210 episodes

52 Organizing the Interior(4)


As it is a criminal organization that appears at the end of the chronicle, its power and scale can be said to be great.

Among them, the power of the Ouroboros headquarters was beyond our imagination to the extent that it could not be compared with other branches that we had experienced so far.

For this reason, it could be said that these three armed groups, the Twilight Blade, Blood Tower, and Purification Bridge, were not enough.

However, the reason why Sion did not put all of their power into them was simple.

“ No, what the hell is the owner doing?”

It was because of Riusina’s existence.

A witch who mumbled while looking up at the top of the mansion, which had completely flew away except for the first floor, which she covered with defensive magic.

“ At the end of the day, the nuke almost flew. And my prey.”

The witch’s blood magic, which looked at the members of the gang who deliberately made them not to be caught up in the explosion, was one step more advanced than in the past battle with the six claws due to this journey to the purification bridge.

So that power… … .


It could well be said that the ‘end’ was near.

In a space completely encroached with blood, Riusina’s fingers stretched out from left to right.

A single red line engraved into the world along the tip of such a witch’s finger.

blah blah blah blah!

The bodies of members caught in such a line split without resistance and fall to the floor.

At the same time, it was the moment when the fresh blood bursting from the corpse touched the bodies of other members of the organization that followed.

Tuhwa hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

There was no foreshadowing.

The gang members explode as if a bomb had already been planted in their body.

From there, the blood that spreads in all directions around the enemies it touches also continues to explode in the same way, creating an endless chain of action.


Shout out!

Key profit!

In the blood that dyed the entire first floor red, even handshakes that were the symbol of Rios crawled out, creating a perfect hell that would never exist again.

“ Hey! Eat all, all!”

Riusina’s blood magic, which became much more sympathetic and bizarre than before, was now at a level where it was impossible to even tell who was the evil one.

Even his ally, the Twilight Swordsman, gave a tired look.

However, Blood Tower and Purification Bridge, on the other hand,

“ Oh, a thousand-year-old witch! Have you finally realized the truth of blood magic?”

“ Ah, mother! Our mother!”

He was looking at Riusina with his eyes filled with emotion, with his hands together as if praying to God.

In fact, to them, a thousand-year-old witch, who was nothing other than a god, was showing great performances right in front of them, so they were filled with faith and emotion.

Some even shed tears as they watched the scene.

“ Sal, save me! Gagging!”

“ Ah, how do you do that… … .”

Unlike them, the members of the Ouroboros corps begin to run away without losing their will.

Licht, an executive, couldn’t stop looking at those members of the organization.

Because he was already afraid of that red-eyed monster.

‘ There is still a chance.’

With that thought in mind, Richie looked towards Liusina, the creator of this hell.

The current situation is that the others have not yet moved actively, and only the red-eyed woman has stepped forward.

So, if you were aiming for that loophole, you had a chance to get rid of the woman.

‘ Because the root is a wizard, it will be relatively weak in close combat.’

Until now, I could tell just by looking at the enemies that had not been brought within a certain range.

With that thought, on the spot, with his knees bent to the maximum, his new body leaned obliquely, paang!

It disappeared with a loud sound that seemed to tear the air apart.

At the same time, Richt reappears right in front of Riusina.

The moment a powerful shock wave bursts out of a line drawn behind him, tuquaang!

Richie’s fist, which captured that speed, exploded in Liusina’s body as it was.

‘ Okay!’

Richt’s eyes lit up as he watched the witch being torn to shreds without even leaving a corpse due to the power of his weapon, ‘Gloves of Crushing’.

There was a difference in basic strength, but it seemed to work well to exploit the loopholes and pour out all of your power from the beginning without thinking about the back.

‘ From now on, the situation can be reversed… … !’

It was the moment when Richt turned his gaze toward the other members of the organization with a face full of joy.

“ Are you faster than you think? I couldn’t even react properly.”

A single voice echoed in his ear.

Unknowingly, Richet’s eyes began to shake without mercy as he turned his head back to the side where the voice came from.

The place where that voice came from was the pieces of meat that had been shredded into hundreds of pieces and scattered.

It’s like playing the video in reverse.

Good luck!

Those corpse fragments gather in front of him again and begin to take the form of a red-eyed witch.

A sight that cannot be understood even with the naked eye.

“ Clearly perfect… … .”

“ I was out of breath.”

The witch, who is now approaching the end, cuts off the words of Richt that flowed in shock and slowly opens her mouth.

“ One of nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine.”

With him, the witch’s eyes curve as if it were her master.

“ Now there are nine thousand nine hundred ninety-eight left?”

Richie’s eyes were dyed with despair.

* * *


This was the ultimate goal and everything Ouroboros pursued.

The snake biting its tail always wanted a start.

It is also a completely flawless beginning where everything comes from pure white zero, without any discrimination and inequality.

In order to do that, the world had to be destroyed first.

Because only when there is an end can a new beginning also exist.

And Ilias Palantir, the head of such Ouroboros, is now, quaang, quaang, quaang!

It was in the process of smashing a few buildings and bouncing around like crazy.

In the end, his new model stops only after destroying even the sixth building, a five-story hotel building.

“ Wow!”

In the wreckage, Ilias staggered and stood up.

“ What! S, is it an attack?”

“ Ahhh!”

“ Hey, Sir Ilias?”

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Maybe it was because there was a commotion in the middle of the capital.

People gathered around him in an instant, and some recognized his face, but Ilias had no time to pay attention to it.


It was because of Zion that appeared before him with a ray of darkness.

‘ How did you get out of that explosion without a single wound?’

And how was he able to track his location so quickly?

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t figure out how to do it.

