257 episodes

65 Assault on the Imperial Castle (4)

“ What are you? How do I use my powers… … !”


The demon’s head explodes without being able to speak to the end.

Beyond that, a purplish-colored eye beam explodes and continues for a long time towards the next target.

That uh uh huh!

Looking at the approaching eye light, a giant monster larger than Chimseonggung threw out a fist that poured all of its power into it.

Its power was so formidable that it could even destroy a fortress wall with a single blow, but wow!

Shelphia, the owner of the light, was blocked by the tiny hand that was outstretched as if it were too natural.

Before the incomprehensible scene turned the monster’s eyes into bewilderment, Tuhwahahahahaha!

Selfie, who absorbed all of the monster’s magical energy through the hand it touched, immediately converted it into a new power and released it again.

The upper body of the monster that disappeared without even reacting properly.


Selphia’s power, which crushed the demons in such an instant, was so strong that it could not even be compared with that of Su In-hae.

In fact, it had to be.

The power she has is ‘Magi Feeding’.

The more monsters there were, the more their light radiated, and that’s why it was exerting its maximum effect in such a situation.


“ Ouch!”

“ You, too many… … Alas!”

Contrary to such a selfie, the surroundings were not so good.

Is it because it’s on the outside?

The level of the knights was not that high, and the number of monsters they faced was too large.

I can’t really see the end of it.

In addition, there is no suitable range for Selfia.

Therefore, despite her struggles, the front line was gradually changing in favor of the demons.



Did I say disaster strikes all at once?

As if to put an end to this unfavorable situation, waves of monsters started pouring down once again from the hole in the sky.

The location is exactly where the selfies and knights are.

“ Ah… … .”

The knights who witnessed the scene, forgetting to wield their weapons, let out their dazed voices.

Truly a desperate crisis.

Like those knights, Selfia stopped moving and was staring blankly at the waves of the falling monsters.

However, her condition was a little different from other knights who gave up the battle with despair.

Just like when you first awakened the ‘Magi Feeding’.

thud! thud! thud! thud! thud!

Selfie’s heart beats like crazy.

The noise around you fades away, and the world you see begins to slow down.

‘ Why… … .’

Although it was a desperate situation that would never happen again, he was not afraid at all.

No, rather, looking at the waves of the monster, her eyes were full of excitement and anticipation.


One of Selfia’s hands begins to slowly lift upwards.

as if it had been done since the beginning.

The moment when the hand stretched toward the sky so naturally it is grasped, multiple feeding is given.

thud! thud! thud! thud! thud!

The hearts of all the knights around them started beating like crazy.

* * *

“ Huh? Are you the owner?”

Liusina immediately recognized Zion and waved her hand.

“ I still wanted to see you, but that’s good.”

A witch who approaches only Zion as if she doesn’t care about other people.

Up to that point, she was the same as usual, but the words that followed were completely different.

“ I was just about to end this annoying contract.”

Of course, there was only one way for her to forcefully terminate the contract.

To take Zion’s life.

‘ I don’t think it’s completely engulfed… … .’

Shion thought as she looked at the purple witch approaching her like that.

A reaction that takes the power of the apocalypse.

Ever since I saw Liusina’s eyes in the dance hall of Chimseonggung.

No, from the moment I first showed her the way to the end, Zion knew that one day this day would come.

But the timing just wasn’t that good.

It was a situation that Zion also did not expect that Riosina would be encroached upon in accordance with the attack on the imperial castle.

Even now, Liusina was using the newly acquired power of the apocalypse to resist the imperfect covenant of obedience made with her soul.

‘ Maybe it could have been better.’

Of course, it would have been convenient if he had suppressed that madness earlier, but Sion thought that the current situation was not bad.

Heukseongha 8 stars.

It took an enormous amount of time to reach that level, and one of the ways to shorten that time was to fight an enemy powerful enough to feel the tension.

And Riusina, who had reached the end, had enough power to meet that standard.


