Days went by without much progress.

I wrote down the facts I’d found so far with my fingers on the dirt floor.

Bread was distributed at the same time three times a day.

Judging from the location of the sun, it was approximately 6 a.m., 12 p.m., and 6 p.m.

Therefore, the administration of the antidote was carried out every six hours.

If it wasn’t for the weak headache every morning, I would have had no symptoms to the point where I thought I would have not taken poison.

I circled 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on the soil.

“It’s weird no matter how much I think about it.”

An antidote should be administered every six hours. There was a 12-hour interval between dinner and breakfast.

“But I don’t hear rumors that people are dying overnight.”

“Why? What’s the problem?”

Avoiding Sally, who came unexpectedly, I hurriedly rubbed the writing on the soil.

If it is known that a slave know how to write, they will surely be suspicious.

“No, I was wondering why you didn’t give us an antidote at night. What if I die in my sleep?”

“Come to think of it, you’re right.”

Sally, who tilted her head, crossed her arms.

“I actually have a splitting headache every morning. It was because there was no antidote overnight.”

Sally grumbled. Others, who had been exposed to various poison and developed resistance, seemed to have a worse headache than me.

“These rotten bastards. If they’re going to give us an antidote, they have to make sure to give it to us.”

“That’s right… I do have a bad headache in the morning.”

It was a matter that could simply be overlooked, but I couldn’t get rid of the feeling that I was missing something.

Then the guards knocked on the bars.

Before I knew it, the sun was setting and it was getting dark outside the iron bars.

“Be quiet there! It’s time for bed.”

Slaves in the bars lay in their assigned positions as guards watched.

With thorough supervision, the sleeping time was the same every time.

“Good night, Rina.”

I also closed my eyes listening to Sally’s murmur lying next to me.

Even though I was lying on the hard dirt floor, I felt sleepy in an instant.

However, I woke up after feeling someone’s presence.

“Wow, even in the dark, your face is even.”

Instead of waking up right away, I opened my eyes still and held my breath.

Nothing is solved by panicking.

There was no guarantee that if I call the guard, he would side with me, who’s a slave.

I have to work this out by myself.

With a silhouette that was dimly visible in the dark, he was big enough to easily subdue me.

I have to solve it at once by aiming for his vital point.

The man came closer to me.

At the same time, the stench from the man’s mouth hit my face.

I had to hold my breath not to vomit.

“They told me not to enter the detention center at night. It’s not dangerous, what bullshit are they spouting ….”

While waiting for the right time, the movement of the hand that was stroking me became slightly dull.

The murmuring voice also slowed down.

“Who do you think is a fool…….”

As soon as his filthy breath reached my ears, I reached out.

And exactly stabbed the man in the eye with my two fingers.


The man struggled in pain. I quickly rolled out from under him.

“How dare you hit me?”

He swung his arm wide to grab me, but it was a piece of cake to avoid his blind movement.

In addition, the speed of his arms was as slow as a drunken man.

Thanks to this, I could easily kick him between his legs.


There was a terrible scream that was incomparable to before.

After hearing the scream, I was nervous that the guards would come running, but no matter how long I waited, I couldn’t hear anything from the outside.

Instead, the movement of the man crawling on the floor gradually slowed down and stopped at some point.

“Is he dead?”

He wasn’t even a human being, but it was true that I felt a little reluctant to think that I might have killed someone.

I laid him right down and put my finger under his nose.

Fortunately, I felt a shallow breath.

“But it’s strange…….”

He didn’t faint as soon as I hit his vital point, but he fainted after some time.


I stared at Sally, who was still sleeping in the next seat.

It wasn’t just Sally.

All the slaves in the detention center were sleeping like the dead.

I finally noticed the smoke spreading around me.

I didn’t know at first because it was so dark, but it became clear when I took a big breath.

The smell of sweet sleeping pills that make your mind a little faint as soon as your lungs are full.

And underneath it…….

“A bitter and spicy scent at the tip of your nose.”

It was poison.

“A poison that can poison people even if they smoke.”

There’s only one possibility left.

Even with the breathtaking acting, I burst out laughing without realizing it.

☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆

I settled my thoughts by forcing myself to hold back the scent of sleep, staying close to the bars all night.

