207 episodes

52 Organizing Inside(1)

Immediately after Diena could not refute Shion’s question and bowed her head helplessly.

The battle that was like an affair that took place in the great theater was quickly settled.

“ What kind of demonic beings! Did you mean that there was a good man in the middle of the imperial castle of the Empire?”

In addition to Zion’s previous moves, other people who came to their senses also joined the battle, and they moved frantically as if to make up for what they had been standing still and massacred the demons.

In fact, even if they didn’t join, the magician couldn’t win from the beginning.

Shion was meticulous, so after considering all the variables, he poured more energy into it.

“ I must tell you this! Escape through the weak part of the magic dome… … Big bang!”

Quad Duck!

It was also Shion’s plan to deliberately drive demons into the area and organize them all at once by creating a weak part in the shield from the beginning.

So the battle ended without being overturned.

Since then, the Agnes Empire has been completely overturned.

Due to the tens of thousands of people who participated in the world competition, what had happened at the Grand Theater quickly spread beyond the capital to the entire empire, and the people of the Empire were shocked when they heard about it.

“… … Is that really true?”

“ How could this happen!”

If the name of Agnes was maintained for a hundred years, the peace of the empire was being shaken.

No, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that it was completely falling apart.

As such, the number of demons revealed in the world competition far exceeded people’s imaginations.

Among them, there were also many nobles from the highest ranks who were enough to participate in the Agnes Conference, so the confusion was bound to aggravate.

“ Maybe around us… … .”

Doubts also spread like wildfire.

Recognizing that demons could exist everywhere, even their colleagues and family members began to be wary, and as a result, the entire empire began to be colored with tension.

It was only natural that the procedure for the world conference that followed after the competition with him was almost undisturbed.

“ From now on, investigate all those in the family whose identities are even a little unclear or have a sudden change of disposition.”

As soon as the world conference was over, the chiefs gathered in the imperial castle hurriedly returned to their families and started maintenance, and the leaders of the third generation of apocryphals also hurried to return.

If there were this many demons in the capital of the empire, especially the imperial castle, which is the center, it would be like saying that they were also in their stronghold.

Even while the whole empire was stained with doubt and confusion,

“… … They declared war. To be precise, I am ready.”

The declaration of preparations for war against the demonic demon made by Zion in the world competition was becoming a hot topic every day.

Of course, since it was just a declaration of a member of the royal family, not the emperor, it could be viewed as ineffective in some way, but if the royal family was Zion Agnes, the story was different.

Because he was the closest thing to the next great emperor.

In addition, they prepared for this situation and conversely annihilated the demons, so it was a natural phenomenon that the support for Zion also rose to the point of piercing the sky.

Having successfully completed one big event, you can enjoy such interest and take a break for a while, but Sion moved more quickly after the contention and began to sift out the remaining demons in the capital.

‘ They are aware of this and remove them all before responding.’

Did you even know everything beforehand?

Zion’s movement using the knowledge of the chronicle and the two top-level intelligence organizations was beyond imagination, and the monsters hidden in it were being destroyed helplessly.

Such internal arrangement was nothing less than a necessary condition for preparation for war, so it was one of the factors that should be taken care of the most.

It wasn’t long before the 5th Princess came to Shion, who was moving so quickly.

“… … Are you still here? Now we can move to a bigger palace.”

After taking a sip of Fredo’s coffee in the drawing room, Diena’s eyes were wide open as she opened her mouth.

Perhaps he couldn’t sleep at night because of the countless thoughts and worries that came to his mind.

‘ I’m sure I’ll be visiting here.’

With that thought, a bitter smile appeared on Diana’s lips.

Until just the beginning of this year, she was the one who greeted Zion in her office.

I couldn’t help but feel bad because the current situation, which had been reversed, seemed to show the current situation.

“ I like this place.”

After answering the question briefly, Sion looked at Diena.

It was an unspoken question about what the purpose was.

The 5th princess, who looked at Sion with her shaky eyes for a moment, slowly opened her mouth.

“… … First, the words spoken at the Council of Monarchs and the World Competition. I want to ask if those words really contain an exaggeration or a lie.”

“ Are you stupid? Or are you forcing yourself to close your eyes and deny it?”

A poignant voice came out of Zion’s mouth.

“ Yes? what now… … !”

“ It’s funny that you ask such a question even though you’ve seen it all during the competition.”

“… … .”

Diana shut her mouth.

Because I couldn’t respond to that.

In fact, she already knew the answer to her question.

Nevertheless, what he asked was just to instill confidence in his shaky and shaky heart.

“ After… … That may not be true.”

With that muttering, she closed her eyes once as if to organize her thoughts, then opened her mouth again to Sion.

“ What are you asking for in return for proof?”

It was the reason she came to Zion today.

At the last meeting of the monarchs, they placed a bet on Zion’s proof and lost there, so now it’s time to pay the price.

“ Do you want me to relinquish the throne?”

“ No, I’m not asking for anything else. It’s not worth much to me.”

At that, Diana bit her lip.

It was a very insulting statement, but it was also true at the same time.

Her youngest brother, who is in front of her right now, didn’t know that she could ascend to the throne on her own without anyone’s help if she made up her mind.

In the first place, he said he was not a competitor.

“ Then what… … .”

Shion’s answer that followed was not what Diena expected at all.

