“Xia Yu !!!”

Xia Yu had just walked to the ruined Evil Dragon Park when Nami’s voice came from behind him. Following the prestige, I saw Nami and a woman with purple hair and full of handsomeness!

Nokiga, the older sister who is not related to Nami.

Seeing Xia Yu turn to look at them, the two quickly moved over and stood in front of Xia Yu.

“Mr. Xia Yu, hello!”

Nuo Qi greeted Xia Yu politely, and then said very generously: “Xia Yu, why don’t you go to the banquet, aren’t you used to this way?” ”

“Yes, yes, now Luffy Solon they have fun!” Nami stepped forward and said happily: “Let’s go, Xia Yu, let’s go and participate too!” ”

Xia Yu glanced at the sisters and said lightly: “Let Luffy and them participate in the banquet or something!” I’ll have to see if Aaron is dead!” ”


Nami blinked blankly and asked cautiously, “What… What do you mean, Xia Yu? ”

“Stupid Nami.”

Without waiting for Xia Yu to speak, Nuo Qigao raised his hand and knocked on Nami’s little head, and said angrily: “Mr. Xia Yu is worried that after they leave, if Along does not die, he will definitely treat the villagers of Cocosia Village…” Speaking of this, Nuo Qigao suddenly bowed down and said to Xia Yu with a reverent face: “Mr. Xia Yu, thank you!” Thank you for everything you do for Cocosia Village! Thank you for still thinking about us! ”

“Heavy words!”

Xia Yu waved his hand and said with a smile: “I’m just worried that if this product is not dead, it will come to us in the future!” ”

Saying that, Xia Yu turned around and walked towards the ruins!

Looking at Xia Yu, who turned around and walked towards the ruins, Nami and Noki surprisingly did not follow. Especially Nami, although Xia Yu explained that she was worried about Aaron’s trouble in the future, but she was not a fool, with Xia Yu, Luffy how could their strength be worried that Aaron would come to find trouble, Xia Yu did this in her opinion, obviously to let her go to sea without any worries!

“Mr. Xia Yu is very good, oh Nami!”

Of course, Nuo Qigao thought the same, looking at Xia Yu’s figure walking to the ruins, she suddenly looked sideways at Nami, and said with a deep meaning: “Although Luffy and they are very good, if there is no Mr. Xia Yu, I really don’t worry about you going to sea!” Now it seems that with Mr. Xia Yu here, I can rest assured! ”

“Who said I was going to go to sea with him!” Nami withdrew her thoughts, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said very arrogantly: “I want to stay in Cocosia Village and guard…”

“You have been guarding Cocosia Village for many years.” Noki shook her head and smiled, “Next, Nami should also go and realize her dreams!” ”

At this moment, Xia Yu, who was walking around the ruins, not only did not find the trace of Along, but even Xiaoba and Croobi who were defeated by Solon and Yamaji yesterday disappeared, and even the members of the Fishman Pirate Group who were cut down by him seemed to disappear out of thin air!

After discovering this strange phenomenon, Xia Yu secretly muttered in his heart: “Wasn’t it escaped by Along?” No, if they escaped… I went, could it be that someone from some naval branch came to pick up the leaks and took them all away? ”

Thinking of this, Xia Yu jumped down from the ruins, quickly came to Nami, and asked, “Nami, did anyone come here yesterday?” ”

“Didn’t… Nobody! ”

Looking at Xia Yu, who suddenly returned, Nami was stunned, and stammered a little: “Yesterday, yesterday I wasn’t with you all the time…”

“All the time together?” Without waiting for Nami to finish speaking, Nuo Qigao’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she smiled meaningfully: “Well, I just couldn’t find you last night, it turns out that you have long been…”

“Aha, no, it’s not like this Nokigao.” Nami realized that she had said the wrong thing and quickly explained: “Last night, I went to see Belmel! ”


Nuo Qigao’s eyes tightened slightly, and his face darkened! Bermel is her and Nami’s adoptive mother, as early as when Aaron and his gang came to Cocosia Village, Bermel was brutally killed by Aaron and his gang in order to protect them, and now that Aaron and his gang have been defeated, Nami will definitely run to see their adoptive mother for the first time.

“That’s right, Mr. Xia Yu!”

After sorting out his heart that became a little heavy in an instant, Nuo Qigao suddenly remembered something and spoke: “Last night, I heard Ah Jian say that the navy seems to have come!” In order not to let the Navy find out about you, they tricked the Navy away! Now it seems that they must have come here with the navy and captured Aaron and his gang! ”

“This way!”

Xia Yu came over with relief and said, “That’s fine!” Let’s go, let’s go have fun! ”

“Interesting thing?”

Nami and Nokiko both reacted a little and asked in unison, “What’s going on?” ”

“Can I trouble you to go and prepare a basket for me, Nokigao? I want to pick some oranges…”

“Okay!” Nuo Qigao, who thought that Xia Yu wanted to eat oranges, nodded very crisply, and then turned around and ran out, shouting at Xia Yu while running: “Mr. Xia Yu, you go shopping with Nami first, I will go directly to the orange forest to prepare oranges!” ”

Hearing Nokigao’s words, Nami’s face instantly turned red! Although she and Nokigo are not biological sisters, they have lived together since childhood and know each other very well. Nuo Qigao’s move is undoubtedly creating a solitary space for her and Xia Yu, which is of far-reaching significance!

Of course, since the beginning of Xiluobu Village, Nami has enjoyed spending time alone with Xia Yu very much, especially listening to the stories Xia Yu tells her!

“Let’s go! What are pestles doing here? ”

Just when Nami’s face turned red with cranky thoughts, Xia Yu suddenly patted Nami’s little head and said, “Go to the orange forest, today I will sell fruits live!” ”


Looking at Xia Yu, who strode out, Nami couldn’t keep up with the rhythm a little, and asked with a slow response: “Live broadcast?” Selling fruit? ”

Xia Yu ignored Nami, glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and while walking towards the orange orchard left by Bermel for Nami and Nokigao, he spoke: “Fellow local leeks, are you ready for your wallet?!” Today, the second draw will be opened in this live broadcast room, and the prize is the orange in Cocosia Village! ”


Today’s third change, next start the fourth change, write a chapter and upload a chapter, and fight until dawn!

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