Finally drove

""Knock, knock, knock."

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

The door opened and a little red-haired head poked in.

"Is there anyone here?" He pointed to the seat next to Harry and asked,"Everywhere else is full."

The two shook their heads, so the other person sat in somewhat reservedly. After putting down his luggage, he immediately turned his eyes to the window, as if he was not in the same dimension as the two.

Until he heard Levin address the other person in the conversation between the two.

"My name is Ron Weasley. Are you really Harry Potter? The boy turned around and blurted out.

You are Ron Weasley, the second of Hermione's two useless men.

Even with his butterfly effect, the two brothers still met on the train. Is this fate?

"You really--you know……"He pointed at Harry's forehead.

Harry skillfully brushed away a lock of hair on his forehead, revealing the lightning-shaped scar helplessly.

He had done this action countless times during this period, and it seemed that only Levin was not surprised.���Strange.

Ron's eyes widened:"This is what the mysterious person did?"

""Yes," said Harry,"but I don't remember it."

"Don't remember anything at all?" Ron asked anxiously.

"Hmm - I just remember a lot of green lights and nothing else."

"It's remarkable that you can remember the green light... most people can't remember things from their infancy." Levin explained, then said:"Come to think of it, I heard that there is a sorting ceremony after entering Hogwarts, but there is no such thing in Muggle schools."

After all, he and Harry had some friendship as old classmates, and he changed the subject here because he didn't want to evoke painful memories for the other party.

Speaking of Hogwarts and Sorting, the other two immediately became interested.

Ron immediately said:"I think I will be sorted into Gryffindor. My whole family is in Gryffindor. I don't know what they will say if I don't go to that college. But no matter what, don't put me in Slytherin College"

""That's Vol--I'm sorry, I mean, is that where the mysterious man stayed?" Harry blurted out.

Ron nodded:"Yes, so I've been praying, don't make a mistake."

Levin comforted him:"I heard that the sorting is more based on one's own wishes. If you want to go to Gryffindor, then be firm in your mind, and you will be assigned to Gryffindor when the time comes."

Ron was a little unbelieving:"Really? Do you know how to sort? I heard from George and Freddy that it requires a difficult test and it's very dangerous! But they refused to tell me the content!"

Levin grinned:"This is also a'll know when the time comes."

Ron's face was dark: Riddler, get out of Hogwarts!

After learning more about Levin and Harry's life in the Muggle world and not knowing much about the wizarding world, Ron became happy again and began to popularize science to the two of them - the main content was still complaining about his own affairs, and popularizing science was just a by-product.

For example, he mentioned Quidditch, and then immediately said that he had a flying broom - the Meteor.

Its speed couldn't even catch up with a butterfly.

He also complained that everything on him was second-hand.

His wand belonged to his second brother Charlie, his robes belonged to his eldest brother Bill, and his wizard chess was left by his grandfather - it was considered a family heirloom, and the chess pieces often said that they were from Ron's grandfather's generation.

Even his pet mouse Scabbers belonged to Voldemort... Oh no, it should be his third brother Percy...

Levin glanced at his pet mouse Peter, I mean Scabbers.

He comforted Ron:"Actually, you don't have to care about these. If you really want to compare, I'm worse off than you. Except for my wand, everything on me was basically bought from second-hand stores. I have no family, and I have to pay off my student loans after graduation.……"

When Ron heard this, he quickly apologized, but Levin noticed that his face looked much better than before, and his resentment had disappeared.

Sure enough, the saying is right,

I am afraid that my brother will suffer, and I am also afraid that my brother will drive a Land Rover.

Only with comparison can there be a sense of superiority.

As the train traveled farther and farther, the fields passing by the window seemed more desolate, and the scenery outside the window gradually changed from large tracts of farmland to dense woods, winding rivers and dark green hills. It was not until the sky was completely dark that Ron stopped his endless chatter.

In this regard, Harry is definitely a good listener, as long as you ignore his non-stop mouth.

Perhaps because of the poor treatment at the Dursleys, Harry went on a wave of revenge consumption after getting on the train.

The table was now full of snack packaging bags, and in front of him was a stack of Chocolate Frog cards, including several Dumbledore cards - I don't know if this is good luck or bad luck.

""Hurry up and change into your robes. I just asked my senior, the train is about to arrive." Levin pushed open the door of the carriage and urged the two people who hit it off at first sight.

He really couldn't stand Ron's chatterbox, and he was curious about the characters in the original book, so he went out for a walk.

During this time, he met a girl with furry curly hair who was looking for Neville's toad.

This was the last member of the iron triangle, Hermione.

The girl was as cute as in the movie, the only problem was that she had a bad temper.

As an adult, Levin could see at a glance that this was purely because she was too competitive.

In the Muggle world, Hermione has always been a smart and studious student in the eyes of others, and she has always been proud of it.

But now that she has suddenly entered the wizarding world, her former arrogance can no longer be maintained. Without knowing the level of others, her arrogance has turned into inferiority..

As for her somewhat domineering appearance, that was just a false shell she maintained to protect her self-esteem.

Once she actually came to Hogwarts and reaffirmed her status as a top student, this self-protective shell would automatically disappear.

Since becoming a psion, Levin's insight into other people's inner thoughts has become increasingly sharp, and he is confident that he can become an expert in Legilimency in the future.

Levin easily used the Summoning Charm to find Neville's toad.

At least in the first grade, he did not have any headaches about this know-it-all lady or any desire to socialize with her too much. Now they are all too young, and being ordinary friends is enough. If you really want to go a step further, you have to wait at least two or three years. It just so happens that Hermione is the most vulnerable at that time, and it is most suitable to take advantage of her.

""Levin, you're back! It's a pity that you weren't here just now, because we had a fight with Malfoy. If you were here, we would have definitely beaten them to a pulp." Ron complained. Harry nodded in agreement. Although his friend was not particularly strong, he was indeed good at fighting.

He had experienced this in elementary school.

Levin did not comment on this. If Malfoy really provoked him, he would not mind teaching the ignorant boy a lesson.

For these first-year wizards who didn't know any spells yet, his fists were enough.

Several people quickly took off their coats and put on black robes.

Ron's old robes were a little short, revealing his pair of sneakers underneath.

It seemed that one of Ron's brothers was not as tall as Ron is now when he was in the first grade.

Ron looked very embarrassed about this, but Levin thought that such robes were not bad.

At least they were convenient for movement, and when he stepped out of his legs, he didn't have to worry about stepping on the corners of the robes and falling.……

"The train will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes. Please leave your luggage on the train and we will take it to school for you."The announcer's voice echoed on the train.

"We are almost there, the wizarding world, I-I am a little nervous."Harry said dryly, holding his stomach, looking very uncomfortable.

He was not the only one who was nervous. Even Ron, who was born as a pure-blood, turned pale under his freckles.

He also remembered the terrifying information about how to sort the houses that his twin brother had described to him.

In this nervous mood, the train slowed down and finally stopped.


Pictured: Hermione

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