206 episodes

51 Proof(2)

Kia aah!


The outskirts of the southwest of Ma station.

“ Now.”

Next to the monsters who were divided into two camps and engaged in fierce battles, some characters who used stealth magic and anti-presence techniques with a small voice quickly passed by.

It was a group of heroes, including Claire Flosimar.

“ How much more do we have to go?”

Despite the fact that the war between the archdukes was getting worse, Saint Elesis asked Claire, as if uneasy about the current situation, rather than escaping from the demonic realm.

“ Didn’t I say that I had to find some temple? So you think it’s all over?”

At those words, before Claire could even open her mouth, Lane, who was next to her, asked, pointing her chin in front of her.

As she said, on the other side of the direction they were heading, a gray-colored building that looked like a temple slowly appeared from the end of the horizon.

“ Okay, you have to go inside.”

Claire nodded towards them and accelerated further.

“ What should I get from there?”

“ Awesome.”

At Turzan’s subsequent question, a word came out of the warrior’s mouth.

A short but very powerful word.

One of the most powerful and high-ranking weapons among myth-class weapons, a title given only to those with the highest rank, was right there.

In addition, the Shingi inside was the most important key that she had to obtain in the magic station.

‘ Before the return, I only knew the location, but I couldn’t get it in the end.’

If I had gotten it back then, things might have been different.

In fact, Claire also did not know exactly the identity of the Shinigami over there.

The only thing is that it was a sword used by one of the five kings who served Orrelion in the Eternal Age in the past and a person called the Divine Sword.

‘ I don’t know why such a character’s sword exists in such a deep place even among demons.’

Obviously, as far as Claire herself knew, the time when the demon appeared in the world was after the death of the Eternal Emperor.

Are there any unknown secrets?

Claire, who had been thinking up to that point, brushed the question out of her head.

If I had thought about it, I couldn’t figure it out, and now I had to focus only on acquiring a new spirit.

“ Come right in, prepare for battle.”

Claire calmly opens her mouth as she gazes at the huge temple approaching right in front of her.

Following the words of the hero, the new faces of the party with hardened eyes disappeared as if they were being sucked into the temple.

* * *

soo much!

A single piece of gold that was born from Agdevar, which was stuck in the exact center of the magic circle, spreads out to the end of the magic circle in an instant.

soon after


Huge pupils appearing within a magic circle split around gold.

It was the moment when those eyes moved their blood-red pupils to illuminate the entire crowd gathered in the great dance hall.

Kwaduk, Kwaduk, Kwaduk!

With the world dyed red, the demonic beings who had been hiding their original appearance for at least a few years or as long as several decades began to peel off the skin of the human being covered by them.

Kia aah!

With a bizarre cries that seem to scrape the lungs, disgusting magic fills the hall.

soon after

“ Remove them all.”

As if waiting with a cold voice from someone’s mouth, the electric powers surrounding the theater began to move all at once.


A competitive arena that turns into a chaos in an instant due to the raging sword attacks and magic techniques.

A small number of demons appeared among the armed groups surrounding the gymnasium, but as if they knew in advance, the nearby members immediately removed them and moved.

“ They are demons who have killed our family and co-workers and even took their lives. Never show mercy!”

Suga Gaga!

And unlike those who move so recklessly.

“ Hey, how is this… … .”

Those who had no prior knowledge of what was happening now stood still and stared blankly at the battlefield.

And most of them were those sitting at the top.

“ Dee, His Majesty Deena… … .”

Diena did not respond to Hallegrion’s call to her with a trembling voice.

No, you are correct that I did not answer.

Because the shocking scene that occurred before her eyes had captured her entire consciousness and did not let her go.

“ What is this… … .”


This was hell.

People who had been friends until recently had turned into monsters, and other companions were killing those monsters.

Blood and flesh splatter, and the cries of humans and monsters are mixed.

Was World War I like this?

At least the beginning would have been like this, the 5th Princess thought.

“ I thought it would have been like this… … .”

Yes, to be honest, Diena also didn’t think that Sion’s words were all lies.

The Shion she had seen until now was always meticulous and thorough.

However, I expected that there would be dozens of hiding places… … .

The scene in front of her far exceeded Diena’s expectations.

‘ Maybe really… … !’


When she clenched her fists in her head, recalling what Shion had said at the meeting of the monarchs.

“ Aww!”

Some of the people sitting at the top began to turn into demons with shouts.

As they were characters with enormous power to affect the entire empire, demons with powerful power had no choice but to disguise themselves, and they endured for a long time before appearing.

Of course, there was nothing they could do about it.

“ Light, give me strength to punish these evils.”

“ You really are hiding everywhere like a mouse.”


Because the first prince and Archendelt, who acted as if they had waited, began to be executed.

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‘ Were you like that?’

Sion, standing in the middle of such a large theater, was looking at the huge snow that was scattering red light from the sky.

As Shion remembered, the appearance of the red circle depicted in the chronicle was not like that.

It seemed to have been improved and the form had also changed.

‘ I think it’s more towards the Blood Tower.’

Since the effect is so good, it would be right to respect the taste.

With that in mind, Shion turned his gaze towards the rapidly decreasing monsters.

The number of demons revealed by this incident was incomparably larger than before, and the level was also the highest, but they were being slaughtered without even being able to properly resist.

The reason was simple.

