131 episodes

37 Flock of Giants (1)

One of the greatest festivals of the Agnes Empire, the founding festival.

The lights of the capital did not go out even at night during such a founding festival.

No, rather, as the night went on, the lights of the festival grew brighter and the heat got hotter.

For this reason, the founding festival was also called the Bul-Ya Festival in other words.

It’s already past midnight and it’s time for sunrise.


A woman was crossing at high speed among the crowds eating and drinking without getting tired.

The pure white robes embroidered with the sun proved that the woman was a priest of the God of Light, but her true identity was far from being a priest.

Anti-Magic General Serki.

Because one of the Omar Spirits who commanded the demons that permeated the Empire was a woman.

“ Where are you going?”

There was little impatientness on Serkia’s face like that.

Currently, she had secretly escaped from the Church of Hwangseong.

In fact, it was as simple as deceiving the eyes of the priests who were living together, but the problem was the eyes of the first prince attached to Serkia himself.

I came out unnoticed now, but if the time is delayed like this, I’m sure you’ll notice something strange.

Before that, I had to somehow finish the job and return to Hwangseong.

‘ I mean, he’s a really handy guy.’

The reason she took such a risk and came out was because of Dir’al.

Although he personally hated him, since he had suffered even Hanosral, Dir’al’s power and ability were absolutely necessary for them.

So, as soon as his location was known, Serkia moved directly.

‘ If you want to control that guy, you’ll have to be like Omaryeong.’

In fact, I wondered if Oh Maryeong would listen to me, but it was better than doing nothing.

‘ But why do you keep moving?’

A question suddenly popped into Serkia’s mind.

In fact, while heading to the identified location, she felt the magic of Diral that only the same demons could feel, and changed her direction there.

The problem, however, was that such a magi kept moving.

As if being chased by something urgently.

Dir’al’s magi continued beyond the center of the capital to the outskirts, so the tracking time was also getting longer.

How long have you been following the traces of Magi?

‘ Have you finally stopped?’

Recognizing that Dir’al’s magic was not moving any more, Serkia’s eyes lit up and speeded up.

A new model of her that quickly goes to a small vacant lot on the outskirts of the capital.

Perhaps because of the festival, there was no one in the vacant lot.

“ It’s definitely here… … .”

Serkia muttered while looking at the empty vacant lot.

The magic of Diral, which was continuing, stopped here.

It means proof that he is here.

But there was nothing in her eyes.

at that time,

“ Um?”

A different look settled in Serkia’s eyes as she looked around.

center of the vacant lot.

The space there was shaking strangely.

“ Maybe… … .”

She noticed something while looking at it and was about to take a step towards the center.


Without any warning, the air that Serkia was looking at broke open.

A world full of blood that can be seen through the gap.

Soon therein,

“ aah!”

Someone came out with a horrendous scream.

“… … !”

Together with him, Serkia’s eyes filled with astonishment.

Because the one who popped out was the diral she had been looking for.

However, the condition of Diral was very miserable.

Three of his limbs were missing, and more than half of his body had been devoured by something.

He was so broken that he would never be recognized if it wasn’t for his unique magic.

“ Sa, save me, please… … !”

Diral, who found Serkia, hurriedly stretched out his hand and exclaimed with a groan.

The only eye left was already filled with despair and fear.

It was the moment when Serkia unknowingly took a step backwards at that desperate look.

Quad Duck!

Thousands of blood vessels protruding from the fissure wrapped around Dir’al’s whole body,

“ Oh, no… … !”

He dragged him back into the gap.

The air immediately closed as if something had happened with him.

It was as if a being who had committed a great sin was being dragged into hell.

What the hell happened?

“… … .”

It was when Serkia stood there dazedly for a moment at the bizarre sight.


Once again the void was torn apart.

But it wasn’t Dir’al that came out of it this time.

A woman with dark hair and red eyes, giving an eerie feeling.

“ It’s as delicious as it is rebellious.”

It was Riosina.

Unlike Diral, she looked very healthy, and had a face stained with a feeling of satiety as if she had devoured it after a long time.

‘ That woman… … !’

Serkia’s eyes fluttered when Liusina, who had appeared like that, recognized that she was the servant of Zion.

With him, a single assumption comes to her mind.

‘ I heard that Zion Agnes had a way to reveal our identity, but that didn’t even lead to Dir’al’s identity… … .’

at that time,

“ Um?”

Liusina, who found such Serkia, slowly began to approach her.

Did he even try to find out his true identity?

rising tension.

“ I think I just saw that scene, so don’t be too surprised.”

But fortunately it wasn’t.

A calm voice emanating from the witch’s mouth as if trying to reassure Serkia.

“ I think he’s a priest of light, so you must have felt it, didn’t you? The guy I just saw is a demon.”

Before Serkia answered him, Riusina’s words continued.

“ I was just exorcising. Your denomination is there too. What is that, an exorcist? Anyway, I didn’t do anything bad, so rest assured.”

With those words, the new model of Riusina who tapped Serkia on the shoulder a couple of times disappeared without a trace.

The vacant lot where only Serkia was left.


There, she stared at the place where the witch had disappeared for a moment, and then began to move quickly toward the Imperial Castle.

‘ Go ahead and tell Utekan.’

Serkia’s eyes filled with urgency.

Dir’al’s death was also shocking, but the fact that he was discovered by Zion Agnes was a threat that was beyond compare.

‘ Maybe the world of magic may collapse.’

Therefore, it was necessary to consult with Utekan as soon as possible to come up with a countermeasure.