When Ilias’s eyes, stroking his neck, held in Shion’s hand a while ago, were dyed with doubt and bewilderment,

“ Let me admit to hiding my identity like a rat.”

With a low voice, Shion slowly began to walk towards him.

At the same time, the people around me who recognized Zion inhaled without knowing it! took a breath

Why the hell is Prince Zion fighting the head of the Palantir in the heart of the capital?

“ I honestly didn’t know. I didn’t expect it to be this close.”

There was a feeble difference in Zion’s eyes when he said that.

The base of Ouroboros was to the extent that it could not be found even if the ‘Eternal Shadow’ and ‘Moon Eye’ mobilized all their intelligence, so admiration was low.

But it also ended today.

Because Zion wasn’t merciful enough to leave a rat that caught his eye.

‘… … How did you do this?’

Ilias’ face as he looked at Zion like that was dyed with a sense of embarrassment.

He, Ouroboros, simply wanted to create an equal world where no one suffered.

I’ve lived my whole life for that one goal, and I plan to dedicate everything to that goal in the future.

Zion Agnes interfered with them, and that is why they were trying to get rid of them.

‘ Once he fights and endures, he sees a break and gets out of his seat.’

With that thought, Ilias glanced around.

He had no intention of staying here long.

The worse it was, the worse it was.

‘ Although I have achieved numerous achievements and competed against Evelyn Agnes in the world competition… … It was only a matchup to the last, and the actual battle was different.’

Even considering that, it was almost certain that Prince Zion was a ‘sky’-class strongman since he destroyed the central branch, but Ilias himself was able to show off his ‘sky’-level ability enough if he used his undisclosed power.

So, if it’s not about winning, it’s about persevering.

In addition, Prince Zion, who had been active for a little over a year, had little experience in actual combat, and Ilias thought that he had the upper hand.

Even if you don’t use the arcane powers of Ouroboros.

“ Sir Zion.”

With that call, Ilias pointed the spear he had drawn towards Zion.

“ I am sure your Majesty is well aware of the unfairness of this world. In fact, up until last year, His Majesty was called the imprisoned prince and suffered more severe discrimination than anyone else.”

The head of the Palantir, who continues to speak with her eyes full of strange longing.

“ Ouroboros exists for everyone who has been so discriminated against. It is our value to provide equal conditions and opportunities for all. In order to do that, everything must have a new beginning, and in order to achieve it, there must first be an end.”

That is why Ouroboros always aimed for the end.

“Your Majesty, it is essential for mankind to come to an end in order to move forward. To eliminate all discrimination and inequality in the world! To get rid of the countless pains it causes! How is it, Your Majesty is with us… … .”

It was before Ilias had even finished speaking.

“Your tongue is crooked.”


Shion’s new model, who had stopped sophistry with a voice full of boredom, appeared right in front of him with one step.

“ And it’s a mindset I don’t really like.”

At the same time,


Shion’s fist wrapped around the summoned Giga Perses stretched out toward Ilias’ head in a straight line.

“ Especially in terms of trying to destroy mine without my permission.”

Surprised by the speed so fast that even the afterimage cannot be seen properly, the spear of Ilias, who reacted immediately, blocks Shion’s fist.


His spear moved with a strange sound like the breath of a snake.

Its appearance was far from the palantier family tradition of pursuing the right path.

blah blah blah!

A terrifying shock wave that explodes with the ensuing clash.

As a result, objects and people around them were pushed out or thrown out without being able to bear them.

At the same time, a thick layer of dust rises from the rubble of the building.

Soon after,

“ Wow!”

From the dust, Ilias with a contorted face popped out.

“ What… … !”

His eyes were tinged with disappointment and astonishment.

only once.

With just one clash that happened now, Ilias knew.

He realized that the evaluation he had made for Prince Zion a while ago was wrong.

A dented spearhead and trembling arms.

‘ I hope I showed all of my strength back then… … !’

Before Ilias’ thoughts were over,

“ Is something wrong?”

Shion, who grinned as they pushed their faces in until they could hear each other’s breathing, unknowingly raised their fists to the max again.

‘You can’t take it head on!’

Instinctively, Ilias’s spear drew a strange curve and moved forward as if wrapped around Shion’s arm, which was being thrown out, and reversely aimed at Shion’s neck.

His spear was a brothel.

Without a lot of practical experience, it is impossible to properly grasp the direction in which the spear is swung.

It must be the first type of spear that he has ever experienced, so he will have no choice but to withdraw his attack.

But that brief moment.

Rather, Zion took a step forward.

hey hey!

Along with that, there is a single point smaller than a grain of peas, which is formed when darkness condenses to the extreme next to Zion’s neck.

As if you had made a promise.

A lot of cards!

The black dot and the tip of the spear that was being shot hit precisely, creating a terrifying friction spark.


Seeing this, Ilias’s eyes widened to the point that it could not grow any longer.

What Prince Zion did now was a miracle that could not even be imitated if he did not fully understand his breathing and thinking, the path and hitting point of his spear, and even the timing.

The moment any one of these was violated, he would have lost his life.

‘ Is this possible in this fleeting moment?’


In the meantime, the new Ilias, who barely blocked Shion’s strike by tilting the other side of the spear, bounced back without mercy.

Before the new type of Ilias stopped,


Shion, who appeared in front of him, fired another blow.

The very honest government that was exactly the same as it was just a moment ago.

‘I have to stop… … !’

It was the moment when Ilias, who had straightened his posture to defend against the attack, immediately held out his spear.

“ You don’t seem to have much practical experience?”

At the same time as Shion, who let out a cold voice, opened up her fist,

“… … What?”


Something protruding from the back of Ilias pierced his chest perfectly.

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