Iklaxia caught in the hands of such Shion.

Was there no need for any more words?

blah blah blah blah!

In an instant, the battle began with a clash that shook the surrounding space.

“ Actually, Master. Ever since the first time I was trampled on by my master in the Extinction Circle, I’ve always wanted to see each other again.”


Thousands of beast heads ripped out of the space around Riusina as she spoke, and opened their mouths toward Zion.

“ It was still the biggest humiliation for me at that time.”

The heads of beasts approaching, chewing and swallowing all the flames of pessimism that Muspelheim had spread, as if they had gotten stronger with the power of the apocalypse.

“ I think I can get rid of that humiliation now.”

Shion, who smiled at him,

“ Then I apologize in advance.”

I tapped the air in front of me with Iclaxia.

A ripple that spreads from it.

“ Because it will never happen again.”

That moment,

Thing blah blah blah blah blah!

Thousands of blades protruding from such ripples ripped apart the heads of the approaching beasts.

At the same time,


Sion moves to the front of Liusina one step at a time using ‘ Distance Denial’.

Although it was said that she obtained the power of the apocalypse, Riusina’s essence was always a wizard.

Therefore, it could be said that narrowing the distance was almost essential.

“ Master, I’m telling you in case you don’t know… … .”

As if she had already anticipated such a movement, the witch smiled eeriely at Shion who appeared right in front of her.

“ I am really strong right now.”

Suddenly, he clenched his fists that were outstretched in front of him.

That moment,

blah blah!

The entire surrounding space turned into a purple snake’s head, and Zion was swallowed up.

Perhaps that wasn’t enough, a bigger snake that sprang up from above swallows the snake that devoured Zion once again.

Aww! Aww! Quad Duck!

A total of ten repetitions.

The young madness in Riusina’s eyes looking at it begins to deepen more and more.

As she just said, she was feeling her own strength that was incomparably stronger than before.

Even if he met the Prince of Jealousy, who had been defeated in the past, it would be enough to crush him.

So, it could be said that such confidence was natural, but… … .

There was one thing that Riusina overlooked.

Damn it!

That the prince of jealousy met his end at the hands of Zion.

A streak of gold that appears in the middle of the last snake’s head.

Hundreds of incontinence derived from such gold spread throughout the snake’s whole body.

Shion shattered as it was, covered in black flames burning inside, and shone with a grayish glow.

Annihilation armor.

It was a new type of defense technology that evolved one step further by combining Manghorn Gap and Muspelheim.

“ Hey! Yeah, I never thought I’d die that much!”

As if waiting for him, Riusina turns everything around into her own realm and summons tens of thousands of magical eyes.

Immediately, all the eyes that have turned purple by the power of the apocalypse begin to look at Zion.

As a result, the laws of the world were momentarily twisted, and time around Zion, including Zion, came to a standstill.

Perhaps that wasn’t enough, Liusina swung the arm she had created by grouping thousands of handshakes toward Zion.

It was the moment when the witch’s attack had stopped, and it was about to crush the fixed whole body of Zion.


Shion’s eyes, which should never move, returned.

That moment,


The hand of a handshake that explodes without any warning.


Pupper Pupper Pupper Puck!

A chain of explosions along with the eerie darkness started going up along her arms, reaching up to Riusina.

A witch who instinctively senses that she should not touch the explosion, cut off her arm that is connected to the arm of the handshake in advance and cut off the path.


“ You know what?”

At that moment, the new form of Shion had already reached her right in front of her.

“ Some battles have already been decided from the beginning.”

Upon recognizing such Zion, the purple thorns protruding from Riusina’s whole body were shot to tear Zion apart.



The time it took for her upper body to disappear was faster than that.

The witch’s body, which had stumbled a few steps with her upper body disappeared, squeaks and pops!

It starts playing again as if turning back time.

“ How… … !”

