209 episodes

52 Organizing the Interior(3)

– How dare these lowly human bastards!


The last room of an unnamed temple that exists deep within the Demon Station.

Rather than a room, in a space almost the same size as a hall, a single demon dragon was shooting out an unimaginable amount of magic in all directions with great anger.

As a result, the temple made of black rock, which was said to withstand even heavy rains, collapsed.


“ I will use my breath. Everyone by my side.”

There was no fear in the eyes of the warriors who were facing such a demon dragon.


It was because he had already been through countless hardships worse than this, and had grown beyond comparison with the past.

The demon dragon’s breath, which was shot in a straight line towards the party, is twisted in an unexpected direction by Tyran’s ‘gravity distortion’.

with him,

Break up!

The lane, which had turned into a single lightning bolt, was shot forward at once, and quadrupled!

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Most of the muscles supporting the Demon Dragon’s one leg were cut off.

This is possible because the Demon Dragon used most of his power and was exhausted from the battles in the past.

-… … !

In front of the demon dragon who lost his center and staggered, as if he had made a promise, Turzan appeared with his arm holding the shield pulled to the maximum.

hey hey!

With such a shield of Turzan, the enormous divinity that Elysis poured out was engraved.

Without hesitation, Turzan inserted the shield dyed in such brilliant golden light into the demon dragon’s body.


In the end, the Demon Dragon couldn’t stand it and fell to the floor.

– Whoa! like this worm… … !

The movement of the demon dragon, which had quickly risen again, bursting with a roar filled with pain and anger, stopped for a moment.

In the dragon’s eyes, a huge silver sword fell from the top towards him before he knew it.


The silver sword that pierced through dozens of defense techniques spread out around it at once hit the demon dragon’s body, causing a huge explosion.

As a result, the view becomes thick with the soaring dust.

After such a short time passed, the scene that was revealed again from within was a demon dragon whose head had been cut off and a silver-haired woman staring at the dragon’s corpse.

“ Nice, Claire! The gatekeeper said this guy was the last, right? Can you see that miracle now?”

Lane, who approached Claire like that, opened her mouth with a recalled voice.

“ If you ever get a new weapon, would you mind giving me a chance to take a look? I want to know how the power of God works.”

Perhaps the expected value of the name Shingi was so high that even Tyrian, who usually showed little emotion except for annoyance, could not hide his excitement.

“ I don’t rely too much on the power of arms, but… … It’s a novelty, so I’m definitely curious.”

“ The material must be different from the general weapon, right?”

“ Maybe it may be that the object itself, not the object, is made up of spells and words.”

It was as if they had gone back to before their return, and Claire’s smile was unwittingly on her lips when she was young.

“ Wait a minute! I got a message from the church!”

Elesis, who had her mouth closed with a strange expression on one side, raised her hand and opened her mouth.

“ A message? suddenly?”

At her words, the group’s eyes lit up with suspicion.

It was only natural for Saint Elesis to be able to communicate with the denomination regardless of location.

However, until now, the Church of Light had never sent a message from the Church of Light.

Something unexpected enough to do.

“ Yes, to be precise, it is a message sent by His Majesty Zion through the denomination.”

“ What is the content?”

Claire, who stiffened her expression slightly at the word of Prince Zion, rushed to answer Elysis.

The words of Zion Agnes she saw had a deep meaning in each word.

If it was such a message from him, it must have been important.

“ From now on, I want you to go to the place you have designated… … .”

Soon after,

‘ Maybe already… … !’

Claire’s eyes began to tremble when she heard the one place that came out of the saint’s mouth.

* * *

“ You, you… … !”

A trembling voice came out of Richt’s mouth as he looked at the red-eyed woman slowly walking out of the horse-drawn carriage.

It was the first time he had actually seen him, but he knew the identity of the woman who greeted him.

One of the people who destroyed the central branch of Ouroboros together with Zion Agnes in the past.

At that time, some of the surviving members of the organization still feared that woman more than Prince Zion.


‘ That that woman is here right now… … no way!’

