The next class was Herbology, which they had to take with Hufflepuff.

The Herbology classroom was located in a large, independent greenhouse in the southeast of the castle.

It was managed by Professor Sprout, the head of Hufflepuff and professor of Herbology, and many magical plants and herbs were planted there.

In addition to being used for teaching, they were also considered the output of Hogwarts. It was said that many of the materials in Snape's medicine cabinet were provided by Professor Sprout.

Professor Pomona Sprout was a short witch with flowing gray hair.

She usually wore a thick hat full of patches and was covered in dirt because she always stayed in the greenhouse fiddling with flowers and plants and didn't care about her appearance.

In general, she was an optimistic and compassionate person, a standard Hufflepuff.

She was not only easy-going and friendly, but also very lively in her lectures.

In his class, Levin performed well as usual. After all, with his absolute memory and [Scholar's Touch], his brain was equivalent to a super database, and all the knowledge entered through scanning could be called up at any time.

Of course, just calling up knowledge does not mean that it can be put into practical use, but this ability is used to answer classroom questions by rote, which is a crushing achievement for ordinary people.

In this regard, the students of Ravenclaw quickly adapted and were proud of it.

Indeed, actively answering questions is not a commendable quality for Ravenclaw, but if you do this to the extreme and can answer any classroom questions 100% correctly, even they have to admire such people.

After class, Levin quickened his pace and came to the auditorium quickly, which made Steve feel that he had found a kindred spirit.

But Levin was different from him. He walked so fast not to eat, but to finish eating early so that he could go to the library to read books quickly.

After a quick dinner, Levin came to the library, and then he found that he was the first student to arrive here, earlier than Miss Know-it-all Hermione Granger.

However, the first thing he did when he arrived here was not to read books, but to do homework.

Unlike the Muggle world, Hogwarts does not have any exercise books or homework books to provide professional exercises.

Their homework is basically to write short essays, such as summarizing the key points of the course, describing the feelings of the course, etc.

And the limit of their homework is not the number of words, but the length.

The so-called length is probably the same as the number of lines.

It's just that the professor will not count how many lines the homework is written, but how long the parchment is consumed from beginning to end.

I had three classes today, and I had to write nearly two feet of homework in total.

In order to complete the homework more easily, many young wizards will go to the library to do their homework, looking for information while writing.

After all, copying books is always easier than writing them yourself.

But for Levin, a small homework is not a problem at all.

He has all kinds of information in his mind for him to use, and he himself is proficient in all kinds of water writing skills to make up the number of words.

After all, he was a student of Dragon Country for so long in his previous life and was an old test-taker.

But compared with his water writing skills that are as if he has a god, the young wizards are more envious of his automatic writing pen.

He only needs to dictate and the pen will automatically complete the homework.

This is the magic of [copying].

In fact, Levin was happy to teach them the little magic he invented.

Unfortunately, no one came forward to ask.

Everyone treated it as an expensive shorthand pen.


After finishing his homework, Levin's real mission in the library began.

This is the place with the largest and most complete collection of books in the entire British wizarding world.

In addition to the accumulation of the school over the past thousand years, the collection here also includes donations from outstanding alumni from all walks of life. It can be said that whether it is a pure-blood family or an organization like the"Death Eaters", or even the Ministry of Magic, it cannot compare with this place in terms of book collection.

For Levin, almost half of the value of Hogwarts is in this library!

When Harry and others came to the library, they saw Levin struggling with a pile of books in the corner.

The thick books were stacked together, almost three or four feet high, almost burying him.

Seeing this, Harry took a breath of cold air and said with admiration:"He reads so many books, no wonder he is so good!"

Hermione snorted, bit her lip, and said to herself:"The semester has just started, I will catch up with you soon."

In their eyes, Levin's reading mode is quite strange.

He is not like ordinary people, who carefully turn the pages one by one, or even turn the pages quickly.

Instead, he just flips the pages from beginning to end in front of his eyes like a fancy flip of playing cards.

Every book, no matter how thick it is, takes no more than one minute in front of him.

It is very similar to the legendary quantum wave speed reading.

