164 episodes

45 The Tower of Causality (4)

bum bum, bum bum.

A door leading to the boss room on one side of the cavity.

No one spoke the whole time we walked there.

I just look at the back of Zion who is ahead.

But that didn’t mean they didn’t care.

No, rather, people’s heads were spinning faster than ever.

And most of the contents were about the identity of Zion and the boss monster in the boss room.

‘ Since the follower lord you just killed was on the side of delusion and disturbance, the monster behind that door is highly likely to be focused on the side of force.’

Among them, Lane was concentrating her thoughts on the latter.

At the moment, there was nothing that could be gained by thinking about the former.

‘ By the way, can I go right in without knowing the participants’ strength?’

In the argument between Deshon and the fairy swordsman a while ago, if I had to take a side, Lane was on the fairy’s side.

Although it is said that breaking through quickly is good for getting a good score, it is correct that you need to know some basic information.

But Zion was heading towards the door without asking any questions.

At that moment, the new model of Shion who had reached the door stopped.

“ Once you go inside, follow my instructions.”

With him, a low voice came out of Zion’s mouth.

In the battle to follow, Zion was planning to move thoroughly in liaison with others.

The reason was simple.

‘ Because this ordeal itself was made for that.’

first floor asked the minimum qualification to climb the tower, the second floor was a trial about how well you can cooperate with others.

In other words, when fighting monsters, the better the cooperation, the better the score.

‘ I’ll do what you’re doing perfectly.’

The power of the party had already been grasped to some extent during the battle with the cloned demon a while ago.

“… … .”

There was no answer to his words, but Zion, realizing that such silence was positive, pushed the door right away.


Has it not been open for a long time?

The thick stone gate begins to slowly open, blowing dust away.

Another cavity revealed from the inside.

“… … !”

At the same time, the eyes of the people behind Zion with him shook.

This was not because the size of the newly appeared cavity was much larger than the original one.

“ That… … !”

A huge wolf crouching in the middle of a cavity.

The wolf’s whole body was burning with a light green flame that made me cringe just looking at it.

“ Purgatory Flame Wolf… … .”

An unbelievable voice came from the mouth of the fairy swordsman who recognized the wolf’s identity.

Purgatory Flame Wolf, purgatory for short.

If you go further west through the fairy forest that exists at the western extreme of the empire, you will find a zone called ‘Yellow Jade’.

Dark red lava flows from the bottom, and the atmosphere is a burning land of death all year round.

In such a land where normal living things cannot live, there are only a few monsters that have adapted to the environment, but their strength is enough to look down on even the best monsters.

And the purgatory flame wolf in front of me right now was one of those monsters of ‘inferno’.


Upon waking up, Purgatory Rang, recognizing Zion and the others, began to slowly get up with a low cry.


With him, the green salt from the wolf spread more strongly, heating up the entire cavity.

The breath is blocked by the heat.

It was time for those who caught their breath to correct their posture and prepare for the battle to begin.


Along with the explosively exploding darkness, the new type of Shion was shot in a straight line towards Purgatory.

“ Why all of a sudden!”

Seeing this, Deshon let out a bewildered voice.

I couldn’t understand how Zion had to follow his instructions a while ago and ran away without saying anything.

But soon after, the youthful embarrassment disappeared from Deshon’s face.

– Prepare for a containment spell on the spot.

Because Zion’s voice was transmitted directly into his head.


Were those instructions passed on to others?

Lane and the Fairy nodded once with their cold eyes, and both pulled out their weapons and splintered out.

In the meantime, Shion, who had reached just in front of the wolf in Purgatory, activated his eyes full of bright eyes and changed the direction he was running by 90 degrees.


At about the same time, the wolf’s huge front paws were stuck in the place where Zion had been.

Shion, having washed away all the aftermath from that, began to climb on the front feet of Yeonokrang, who was aiming for him.

ride it!

The figure of Shion jumping up the front legs of a wolf standing almost vertically with only two legs was not inferior to the skill level.


Purgatory swung the opposite front paw toward Shion as if it were about to slay an insect.

Sion, recognizing the front feet approaching him at such a terrifying speed, continues to climb his legs without reacting.

At last, the moment those feet try to press down on Shion like a fly, it rattles!

With the sound of something slamming, the front feet of Purgatory stopped right in front of Zion.

According to Shion’s instructions, Deshon used the blockade spell he had prepared in advance.

“ Huh… … !”

At that scene, a gust of wind flowed from the mouth of the shaman who used the magic trick.

Because he didn’t expect his magic to work at once against Yeong-Rang, who has tremendous anti-magic power due to the green flames burning all over his body.

I didn’t use any special method.

If there is only one thing different from usual,

– The area about 1m below the second joint of the wolf’s left leg.

The only thing is that he used the spell exactly on the part that Shion had specified in his head.

It was one of the vital points identified by Sion’s Myeong-an, who evolved one step as the Black Star ascended to the 5th star.

A new type of Shion that does not miss the gap that has been created by that, and goes all the way up to the head of Purgatory Rang.

Quad Duck!

The giant destroyer released from such Sion’s hand turns into a chain scythe and rips apart some of the muscles around the wolf’s jaw and neck.

At the same time, the female Honsa digs deep into it.


Purgatory-rang, who had shed tears mixed with pain, twisted his body to remove Zion.

No, I was actually trying to twist it.


Suga Gak!

Because the fairy swordsman, who appeared from the left hind leg of Purgatory, swung his sword and cut the main tendon that was right behind the wolf’s ankle.

Rigid front legs and broken tendons in the hind legs.

As a result, Yeong-Rang’s body begins to lean to the left.

It’s like putting a wedge in there.

“ Ugh!”

