At that time, Cardan and Knoxus, who were hiding in the forest, were closely watching the fortress with a small number of elite guards who belatedly joined.

The knights of the Guards seemed a little surprised to see their once captain, Knoxus, but all closed their mouths tactfully.

They were well trained not to question his handling of the work, as long as they had worked under Cardan.

While waiting like that, someone came out from the side of the detention center. He was the gray-haired soldier who was gossiping about Erina the day before.

Knoxus gritted his teeth as soon as he found him.

“Don’t make a fool of yourself.”

Cardan quietly warned as Knoxus’ hand went up to the dagger in his waist.

Knoxus’s hand, which grabbed the dagger to the point that his joints seemed to be about to break, tightened, but he did not pull it out in the end.

Instead, he murmured low.

“Once the signal falls, give me that guy.”

Cardan’s eyebrows are finely wrinkled.

It was not difficult at all.

He’s not even the head of the slave trader, so he’s not going to find out anything from him.

He’ll kill him himself even if Knoxus didn’t volunteer himself.

However, there was an unexpected sense of discomfort.


Cardan tried to keep his voice calm and answered.

But he couldn’t get rid of the feeling that something was being taken away.

“Thank you!”

Only then did Knoxus stop his anger and smiled brightly. It’s so bright that he feels bad.

It was the moment he thought he should deal with the soldier himself, pretending it was a mistake.


A gray-haired soldier grabbed his head and fell down, foaming in the mouth.

His nearby colleagues moved towards him, but he had already stopped breathing.


There was an awkward silence in the bushes.

It was Cardan who broke the silence first.

“I think the Duke of Baloa took the initiative.”

A slight smile hung around Cardan’s mouth as if he had never been offended.

☆*: .。.  .。.:*☆

It was clear that Faus came to examine the molester after noticing that he was poisoned whil trying to touch a slave.

Just in case he got a scratch on a precious product.

As expected, the door to the detention center locked up the slaves opened with a click. The heavy steps that went straight into the cage came to me first.

I curled up more to cover my face, but it didn’t work. Faus grabbed my chin and forced it up.

He examined my face carefully.

“Your face…”

I couldn’t breathe.

I once faced Faus, but I was wearing a mask at that time.

He couldn’t recognize my face, which he’d never seen, but my heart was pounding so hard that my fingertips were shaking.

“Why is she in this state?”

Faus asked the guards, thumbing down the bruise on my face.

I had a dull pain, but I couldn’t even moan for fear of my voice being heard.

“Yes, it’s been like this since she first came in. She’s gotten a lot better.”

“Then that’s fine.”

It wasn’t until he heard the explanation that Faus let go of my chin.

“She’ll recover in a few days.”

Then Faus looked around the detention center. His gaze paused for a moment at Sally, and then drew a pen from his shirt pocket and recorded something.

And ordered the guards.

“There will be a large order today, so pay special attention to it so that it can be delivered without a hitch.”

Faus disappeared, leaving an order. There was no more time to lose.

As soon as I finished the bread for dinner, I gave a terrible scream.


I rolled my head on the floor.

“What’s wrong?”

Sally came up to look at me, but I ignored her and began to scream.

“I can’t take it anymore!”

“Quiet! I won’t tolerate any more fuss!”

As soon as the guards came running, I grabbed the bars.

“I can’t stand this small place anymore!”

Then I began to scratch myself. Red marks have sprung up all over my skin.

“It feels like bugs are crawling all over my body!”

I could see the guard panicking.

If it were another slave, I would have been beaten right away, but I was already decided to go to the Baron Geoffrey.

The value of a product drops if it’s scarred.

“A walk. If I could do it once, then I’ll be okay. Ugh.”

When I tried to scratch my face with my nails, the guard opened the cage and immediately snatched my hand.

“Only for 10 minutes. I’ll let you walk around for a while, so you’ll have to stay calm.”

I nodded in a hurry.

“I’ll stay calm! I won’t say anything!”

Security finally opened the door.

When I went outside, I saw wooden walls blocking all sides around the detention center.

I have to shoot a signal high enough to cross that wall without being caught by the guard.

“Hah…! The air outside!”

I ran out to the center of the fort, pretending to be thrilled.

“I need to look at the sky!”


The guard caught me, but I dragged the guard as fast as I could.

“If I don’t see the sky, I’ll go crazy.”

