272 – Chapter 11. Raising the Dead (2)

The gunman can capture the souls of the dead on the ground.

This is called lion resuscitation (soul), and since there is no case of lion resuscitation in another way yet, the premise is that it is conveniently called lion resuscitation.

In order to use this ability, several conditions are required.

one. The dead must be capable.

Mana is needed to maintain the body after death, that is, the ‘spiritual body’.

And with this mana, you can maintain your ego and exercise some physical force.

If you reach the S+ level of mana control ability, you will be able to go about your daily life and even fight as a person with the special ability that you saw in your life.

Then, don’t ordinary people even have a chance at all?

That’s not it.

Ordinary people can do it too.

Can a being who can’t even feel mana feel mana just because he’s dead?

With miraculous odds, it might be possible with a chance of 1 in 6 billion, but most likely it will be impossible.

and will perish

Therefore, the person who can survive with the leader’s ‘Lion Resurrection’ needs to be a person with this ability.

two. It must be done immediately after death.

According to the head of the company, 10 minutes is golden time at most.

It is said that before the human soul leaves the dead body, it must use Lion Resuscitation.

After death, whether or not you shout ‘I’m not dead!’ or whether you accept your own death or not, you can easily revive the dead only when you are in a state where you can maintain your ego.

three. We have to accept that our souls are pledged and belonged to the gunman.

Of course, the mana required to construct the spiritual body for the first time is the mana of the leader, and it is the leader’s ability to renew the soul so that it can remain on the ground.

Minimal measures are needed to prevent the spirit body from daring to possess someone’s body, no, it doesn’t matter if possessed, but from daring to aim for the body of the commander.

So, the four executives, four villains, and four ‘dead S-ranks’ saved by the gunman cannot possess the body of the gunman.

The people themselves know why, and the leader who will commit such treason in the first place will not resurrect him as a spiritual body.

To the extent that they are resurrected as executives of the society, the society selects and resurrects those who have the personality to dedicate their lives and do their best to conquer the world.

And the fourth most important condition.

Resurrection of a lion by the leader is possible only once a year.

After resurrecting chaos by his side in the first place.

After that, it was the year before last that a four-management system was created by reviving Do-ol, Do-cheol, and Gungi.

The most recent case was the use of the lion resuscitation method on Korea’s S-class, Gwangik-gong, just before Christmas last year.

This is the lion resuscitation that the gunman used so far.

If you use it once, it consumes so much mana that you have to lie down for a month.

It’s a matter that depends on how hard you try, but you always have to manage to live a terminally ill life.

After saving it like that, for some strange reason, it consumes all mana and disappears, or commits an action against the interests of the association?

no need to save

there is no reason to save

Above all, if you keep tying the dead to your body, one day some of the souls may try to take possession of the body of the gunman, taking advantage of the gunman’s weakened gap.

That was the lion resuscitation (soul) until now.

And the existence of the country appeared, and a new method was created.

Lion Resuscitation (Patriotic).

It takes at least 10 months to resurrect, unlike the method of a gunman who can be resurrected immediately even though he has a spiritual body.

However, since it does not exist as a soul, it is definitely reborn with a body.

It should be called lion reincarnation, not lion reincarnation.

We established the theory.

However, it has not yet been demonstrated.

I just made a theory, but I didn’t put it into practice.

One reason.

Because the ‘time’ hasn’t come yet.

Even if it were implemented, it would be impossible, at least this year.

Because the commander has no intention of using Lion Reincarnation (Patriotism) this year.

So, it was a bit surprising.

That Ymir would reincarnate as a lion (patriotic) for me if I died.

…Although it is a self-reincarnation where I am born from myself.

* * *

“…Then Ymir, will you be my mother?”

“Sure. Now, sir. Say you’re a mother.”

“Wouldn’t it be more appropriate to call you Mama rather than Mama? You’re reincarnated as a baby.”

“Baby? Ah, ah! Then you’ll have to raise her before she can walk!”

Ymir, who was running rampant while building theories about lion reincarnation, finally realized the harsh wall of reality.

“Moreover, I have to change diapers and breastfeed whenever I am hungry…”

“If adults are born with memories, they will go out mentally because they will die with their pride hurt.”

“Wow… I must be really tired. I’m a spiritual body, but will I live comfortably as an adult, or will I start over as a baby?

“Of course.”

A lot of reincarnated creatures, especially those starting from babies, are all like that.

‘There is no such crazy novel in which any reincarnated creature develops more than one volume of the story of its childhood.’

There is no reincarnation that develops the story from the age of 1 to 5 as the contents of the novel.

All ‘About 7 years have passed since reincarnation. I can speak now, I have learned to write…’ and most of them skip the toils of childhood.

