After making up his mind to be a good student, Levin actively interacted with the teachers in every class he attended.

As analyzed before, Dumbledore only cared about his broken prophecy.

As long as he didn't have too much intersection with"Harry Potter and His Big Adventure of the Year", he would basically not be in his eyes.

Naturally, Levin didn't have to keep a low profile in normal studies.

With Levin's activeness, Ravenclaw naturally gained points.

The professors liked this little genius from Muggle-born very much.

His only threatening competitor was Hermione Granger.

After meeting in the library, this know-it-all lady seemed to regard Levin as her biggest competitor and wanted to compete with him in everything.

It was not until the History of Magic class that Levin's reign of extra points was interrupted.

It was not because he could not recite the History of Magic by heart - with his memory database, he would not have any problem in this regard. The main reason was that Professor Cuthbert Binns of the History of Magic was too messed up. The main theme of this ghost teacher's course was autism.

When the class time came, Professor Binns would walk through the wall on time, without even calling the name, and directly began to read the text in a monotonous voice, and continued to read the text for the entire class period, and then the class was over.

From beginning to end, there was no interaction, no questions, and naturally no extra points.

This also made the History of Magic class the most boring course in Hogwarts.

If Levin had met such a teacher when he was in college, he would have laughed to death! If the teacher did not care about things, then the class would be as watered as he wanted, but when he was a good student himself, it was embarrassing.

Another course that blocked the way was Potions.

The Potions classroom was in the basement, and it was said that the coldness of the basement was conducive to material storage.

But Levin and the other young wizards suspected that this was purely due to Snape's personal preference for a dark mentality.

The first time he set foot here, Levin felt uncomfortable.

Even the powerful magic inside Hogwarts could not dispel this darkness and coldness.

Coupled with the glass jars filled with various internal organs that took up most of the wall, it felt like visiting the specimen room of a medical school.

Even the Slytherins had to hide when they came to their dean's class.

If coupled with Snape's greasy long hair and gloomy old face, the cooling effect would be doubled.

The young wizards fully felt this in the first potions class.

When Snape slid into the classroom silently like a big bat, the indoor temperature seemed to drop by several degrees.

Like Flitwick, he picked up the roster as soon as class started, and like Flitwick, he always stopped when he called Harry's name.

"Oh, yes," he whispered.

"Harry Potter, this is our newcomer - a very famous person."

He opened his mouth slightly, and his voice was full of disdain:"You come here to learn the precise science and strict craftsmanship of potion preparation.……"

"Since there is no silly waving of magic wands here, many of you will not believe that this is magic."

"I do not expect you to truly appreciate the beauty of the simmering pot with white smoke and fragrant wafts, nor do you truly understand the magical power of the liquid flowing into people's veins to make people's hearts and minds wander.……"

"I can teach you how to improve your reputation, create glory, and even prevent death - but there must be one thing, that is, you are not the kind of idiots I often encounter."

Next is Snape's questioning session.

Like Professor McGonagall, he likes to give the freshmen a head start and randomly pick a unlucky person to give them a hard time.

……In fact, it is not random. It mainly depends on who Snape is upset with.

Originally, Levin thought that he would target Harry like in the original book, and was ready to see the joke, but in a blink of an eye, he found that Snape was looking at him with malicious eyes.

I sat up in shock from my dying illness, and I was the unlucky one?

This is also normal. From Snape's attitude towards Hermione in the original book, we can see that he really doesn't like those students who are ostentatious and like to show off.

Maybe it's because he hates James Potter and others?

In short, because of his previous performance of showing off, Levin has been targeted by Snape.

In addition, Levin guessed that this was also related to his relationship with Harry.

Levin was the only Ravenclaw freshman who had a good relationship with Harry.

"Green! Stand up!"

""What would I get if I added powdered narcissus root to wormwood infusion?"

Snape suddenly asked, but this kind of"head suction" was of no use to him.

Not to mention that the Potions textbook had long been included in the database in his brain, just based on his memories of his previous life, he knew exactly what three tricks Snape would use.

"A bottle of water of life and death, professor"

"If I asked you to find me a piece of bezoar, where would you look?"

"Cow's stomach"

"What is the difference between Aconitum Naviculatum and Aconitum Wolfberry?"

"There is no difference, they are all Aconitum."

Snape came up with a right kick, a right whip kick, and a left jab, but Levin blocked them all.

However, Snape did not give up.

The one-button triple combo in the original book did not work, so he immediately increased the difficulty.

"What animal's feces are bezoars?"

"Bezoars are not feces, but stones taken from the stomach of goats"

"When should the sap grass be harvested?"

"When the full moon"


After six or seven questions, no matter how difficult Snape was, Levin could answer without hesitation.

This series of quick questions and answers made the other young wizards dumbfounded.

Until Snape asked:"What is the function of water ghost brain?"

"Water ghost brain? Is there such a material in the world of Harry Potter?" Hearing this question, Levin was instantly confused,"Isn't this a specialty of the wizarding world?"

"Why would Snape ask this question? Did he also travel through time?"

"No, think about it carefully, since Cirilla is also in this world, it means that all this is not a coincidence, and this world has undergone unknown changes."

"Considering that the main storyline has not deviated too much, this change will not have much impact for now... I have to study it carefully when I have time."

At that moment, Levin's thoughts were working quickly.

It was indeed surprising that Snape could ask such an"out-of-scope" question, but he had played"The Witcher 3" in his previous life.》

"Water ghost brain can be used to make therapeutic potions."

Levin thought for a moment, and then added in a low voice:"It has a strong aphrodisiac effect on men."

After hearing Levin's answer, the old bat fell into a brief silence.

He really didn't expect that this"top student" of Ravenclaw was actually so outstanding!

You know, water ghosts are new monsters that have only appeared in the past ten years, and water ghost brain is a new potion material that has only been discovered in the past five years.

Most of the research results on water ghost brain are limited to the pharmacist circle and cutting-edge papers.

This first-year freshman even knows this, which can be called broad-minded.

Especially the aphrodisiac effect of water ghost brain, which was a new result discovered only last year.

It originated from an accident that occurred after a male pharmacist accidentally took raw water ghost brain extract.

——At that time, he was only accompanied by his crup.

Snape looked at Levin deeply, and then he shouted to the other little wizards:"What are you waiting for? Why don't you write down this knowledge?"

Levin smiled slightly and watched Snape's incompetent rage.

But soon he couldn't laugh anymore, because after failing to make things difficult for him, Snape was so shameless that he started to explain the content of the first lesson directly.

He didn't give extra points to Ravenclaw!

It's really shameless to be partial to him to this extent!

But at least, Levin pretended to be awesome in front of the little wizards of the same grade through this scene.

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