258 episodes

65 Assault on the Imperial Castle (5)

negative area.

The highest level technology under the Black Star that covers the entire encroached area with the power of negativity.

Originally, it was a skill that could only be used after reaching 8 stars, but it was Shion who deliberately reduced the power and range significantly and relaxed the conditions.

But even so, the strength was not enough to withstand the force of handshakes or the witch of the abyss.


The darkness that swallowed up all of them, including Liusina nearby, and even the monsters that existed beyond them.

Beings consumed by darkness are denied in the world without leaving even a form in an instant.

How could the world be immersed in such darkness?


The darkness slowly dissipated and the light filled its place.

The sight reflected in the sight returning with him was beyond imagination.

Was it as if God himself purged the world?

The space that had been encroached upon by the unclean area was so empty that it was horrifying that it was not clean.


The surrounding atmosphere and mana rush into the empty space, creating a rough wind.

“ How is this… … .”

Rubrios, the only one who survived inside, looked at the scene and spit out a dazed voice.

Yes, he knew too.

How strong is Shion, who is his younger brother and now the emperor.

Because he has proven his power over and over in front of him.

However, it was the first time he had seen a power with such a transcendent power in front of his eyes.

It’s as if you’re witnessing the power unleashed by a being that transcends mortality.

‘ Is it really the reincarnation of the Eternal Age?’

Then, when Rubrios forgot to even hold his own body and opened his mouth.

Liusina began to regenerate her body again using a part of her body that had been previously buried deep under the ground, where darkness could not reach.

However, unlike usual, the playback speed is very slow.

Not only that, but the playback itself seemed very difficult.

Perhaps it was the aftermath that reached the unholy realm of Zion a while ago.

“ Ha! ha!”

A witch who struggles to regenerate her own body and then lies down on the floor and exhales.

In her eyes, who looked very tired, the purple madness that had been full just a moment ago had vanished as if washed away.

How many breaths did you hold your body?

After being silent for a while, Liusina opened her mouth slightly toward Shion without raising her head.

“ Master… … sorry.”

In the past, when Zion asked about this, she confidently replied that she would not be tainted with madness.

Not only has he disobeyed that word, but he has even abused Zion.

“ Don’t even think about moving on to apologizing.”

Sion slowly opened his mouth, smiling so small that Liusina didn’t even notice, because his depressed look was like looking at a puppy in the rain.

“ After I finish this job, I will definitely hold you accountable.”

With those words, Zion turned around.

The Archduke’s life was completely killed and Riusina’s mind was restored, so there was no need to stay here any longer.

“ Where are you going?”

At that moment, Rubrios, who had come to his senses, asked such a Zion.

“ One of the ghosts of the past still remains, so I’ll have to finish that too.”

“ Then I will help.”

“ No.”

Zion shook his head towards him who was about to get up with those words.

“I ’m resting. Liu and you too.”

Before Riusina and Rubrios could answer those words,


The new form of Zion disappeared on the spot.

* * *

Unlike the current four grand dukes, who are classified according to symbolic emotions such as anger, frenzy, jealousy, and arrogance, the titles of the four grand dukes of the First War were determined according to the characteristics of their power.

so that,


The eight-headed dragon, Orogirichi, who was facing the warriors with dark blue flames all over his body, also had the title of Hellfire Monster Dragon.

– Could it be that you are the hero of this era?

The eight-headed dragon, who had scattered his hellfire everywhere he could see, asked Claire, who was rushing towards him.


Without answering those words, the hero who draws out a bright light of Gram vertically.

A crescent-shaped sword created following the sword’s trajectory was shot towards Orogirichi, breaking through the wall of hellfire blocking the way.

Quad Duck!

One of the monster’s heads, which moved accordingly, bites Claire’s sword and shatters it.

At the same time, the remaining seven heads opened their mouths.


The dark red breath that erupted from it hit Claire, who was rushing in as it was.

A flame that burns the atmosphere, mana, and even the space that contains them.

