273 – Chapter 11. Raising the dead (3)

At that time, somewhere on Earth.

Goo goo.

Inside a laboratory lined with glass tubes filled with green culture fluid.

In a space larger than any other small and medium-sized factories, there is a woman passing between glass tubes that stretch left and right.

jerk, jerk.

The blue-haired woman flipping through a paper research chart while wearing a white gown, dragging her fluorescent green slippers, raised her glasses and gnashed her teeth.

“Tsk. Too bad, sorry.”

The woman clicked her tongue and tapped the ballpoint pen towards the data in the data.

“Customization is important, but right now, only default avatars are available. Oh, it’s annoying.”

The woman continued to grind her teeth, fiddling with her short, shoulder-length hair.

The other researchers following her only glanced at each other, and the woman stood in front of a larger and more massive glass tube than the others.

“Haa. It’s because the cost to make one of these is so high.”

Inside the glass tube, a woman who looked like a golden-haired girl was floating in the culture liquid, curled up.

The eyes that were opened in a daze were the same bright blue color as the woman’s hair, but there was no life in them, as if the soul had escaped.

“Doctor Jang?”

“Oh yes!”

A man called Dr. Jang stepped forward.

“You know that ‘Project Gold Wing’ takes precedence over other projects, right?”

“Oh, I know. Our research team is doing their best.”

“The best is the best, but shouldn’t the results come first? Compared to last month, it seems that you are still at a standstill?”

“That, that’s…”

He must have been a middle-aged man with half his hair bald, or he was just puzzled by the overbearing attitude of a woman much younger than half himself.

“If you give me a little more time…”

“Time? Yes. What month, what day is this year 2025?”

“…June 6th.”

“Yes. June. Gwangik died before Christmas, so about 5 months have passed since the start of this project. In terms of the number of days, it must have been roughly 150 days, right?”


Researchers, including Dr. Jang, bowed their heads.

“How much is your budget for 150 days?”

“…200 billion won.”

“Yes. 200 billion. This is what I created now with that 200 billion. This.”

bang bang.

The woman tapped the glass tube with her finger.

“It’s good that it’s made. Performance? It’s excellent. It’s that it serves its purpose, it’s very good. In fact, you’re performing very well. Here, here, here.”

The light behind the glass tube flickered whenever the woman pointed her hand to the side.

“It’s a perfect reincarnation idol. E-class supernatural powers will be able to live with this body if they reincarnate and live here. As long as they don’t leave Korea, they’ll be able to continue living in Korea based on the natural resilience of mana.”

There, besides the blonde woman behind her, there were many naked women curled up in the broth.

“Oh, it’s really great. The default boys and girls haven’t gotten out of the base yet, but the beautiful girls here aren’t some kind of magical girl generation, and it’s almost painful to see them play with different hair and eye colors. Well, it’s a chest glove E It’s class, so I’ll understand.”

If there is one thing that is unique but common, it is that they are all small and have small mana pockets.

“It’s so amazing that it can be commercialized right away once the clinical trials are finished. It’s also a result achieved by the gathering of the world’s most outstanding scholars. Even the president will be delighted.”

“Heh, hehehehe… That’s too much praise.”

Everyone was dazed as if the soul had escaped from their eyes, but it seemed like they would move at any moment if the soul came in.

“By the way….”


“Why are all of these beautiful girls with chewy gums making up a lot of talk!!”

As the woman’s face contorted like a demon, the researchers blushed and lowered their heads even more.

“It’s so painful to create a man, but why is it that everyone makes a mess while working overtime on their own to create a beautiful girl!”

“That, that’s…!”

“If the bodies that we will later supply to mankind are all beautiful girls, people will be very happy!”


“That kind of thing, I, Do-cheol, can’t tolerate it!”

The woman, Do-cheol, threw the chart on the floor.

“Do you intend to make everyone who is resurrected after death into a magical girl, you guys!!”

“It’s not that, but…”

“Or what!”

“Wouldn’t the demand be the highest…?”

Dr. Jang carefully presented his opinion.

“Men will want to live as a different gender once they die, and women will want to live a prettier, younger look after they die.”

“Oh, so what?”

“The reason why there are only pretty girls in the sample avatars of reincarnated idols is not because of our taste, but in anticipation of future consumers’ demand…”

“Isn’t that just because you guys want to reincarnate as beautiful girls?”