When Richiet’s face, having reached a conclusion in an instant, was dyed with contemplation,

“ One of the wizards carrying the nukes came along! Get rid of them quickly!”

Those around her who did not recognize such a woman, Riusina, began to rush towards her all at once.

Are they really the members of the highest rank among Ouroboros?

The speed of the members of the organization was so fast that it was hard to see, and the power was so strong that the surrounding atmosphere shook.


“ No!”

Strength was always a relative concept.

At the moment when Richet saw that, a desperate cry burst out of his mouth, a raindrop!

After reaching right in front of him, the upper body of one of the members of the organization who was wielding his weapon at the witch disappeared as it was.

The mouth of the bright red beast appeared in the place where the missing upper body was.

It was the moment when the gang members who were running after the bizarre appearance flinched.


At the same time, the smile on Riusina’s lips deepened, and at the same time, quasijijijijik!

The heads of countless beasts that appeared from above those members of the organization began to chew and swallow their bodies without leaving a trace.

The floor was instantly dyed red due to the fresh blood that erupted from it.

“ Hey, this is… … .”

When Richt took a step back with eyes tired of that eerie appearance,

“ It’s an intruder! Annihilate the invaders!”

Hundreds of new members of the organization, noticing the commotion, simultaneously rushed towards the cause of the commotion, Riosina.

“ I am impressed that you welcomed me so much.”

A red-eyed witch who mutters with her eyes full of ecstasy at the appearance of new prey.

“ Haha, I feel like I want to eat them all by myself… … There is nothing I can do about it.”

However, soon after, Riusina, who had turned into a sad face, licked her lips and lightly flicked her raised finger.


With him, the bloody wave that started from her spreads through the atmosphere in an instant and begins to encroach on the entire surrounding space.

Good luck!

As a result, tens of thousands of eyes bloomed in the bright red space.

Those eyes gulped and moved, and it was a moment to fix their gaze on the front row of the running gang members.


The bodies of all the members of the organization that received the eyes of the pupils burst out without any warning.

It’s such a bizarre sight that you can’t even understand it.

But the strange sight did not end there.

The fresh blood that erupted from it and the blood stained red on the floor all gathered in one place and began to form the shape of a huge door.

A red door that gives a creepy feeling to the point where you can’t think properly due to the overwhelming feeling of fear the moment you see it.

Soon after, a bright red stem protruding from the door was connected to the huge tech core nearby.


The door, which has absorbed the enormous magical power transmitted from him, begins to open with a rusty sound.

But it was not the forces of evil that came out of it.

bum bum, bum bum.

Familiar yet so foreign that I’ve never heard of it anywhere else.

The sound of footsteps that are so quiet that you can’t hear them unless you listen to them, yet make your heart tremble.

As soon as he sees the owner of the sound of his steps appearing, he begins to feel astonished and despairing in the eyes of Richt and other members of the organization.

“… … Zion Agnes!”

With absolute power, charisma, and a never-ending depth of heart, he overcame all other members of the royal family in just one year and took the throne.

At the same time, the No. 1 enemy who pushed the entire Ouroboros into a corner.

Its existence was right in front of you right now.

“ No… … no… … !”

At the same time as seeing such Shion, Richt, who had lost his courage, shook his head and took a step backwards.

“ Annihilate all enemies that stand in the way of His Majesty Zion!”

Belatedly, the minions who passed the red gate following Zion started shooting at Richt and other members of the organization.

The Twilight Swordsman, the Blood Mage of the Blood Tower, and the Puritans who joined under Riusina this time.

“ Hey hahaha! I am first!”

And a thousand-year-old witch who goes ahead of them and slaughters enemies indiscriminately.

‘ This must have been Ouroboros’ main base.’

Sion, who watched for a moment at the scene where Riusina’s newly learned large-scale space movement technique was confronted with the members of Ouroboros, turned her gaze upward with that thought.

Palantir clan.

As the family that owns the mansion where Zion stands now, it has enough force, but it has almost no other influence, so it was not possible to enter the five generations.

