye to Janet. The sight loosened my grip on the railing.

A disheartened laugh came out.

“I have no answer either.”

I turned my head from the banquet hall with a frustrated heart again.

Soon after, Janet’s voice was heard from behind.

“It took a long time, didn’t it? I’m sorry.”

Janet apologized as she held out a wine glass.

She must have been very sorry for being a little late, because her face was very teary and her hands were shaking.

“It didn’t take that long. What are you saying?”

I took the glass in a hurry before she spilled the wine.

But her expression didn’t relax.

“I’m so…… I’m so sorry.”

“No, I’ll drink it well.”

I hurriedly took a sip of the wine to reassure Janet.

However, contrary to my intention, as soon as I drank the bitter drink, Janette turned white.

“I forgot something, so I’ll be right back.”

Then she stuttered and ran back into the banquet hall.

“Where are you going?”

Her trembling appearance was strange, so I stretched out my arm to hold her, but my head twitched for a moment.

When I regained consciousness, I was lying on the terrace floor.


He found Janet at once.

However, he just looked around the banquet hall pretending he didn’t because he wanted to annoy the Duke of Baloa for no reason.

Unfortunately, the Duke, who said she had her eyes open for him and threatened to keep an eye on him, just stood in a daze in the corner of the banquet hall.

He was worried about her, who didn’t look very well, so he tried to approach her, but Janet struck first.

Unfortunately, Erina’s expression improved as soon as she saw Janet.

Watching them crookedly, Janet dragged Erina to the terrace. Then she came out again and took a glass of alcohol.

It was not a secret meeting, yet their behavior was so annoying.

But he can’t just blindly open the terrace door.

Cardan turned his eyes away, clenching his jaws.

His determination not to care whether the two are in a secret meeting or in a relationship was brutally broken when Janet ran out of the terrace, pale.

It was suspicious to anyone to see Janet hiding in the corner of the banquet hall as if avoiding the Duke.

Unknowingly, he rushed toward the terrace.

However, as he crossed the center of the banquet hall, nobles began to follow him.

“Your Majesty! You were here.”

“Can I talk to you about the territorial issue for a moment?”

“My family recently started a new business…….”

Since the return of the Duke of Baloa, the nobles have gathered around him without hesitation, perhaps because there have been rumors that the tyrant’s temper has died down.

Far away, Crown Prince Momad headed to the terrace first.

“Damn it.”

Expletive words sprang out of his mouth.

He was already running when he realized.

When he arrived at the terrace, the crown prince was forcing Erina to stand up on the terrace.

“Take that hand off.”

He approached with a small shout.

“Get lost.”

Erina, who was limping on the floor, suddenly swung her arms and slapped the crown prince on the cheek.


Erina found Cardan while the embarrassed crown prince was backing away.

Then she called him with a big smile.


When Erina, who stood up staggering, hugged his waist, Cardan stiffened himself.

When Erina rubbed her face on his chest a few times, the makeup came out like a ghost picture on his tailcoat, but Cardan just watched without doing anything.

“I feel dizzy. I want to go back.”

Erina, who proudly declared, stopped making the ghost painting on his clothes and stared up at him.

“I don’t want to walk. Hug me.

“You, you crazy—!”

Cardan immediately hugged Erina before the Crown Prince rushed in.

Erina sighed and held her head as she could not see the face of the crown prince, who was red with anger.

“Let’s hurry up, Cardan. I think I’m about to throw up after seeing the ugly Crown Prince horse’s face any longer.”

“What, what…?”

The crown prince froze as it was, apparently shocked by the acrimonious evaluation

Cardan smirked.

“Yes, let’s go back.”

Erina scratched her head as she passed the crown prince, who was still frozen in shock.

“I’m sorry to tell you the truth that you’re ugly. Now, this is a gift.”

Then she placed the wine glass in her other hand on his head as if it were a cone hat.

As the wine flowed down over his face, the crown prince, who barely came to his senses, rushed in with a shriek that was close to a scream.


“Excuse me for a moment.”

Just before the crown prince reached them, Cardan skillfully locked the terrace door. With a dull noise, he stepped behind the violently shaking terrace door.

Leaving the disturbance behind, he managed to get out of the banquet hall when he heard a sigh of murmur in his ear.

“Ha… I really shouldn’t play with you.”

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