The next day, Jiangning and Chen Lan still go to the hospital to open the door, but today Dong Meiying's people have evacuated.

Only Dong Meiying and a middle-aged man were standing at the door, as if waiting for them to come.

"Mr. Jiang, you can tell me what the conditions are."

Dong Meiying sighed and no longer called Jiangning by name.

After she went back last night, she contacted Zhang Tianshi and said that Jiangning didn't want the house and she couldn't send it out.

But Zhang Tianshi just coldly replied.

"It's your problem. I'll take care of the results."

As soon as Dong Meiying heard this, she knew that the master Zhang was determined to let her give the villa to Jiangning.

It's just that Dong Meiying doesn't know that Zhang Tianshi did this just to kill people with a knife, and the reason is that Jiangning just mentioned Zhang Daoling.

"Nothing. I don't want the house."

Jiangning cold look at them, even if no longer pay attention to them.

"You don't want to push an inch."

Jiangning didn't even look back this time, so he went directly into the hospital.

Dong Meiying was stunned, and the middle-aged man beside her pulled her, "master, Jiangning is just a small matter. The Heavenly Master told you to give the house to him, and you just do it."

"After that, it's OK to clean up the hospital, isn't it?"

"If we want any conditions or low attitude, we will do it."

With that, the middle-aged man went in, stood in front of Jiangning and bowed to Jiangning.

"Mr. Jiang, my name is big wolf."

"This villa Dong family robbed the past, it is very wrong, Dong family is willing to apologize to you, accept all your conditions."

"Villa, also completely free of charge to you, do you think?"

Jiangning looked up at the big wolf and became interested in it.

He didn't notice just now, but now he's close. Big wolf doesn't have the breath of a true cultivator, but has a fierce blood evil spirit around his body.

The man's hands were often stained with blood, and his whole body was covered with dark wounds. He was surprised at some places.

Not too much to say, big wolf can walk like a normal person, standing is rare.

"You can bear it."

Jiangning murmured, presumably this kind of injury, the action will pull all over the body pain, but the wolf is a straight face with a smile.

"All right. In this way, the income of 19 branches of our hospital is 100000 yuan a day. If you block it for three days, it's 300000 yuan. If you compensate me 30 million yuan, I'll take the house."

When Dong Meiying came in and heard this, she trembled all over, her face turned red, and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Well, the Dong family agreed."

Jiangning smiles. It seems that this man has a high status in the Dong family.

Jiangning, like old lady Dong, is just angry. He can't breathe. If he is dizzy, just give it to Wang Yuan.

"By the way, that person's medical expenses, medicine expenses."

Jiangning has not finished, big wolf waved, let people send up a document.

"Here's a 40 million check. Here's the assignment of the house. You can give it to anyone with your name on it."

"Thirty million is your compensation and ten million is medical expenses. Is that ok?"

Jiangning nodded and wrote down Chen Lan's name on the document.

As for the 10 million medical expenses, Jiangning didn't care.

After all, Mrs. Dong is just a small problem. If she doesn't make 10 million yuan, she will not make it.

"All the furniture inside is bought by the Dong family. No one has ever used it. Mr. Jiang can live in it directly."

Jiangning nodded. In fact, he didn't want the house.

But he had a hunch that his enemy was not far away from the last step. Maybe he had some comfort in this period of time.

After the house was taken down, he transformed it into a large spirit gathering array. It would be very convenient to cultivate or cultivate the herbs he needed.

And Yin Qi is just a small problem. After his reform, Yin Qi naturally dissipates.

He already has a way of thinking.

"There are still some materials missing. I have to make up for them. Moreover, my transformation of the spirit gathering array is not beneficial to others. I also need to close the artificial lake where I am, so that the aura will not disperse."

"Worldly aura is still too thin. Otherwise, there is no need to spend so much time."

Jiangning talked to himself and spent the afternoon writing and drawing on paper.

He didn't change it at will, but he planned to change the Juyin array into the Juling array according to local conditions, which involved a lot.

"Honey, what are you doing?"

When Chen Lan finished her business, she found that Jiangning had been in the office all afternoon. Even she didn't look up when she came in, so she reminded him.

Jiangning looked up and found that it was Chen Lan. He scratched his head. He seemed to be too focused.

"Nothing. We can eat out tonight and move in. Then we can invite some friends to have a housewarming party at home in two days."

Jiangning gave an account.

He didn't hide the array he drew on the paper. Naturally, Chen Lan saw it, but she couldn't understand all kinds of patterns and ancient words.

"Husband, actually, I want to ask..."

Chen Lan really wanted to ask why Jiangning suddenly turned from a waste into this kind of appearance, but she just couldn't say it.

Jiangning has lived for two thousand years. As soon as Chen Lan spoke, he knew what she wanted to ask.

It's just that it involves a lot. Even if it's said, Chen Lan won't believe it.

He is an immortal and has lived for more than 2000 years since ancient times.

He is a true cultivator. He is at the peak of his cultivation, but every hundred years he will lose his cultivation and become an ordinary man.

He felt that it was not a good time to say anything like this.

He is still thinking. Chen Lan has already laughed and held Jiangning's hand.

"Forget it, you have your secret. I just asked. Anyway, I like you in Jiangning from the beginning."

"Although I once thought..."

Chen Lan stops again and turns her lips to Jiangning.

In fact, she wanted to say that although she once thought it was a mistake to marry Jiangning and she thought Jiangning was a waste, she was wrong.

But after three years of getting along with each other, she has been used to the existence of Jiangning. It is impossible for her to abandon Jiangning.

Just recently, she suddenly felt that Jiangning was not so unreliable. On the contrary, in front of Jiangning, she always felt that she was too ordinary.

Jiangning's medical skills are amazing. Wang Yuan, the first TCM doctor in Ningcheng, is willing to work in the medical hall just to get Jiangning's random advice.

Jiangning has a lot of money. At least she has seen a black card with exquisite workmanship in Jiangning's old clothes. Even the card number on it is platinum hot stamping.

But as clever as Chen Lan, she knows that some should be asked, some should not be asked.

Some words, once asked, feelings will change, as long as she knows, Jiangning also like her on the line.

They looked at each other in silence.

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