Lane, who appeared from the wolf’s right, took a deep breath and at the same time shot out a spear containing the maximum amount of white lightning.

blah blah blah!

A huge blast bursting out with the glowing surrounding space!

The body of the purgatory wolf that was hit by Lane’s blow could not stand it any longer and fell to the left.


Purgatory Rang, who had let out an angry cry, tried to get up again, but Zion’s movements were much faster than that.

Suddenly, Shion, who appeared right in front of the wolf’s head, pulled back his right fist, which was wrapped around Giga Perses, which had turned into a chain again.

Good luck!

In accordance with it, the atmosphere is dyed black and the space is constricted.

Did he even feel a crisis from that look?

As Purgatory Rang had fallen, he hurriedly opened his mouth to Shion.


A huge amount of rust burning in such a mouth!

If he went on like this, he would have to receive ‘Breath’, one of the strongest powers of the wolf in Purgatory, with his whole body, but Sion’s eyes were so peaceful.

Because that breath won’t reach you anyway.

Turn up!

A dark soul that penetrated into the muscles around the jaw and neck that the Giant Destroyer dug up a while ago.

The joint is forcibly closed due to such a dark soul, and Yeong-Rang’s mouth is closed regardless of his will.

Zion knew.

Because the outer shell of purgatory is very hard, it takes quite a while for it to stop breathing even if it is aimed at a vital point with an external shock.

Then there was only one way.

Applying an impact from the inside rather than the outside.

So Zion intended.

To create a situation where you have no choice but to use Purgatory’s Breath.

A plan that was thoroughly crafted from the moment I first saw the wolf.


The eyes of Yeon Ok-rang, who were completely caught in it, were dyed with embarrassment.

At the moment when Shion’s fist, which has finally finished cohesion, strikes the wolf’s upper jaw, tuquaang!

The breath that could not be exhaled exploded from inside the body of Yeong-Rang and began to tear the inside of him to pieces.

* * *

oh oh oh!

A green flame fills the entire cavity with a howling filled with pain.

The fire was so high that it melted even rocks in an instant.

“ By the way… … .”

A startled voice came out of Lane’s mouth, which stopped such a flame and at the same time attacked Yeong-Rang.

How many times have you said this throughout the day?

And it was all one person.

‘ How is this possible?’

I couldn’t quite believe it.

Unexpectedly, the charter that was tilting so quickly was also a charter, but what surprised her was the ability of Zeon Harness to create such a charter.

Exactly, leadership skills.

I didn’t think much of it until the first time the man told me to follow his instructions.

Just keep your formation, draw attention, aim at the nape of your neck, etc.

I just thought it was going to be about general instructions.

However, Zion Harness’s instructions, which were delivered directly into his head like a message magic, were completely different from that.

– Removal of the tendon 20 cm below the ankle of the target’s right hind leg.

-3 seconds later, when the target’s body is tilted, hit the left side with full force.

The time of the attack and the area to be attacked.

It was all specified.

Actually, this was absurd.

In order to give orders in time like this, I had to anticipate every move of the opponent.

Combat was the one with the most variables in the world, so it should be common sense that this is impossible… … .

The impossible was happening right before my eyes.


When Zeon Harness gives instructions with time, it creates a situation where the instructions must be fulfilled at the exact time.

the devil sings

‘ Do you even know the future?’

It was enough to even think about this in Lane’s head.

read at readwn. com

Moreover, he himself was facing Yeon Ok-rang from the front and at the same time giving such instructions to the other three at the same time.

A commanding ability that truly makes you shiver.

read at readwn. com

Moreover, they did not even know when they discovered their power.

‘ In that brief battle with the cloned demon that happened a while ago… … .’

Lane’s fluttering eyes.

What the hell is this guy’s abilities?

read at readwn. com


bang! bang! bang! bang!

Like a cog wheel that rotates precisely without a single error, the series of people, including her, continued endlessly.


From the wolf’s mouth, which receives all the attacks with its body, an endless cry like a groan erupts.

With him, the indiscriminate attack that erupts from the whole body of Yeon Ok-rang and pours out in all directions.

But no one was fit for such an attack.

It was because they had all been blocked or avoided by Zion’s instructions from before.

“ How could such a battle exist in the world… … .”

Perhaps he was thinking similarly to Lane, the fairy swordsman swung his sword and muttered with a blank face.

What is Purgatory Flame Wolf?

In his hometown of Fairy Forest, he was one of the monsters called the symbol of fear.

Like a fairy tale, stories about him are passed down.

However, such a purgatory was being beaten poorly without even being able to properly resist.

The wolf wasn’t weak.

They, or to be more precise, the black-haired man’s ability and commanding ability were so perfect.

How much more one-sided hunting would have lasted?


woo woo woo!

With a cry like a final cry, the giant purgatory flame wolf fell to the ground.

Yeong-Rang, who could not get up any longer, slowly died while panting.

In fact, this situation had already been predestined from the moment the entire interior was smashed by Zion a while ago.

Soon after, the wolf’s breath, which had gradually faded, stopped completely.

The moment all the rust that burned all over the body fades away,

-You have perfectly overcome the ordeal of the second floor.

– Points are paid differently according to the contribution level.

-4 You achieved the best performance among the participants. 3 extra points are awarded.

The ordeal assistant’s voice could be heard in the ears of everyone present.

– You have achieved a perfect collaboration. Two additional points are awarded.

Others ended up here,

– An additional 10 points will be awarded for your huge contribution.

– Extra points due to perfect command… … .

In Shion’s ear, the voice of the artificial spirit continued to resound.


-You have achieved more than 55 points by the second trial. You have met the first condition for the Secret Trial.

At the last words he heard from such a spirit, Sion smiled lightly.

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