When Levin arrived at the Transfiguration classroom, there were still a few minutes before class started. Many students were already sitting in the classroom. They were discussing topics related to Transfiguration with great interest. No one paid attention to the tabby cat on the podium.

"Levin, can we sit a little further back? This way, the chances of being called on by the professor will be lower... Hmm? Why are you covering my mouth?"

Stephen just opened his mouth when Levin covered his mouth. He noticed that the cat on the podium glanced at them.

When Levin pulled him to sit down, Steve realized something was wrong:"You've been looking at that cat. Is there something wrong with that cat?"

"That's Professor McGonagall. She's one of only seven Animagus registered by the Ministry of Magic in the 20th century." Levine explained.

"Wow, how did you find that out? Kevin said in admiration

"Look carefully, the pattern of the cat's eyes is exactly the same as the glasses, and Professor McGonagall wears glasses. In addition, the cat has been sitting all the time, neither licking her fur nor sharpening her claws, nor shaking her ears and tail. She doesn't do any of the little movements that a cat should do,"

Levin analyzed calmly, and his friends looked at him with more admiration.

"Finally, and most importantly, it was Professor McGonagall who was in charge of my admission during the summer vacation. She turned into a cat in front of me."

Well, after all this time, you saw it with your own eyes.

The two were speechless for a moment.

Realizing that Professor McGonagall was on the podium, they became uncomfortable, fearing that they would do something wrong and be blamed by the professor.

At the same time, they looked at those little wizards who took advantage of the teacher's absence and acted mischievously, and they showed a gloating look. After a while, another acquaintance came to the classroom.

It was Hermione. The little girl was obviously a cat lover. After coming in, she even tried to touch the cat's head, but as soon as she stretched out her hand, Professor McGonagall dodged it nimbly.

Poor little girl, if you find yourself trying to touch the professor's head, how would you react?

Levin has begun to look forward to the other party's expression change.

Five minutes later, the class time has begun, but Professor McGonagall still maintains the posture of a cat.

Two more people rushed into the classroom

""Harry, that's great! Fortunately, Professor McGonagall hasn't arrived yet." Ron shouted happily.

Harry nodded, smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the British shorthair cat on the podium jumped forward gracefully and turned into Professor McGonagall before landing.

This sudden change made Ron and Harry open their mouths in surprise.

"That’s awesome!"

"Thank you for your comments, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps I should turn Mr. Potter or you into a pocket watch, so that one of you can keep time."Transfiguration professor Minerva McGonagall stared at them with serious eyes behind her glasses.

"We are lost. Harry said a little aggrieved.

"Should I turn you into a map? I believe you don't need a map to find your seats, right?"

The two of them followed Professor McGonagall's instructions and sat down obediently.

As for poor Hermione Granger, she was still stunned and didn't dare to think about what she almost did.

Under the gaze of the students, Professor McGonagall knocked on the table with her wand.

"Transfiguration is the most complicated and dangerous course for you in your first year, so I don't want anyone to mess up in class. Otherwise, I will ask him to leave and never come back. I hope you can keep it in mind."

He said, Mag waved his hand:"Look at this."

A glass cover flew over, and in the cover was a box with four toad legs.

"This is a mistake made by a young wizard in the past, who transformed his pet toad into this state, and it can never be changed back. It is a good warning to students who do not realize the complexity and dangers of Transfiguration."

"You don't want something strange to grow on your body, do you?"

Everyone nodded quickly, and couldn't help but feel cold in their hearts.

Levin heard Ron muttering to Peter, no, Scabbers, the mouse in his pocket:"Don't worry, I will never turn you into that."

That's right, because the cup and the box are two different things.

On the podium, Professor McGonagall officially started the class

"Please turn to the first page of the"Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration". Today we will talk about the basic principles of transfiguration.……"

Levin took out a pen and a notebook, and cast a [Scribing Spell] on the pen.

The pen immediately started to fly, automatically recording Professor McGonagall's lecture content in the notebook. It was so convenient that Steve on the side looked at it sideways.

[Scribing Spell] in arcane magic is much more convenient than the shorthand quill pen in this world.

After all, the former is just a 0-ring trick, while the latter is an expensive magic item, which cannot be compared.

Levin suddenly thought that perhaps it would be a good business to fix [Scribing Spell] on the pen to make a shorthand pen?

Well, let's record it for the time being.

Out of curiosity about Transfiguration, the students were very engrossed in the class and wanted to start learning right away, but they soon realized that it would take a long time to turn furniture into animals.

Levin himself naturally understood something as well.

【You have listened to the introductory course of Transfiguration and have a deep understanding of Transfiguration. Your Transfiguration School expertise has been improved.】

【You learned the power of change from Transfiguration, you learned the magic of Bear's Fortitude】、【The power of bull】、【Cat's Elegance】、【The Majesty of the Eagle】、【Fox's Cunning】、【[Wisdom of the Owl]

The above six magics are classic attribute enhancement spells in the Transfiguration School of Magic, which can respectively enhance the recipient's durability, strength, agility, charm, perception, and intelligence.

After half an hour of theoretical class, Professor McGonagall began to assign tasks.

That is to let the little wizards try to turn matches into needles.

She gave each person a match, and everyone began to try.

Everyone is a newly enrolled wizard, and they have a poor grasp of their own magic power.

In this case, even spells with clear spells as guides are not very obedient to use, let alone Transfiguration, a spell system that relies entirely on will and imagination.

The little wizards waved their wands and pointed at the matches, but most of the matches didn't give any face, and didn't even move, let alone transform.

Of course, there are also students whose matches react. For example,——


Levin heard a faint explosion, followed by a strong smell of sulfur.

Turning his head, he saw that Seamus Finnigan's match had been burned to ashes. He was indeed a genius in the world of Harry Potter.

However, this task could not stump Levin, who had just improved his talent in the School of Transmutation.

The first time, Levin turned the match into a wooden needle.

The second time, the wooden needle was completely transformed into a metal needle, which was no different from a real needle.

"Very good, very few young wizards can achieve this level in the first class, plus 5 points for Ravenclaw.

Professor McGonagall was a little surprised by Levin's performance. It was not uncommon for young wizards to successfully complete the challenge in the first class in her teaching career, but they did exist. However, most of them came from wizard families and had the conditions to practice at home in advance.

But he knew very well that Levin was definitely not one of them. This child did not come into contact with the wizard world until this summer vacation.

From this point of view, his talent far exceeded his imagination.

"Mr. Green, why don't you show us how to do it?"

The freshmen stared at Levin with sharp eyes. Levin remained calm and turned another match into a pin on the spot.

The flammable match head was turned into a white round pin.

This scene drew applause.

Professor McGonagall became more and more aware of the talent of the young wizard in front of her.

By the end of the class, in addition to Levin, only Hermione Granger and two other Ravenclaws succeeded in making some changes to the match.

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