163 episodes

45 The Tower of Causality (3)

The office of 1st Prince Rubrios in the People’s Palace.

Inside, there was Rubrios, who was sitting with a cold expression, and a man in front of him, dressed as an Inquisitor of the Cult of Light, with his head bowed.

“ What is the result?”

“… … Couldn’t find it.”

1 The heretical inquisitor answered the prince’s question with a confused face.

“ Hmm… … .”

At those words, Rubrios let out a dissatisfied voice and tapped the armrest with his finger.

It had already been over a week since the attack.

Right after that, the heretical inquisitors of the Church of Light and the shadows were mobilized to pursue the instigators of the attack, but with no results.

“ Are there no traces?”

“ Yes. There was nothing left.”

The heretic inquisitor shook his head once more and answered.

“ Magi is an evil force that has nothing to do with anything else. So once it’s revealed, it’s easy to track, but… … The magi itself could not be detected at all. I think it was probably done thoroughly on that side.”

The rhythm of the fingers of the first prince became even faster.

‘ Should I give up tracking?’

The Inquisitor, now in front of him, was the head of an institution within three fingers in the field of tracking down and annihilating the unclean throughout the entire denomination.

Among them, chasing monsters is the best, even to the extent that it is not enough.

To the extent that such people said this, it was right to think that tracking was impossible.

‘ Besides, there are a lot of things that take a lot of work because it has to be done in secret.’

A frustrating situation in many ways.

However, in the end, no words came out of Rubrios’ mouth to stop the pursuit.

For that reason, the anger I felt when I was attacked did not subside.

In addition, he instinctively realized that he had to somehow succeed in this task in order to get rid of the demons hiding within the empire.

‘ Should I borrow Ozurima’s power? No, not there yet.’

According to Shion’s words, there would have been monsters hiding in the Ozurima family, and there was a fear that this information would leak if they were linked.

‘ In this situation, where else did Zion disappear?’

It was when Rubrios thought so, thinking of his half-brother who had disappeared from the Imperial Castle a few days ago.

“ Sir Rubrios!”

A servant’s voice came from outside.

“ What’s going on?”

“ Prince Zion has sent someone.”

“ What?”

The eyes of the first prince are dyed with doubt.

How did Zion, who is not in the Imperial Castle, send people?

“ Let’s get it in first.”


With Rubrios’ permission, the door to the office opened.

And a woman comes in.

Black hair like ebony, red eyes like carnelian.

“ Hello!”

It was Liusina Bloodwalker.

* * *

If you think about it a bit, it wasn’t that difficult.

The words of the ordeal helper as soon as they entered the ordeal on the second floor.

– Team up with other players to defeat two boss monsters.

– The type of monster is random.

– Points are awarded differently according to contribution and ability to cope with special situations.

And the most important last word.

– The ordeal begins right away.

The key clue was already in these words.

second floor is to kill the boss monster.

And the fact that the ordeal started right away meant that the situation had to be created immediately to kill such a monster.

Still, it meant only one thing for the participants to be present in this cavity.

‘ It means that there is a boss monster disguised as a participant.’

Although they are often collectively referred to as monsters or monsters, the species of monsters that exist on the continent are so diverse that they cannot even be counted, and their abilities also vary widely.

That is why monsters disguised as human beings like demons could exist.

Once she had figured it out, the next thing Shion did was to pick out who was the monster in disguise while others were fighting for the initiative.

‘ It seems that the person who created this ordeal wants to understand the behavior and way of thinking of monsters that are slightly different from humans, but… … .’

For Shion, there was another method other than the one that took a lot of time.

It was the ordeal helper.

Everyone who enters the tower will have an ordeal assistant.

However, there was no way that a helper could be attached to a non-human monster.

In other words, the person who does not have an ordeal helper is a monster.

There was no way for ordinary people to notice it, but for Sion, it existed.

‘ Frost Spirit.’

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Maybe it was because they were both created spirits rather than naturally occurring?

From the moment the Frost Spirit entered the Tower of Causality, he reacted sensitively to the ordeal helper, thanks to which he was able to recognize its existence.

And that’s what I found out


It was Deilah, the priest of the earth that Zion had now split into Gigaperses.


Deila’s corpse fell to the ground, split in two.

A moment of silence flows over the sight that is incomprehensible even while looking at it.


“ What… … What is this crazy bastard doing now!”

Deshon, who was right next to Deila, spit out abusive language and distanced herself from Zion.

With him, an enormous force began to erupt from his body, which had been on alert.

Others were no different.


A fairy swordsman who points his long sword toward Shion, and Rain who pulls out the spear that was tied behind his back.

Among them, Lane, who had known Sion for a long time, was more embarrassed than the others in the eyes.

‘ Why are you doing this all of a sudden!’

It was totally unexpected behavior.

Did he really go crazy just as the shaman said?

at that time,

“ It’s tough, I purposely cut it in half to kill it all at once.”

As if he didn’t care about the boundaries of such people, a sound like a kicking of his tongue came out of Shion’s mouth, who was still staring at the broken body of Deila.

It was a moment when doubts appeared in the eyes of other people at those unknown words.

Good luck!

With a strange sound, the corpse that had been split in two was merged, and it began to boil and change into a different form.

A new head, arms, and legs sprout.

At the place where all the changes were finished, a muscular man who looked completely different from the priest Daila stood there with a blank expression on his face.

“ I, that one!”

A startled voice came out of Deshon’s mouth when he saw that.

“ Replica! Why is the clone here!”

A superlative monster that can be found very rarely in the remote areas of the South where he is active.