“ Make it so that I can enter the ‘ban’ when I visit the fairy forest.”

“ Yes? If the fairy forest is banned, are you referring to the ‘cradle of the world tree’?”

cradle of the world tree.

It was a forbidden place in the deepest part of the fairy forest, where only the ‘leaf’ selected by the World Tree could enter, and even the emperor could not enter unless he was chosen.

“ Why are you there… … .”

The eyes of the 5 Princesses are dyed with doubt at that strange request.

‘ Cradle of the World Tree’ was a very important place for the fairies, but it had nothing to do with Zion.

There was also no benefit that Shion, a human being, could obtain when entering.

So, I had no idea what the intention was.

But Zion had a reason she didn’t know.

‘ I’m sure he’s still there.’

In the cradle of the World Tree, there was one thing that Zion himself had left behind when it was the eons ago.

‘ Once you get it and climb to the 7th castle, you can get the fairy forest as well.’

Thinking like that, Zion’s eyes slowly began to glow.

* * *

“ I thought that crazy bastard was going to have an accident someday… … I’m going to make it this big Even at this time!”

From the abyss of the depths of the Demonic Warfare, the frantic Archduke Acrimosia burst into anger at the low voice sitting in front of her with a very annoying voice.

Of course, the crazy bastard she was talking about was referring to Grand Duke Jellis of Jealousy.

“ Calm down. Being excited doesn’t change anything.”

A low voice opened his mouth as he watched the strange sight of Acrimosia, called a madman, calling another being a mad cub.

“ We have to end the war with minimal damage somehow. after… … Now that a great war is about to begin, I have to worry about this kind of thing.”

“ Can’t you bring jealousy here again?”

“ Why are you doing this when you know it’s impossible? you knew it too That bastard was just looking for an opportunity from the beginning. Maybe if you see a gap, you’ll even try to push the king away?”

The frantic Archduke snorted at the low voice.

It was the nature of Jellis to always feel dissatisfied and jealous of everything.

There was no way that such a guy would come back to this place with ease.

“ It is better not to have any regrets about the shoots to be cut. Now that this is the case, it’s better for the two of us to come together and kill it as quickly as possible.”

“… … Is there really no other way?”

It was when Acrimosia’s low voice mumbled in a voice filled with regret.

“ Wow, that’s a big deal!”

“ What else!”

Acrimosia shouted nervously towards the subordinate demons, who are visiting more and more these days.

“ Did Jellis even move?”

“ Oh, no. It’s not on that side, it’s the Empire side.”

“ The Empire? What’s going on?”

“ Most demons under Omaryeong in the capital have been eliminated.”

The eyes of the two archdukes began to flutter violently.

* * *

The dance hall of Chimseonggung Palace.

Suga Gak!

Kaang! Kaang!

There, two men and women were fighting swords while looking at each other.

Whether it was a form of martial arts battles that the Ascalon family mainly practiced, no mystery was felt in such a gladiator.

How long did the fight go on like that?



One of the two swords rose upwards with a clear noise.

The man who did not miss the gap, Shion’s sword was aimed at the opponent’s neck.

“… … I lost, Zion.”

Evelyn looked at the sword pointed at her neck for a moment, then shook her head and put the sword into its sheath.

The reason why she and Zion are fighting now was simple.

Evelyn came to Chimseonggung Palace to finish the match that she couldn’t finish during the competition a few hours ago, and Zion accepted it.

But unlike last time, it didn’t feel that intense.

This was because not only was it a military match in the first place, but Evelyn, the party who requested it, could not concentrate on the match.

“ You really have grown a lot. Incomparable to the past.”

The eyes of the second princess who spoke like that were more complex than those of Diena who had come to see her last time.

“ Thanks to the heart of a thousand-year-old ogre that I received before.”

At Shion’s words, Evelyn smiled softly and continued.

“ There is talk of the coronation ceremony.”

Of course, the coronation ceremony was speaking of the throne.

“ It has been coming out little by little since a long time ago, but… … Due to the events of this competition, it was completely brought to the surface. Probably because it is a chaotic state, it is difficult to vacate the throne any longer.”

Evelyn also knew the imperial family, who was mentioned among the people as a figure to be crowned with him.

It was Zion right in front of me.

Evelyn pauses for a moment and looks at Zion.

The eyes of the two princesses were filled with affection and concern.

How quiet did it go?

From her mouth that finally broke the silence,

“ Come to the throne.”

A shocking word that was not expected at all came out.

It wasn’t something impulsive.

It was said after thinking thousands, no, tens of thousands of times.

Evelyn was awakened by what had happened at this world conference.

that he really didn’t know anything.

He looked only at the peace of the empire, which was only on the surface, and didn’t even try to dig out the shocking truth.

Therefore, Evelyn thought that she did not deserve the throne.

In addition, he believed that in order to truly protect this empire, Zion had to become the emperor.

only his own brother.

Only Zion Agnes.

Because I grasped all these truths and faced them.

‘ I thought I would not be able to carry the heavy burden of the emperor, but… … .’

Zion was already carrying a heavier burden than that alone.

She always called herself sister and followed her.

When did the infinitely weak and small brother grow up so much?

‘ Now it might be okay for me to really look forward to it… … .’

Evelyn, who smiled softly with that thought,

“ Zion, rise to the throne.”

He delivered the words of firm determination to Zion once again.

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