“ These worm-like humans… … Whoa!”

Quad Duck!

That’s because Zion’s preparations were too great.

Six top-level armed groups and three ‘sky’-class powers.

It was no exaggeration to say that the core power of the empire was gathered here.

‘ With this, about half of the monsters in the Imperial Castle and the Capital can be erased.’

Shion thought as she glanced at Selfia, who was steadily accumulating experience points against demons from one side of the great dance hall.

Since he had decided to prepare for war in earnest, Sion was planning to cut out all the monsters in the capital as quickly as possible.

So, he had already made plans in his head, even how to hunt the remaining half of the monsters.

at that time.

“ Shion Agnes! This damned bloodline of Agnes!!”

With a cry supported by evil, some demons nearby began to rush towards Zion.

The demons of such an enormous level that each one is similar to or just below Hanosral in the past.

However, they did not reach the front of Zion.

soo much!

Countless solid lines drawn all over the whole body of the demons that are shooting towards Zion.

Soon after, I wondered if brilliant starlight would burst out of those solid lines like an explosion.


The corpses of demons split into dozens of pieces fell to the floor as they were.

“ Zion.”

with him.

“ Now, this scene… … You mean the truth of the Empire we didn’t know?”

Evelyn, the person who created the scene, asked Shion with a blank voice.

As if she had been severely shocked, the eyes of the 2nd Princess were still fluttering wildly.

“ No, exactly.”

Sion, who opened his mouth, staring at Ivelyn with subdued eyes, stretched out his hand toward the side.


The plosive sound is heard even though it is clearly empty space.

“ Big, gagging!”

Belatedly, in such a void, a demon appeared with his throat caught by Zion.

It was discovered while secretly approaching from a blind spot through the gap in which the gaze was dispersed.


“ It’s the truth you’ve been ignoring.”

Shion, who burst the demon’s head without hesitation, smiled at Evelyn and continued speaking.

“ I haven’t really done anything… … .”

When the 2nd Princess, who bowed her head, muttered with a puzzled expression on her face.


One of the demons, which was shrinking more rapidly due to the imperial forces gradually joining the battle after getting out of embarrassment, left his seat and started running towards the head of the great dance hall.

“ Damn it, damn it!”

The demon, Rom, spit out swear words while pouring all the power he could have on only increasing the speed.

What was going on in the Grand Theater right now was something he had never expected.

No, to be precise, I was right to say that I never expected to get things done so quickly.

‘ It’s only been three days since I heard from above that Zion Agnes had figured out a way to tell us apart!’

Since when did you start preparing?

To be honest, I tried to fight at first, but I couldn’t be an opponent.

The unexpected surprise was also a surprise, but the difference in power was overwhelming in the first place.

White flame agent Ahmad Ozrima and sword king Ludwig Ascalon.

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Milaeion Geoffrey, the leader of the Knights of Agnes, and Evelyn Agnes, who started moving late.

‘ The World Conference itself must have been a trap!’

In addition, now, even the head of the capital, Omaryeong, has been completely removed, so there is no central point.

Some demons, including Rom himself, tried to replace him, but it was not enough.

In such a situation, he faced such a crisis, so there was no way he could fight properly.

He tried to buy time by taking other humans around him as hostages, but to no avail.

Because it seemed to reflect Zion Agnes’s disposition as it was, without paying any attention to it.

‘ We must get out of here quickly.’

With that in mind, Rom looked at the back of the chair he was facing.

I don’t know if it was a mistake or a loophole that could not be covered, but there were two weak spots in the protective shield that surrounded the entire large exercise room, and one of them was the back of the upper seat.

‘ There are monster-like humans even at the top, but… … If you’re prepared for serious injuries, you might be able to pass it on at least once.’

In fact, even if he suffered a near-death wound rather than a serious one, Rom thought this would be best.

Because I had to pass Zion Agnes to get to the other side’s weakness.

A monster among monsters who is responsible for all of this and makes you tremble in fear just thinking about it.

His intuition whispered that he would surely die if he headed that way.

With him, Rom glanced at Zion once with a tired face, then turned his head again and looked at the head of the house who was getting closer.

‘ First of all, I quickly beat the 5 princesses in front.’

hey hey!

With that thought, the relentless magi rushed into the demon’s right hand.

“ Ah… … !”

Diana’s eyes, recognizing such a rom, had little embarrassment.

If it was normal, she could have dealt with the demons who came right in front of her by herself, but she was still in a state of shock from what Zion had done.

Therefore, I was not able to recognize it and react in a timely manner.

She activated the enchantment and spirit magic belatedly, but the demon’s hand, already covered in dark red magic, was reaching out to her eyes.

‘ Late… … !

It was a moment of urgency and despair at the same time on Diena’s face.

Go away!

The mouth of the demons who shouted at her like that.

A sword protruded through the back of such a mouth.

“ Big, gagging!”

A sword with a blade that is so black as to absorb all the light that exists in the world.

Fu Chemicals!

The demon blood that erupted from him immediately dyed Diena’s face red.

A man with such a dark sword appeared from the back of the demons who were slowly falling down with him.

The man who looked at her with a blank expression with a cold smile on his white, contrasting, black uniform like a sword.

Soon after, from the mouth of the man, Zion.

“ Is this enough to prove it?”

A cold voice like that laughter came out.

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