The poison I received when I first came in is completely detoxified if I eat bread containing the antidote only three times.

However, if I periodically feed poison, slaves will soon notice how many pieces of bread they need to eat to completely detoxify it.

There will probably be people who escape by taking someone else’s.

“It was to administer poison again while everyone was asleep. That’s why I have a headache in the morning.”

I nodded at the man still sprawling on the floor.

It may be all because of poison that there were no female guards who were always guarding outside the cage, and that soldiers like this molesting criminals were ordered not to enter the detention area at night.

“He’s not trying to hog the fun. It’s like a stone head.”

I’m sure he’s addicted now.

I watched the fading night sky, brooding over and over the thought.

At dawn, the fainted molester flinched.


The molester opened his eyes with difficulty, tearing off his rat-colored hair.

“My head…”

Soon, the molester’s face, which made eye contact with me, was distorted.

“You! You’re coming, I’m glad I got you.”

I smirked at the man’s behavior of coming at me again to see if I had learned anything.

“It’s dawn”

I nodded, pointing to the bright sky outside the cage.

“The guards will bring breakfast soon.”

“Oh, this…”

Then he pointed at me, chewing on a harsh swear word.

“We’ll see.”

As he hurriedly escaped, he took the key out of his pocket and struggled to lock it back.

“Hold on.”

The man paused at my call.

I smiled as sweetly as I could.

“If you hand over the key, I’ll save your life.”

“What are you talking about? Now that I see this, you’re crazy.”

He spat and locked the door with a click.

I muttered, looking at the back of the man who was moving away.

“I was going to tell you that you should eat three slices of bread.”

Feeling uncomfortable, I rubbed my face with both hands.

No matter how hard I tried, I didn’t think I could become the Duke of Baloa.

I feel so bad thinking that trash like that is going to die.

“Well… I didn’t kill him with my own hands.”

Above all, I needed at least one person. An experiment to test if my hypothesis is correct.

At the same time as I thought of it, I uttered abusive language without realizing it.

I muttered, banging my head against the bars.

“Really… I’ve gone as far as I can go.”

Maybe neither Duke Baloa nor me is a human being.

☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆

“Ah, I feel bad.”

Sally grumbled, munching on her breakfast bread.


Sally chinned at the guards outside when I asked.

“They keep looking at me.”

Sally sighed repeatedly while chewing instead of swallowing the whole bread as usual.

“I think I’m next.”


I could tell what she was talking about without having to hear it.

The slave to be sold next.

Maybe if the guards drag Sally away today, I’ll never see her again.


Sally shook her hand, squeezing the leftover bread into her mouth.

“It’s about time my turn came. All the slaves who came in before me were taken immediately.”

Sally, who spoke calmly, tore her hair the next moment.

“I don’t want to go.”

Then there was a big fuss outside the detention center.

“A doctor! Are there no doctors? A man fell here!”

Some of the guards who were guarding us rushed to see what was going on.

Soon, rumors spread rapidly from the detention center closest to the disturbance to our detention center.

“One of the soldiers foamed up and collapsed.”

“He looked young. What’s going on?”

I took some of my half-bread and poked it at the slave in the next detention center and asked.

“What happened?”

It wasn’t long before the answer came back.

“A big guy with gray hair. They said they can’t see his face well because he’s lying face down.”

That’s him. The subject of my experiment died.

My hypothesis was correct.

“There’s a lot going on.”

Sally muttered in surprise, but she didn’t seem to be interested, perhaps because of the anxiety that she might be sold today.

“Eat it.”

I gave Sally half of my bread.

I’m resistant, so what I’ve eaten so far should be enough.

“Forget it.”

Sally pushed the bread away, but I forced it into her hand and smiled broadly.

“Let’s hang in there until this evening.”

Once I had discovered the secret of the poison, I was going to send a signal this evening when all slaves were detoxified.

We are all free men if we hold out until this evening.

That’s what I was thinking.

“You’re here, boss?”

When someone showed up, the guards guarding the detention center greeted all at once.

“Yes, there was a disturbance earlier, and I came to check the condition of the slaves.”

I had a shadow on my face because I turned my back to the sun, but I could immediately recognize him just by hearing his voice.

It was Faus.

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