That moment,


A resounding chirping sound and Claire’s new model appeared right in front of Orogirichi.

Using her ‘power of cutting’, she cut the distance between the two while crossing the range of breath.


– It looks like you haven’t fully awakened your powers yet.


The monster dragon, who had already been chasing such movements with sixteen eyes, replaced all of the mana in the space where she appeared, with hellfire.


Unable to continue attacking him, Claire protects from the flames with the light of the holy sword wrapped around her body.

– It’s going to drop like this.

It was the moment when Orogirichi was about to continue his next attack towards such a hero.

Break up!

“ Doesn’t it seem like you too are inferior to the current archdukes?”

Lane, who appeared from above the archduke with the spark, pierced the spear emitting a bright blue light as it was.

blah blah blah blah!

Dozens of lightning strikes from the sky along its trajectory.

When the surrounding space glows white with its enormous power,

“ Ugh!”

Turzan, who approached through hellfire with his bare body, slammed the monster’s side with his shoulder without slowing down.


In the meantime, a giant twisting his shoulders and carrying the magic of rotation.

Orogirichi’s massive body, almost immune to physical attacks, stumbles at the terrifying shock transmitted from him.

Tsar rumble!

Dozens of chains of light wrapped around such a monster’s whole body without any deviation.

It was the work of Elesis who had fully awakened as a saint.

Is it because it contains the divine power of light, which can be said to be the opposite of the power of the devil?

Orogirichi can’t break the chain at once and his body movement is limited.

That time was only a fleeting moment,

Archios gravity ratio.

That was enough.

Ded Ded Ded Dude!

As soon as Tyrian’s rite is completed, the gravity existing in the air turns into raindrops and slams into the air.

A dragon’s leg that can’t withstand the gravity and digs under the ground.

Have you been waiting for this moment?


Claire, who was covered in dazzling light, escaped from the prison of flames at once, and wielded the Gram that had been pulled to the maximum.


As a result, the surrounding space glows so brightly that for a moment you lose your sight.

Perhaps it had not been able to offset all of that enormous power, and the new type of the Archduke with a long sword on his chest was pushed backwards.

“ You can’t give me a break!”

Break up! Break up! Fragile!

Lane rushes at the maximum speed as if not to miss the opportunity and continuously thrusts lightning towards the monster dragon.

As if agreeing with her thoughts, the hero and other party members also began pouring their energy as much as they could.


Victory begins to lean towards the warriors little by little due to that desperate attack.

‘ I have to stop breathing like this.’

With that thought, Lane, who moved behind Orogirichi, concentrated all the remaining power with a spear.

Gripping support!

A thunder dragon the size of a small castle that spawns around her spear.

“ It’s over.”

It was the moment when he was about to insert the best festival that Lane had created into the Grand Duke without hesitation.

– Do you know?

A low voice came out of Orogirichi’s mouth, which had been pushed back by the fierce attacks of the hero’s party until now.

– That the hero of the squadron was alone against me and another archduke at the same time.

That moment,


From the whole body of the monster dragon, a transparent flame with a completely different level from before exploded.

A thunder dragon that ignites and disappears without even breaking through half of its flame.

It was Lane who was embarrassed by that, but quickly swung her spear to continue the attack, but tuquaang!

Orogirichi’s attack was faster than that.

Lane’s body was hit by one of the head of the eight-headed dragon, swinging like a whip, and bounced off at an invisible speed.

Her new model stopped only after smashing a dozen palaces.

– Compared to that, even if you put all your powers together, it doesn’t reach that one.

Did you feel that something had changed?

“ Rain!”

Turzan, who had dozens of top-level secondary magic all over his body, rushed towards Orogirichi with a much stiffer face than before.


– It’s like half a penny.

A monster dragon that first creates a prison of transparent fire and imprisons Turzan before his body can reach it.

As a result, a new type of Turzan, who was immobilized, floated up in a prison of fire surrounded by it, quad-d-duk!

It fell straight down and began to dig under the floor.