Although cloned ears are usually no different from humans, they emit a unique energy in a very brief moment when they change their appearance.

It was Deshon, who had lost all of his party to that monster in the past, so he was able to recognize its energy at once.

” If it’s a clone… … monster? Hopefully from the beginning!”

Reign and the Fairy Swordsman pointed the tip of their weapon towards the Clone Ears to make sure they understood everything at that time.

and at that moment,


With the sound of the air exploding, the replica-ears disappeared from the spot.

The place where such a clone reappeared was right in front of Deshon.

Replicators perfectly replicate the abilities of creatures they kill.

And this time, the cloned demon’s cloned abilities were all that of the supreme Kwonsa that dominated an era in the past.


A terrifying shockwave that explodes as the Replica’s fists are thrust forward.

“ Cuckoo!”

In response to that brief moment, Deshon’s new model bounced backwards even after unfolding several layers of protection.

A clone ogre who immediately follows up to finish such a shaman.

However, the new type of clone did not reach Deshon.


“ Where!”

Reign’s spear and the fairy’s sword swung from both sides came in aiming precisely at the vital point.


Just before the attack of the two of them hit, a blade-like energy exploded from the whole body of the cloned demon that blew them away by spinning their body like a top in the air.


‘ I’m stronger than I thought!’

Lane’s eyes fluttered as they retreated to the back and spit out those auras.

Because I never expected that a monster of ordeal with only two floors would have this level of power.

‘ No matter how the level of the monster reflects the strength of the participants to some extent… … .’

Even so, there was a big difference from the level I heard from the warrior.

In fact, it was still possible to kill, but the problem was that it could be delayed.

‘I have to break through quickly.’

If you wait a long time here, it is natural that the score you can receive will decrease.


It was at that moment that an even stronger thunderbolt erupted from Lane’s whole body, encroaching on him and encroaching on the surroundings.


I wondered if the cloned demon’s body, which was running towards her and the fairy swordsman, would bend at an angle that a human could not go back to.

It came out in a completely different direction.

The speed is so great that even the lanes are momentarily missed.

The destination for such a clone was Deshon, who was just getting ready.

“… … !”

Perhaps the shaman had not fully recovered from the shock of the clash that had occurred a while ago, and the shaman opened his eyes without reacting properly.

‘ It’s late!’

Lane’s eyes chasing after him are dyed with urgency.

“ Ki-hee-hee!”

It was the moment when the madman’s fists were finally fired to explode De’Shawn’s head.

“ Hurry up and move on.”

A languid voice that doesn’t suit the situation at all.

“ Chee… … ?”

Hearing that voice, I wondered if a vertical line was drawn from the crown of the cloned ear to the groin, which had suspicious eyes.

Once again, it split in two.

Behind him was Shion, who had a black chain wrapped around one hand, making an indifferent expression.

Soon after, the chains of Zion, which stretched out with a crackling sound, were lodged in the cloning ear’s cracked body.


Then, with a terrifying explosion, the cloned demon’s body began to rip apart without leaving a trace.

It was completely uprooted to prevent it from regenerating like it did before.

“ How can it be so easy… … .”

When a blank voice came out of the fairy swordsman’s mouth when he saw that, – You killed the ‘Follower Lord’. A quick kill grants 2 extra points.

The ordeal helper’s voice rang in the ears of him and others.

– You did a perfect job handling the special situation. An additional 10 points are awarded.

And another voice that only rings for Zion.

It seems that the ‘special situation’ I was talking about at the beginning was not a conflict between characters, but a cloned demon who turned into a participant and hid.

‘ It must have been really dangerous.’

After the situation was over, Lane, who was looking at the place where the cloned ghost’s body had been, swallowed his saliva.

If they entered the boss room without realizing that there were monsters among the participants, they could have been annihilated by an attack coming from the back.

‘ Perhaps disguised as a priest was also aimed at that.’

Usually during battle, the priest’s position was at the rear.

Laying stroking the nape of his neck that made him shiver just thinking about it, Lane looked at Zeon Harness, who had now solved all of this.

“ By the way… … .”

How the hell did you find out?

Even Lane, who had some knowledge of the Tower of Causality, did not even realize that the priest was a clone ghost, nor did he think that there would be monsters among them.

“… … .”

Others were also looking at Zion with trembling eyes, perhaps thinking similarly to her.

Incredible reasoning and judgment.

‘ And the determination to execute it at once.’

If it were him, would he have been able to kill him without hesitation like that even if he knew that the priest was a monster?

I probably couldn’t use my hands properly until I was sure.

However, what surprised Lane the most was the power of Zeon Harness.

‘ It’s been a while, but it’s so simple to deal with a clone who was dealing with three people at the same time… … .’

Even if it was a surprise attack, it would have been absolutely impossible if some level of skill was not supported.

It’s really powerless to the point of being wary.

At first glance, the man’s strength and abilities were impressive, but it was incomparable to what he sees now.

‘ Besides, the atmosphere is completely different.’

In the past, the Zeon harness had the feeling of a spectator watching from behind without stepping forward, but now he is taking the lead and grasping the situation itself.

What the hell happened in such a short time, less than a year?

‘ If not… … .’

Was this his true form now, and was he hiding it at the time?

A feeling of suffocating pressure, even when standing still without saying anything.

As a result, people’s eyes naturally focus on Zion in the cavity where silence flows.

It’s like waiting for instructions.

How much time has passed

“ Don’t go right in.”

Shion, who had been looking at the place where the clone had disappeared for a moment, turned to the boss room on one side with those words.

Those who begin to follow Zion as if possessed.

There were no complaints in the eyes of such people as they had just a moment ago.

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