There must be a few episodes that describe parental love, or, in the case of a shady situation, that the mother smiles wickedly at the moment she shows her motherhood, or that she trains mana since she was a baby and creates a magic circle in her heart.

However, no matter how late it is, after about 6~9 episodes, most of them act like adults and start a full-fledged narrative.

that’s a novel

But this is reality.

“If you’re born without memory, you’re just a different person with the same soul. If you maintain your ego as the same being, you have to keep your memory. Being reincarnated with a body has that kind of problem.”

“It’s complicated… What, you seal your memories until you’re 7 years old and then wake them up again?”

“There’s no way such an opportunistic development would be easily possible.”

Reincarnating with this ability is complicated and difficult, but if more conditions are added there, it will become increasingly impossible.

“Okay. Ymir. So far, if you know the difficulties the caster and the person involved in Lion Resurrection will have, let’s talk about the ‘other’ now.”


Ymir swallowed and straightened up.

Literally, if you have dealt with the theoretical part of a phenomenon now, it is time to look at the impact this phenomenon will have on society.

“Let’s say you can save one person every year. Then, what means and methods will people mobilize to become that one person?”


“With money? If even the world’s richest man could be reincarnated with all his possessions, he would bring all his house and land documents right away? It would be nice to be reincarnated like that. What about other people?”

“Human beings envy and envy what they don’t have.”

“Yes. Ymir will whine about being a being who might be my mother. It’s not just whining, she’s jealous that others have what I don’t have, so she’ll try to drop a meteorite on Earth.”

“Oh, I know that.”


For a moment, quench your thirst with coffee.

The flowers on the ornamental cacti are so pretty.

“Lion resuscitation is possible. People all over the world can do it. If you say it’s possible, and if there are only two women in the world, what will people all over the world do?”


“You won’t be able to say it openly in front of you. But you’re going to say something like that? Give birth until you die. Until the eggs in your ovaries are exhausted, don’t give birth to your own children, but continue to give birth to reincarnated children.”


Ymir’s expression turns cold.

“I’m not a factory that produces reincarnated people…”

“I mean. But there are real people who say that. On the darknet or something.”

“I can’t believe there are people like that. It’s really unpleasant to be the same person.”

“It’s a family, a family. Well… when that time comes, those guys will appear.”

Hearing a disgusting sound made me feel dirty. It was me who said that, so the look in his eyes seemed to put up with it.

“Should we put aside the conversations of people who live in the back world and talk about other people, and let’s talk about the brighter side? How many people come and say, ‘Please reincarnate my child’?”

“It feels really strange to hear a bright story after receiving a big shock. Anyway, since you can reincarnate the dead, it’s not strange to me to hear that you should give birth unconditionally, right?”

“That’s right. It’s nothing strange. It’s natural.”

If there is someone who says that, if there is someone who says to the gunman, ‘reincarnate me as your son’, I will go and break the earthenware pot right away.

“So, as a result of our society’s thoughts, we decided not to let the world know that we had this kind of technology. It’s top secret.”

The ‘self-reincarnation method’ that Hye-ra Yoon told Ymir was just a method we decided to use after the society ruled the world.

“All 4 executives want to come back to life. Even if they suffer as babies, they all want to live with their bodies.”

“…Ah! Now I understand. It’s good when the unnies are patriotic, but that’s what you meant by saying that it’s good when they’re ‘united’, right?”

“Because I feel the sense of being alive.”

Unity, that is, when possessing my body.

When they are alive, they are happy just to receive the sense that they are moving their bodies by their own will.

Of course, it’s not easy to possess me, and when I collide with my ego, my ego is shaken, and since the commander does not stay still, unity can only be achieved in limited circumstances.

“So we decided to find another way.”

I showed Ymir the picture I had printed and received in advance.

“……Is it a sci-fi fantasy game?”

“No. It’s true. In terms of alchemy, it’s ‘Homunculus’, and in terms of SF future world fantasy, it’s ‘Avatar.’

in the photo.

In each of the huge circular glass tubes, human-shaped beings are contained in a green liquid.

“Someday, the association will unleash the resuscitation of lions into the human world. It’s not immortality, it’s like life extension. Do-chul, one of the 4 executives, is researching it.”

In front of the glass tube, a blue-haired woman is writing something like a research journal while wearing a white coat.

“As for the association, when the day comes when the association rules the world, I will reveal it to the world. A new body capable of extending life span.

without the need to complicate it.

“The society is making real dolls that can reincarnate as possessed.”

If the soul of the dead dwells in a real doll with all human organs, it can also be said to be a lion’s rebirth.

“hahahahah, [reincarnated idol].”

Note that.

who contributed this idea.


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