In such an instant, Orogirichi’s gaze, which had made two of the party incapacitated, turned to Claire, who was behind him.

– So die.

At the same time, the eight breaths that shoot out from their mouths.

The breath was completely different from before.

It’s like you won’t give me time to escape


The breath replaced with light is shot in the form of a beam.

In addition, the rules of the world are newly established centered on the breath, and the effects of ‘acceleration’ and ‘stroke weight (必中) are given.

For a moment, no, in a shorter period of time than that, the light beam that reached right in front of Claire.

Unable to react properly, Claire’s time, facing the breath, begins to slow down infinitely.

No, it didn’t actually slow down time.

Just like when we were attacked by Wolbyeokcheon in Suinhae in the past.

The life-saving power that was activated in a state where her life was in danger of being cut off dramatically increased her thinking and cognition.

But just like last time, Claire couldn’t move her body.

Just looking at the slowly approaching breath with despairing eyes.

‘… … Are you going to die now?’

Yeah, I thought it wouldn’t be too bad to die like this.

As the Archduke just said, Claire herself was only half a penny.

Even after gaining the ability close to morale called regression, he couldn’t surpass even the warriors of the squadron.

In addition, with only the last war left, he was doing this without properly acquiring the given power to save.


Without Emperor Zion, nothing could be done.

That was Claire herself.

Her heart, which she had managed to control before the battle, begins to crumble again.

Eyes that are gradually dying and time to return to normal again.

So when Claire is about to give up everything,

‘… … uh?’

Tyrann and Elesis appeared in her eyes.

Even though they were able to get out of range enough, they were approaching this way to protect Claire herself and spreading the magic.

As if they didn’t care about their lives.

On top of them, the images of their colleagues before returning slowly begin to overlap.

Yes, it always has been.

No matter the circumstances, her colleagues had been protecting Claire herself.

even in the face of death.

‘I can’t die.’

Despair disappears from Claire’s eyes.

What fills that position is a firm will that will never be broken.

‘ No, you must not die.’

The lives of all the comrades who had died for him before returning were laid on his shoulders.

They could never die until they saved the world, not to let their lives be in vain.

hey hey hey!

The holy sword, Gram, who received Claire’s will as it was, shines brighter than ever.

In a world that has almost stopped due to infinitely accelerated thinking and perception, Claire’s new model begins to move alone.

Lightly dodging the approaching breath, he rushes towards Orogirichi, then jumps straight up and cuts off eight heads at once.


The moment Claire’s feet touched the ground again,

Tuhwa hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

As time returned to normal, a terrifying amount of blood gushed from Orogirichi’s severed neck.

With eight heads falling to the floor, a single line drawn from where Claire was originally to where she is now.

A terrifying shock wave that bursts out late along that line shatters everything around it.

super light speed.

It was the realm of speed Claire had just reached.

– How… … .

Perhaps even the nucleus was destroyed by that transcendent blow, the squadron’s grand duke collapses without even finishing the last word.

“… … done.”

Claire, who confirmed Orogirichi who had met the end like that, was also stunned.

fell on the spot.

The bones of his whole body, which had been subjected to a huge load from the last blow, were broken.

But there was a faint smile on her lips.

at that time,

‘ To defeat Orogirichi.’

Shion, who arrived at Claire’s battlefield, looked at her and the other warriors with a look of surprise.

To be honest, Shion thought that it would be difficult to deal with Orogirichi with only the hero and party.

Until the last confirmation, they had not yet completed their final awakening.

‘ In the meantime, have you awakened yourself? It seems that the warrior is indeed a warrior.’


Shion, who has completely finished the remnants of Orogirichi wriggling to live with that thought,

‘ Is that the only thing left?’

He raised his head and looked at the huge hole that was still pouring out demons.

No, it was not such an abyss hole that Zion was looking at.

A single being, sitting on a throne, looking at her from beyond that hole.

‘ Nice to meet you.’

Shion smiled as if to greet the existence.

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