The family is also called the Cheongun family (靑雲家) because it has a very clean and pure family tradition.

‘ I didn’t care because it had nothing to do with magic, but… … .’

It was a fact that even Zion did not expect at all that the entire family belonged to Ouroboros.

‘ No, to be precise, the Palantir family should be the main body of Ouroboros.’

Then, the head of Ouroboros, which was not even revealed in the chronicles, was most likely the head of the Palantir family.

‘ The owner of this place is obviously… … .’

Shion thought of a person in his mind.

Iliad Palantir.

‘ Twelve Seas’ and a man with the nickname Manhaechang (滿海槍).

In terms of force alone, he was the highest level spearman who was considered to be able to compete with the ‘sky’.

‘ Probably, as the leader of Ouroboros, there will also be hidden power, so it is correct to think of it as a perfect ‘sky’ level.’

With that thought, the darkness that extended from Zion began to sweep through the mansion.

As Sion knew, the leader of Ouroboros was a very cautious person and at the same time never stepped forward.

Perhaps the moment they realized that they had been discovered, there was a high probability that they would abandon this headquarters and escape instead of preparing for battle.

Shion had no intention of leaving any remorse, so he planned to deal with Ilias before escaping.

Soon after,

“I found it.”

Sion’s eyes, sensing what they wanted, drew a strange curve.

That moment,


Shion’s new form, which had turned into a single ray of darkness, pierced the ceiling of the mansion and began to soar upwards in a straight line.

Shion’s favorite method for chasing enemies indoors.

Zion always pursued maximum efficiency in everything, and this method best suited Zion’s inclination.

Shion, who broke through the floor and reached the top floor of the mansion in an instant, quasi-jikjik!

He smashed the door of the library right in front of him and went inside.

Because I was feeling the energy of the Ilias I had seen at the Agnes tournament in the past.


“ This is… … .”

As soon as she entered the room, Shion’s expression changed strangely.

Because Ilias didn’t exist in the study.

The only thing Sion could see was a large sphere that was placed on the desk and made a ticking sound.

“I ate one.”

The moment Shion realized that it was a magic bomb and smiled.

The second hand of the moving bomb points to 0,


The whole field of vision was white.

* * *


“ Did you get caught?”

A middle-aged man with a well-groomed beard muttered softly as he watched the explosion so enormous that a riot spread throughout the capital.

His name is Ilias Palantir.

He was the head of Ouroboros.

Ilias was very careful.

That is why he always had a preparedness plan assuming every situation, and now that explosion was one of his preparedness plans.

However, even though the plan was successful, Ilias’ expression was not very bright.

“ Huh, the damage isn’t the only thing.”

The place where the explosion flew away was his home base.

It was also a stronghold that had been secretly hidden from anyone for decades.

As such a stronghold disappeared in an instant, it was natural to be bitter.

“ For the time being, I should stop all my plans and hide.”

The fact that the main group was discovered means that the enemies are moving in earnest to annihilate them.

In times like these, it was more appropriate to save the body.

“ The good news is that Prince Zion will not be able to move for a while because of this incident… … .”

It was a magic bomb of the highest level.

He was hit by the explosion of such a magic bomb right in front of him, so even if he didn’t die, he would have suffered at least serious injuries.

“ It’s a pity I didn’t see that scene in person… … Well?”

Ilias’s face, who had been smiling lightly as he recalled Sion Agnes, who must have been fatally injured, was instantly dyed with doubt.

His own shadow caught in the sight he looked down at.

Unlike usual, such a shadow gave a foreign feeling.

Immediately, the eyes of Ilias, who realized the reason for the alien feeling,

‘ Are you laughing?’

It was a shaking moment.

“ It’s hotter than I thought.”

A languid voice emanating from the shadows.

“… … !”

The moment when Ilias, who had been dyed with astonishment at the incomprehensible phenomenon, unknowingly took a step back.

a little faster than that.

“I almost missed it.”


A white hand protruding from the shadows grabbed his neck.

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