Passengers pushed and shoved, rushing towards the door and down to a small, dark platform.

The night chill made Harry, who was close to Levin, shiver.

Then a light swayed above the students' heads, and

Levin heard a rough voice shouting:"First-year students! First-year students, come over here! Harry, come over here, how are you?"

Above the crowd of people, Hagrid's bearded face smiled and greeted"quietly".

Levin thought this half-blood giant looked stupid, but most of the young wizards didn't think so.

They were afraid of his abnormally large size.

After all, these people hadn't read the original book of"Harry Potter".

Following Hagrid along a narrow path, a black lake suddenly opened in front of them.

On the high hillside on the other side of the lake stood a towering castle with spires and windows flickering under the starry sky.

They had arrived at the lake, and a row of small wooden boats were waiting for the new students.

There was a lot of moss on the rocks by the Black Lake. Hagrid loudly reminded the freshmen:"Watch your step, don't slip." As soon as he finished speaking, two students slipped and almost fell into the lake.

"No more than four people can fit in each boat!"Hagrid said loudly, pointing at a group of small boats moored on the shore.

Because of the fast speed, Ron, who arrived earlier, was already on the boat with the others, and Levin nimbly occupied another boat.

Harry also climbed on board.

Neville and Hermione looked at Levin who had just helped them, breathed a sigh of relief, and climbed on board as well.

""Everyone on board?" Hagrid shouted.

The giant was so huge that he had to take a boat to fit himself in.

"Then, let's go!"

Following his shout, a team of small boats immediately crossed the mirror-like lake and sailed forward.

Levin remembered that there were mermaids living in this huge black lake.

According to legend, all mermaids are as beautiful as flowers, but the natives of the Black Lake are an exception.

Their looks cannot be said to be stunning, but at least they are also amazing.

This may be because mermen also have different types, yellow, white, agricultural, and so on.

In addition, there is a giant squid of unknown origin in the Black Lake.

It is said that it is actually Godrick Gryffindor who was infected with the blood curse.

"Turn this corner and you'll see Hogwarts for the first time." Hagrid's voice suddenly interrupted Levin's thoughts.

Turning the cliff, the outline of the castle dotted with lights could be vaguely seen in the distance! The closer they got, the more majestic the castle looked, and under the reflection of the lights, it was so magnificent.

Hermione whispered,"This road that every freshman takes is said to be for us to experience the hardships that the founder of Hogwarts went through in finding the location of the castle."

"Maybe there is another deeper meaning."

Levin has mastered arcane magic. Compared with ordinary wizards, he can feel the essence of the power hidden under the magical performance of magic.

At this time, he has already noticed a hint of abnormality.

He can feel that there is a huge magical power in the castle in the distance, and an inexplicable connection between himself and the castle has gradually been established.

The freshmen have re-taken the old path of creating the four giants of the academy.

The essence of this tradition should be an ancient ritual magic.

When the students complete the whole process, it means signing a contract with Hogwarts and truly becoming a student of the school.

As the fleet gradually approached the cliff where the castle was, the castle seemed to tower over their heads.

""Keep your heads down!"

Hagrid shouted as the first batch of boats approached the cliff.

Everyone lowered their heads, and the boats carried them through the ivy curtain covering the front of the cliff to the secret open entrance.

Then the little wizards realized that it was actually Hagrid himself who really needed to lower his head.

They seemed to have come to the base of the castle along a dark tunnel, and finally arrived at a place similar to an underground dock, and then climbed up a ground of gravel and pebbles.

Hagrid held up the lantern:"Everyone, come down. Follow me closely."

The freshmen got off the boat and went up a row of more than two hundred steep and winding stairs to an open-air square surrounded by pillars. At the end of the square is the gate of Hogwarts.

Hagrid stepped forward and raised his fist as big as a sandbag.

""Knock, knock, knock!"

Judging from the sound, the door is indeed thick enough.

The door opened and it was opened by Professor McGonagall, an old acquaintance of Levin.

Professor McGonagall introduced the four houses of Hogwarts to everyone and announced that the Sorting Ceremony would be held in a while.

She also talked about the house cup and scores, and seemed to attach great importance to honor.

When Professor McGonagall returned to the hall, everyone immediately started talking.

Whether they were Muggle-born or pure-blooded, they were all worried. There were even more different opinions about the Sorting Ceremony.

The adults didn't seem to want to ruin this kind of mental journey, which was also a rare growth experience.

"How can they sort us into houses exactly?" Harry asked.

"No matter what, we won't be expelled from school." Levin used some empty words to comfort them, but this made others more nervous.

Personally, Levin didn't intend to break this tradition.

It was actually quite fun to see others so nervous.……

"Probably through a test. Fred said it would hurt us a lot, but I think he was joking."Ron looked horrified.

Hermione had already started to recite the knowledge in the textbook nervously. She was worried that there would be an entrance examination in the sorting ceremony.

"Don't worry, there won't be any algebra or trigonometry tests."Levin threatened, and successfully got a roll of the eyes.

Levin didn't worry too much about himself.

As a psychic, he mastered the spell of [Hidden Thoughts], which could be comparable to the best brain occlumency when actively cast.

In fact, he almost always used this spell.

There was no other way, there were too many secrets hidden in his mind.

Even if it attracted Dumbledore's attention, it was better than him knowing it through time travel.

Anyway, the magic world is not short of geniuses, and he himself doesn't like Gryffindor.

Flexible control of the effect of [Hidden Thoughts] can only block part of the memory, so that Legilimency can only see the part that Levin wants people to see.

So, which characteristics should be exposed at that time, and which one should be assigned? What about the college?

Just as Levin was immersed in his own thoughts, Harry beside him suddenly jumped up, and then there were several people screaming loudly behind him.

It turned out that the ghosts in the school came out to scare the freshmen.

Twenty or so ghosts suddenly jumped out from the wall behind them.

These pearly white, translucent ghosts slid across the room, whispering to each other and pretending to pass by.

Until the students screamed one after another, these ghosts were satisfied to show their faces and floated through the wall.

Professor McGonagall also appeared at the right time, as if she was waiting for the ghosts on purpose.

She first comforted the frightened students, and then ordered:"Now, line up in a single file and follow me."

The sorting ceremony is about to begin.

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