But was it because I was too preoccupied with it?

Serkia didn’t notice.

There was a faint blood swirling around her shoulder, which Liusina had tapped.

* * *

late afternoon.

Shion was staring intently at the blue earrings in front of him in the study room of Chimseonggung where the sun was shining.

‘The Frost Queen’s Earrings.’

As one of the Frost Queen’s power fragments, it was one of the rewards obtained by destroying the Ouroboros Central Branch two days ago.

In fact, due to this incident, Zion was in a state of being able to gain a lot more than this.

It inflicted a huge blow to Ouroboros, which made a huge obstacle to its future steps, and was able to completely eliminate Dir’al as well.

‘ In particular, removing Diral is a huge income.’

In the chronicle of Flosimar, Dir’al persists until the very moment of completion, tormenting the warriors in extraordinary ways.

Perhaps a more difficult enemy to deal with than Omaryeong.

‘ I couldn’t use my hands because there was no way to find it.’

I found it by accident and stopped breathing, so I had no choice but to feel lighter.

How does it feel to receive an unexpected gift?

Because of that, giving Riusina advice about moving on her own had just gone unnoticed.

In a way, she was the number one contributor to this work.

‘ I don’t think it would be bad to get rid of the Ouroboros organization itself this time… … .’

If you use Eternal Shadow and Moon’s Eye, it will be possible to penetrate the organization’s headquarters.

But Shion soon shook her head.

I had to leave some experience points for the hero’s party to grow, and there were more urgent things to do.

“ Is this the Frost Queen’s Power Fragment you got this time?”

Thierry’s voice, standing next to Shion, came to Shion’s ears.

“ Yes.”

When Shion responded with a quick nod of his head,

– Tit!

A frost spirit that was not called has appeared.

A frost spirit that moves with joy as if dancing next to the earring on the desk.

– Tweet chirp! chirp chirp!

Soon after, a humming sound began to flow from the spirit’s mouth.

He seemed excited to find out that his powers would become even more perfect after a while.

“ Is this the Frost Spirit?”

Lucas, who was in the study with Thierry to report the mission, looked at the Frost Spirit and his eyes twinkled.

“ As I heard… … You are so cute!”

Lucas is restless as if he doesn’t know what to do because he wants to pet him.

It was also a familiar appearance because it was a common reaction of those who saw the Frost Spirit for the first time.

“ What’s so cute about a bird that doesn’t listen to such nonsense?”

Liusina, who was looking at it from one side, muttered with a dissatisfied face.

She and the Frost Spirit have not been on good terms yet since they had an argument on the mountain road going to meet the ghost.

Of course, the fault was with Liusina, who continued to call the spirit a chirp.

“ By the way, master, did you name it?”

“ Not yet.”

At Liusina’s next question, Shion shook her head.

I couldn’t come up with a proper name, so if I came up with any name, the spirits would reject it.

So it was still on hold.

“ Because it’s just a tweet. How easy and comfortable to call.”

– Awesome!

At Riusina’s words, the spirit stopped dancing and began to chirp like a seizure.

Sion, who looked pathetic at the two fighting again, took out the other Frost Queen’s power fragments and placed them on the desk.

Now it was time to slowly grow the Frost Spirit.

‘ I hope this will be a little useful.’

In fact, the Frost Spirits up until now were of little use to Sion.

For a unique spirit, its power was too weak.

No matter how imperfect the fragments were, they were born of two legendary Noble Phantasms.

However, its power and power were so low that it could not be used in practice unless it was amplified with a dragon explosion spear.

‘ Of course, blocking ‘Frozen Night’ is an income in itself.’

Still, it was Zion’s heart to hope that what he had obtained was worthwhile.

– Tit!

Whether or not he knew Zion’s heart, the Frost Spirit stopped quarreling with Liusina and took a seat among the power fragments on the desk.

That moment,


Even though Shion didn’t take any action, all the power fragments started emitting blue light at the same time.

The pieces resonate with each other and vibrate like crazy.

In the meantime, the blue light that flowed out gradually spread out,

“ Oh!”

It filled the entire library with someone’s admiration.

And finally, the resonance of the pieces of power was also at its peak.


In an instant, all the light covering the study disappeared.

At the same time, the vibrations of the pieces come to a complete stop.

In the midst of the silence that followed, the Frost Spirit, who absorbed the power of the third piece, appeared with a proud expression.

“ Uh… … What has changed?”

Thierry looked at the Frost Spirit with questionable eyes and murmured.

The question was natural.

Because the spirit’s appearance has hardly changed from what it was before.

“ Well, the beak and feathers seem a little longer, but… … .”

Lucas, who was next to him, also tilted his head as if ambiguous and opened his mouth.

– Tit! Jaejae Jack!

Then the spirit began to chirp as if arguing why he couldn’t recognize the change.

Judging from that, it seemed that communication skills had not yet been opened.

However, there was little satisfaction in Sion’s eyes looking at such a frost spirit.

‘ Not bad.’

Others don’t know, but Shion, the master of the Frost Spirit, could feel it.

Because of this resonance, the level of power and ability of the Frost Spirit has risen to a level that cannot be compared with before.

This was enough to be said to be a significant growth.

Perhaps in the future, the ability of the Frost Spirit could be used more actively.

at that time,

“Your Majesty Zion!”

The door to the study opened and Fredo, with a desperate expression on his face, entered.

Zion looks at him as if what’s going on.

The old knight’s words continued to Zion’s ear.

“The 4th Prince Utekan has held an imperial meeting!”

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