When I tried to scratch my eyes again, the guard grabbed my hand and took me to an open place as if there was nothing I could not do.

I measured the distance to the wall.

I couldn’t see the main gate here because the detention center where I was trapped was deep inside, but I thought I would be able to send the signal outside if I fired it high up.

This location is good.

“Hehe, that’s good.”

I pretended to scratch my head and untied the firecrackers I had tied in my hair.

With the firecrackers hidden in my fist, I began to talk calmly.

“I was annoyed because bugs seemed to crawl on my scalp these days. The sun is making me feel better.”

The guard frowned.

It would be a big problem if I have a bug on my head.

Baron Geoffrey, who found an elf with silver hair and blue eyes, should not be given such  a product.

“Let me see.”

She began to scrutinize my hair, poking it around.

Naturally, with her eyes tied to my hair, I began to manipulate the signal flares behind my back.

Thanks to having practiced it several times, my hands were unstoppable.

Before hitting the flint, I made a groan and covered the noise moderately.

“Ugh! Why are you pulling my hair?”

When the firecracker wick caught fire and made a throbbing sound, I even stamped my feet and screamed.

“Ah! Don’t pull out my hair!”

Thanks to this, the guard noticed something was wrong only after the flame soared into the sky with a bang.


“Oh, this?”

I put out firecrackers without a hitch.

“What is this….”

Maybe my stupid smoke worked, because the security didn’t seem to imagine that my firecrackers were a signal.

“My brother gave it to me so that I can use it if something dangerous happens. He said he would bring the villagers and save me.”


For a moment, the guard, whose eyes grew embarrassed, soon chewed on the swear words.

The guard who grabbed my arm threw me into the detention center and gave me a small cry.

“I’ll see you when this is over.”

Then she left to inform the soldiers guarding the outer wall of the fortress.

She seemed to believe that with a few villagers, they would easily be able to subdue them.

“Haha… I’ll see you when you’re done too.”

My head went blank to see if the poison was effective in earnest, but only a small laugh leaked out.

Sally approached me as if she was worried about me, who was constantly fumbling.

“Are you okay?”

The moment I was about to tell her I couldn’t be better, and that we just need to hang in there for a few more minutes,

Two soldiers burst open the door of the detention center and grabbed Sally’s arm.

“The carriage has arrived. Follow me.”

Sally’s face quickly turned muddy with fear.

“What are you talking about? Let go of me!”

She struggled and struggled, but it was not enough for the two men.

Sally was taken out of the detention center in a blink of an eye.

My heart sank.

I might not be able to save her forever if she gets on the carriage like this.

As if affirming my prediction, the crow cried ominously in the distance.

Eventually, my body moved before my head.

“Get your hands off her!”

I rushed outside before the soldier could close the door of the detention center and jumped at the soldier who grabbed Sally’s arm.


The soldier staggered back when I bit his hand like a pot lid.

Taking advantage of the gap, I took the rough sword hanging from the soldier’s waist.

“Don’t move.”

And I naturally aimed the sword’s blade at the soldier.

The sword wound around my hand more familiarly than I thought.

“Let go of Sally.”

Just a few minutes. Just a few minutes.

“Did you go nuts?”

Another soldier immediately came at me, pulling out his sword.


My body moved again before my dingy head. It was clumsy, but it prevented the soldiers from hitting me.

I immediately straightened my posture without having time to care about my palm, which was sore from shock.

Chae-Chaeng. Chae-Chaeng.

As the confrontation continued, I was out of breath. The weak headache gradually grew stronger as blood rushed to my head.

However, apart from the pain, my body moved naturally like water.

It was only for defense, but the soldier was increasingly embarrassed by the unexpected confrontation.

“You rat!”

As if his pride had been hurt, he struck the sword with all his might. It was a heavy and fast strike that was incomparable to the previous one.

I managed to block it with a sword, but my whole body screamed.

So I noticed too late.

Before I knew it, another soldier who moved behind me raised the club.

Looking back one step late, I closed my eyes reflexively and swallowed my breath.

Soon there was a terrible sound of striking.


However, no matter how long I waited, the pain did not come.

Instead, a damp one touched my bare feet.

“Arf arf!”

A soft but determined touch attracted me before I even realized what the texture was.

“Master, I’ve been looking for you for a long time.”

When I opened my eyes, the two soldiers who were already attacking me were lying on the floor, and Knoxus was looking down at me from the side.

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