With the tens of thousands of eyes that float around again, the words that flowed out of Riusina’s mouth were not even complete before they were complete!

An apocalyptic witch whose whole body is shattered by Zion’s Iklaxia.

Kwajik! Kwajik! Quazy!

Since then, the same situation has been repeated over and over again, and the same scene as the time of the Great Extinction began to unfold.

Truly a one-sided battle.

Of course, compared to that time, it was true that Zion today was at a disadvantage in many ways.

First of all, from the beginning of the Black Star, it was not only 8 stars, but 7 stars, and Riusina’s power was also at its peak.

But it didn’t matter.

No matter how much power of the end was gained and no matter how infinite life was, Zion himself could not get tired of the opponent he had won once.

Breathing, rhythm, power coordination, muscle movement, etc.

Sion’s vision, which had absorbed all the information about Riusina, was predicting the next move she would take without a single error.


As a result, Riosina continues to be smashed without even being able to properly resist.

“ Hey, stop… … .”

In her mind, memories of the past extinction battle begin to slowly come to mind.

The witch’s eyes are gradually fading away with him.

– What? … .

In the meantime, Iades, who had managed to regenerate his head and arms, was looking at Zion with his eyes fluctuating without mercy.

The Grand Duke of the squadron was so focused on Shion that even the nearby Rubrios was unaware of it.

The reason Iades’ eyes were shaking relentlessly wasn’t because he had blown his head in one shot a while ago, or because he was overpowered by that witch, who seemed to have more power than he is now.

– Who is the alternate author? … ?


An ominous darkness trembled from the man’s whole body.

The darkness gave Iades fear and trembling just by looking at it.

In the past, when she was a low-level demon, it was so similar to the power of the Eternal Eternals that she happened to see from afar.

Even their unique atmosphere and feeling were so similar that it was doubtful that they were the same person.

In addition, the overwhelming force that cannot even be compared with the other fallen Agnes clan!

So I knew it the moment I saw it

That that man was the Emperor of Agnes.

It is also the true master of the world who inherited the power of the Eternal Age.

‘I must kill you, you must kill me here!’

Iades, who had lived long enough to be counted among his fingers even in the Magic Kingdom, remembered it.

The desperate power that Orrelion Khan Agnes showed in the first great war unknown to the world.

Therefore, he had to somehow kill him before he could master his powers perfectly.

To avoid repeating the past.

And for their king.

In her mind, the thought of destroying the imperial castle no longer existed.

at that time,

“ I can’t lose like this again… … !”

Are you trying to make the last move?

Liusina, who had barely escaped from Zion’s attack by cutting off one part of her body in advance, created dozens of gigantic demonic gates in all directions.


With the door that opens immediately, an unknown force of handshakes pouring out from beyond begins to rush in, aiming only at Zion.

The world around them is distorted by the blood that flows from those handshakes.


-… … now!

Iades, whose eyes lit up, seeped through the crowd of such handshakes, and began to rush to the back of Zion.

“ Zion, it’s dangerous!”

Rubrios, who was leaning from behind and watching the movement of the Archduke and the force of handshakes, shouted urgently, forgetting to even say respectful words.

The current situation was so precarious.

It’s like watching a boat floating alone amid huge waves crashing from all directions.

However, the eyes of Zion, who had been the target of all of them, were very quiet.

As if all of this had nothing to do with you.


Next, Shion, who had lifted all the darkness around her body together with Iklaxia, began to raise one hand upwards.

Compared to the forces of handshakes and Iades that narrowed the distance at a tremendous speed, the movement was too slow.

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Meanwhile, the handshakes approaching Zion’s vicinity opened their mouths with hundreds of teeth to swallow Zion.


Behind the scenes, Iades consumed all the power of the swamp he had and shot a sphere created at the heart of Zion.



Shion’s hand, which was perfectly stretched toward the sky, was clenched.

and at that moment,


All the light in the world that comes into view disappears all at once.

Everything in it began to be erased.

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