Researchers did not answer.

“…hahahaha. Really you guys, isn’t it too much? As a man like you, isn’t it really too much? As a woman, I feel really pitiful.”

Do-chul knocked again on the glass coffin where the blond-haired girl was asleep.

“Even if it looks like a woman on the outside, at least give it a male organ. Rather, what if it pierces a hole further inside?

“That, rather than attaching a device, drilled a hole inside and created the shape of the texture from the beginning…”

“Oh, perverts.”

Dr. Jang and other researchers just scratched their heads and laughed at Do-cheol’s double desire.

“Hey. You guys are now fighting for the world and reviving men who died for humanity. Do you really want to bring that back to life as a beautiful girl with blonde hair?”

“…That’s not to say that we’re lazy or do things halfway. It’s just that the success story that came out first is the element behind it.”


“T-Trust me. We’re always doing our best…”


“Of course. As researchers of the Order, we always do our best.”

Researchers proudly raised their heads.

A strong sense of duty flowed across their faces, and after seeing them, Do-cheol sighed heavily and picked up the materials he threw on the floor.

“Okay. Then, really make some progress. The elements to contain the S-class superpowers are also elements, but first of all, it is not necessary to match the genders. I do not want to raise the female type one level by level, but to develop male type elements as well. How can the female type progress to A level, but the male type can’t even reach D level. Huh?”


Dr. Jang turned his attention to the other doctors.

It was never intended, but all the people on this team were ‘men’.

“…I’ll turn around, really.”

Docheol covered his face with one hand.

“You guys, later Gwangikgong is driven to the brink of extinction, but what will you do if you don’t have a male body?”


The doctors pointed their chins at the glass tube behind Tao-cheol.

“The situation is like this, but isn’t it a situation to cover hot rice with cold rice?”

“If you’re a Gwangik Worker, you’ll definitely adapt well to a woman’s body without too much strain.”

“Even the maid outfit…”


Docheol closed his eyes.

“How come only these perverts gather in the human body production research…”

Do-cheol gave up on thinking.

* * *

“…A human body that can be possessed with the power of this ability after death. It’s scary.”

“That’s right. It’s a field where research began in earnest after Gwangik Gong’s death, so a prototype must have come out by now.”

It’s just been about 5 months, so no matter how big the budget is and how many ambitious researchers there are, there will already be a long time left until the stage of mass production of prototypes.

“It should be called an artificial human, but anyway, it is to infuse a soul into the body of a being that is all human except for the soul.”

I pointed to the alter ego of Seolhee Baek inside the curtain.

“Everything that makes up the human body is the same as that of a human being. The energy source of the body will not be electricity but mana, but instead of blood, mana will flow through the whole body like a liquid, but if I can make the movement I want at my will, that’s called resurrection. Would you like to see it?”

“It may not be the original body.”

“It’s like that now. But when technology develops and someday every house has a backup copy of the body, and it’s time to produce it on the spot, won’t it be different then?”

With this ability, you can teleport freely in space, and when genetic engineering and psychic powers are combined, you will surely create clones or whatever.

“That’s why it has to be this side that spreads it to the world. Reincarnated idols. The story of reincarnating in someone’s stomach and reincarnating in a fertilized egg should never spread.”

“…For people who die before technology is developed, there’s really nothing we can do about it.”


I’m sorry and cruel words, but there are too many places for the association to pay attention to.

“So always be careful. When people find out that you can resurrect the dead, then there will be unspeakable mayhem.”

“I see what you mean. Um… By the way. You said that those reincarnated idols were exactly the same as humans, right? Without a soul.”


“If you become possessed by that reincarnated idol, you will have to live with that body…”

Ymir smiled lightly as he touched his body.

“If that body becomes a man, if I die, if the only body that needs to be used is a man’s body, then I have to live as a man or just do that?”

“…I can’t yet jump to a conclusion that something is technically possible or impossible, but if it’s over after possessing it once, then I’ll have to live with that body until it dies, right?”

“Wow, then.”

Ymir covered his mouth with his hand in surprise.

“I’m going to live with a new body, I’m sure everyone wants to be reincarnated as a beautiful girl with blonde hair.”


A world full of TS reincarnated beautiful girls.

In such a world, wouldn’t it be okay to just get hit by a meteorite?

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