"Husband, where did you go last night?" Chen Lan sat on the Jiangning bus, eating breakfast and asking.

When she woke up last night, she found that Jiangning was not there, but she didn't wonder if Jiangning had gone out to hang out. It was just curiosity to ask.

Jiangning meal, last night he really went out, conveniently abandoned the construction of villas harm that evil repair just, but this thing Chen Lan or don't know better.

"There are some things."

Jiangning did not elaborate, Chen Lan is also very clever, did not ask, only some little women will tangle too much, she is very smart, also very witty, did not ask.

When the car stopped near the medical hall, Jiangning went down with a frown.

"Husband, what's the matter? There are so many people in black at the entrance of the medical hall." Chen Lan asked in surprise.

But Jiangning already knew why, because he had seen an acquaintance, Dong Meiying.

Wang Yuan saw Jiangning coming and rushed over.

Before he spoke, Jiangning signaled to him, needless to say, he had to stand aside quietly.

"Mr. Jiang, you made me wait."

After what happened last night, Dong Meiying didn't fall asleep all night. She came to the hospital early and sent someone to surround it.

With these words, Dong Meiying did not speak.

The door of the hospital is blocked by a huge desk moved by Dong Meiying. There is a sofa behind the desk. Judging from this, Dong Meiying seems to be preparing to work at the door of the hospital.

Jiangning heart sneer, and then with Chen Lan will open the door of the medical hall.

He looked at the staff around him, pondered for a while, and called Wang Yuan to come.

"Just arrange for these employees to take a day off, paid."

Jiangning said, took Chen Lan into the medical hall.

All morning, Dong Meiying worked outside the door without saying a word.

Those people in black surrounded the door of the medical hall. Even if they wanted to come to see a doctor and buy medicine, no one dared to come in.

Chen Lan can't understand what the other party wants, but Jiangning is still calm, she believes that Jiangning is.

While making tea and drinking, they talked and laughed, not caring about the people in black around them.

"Husband, do you want to ask them what they want to do? It's not a matter to keep blocking like this."

It's almost a day, she saw a lot of old customers come to a few times, do not dare to come in, Chen Lan or inevitably some worry.

Jiangning looked at Dong Meiying, and he probably understood what Dong Meiying was going to do.

He thought of the imperial skills of the past, and attracted some ministers with bad intentions to gather in a room.

The emperor sat in the first place, pushing the cup to change the cup, singing and dancing. The minister wanted to go, but he didn't dare. He wanted to ask, but he couldn't open his mouth. After waiting all the time, his heart collapsed and he didn't dare to have two hearts any more.

Dong Meiying uses the same method. She doesn't say anything. She encircles the hospital first in order to defeat Jiangning's psychology.

When Jiangning couldn't stand it, she put forward the villa issue and asked Jiangning to pay for it with a high attitude.

It's just that one day later, Dong Meiying herself can't understand Jiangning.

"Hold on."

When Dong Meiying saw that Jiangning was going to close the door and go home, she had to speak. She couldn't stand it all day.

Jiangning step at the foot of the non-stop, turned to take Chen Lan on the car to go.

Seeing this, Dong Meiying was very angry.

Jiangning is too calm. It's like pretending. Dong Meiying doesn't believe that she has such a good mentality.

"I'll see when you put it on."

As the saying goes, once you work hard, you'll lose again, and then you'll run out three times.

She blocked one day without effect, Jiangning can hold on, blocked three days, a week or even a month, not necessarily Jiangning will hold on.

Is this reasonable? Her Dong family is in charge in Ningcheng, and no one else can manage what she does.

It really took three days, but Dong Meiying couldn't make it.

"Jiangning, stop for me."

Dong Meiying yelled, and the bodyguards immediately surrounded Jiangning and Chen Lan.

Jiangning sneered. Of course, he knew that Dong Meiying couldn't help it and was ready to speak first.

But is the door of his hospital so easy to block?

"What's the matter?"

Jiangning cold mouth, heart without waves.

Dong Mei's heroic seven tips give birth to smoke. If Zhang Tianshi said that she would send the villa to Jiangning, how could she come here.

As a member of the Dong family, she doesn't have to deal with the hospital.

"Oh, why don't you ask me to block your hospital?"

Dong Meiying sat with a stick in her hand, and the old God said.

"There's nothing to ask."

Jiangning pulls Chen Lan and takes a step lightly. The bodyguards in front of him seem to be separated by a big hand and give way.

"What are you doing to eat? Stop it for me."

When Dong Meiying saw this scene, she became angry again, and her bodyguards became more and more disrespectful. She had ordered them to surround Jiangning, but she dared to get out of the way.

At this time, the bodyguards standing in front of them are also suffering. They can't move, let alone block Jiangning and Chen Lan.

They also wonder why.

"Good, good, Jiangning, you're fine."

Jiangning and Chen Lan are about to walk out of the enclosure, so Dong Meiying has to shout out.

"Buy that villa back."

Dong Meiying sighed and finally said the purpose of her trip.

"Oh, I don't want it."

Jiangning light mouth, the foot is still non-stop.

Dong Meiying was stunned. Jiangning didn't want it.

But she didn't dare not give it to Jiangning. Tianshi Zhang stressed that she must give the villa to Jiangning. She didn't dare not give it away.

If it can't be delivered to Jiangning, will she really watch the Dong family collapse?

"Why not? You bought this house before. I'll give it back to you."

Hearing this, Jiangning sneered in her heart. Dong Meiying still has such a high attitude.

Jiangning and Chen Lan have already walked to the side of the car and even put their hands on the door handle. They are about to open the door.

Seeing this, Dong Meiying was in a panic.

"OK, OK, I'll give you the villa, OK."

She doesn't expect Jiangning to buy the villa any more. She gave it to Jiangning head office.

It's more than 40 million yuan, which doesn't hurt the Dong family.

She was just holding her breath. She had snatched the house from Jiangning, but she had to give it back to Jiangning in the end.

She didn't want to. She didn't want to.

Jiangning finally stopped, leaning against the door, said faintly.

"Send me, and I don't want it unless."

Jiangning stopped on purpose. His hospital was blocked for three days. How can he spare Dong Meiying.

"It's too much. I've given you all the villas. How dare you talk about the terms?"

Dong Meiying's eyes were full of anger. When did her Dong family suffer from this kind of loss.

"Oh, I don't want it."

Jiangning said, the car did not stop, away.

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