130 episodes

36 Ouroboros (5)


He was very unusual among demons.

The hatred and murderousness towards all other living beings that a being born from a demonic demon should naturally possess.

There was no such hatred and murderous intent in Dir’al.

It’s as if an essential part is missing.

Therefore, there was no sense of obligation to destroy this world.


That’s the only driving force behind him.

The reason Diral volunteered to invade the Empire in the first place was only because of his interest, and the reason he was attached to the 3rd Prince Enoch was because he thought it was interesting.

After Enoch’s death, he went to Ouroboros instead of joining the Omar Spirits for the same reason.

“ Damn… … !”

However, there was only one more thing that Diral considered important.

It was his own life.

In a way, it was a natural story.

Because in order to do interesting and fun things, I had to live first.

Therefore, Dir’al could throw away anything in order to survive, and that category included even the magic magic that was his source.

“ The witch will come all the way here.”

As he moved away from the central branch of Ouroboros at full speed, Dir’al muttered in a tired voice.

red-eyed woman.

It was the main reason he left the castle.

In the past, when he fought that monster woman, Dir’al was fatally wounded and had to spend a lot of time to recover.

After that, the woman could not return to the Imperial Castle due to the anxiety that she might be looking for her, and as if running away, she headed to the Ouroboros branch and held her breath as much as possible.

But, like a joke of fate, we met once again by a ridiculous coincidence.

‘ Besides, it seemed to have something to do with Zion Agnes.’

No, it wasn’t related, but the red-eyed woman seemed to follow Zion Agnes.

Along with that thought, a puzzle quickly put together in Dir’al’s head.

‘ Yeah, honestly, those things were impossible for Sion Agnes alone.’

He had almost cut off the connection with the Demon Magician, so he could not know the details, but from the information he had obtained, Diral was well aware of how absurd what Sion Agnes had been doing.

However, if the red-eyed woman was under the control of Zion Agnes, the story would be different.

Was it the order of Zion Agnes to attack him from the former imperial castle?

‘ No.’

Dir’al shook his head to clear the thought.

It was a groundless leap, and now I had to focus on escaping as quickly as possible rather than that.

The central branch was already far enough away to appear as a dot, but Dir’al did not slow down.

It was indirectly showing how great his fear of the red-eyed woman was.

‘ This time, I have to hide away from the capital at all.’

And if you hold your breath for a few months, you’ll be fine.


A new type of Diral that quickly passes through the crowds of streets full of founding countries and reaches the outskirts.

‘ This should be enough.’

Soon after, the gate to the outside of the capital was reflected in sight, and the demon’s speed began to slowly slow down.

With him, Diral’s eyes with a slight sense of relief.

‘ If you pass through the door, you will be noticed and it may be delayed.’

Thinking so, it was the moment when Diral was about to jump over the nearby wall.

“ Did you slow down?”

A terrifying voice echoed in his ear.

“… … !”

Dir’al’s body hardened as if struck by lightning.

His head slowly turned toward the side where the voice came from.

Soon after, the figure of a woman approaching with a red smile in his open eyes came in.

“ Are you relieved now?”

It was Liusina Bloodwalker.

“ How… … .”

A demon who vomits doubts while looking at her with eyes that cannot be trusted.

It was fast and fast, but just in case he didn’t know, Diral completely erased even his traces and escaped.

But, I couldn’t figure out how he came after me.

“ How did you come after me? I followed the smell. You have a distinctive, disgusting smell.”

A witch who smiles even more deeply and taps her nose.

In fact, from the moment he first saw Diral, Riusina had in mind the possibility of his escape.

So, as soon as the clash started, he had already put his hand on his body.

Even if you run away, you can follow them right away.

Thanks to that, I was able to catch up earlier, but Riusina continued to follow her without showing up until she reached the outskirts.

There is only one reason.

‘ Because it’s difficult when a battle takes place in a crowded place.’

In fact, Riusina didn’t care whether the people around her were involved in the battle or not.

However, I remembered Zion’s words to not play chess in a crowded place.

Still, it was her heart that didn’t want to make more scolding because it seemed like she would be reprimanded for acting arbitrarily after this incident was over.

“ This damn!”

quagga gaga!

Diral, who cried out with a tired expression on his face, immediately pulled out hundreds of claws out of the air and shot them at Riusina.

Without even confirming that those claws were hitting, the demons turned around and started to leave their seats at an insane speed.

From the beginning, there was no thought of fighting that monster in his head.

‘ Obviously, there are many places where humans are reluctant.’

Diral, who recognized the fact at once with a quick brain rotation, began to head back to the center of the capital where the founding day was held.


“ That I have appeared before you.”


His body stopped like that with a low voice coming from behind.

It was not Dir’al’s will.

Numerous blood vessels that were pulled tight and connected all over his body before he knew it.

“… … ah!”

A sigh like a scream came out of the demon’s mouth.

“ It means everything is already ready.”

When the witch’s words are finally finished,


With the completely isolated space, a bright red despair began to sink into Dir’al’s sight.

* * *

“… … .”

what the hell happened

Sharin couldn’t comprehend what was happening in front of her eyes.


That was the point.

A black dot smaller than a little fingernail.

The moment she touched such a black dot, the rain of swords she had created disappeared without a trace.

An unbelievable sight even with the naked eye.

It would have been understandable if they had all been cut or smashed.

But no matter how much you look at it, the expression ‘erased’ was appropriate.

As if it did not exist in the world from the beginning.

‘ Such a power… … Does it exist?’

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My mind is starting to get confused.

Because of that, in front of Sharin, who was standing blankly,

“ If you stand like that… … .”


Zion appeared without any warning.