Of course, the little wizards don't know what quantum wave speed reading is, but they know very well that it is impossible to read in this way.

It's just that Levin's expression is too focused and serious. Except for the speed of turning the book, his expression and posture are no different from those who really read seriously.

This strange look not only stunned Harry and the others, but even the librarian Madam Pince frowned.

Mrs. Irma Pince, the librarian of Hogwarts, was described by the young wizards as being extremely difficult to get along with and very harsh to the young wizards in the library.

Under her management, the Hogwarts library was not a place for learning, but rather a dictatorship.

Of course, she essentially just wanted to maintain the quietness of the library and the tidiness of the books, but these descriptions were enough to reflect her harshness.

At the moment, he was eyeing Levin, who was speed-reading quantum fluctuations.

Although Levin's every move did not violate the rules of the library, he did not make too much noise, nor did he damage the collection of books, but the book-loving Mrs. Pince could not stand it and wanted to teach the young man some tips.

""My classmate, this is not the way to read a book. You won't gain any knowledge this way."

She didn't know the ability of [Scholar's Touch], so she couldn't understand that Levin was really reading like this.

So Levin showed her a passage on the spot, what it meant to recite by heart.���Madam Pince left with a strange look on her face. Even after returning to her seat, she would occasionally look at Levin.

The others were even more dumbfounded: Is this the true level of genius?!

We are all students who came here on the same train, why is the gap so big?!

Except for Hermione, the others have completely given up on competing with Levin in this regard, especially Ron, who shifted his attention to the parchment on Levin's desk that was filled with writing.

"That... Levin," he said hesitantly, his face flushed red.

Levin glanced at him and immediately understood what he meant. He just wanted to copy homework.

Thinking about copying homework on the first day, this is unique.

He sighed and pushed the homework over directly - just don't disturb me reading.

Levin's goal is to collect all the books in the library into his mind this semester.

When all the books on the table were scanned with [Scholar's Touch],

Levin stood up and went to the bookshelf with a pile of books.

It must be said that this library is quite large, with two floors in total, not counting the hidden area, the whole The library covers an area of several thousand square meters!

Countless tall bookshelves extend from the ground to the seven or eight meter high ceiling. Many books can only be reached by stepping on a ladder.

Of course, you can also use the flying spell, but casting spells is prohibited here.

As Levin walked, he walked to the depths of the library.

He saw more than a dozen rows of bookshelves, locked by a circle of screens, with a warning sign on it: Restricted Books Area!

From a distance, Levin could feel the chaotic and huge fluctuations of magic inside.

According to the rules of the magic world, those truly powerful knowledge and magic will contain magic just by recording them with a pen.

According to Levin's estimation, with this magic... The scale of the force fluctuations, there are at least thousands of books containing magic in the restricted area.

If half of the value of Hogwarts is in the library, then half of the value of the library is in the restricted area.

For him, this is a treasure trove in a treasure trove!

But after looking at Madam Pince from a distance, Levin turned and left.

Now is not the time to enter the restricted area.

Levin had already figured it out.

The attitude of the white wizards towards magic is very clear - advocating white magic and opposing black magic.

This runs counter to the philosophy of Hogwarts for generations.

Levin certainly does not agree, but he is the principal after all, and the highest authority in Hogwarts is... What can he do in his hands

? He is not the boy who survived a catastrophe or the savior of the magic world.

If he rashly touches the forbidden knowledge, he will only be suspected.

For a little wizard like him with no background, it is better to be honest in the first year and learn the knowledge allowed by the school.

Instead of making trouble everywhere, wandering at night, secretly reading forbidden books, and trespassing in the forbidden forest... Is that what you should do?

The savior can do this because he has Dumbledore's protection. People are counting on him to fight the Dark Lord and save the world, so naturally he can tolerate anything.

As for ordinary wizards... do you really think Hogwarts will not expel students?

"So, if I get into trouble everywhere like Harry Potter, I'm a dog!"

Levin swore secretly.

But for a time traveler who regards everyone as NPC and maintains pride in his bones, how long can such a low-life idea last?

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