Pirate World, Cocosia Village.

Xia Yu, who had cleaned up the system mall relatively cleanly, had just looked up at the battle between Luffy and Aaron, when an explosion suddenly came from the building behind him, followed by an infinitely elongated foot that broke through the roof of the building and rushed straight into the sky.

“I’m done, is it over?”

Looking at the foot that rushed straight into the sky, Xia Yu did not hesitate at all, and directly picked up Nami, who had been watching the battle by his side, and flashed out, while shouting at Yamaji, who was smoking a cigarette and posing coolly, “Sanji, quickly take Solon Usopp and leave the yard!” ”

“Huh?” Sanji glanced at Xia Yu and Nami, who suddenly stood outside the park, and then subconsciously looked up at the sky. When he saw the big foot that was heading straight into the sky suddenly fall at an alarming speed, he suddenly woke up, and then ran away with Solon and Usopra one by one!


As soon as Sanji ran out of the park with Solon and Usopp behind him, a deafening explosion sounded behind him, and in an instant, the Evil Dragon Park, which had stood on the coast of Cocosia Village for several years, collapsed and collapsed in a burst of shaking mountains!

In the thick smoke rising from the sky, Luffy’s figure flashed to the ruins of the collapsed building. He was injured after fighting with Aaron, gasping for breath, with a touch of innate domineering in his embarrassment.

“Luffy !!!”

Looking at the figure standing on the ruins, Nami, who was taken away by Xia Yu in time, suddenly brightened her eyes, and then looked sideways at Xia Yu.

Xia Yu seemed to know what Nami was thinking, and smiled: “Yes, you read that right. Aaron has already lost! This means that you can follow us to the sea to realize your dreams! ”

As soon as Xia Yu’s words fell, Luffy, who was standing on the ruins with a touch of domineering, suddenly stood up straight, then raised his head and opened his arms, shouting loudly: “Nami! You’re my partner, right? ”

Hearing Luffy’s sudden shout, Nami quickly looked back at Luffy, and then nodded fiercely!

At the same time, the villagers who had been standing outside the Evil Dragon Park all came back from their shock after hearing Luffy’s shouts and the collapse of the entire Evil Dragon Park and let out heaven-shaking cheers.


“The Dragon Park crosses the !!!”

“We won!!!!

Hearing the cheers of the villagers that kept coming out of the surroundings, Nami did not hold back again, and tears could not stop slipping down.


Pirate World, Navy headquarters, a conference room.

A young man dressed as a captain of the navy headquarters stood at the top, laid out the photos he had just obtained, and said a little nervously: “This is a new pirate group that has just emerged from the East China Sea, and their captain is called Straw Hat Luffy!” ”

“According to our investigation, he became a pirate from the windmill village of the East China Sea, then defeated the Arrita Pirates shortly after going to sea, and then defeated Monka in the town of Shells. After that, I arrived in Orange Town…”

“Until yesterday, he defeated Aaron of the Evil Dragon Pirates!”

“This is already a great threat in the East China Sea, where the average reward is less than three million! Therefore, in order to completely suppress these evil criminals who have just emerged, I suggest that you offer a high price to Straw Hat Luffy! ”

After that, the captain of the naval headquarters quickly retreated sideways to the side, waiting for the big guys in this conference room to make a final decision.

Although he is a captain in the headquarters of the Navy, he is a younger brother in this room. In this conference room, there were not only commodore, rear admiral, but also Vice Admiral John Jaindo, who personally presided over the meeting.



The young captain had just retired, and a room full of major generals and lieutenant generals did not hesitate and agreed to his proposal.

“Since everyone has no objections!”

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Vice Admiral John Jaindo, who was sitting at the top of the conference room, dressed gorgeously, and had medals on his chest, immediately stood up and made a crisp decision: “Reward 30 million!” And go all out to hunt down Luffy the straw hat! ”


Xia Yu did not go to participate in the carnival of the villagers of Kocosia Village, but after sleeping in Nami’s house, he got up the next day and came to an orange forest behind the house alone!

As early as when he saw that he could open the lottery again, Xia Yu decided to first come to a wave of orange forest farmers’ products to help the fun!

The audience in the live broadcast room saw that Xia Yu did not go to participate in the group activities, but came to this orange forest alone, and they were also confused.

“Xia Yuda, why don’t you go to the group activities! Now that Aaron and his gang are all gone, you should take advantage of this beautiful scenery and give Nami a hehe! ”

“Yes, yes, it’s not time, Boss Xia Yu, go on!” Rest assured, we won’t ask you to stream anything live! That’s really bad fun, as long as you’re comfortable. ”

“I make it, why did the barrage painting style suddenly become so corrupt? You guys are very bad like this, there are many children in the live broadcast room now! ”

“What an international joke! Those who are still chasing One Piece in this era are old birds, okay! Although I was only seventeen or eight when I first chased One Piece, I am already a child and his father now! The most important thing is that in all the live broadcast rooms of Tigerfish, only the live broadcast room of Boss Xia Yu can send out barrage for such a freewheeling chat! If you chat like this in other live broadcast rooms, you will come to warn you of the ID! ”


Looking at the barrage of the sudden change in the painting style in the live broadcast room, Xia Yu suddenly remembered something, and while turning around and walking towards the ruined Evil Dragon Park, he said: “I remembered that Along was just defeated by Luffy and buried in the ruins. Although he will be captured by the Navy and put in prison, I think it is safe to kill him with my own hands! ”


“My God, Boss Xia Yu, this is the real example of being very strong, but overly cautious!”

“It’s over, according to this situation, I am afraid that in the future, as long as it is an opponent defeated by Luffy, it will be killed by Boss Xia Yu!”

“This is the survival of the real pirates, okay! As long as it is an enemy, you can’t show mercy to your subordinates! ”

“If you kill Along, Xia Yu will go to Fishman Island in the future… Well, I’m like the Virgin! In a word, Boss Xia Yu did everything right! ”


The mentality exploded, and we just set up a scheduled first chapter in the afternoon, and we had a power outage in the whole city here, and we kept repairing until after 11 p.m. Cry! It’s really a disaster, but at the most critical juncture of the shelf, this moth came out, and it was so uncomfortable that I wanted to cry!!!

But rest assured, brothers, today ten more will definitely come out. Today the second change, next start writing the third more! Not to mention, the author Jun has to work overtime.

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