“ I would die.”

At the same time, Iklaxia, shimmering in an ominous darkness, falls towards Sharin’s head without a moment’s delay.

Sharin finally came to her senses and raised her sword upwards to block it.

blah blah blah!

The two swords collide and a shock wave that explodes spreads out, sweeping the surroundings.

Until now, after recovering the sword from here, he would have continued his next attack, but this time, Shion did not do that.

Zion’s eyes slowly curved.

The moment when Sharin saw that smile and felt eerie,


The black star formed on the annihilation sword exploded and began to devour all the blades of mana that wrapped around her sword.

With him, the sword of Zion slowly digs into the blade.

“ What… … !”

Frustrated by the scene she couldn’t understand even looking at it once again, Sharin quickly removed her sword and bounced back.


At the same time, her kite blade bends gently, creating hundreds of remnants and moving to occupy the space.

“ Because it doesn’t work.”

However, before such a sword strike was completed, Shion, who had already reached right in front of Sharin, cut off her breathing and the flow of the sword and swung Iklaxia.

“ Damn it!”

Sharin, who had his face distorted, forcibly pulled the sword that was extending out and defended the attack.

If it touched that darkness, damage to the blade was inevitable, but it was impossible for me to receive it with my body.


Twice 2 stacks.

This time, it wasn’t just any damage.


The night-breaking blow amplified by the partial lunar eclipse stacks once more, and completely rips Sharin’s Lotus Sword apart.

Perhaps even that wasn’t enough, the darkness that continued to stretch out and deepened even her side.

“ Ahhh!”

A loud scream erupted from Sharin’s mouth at the terrifying pain he felt from him.

As if he had no intention of waiting for those screams to end, Shion once again drew Iklaxia vertically.

Sharin raises her sword in half in order to somehow stop it, even as she is dazed by the pain.

Of course, it was impossible to completely block Shion’s sword attack with that.


With the sound of dozens of shells exploding all at once, the new model of Sharin breaks through the floor and begins to fall in a straight line to the first floor.

Before her body even reached the bottom,


It moved late, but Shion’s Iklaxia, who reached the first floor, created countless black flashes.

Is it still one of Ouroboros’s officers?

“ Shut up!”

Sharin Mei, who desperately rotates her body in mid-air to avoid critical hits.


However, as if she could not care until the landing, her new model was smashed to the floor.

Shion’s series of performances unfolded before Sharin corrected her posture as if she was going to finish it altogether.

And the one-sided battle that followed.

‘ By the way… … .’

With the scars growing rapidly, the feeling of despair begins to appear on Sharin’s face.

Since when did the victory wan so much?

When the rain of the swords he created was erased without a trace?

No, maybe the match had already been decided when I first felt agitation before that.

Suga, go, go!

With him the fear that soared from the depths of her heart.

Humans are afraid of things they cannot understand at all.

Sharin was feeling that fear in the darkness of Zion that erased everything.

‘ If you go on like this, you will really die.’

Sharin knew.

The defeat has been confirmed and there is no longer any chance to turn around.

The hatred and intent to kill Zion that I had at the beginning had long since disappeared the moment Tencheon Geomwoo disappeared a while ago.

The only thing that fills that place is fear and the instinct to live.

‘ I have to get out of here somehow!’

Quad Duck!

With that thought, Sharin, who had managed to spread the distance from Zion by sacrificing an arm, took out an earring that had a bright blue color from her arms.

The Frost Queen’s Power Fragment that I obtained this time.

As if to stake everything here, all the mana in her body begins to flow towards the earring.

Whoa ah ah ah!

In response, the earring begins to emit an overwhelming chill with a pure white light.

‘ Once you’ve blasted this to buy time, right away… … .’

However, Sharin’s thoughts did not continue there.


With a sharp cutting sound in her ear, her wrist holding the earring was cut off entirely.

“… … uh?”

Sharin Mei staring blankly at her hands that fell to the floor like that.

Her eyes were stained with doubt as if she could not understand the current situation.

Surely Zion Agnes is far away… … .

That moment,


A dark sword pierced through her chest.

“ Ah… … .”

Sharin looked at such a sword with mesmerized eyes along with the stupid voice that came out once again.

in front of her,


A smiling Shion appeared like a vision.

Until then, another figure of Shion was reflected in the distance from Sharin’s sight.

Cancerous variant.

4th star, the dark stream, which was amplified by a partial lunar eclipse, perfectly reproduced the presence of the dark stream and completely deceived her eyes.

“ Gagging!”

Bright red blood gushed out of Sharin’s mouth.

Her eyes are rapidly disappearing with the light of life.

Where the hell did it come from?

Perhaps these results were expected from the first time we met at the auction house.

Because he had not been able to find this man, his own death was only being delayed.

“ Is this enough?”

Sion asked, looking at Sharin like that with calm eyes.

What are you talking about?

“… … ?”

Even in the midst of dying, Sharin’s face is stained with doubt.

Zion’s low voice continues in her ear.

“ The proof of the qualifications I was talking about back then.”

Proof of eligibility for the Breath of the Frost Queen.

Shion was asking the answer to the question she had asked on the first day we met.

Sharin’s lips moved as if trying to say something to him.

But in the end, no words came out of her mouth.

Before that, I was completely out of breath.

“… … .”

Shion, who looked at Sharin for a moment, turned around without any regrets.

Actually, her answer didn’t matter that much.

In the first place, Zion’s own qualifications were not something that others could decide.

“Your Majesty Zion!”

With such Sion’s vision, the Frost Queen’s earrings on the floor and the Twilight Swordsman approaching from afar began to come in.

The long night of the founding festival was coming to an end.

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