1991, Surrey, England.

Levin Green was lying on an old wooden bed.

The surroundings were cramped, dilapidated, and dim.

The bumpy walls were covered with stains, and the furniture around was even patinaed.

Obviously, the living environment here was not very good.

Levin stretched out his hand, looked at the pair of young hands in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh.

"What bad luck! Why did God let me be reborn in this broken place?"

That's right, Levin is an unlucky reborn person.

Levin's original name was Ye Ting. Levin Green was the name he gave himself after traveling through time. Levin (Levin) contains the meaning of thunder and lightning. Green

(Green) corresponds to green leaves.

He used to be a newly graduated college student in Longguo. He was born in a middle-class family, with both parents, excellent grades, and no worries about paying off mortgages in the future. He was a winner in life.

Who knew that after an accident, he returned to his infancy and traveled to the UK in 1980 and came to the Laerke Orphanage.

Now, eleven years have passed, and he has become an eleven-year-old child.

"What bad luck."

Levin Green sighed again.

However, this time of rebirth, Levin did not fail to obtain the golden finger.

Since he was three years old, he found that as long as he concentrated, he could move objects slightly with his mind.

However, even with the mind of an adult and a little superpower, he still didn't do well.

There was no way. The conditions in the orphanage couldn't be any better.

And as a yellow man, even if he had a handsome face, he couldn't expect to be adopted.

Now he is eleven years old and is about to enter the age of rapid development.

If he wants to live a better life in the future and get enough nutrition so that he doesn't become a malnourished little man when he grows up, Levin has to consider starting his own business.

"What can an eleven-year-old child do?"

Sitting on the memory of more than thirty years later, Levin is very confident that he will be able to do well in the future through foresight, but now he is only eleven years old and there are too few things he can do.

He has no capital to start a business, and he wants to work. This is not Surrey a hundred years ago. No one will take in an eleven-year-old child.

He wants to write songs, but he is an amateur in both his past and present lives and has not received professional music education.

So what can he do?

Looking at the tattered fairy tale book beside the bed, Levin suddenly had an idea.

"Writing! I can be a plagiarist!"

"The first choice for plagiarism is a certain Harry Potter series"

"It is now 1991, six years before Rowling publishes her first novel, The Philosopher's Stone."

"This series was positioned as a children's fairy tale from the beginning, and there were no requirements for the writing style and depth. It was reasonable for me to write a fairy tale for a child. If asked, I would just say it was my daily fantasy."

"And I can definitely write one book a year, with genius children writing wonderful fairy tales, and the author and the characters growing together - such a good gimmick, plus the potential of the work itself, will definitely sell out."

"Come to think of it, there was a boy named Harry Potter in primary school. I can definitely say that he was my inspiration."

"If things go well, maybe I can challenge myself to be financially free before I reach adulthood?"

Suddenly, a voice interrupted Levin's enjoyment of the future.

""Knock, knock, knock!"

Is this... someone knocking on the window?

Levin was startled.

This is the second floor!

He turned around and saw an owl outside the window, holding an envelope in its pointed mouth, looking at him!!!

Levin took a deep breath and opened the window carefully.

The owl jumped in skillfully and dropped the letter on the windowsill.

Levin reached out his hand tremblingly and picked up the letter.

The letter was very retro, the envelope was made of thick parchment, and the address was written in emerald green ink:

"Mr. Levine Green, St. Lyleke's Orphanage, Little Whinging, Surrey."

No stamp.

Turning it over, there was a red wax seal with an emblem in the middle.

On the handle was a shield with the capitals of"H"The letters were surrounded by a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake.

Levin looked at the letter in his hand and sighed deeply again.

There is no doubt that the arrival of this owl letter means that his dream of becoming a writer and achieving financial freedom by writing"The Philosopher's Stone" has been shattered.

But it doesn't matter, because his dream of becoming a wizard has come true!

In this way, his so-called little superpowers can be explained. Isn't that the manifestation of the little wizard's magic awakening?

And the boy named Harry Potter is most likely the wizard savior who survived the disaster!

The only thing to worry about is that as a blue star from a world without magic, why can he awaken magic after coming to this world?

But it doesn't matter, because he, Levin Green, will become a wizard from now on.

With excitement, Levin carefully opened the letter:

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Headmaster Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Confederation of Wizards, First Class of the Order of Merlin, Grand Wizard, Chief Wizard of the Wizengamot)

Dear Mr. Green:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to study at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Enclosed is a list of required books and equipment.

The semester is scheduled to start on September 1st.

We will wait for your owl to bring your reply before July 31st.

Sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmaster (Female)

Page 2:


First-year students need:

1. A three-sided plain work robe (black)

2. A plain peaked hat for daytime wear (black)

3. A pair of protective gloves (made of dragon skin or similar material)

4. A winter cape (black, silver buckles)

Please note: All student clothing must be attached with a name tag


All students need to prepare the following books:

《The Standard Book of Spells, Elementary, by Miranda Goshawk

《A History of Magic, by Bathilda Bagshot

《Theory of Magic, by Adalbert Waffling

《A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration, by Emeric Sweech

《One Thousand Wonderful Herbs and Fungi, by Phyllida Swinhoe

《Magic Potions and Medicinal Drinks, by Arseny Giger

《Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, by Newt Scamander

《The Dark Arts: A Guide to Self-Defense, by Quentin Trimble

【Other equipment:

A magic wand, a crucible (pewter, standard size 2), a set of glass or crystal vials, a telescope, a brass balance, and students may bring an owl, a cat, or a toad. Parents are reminded that first-year students are not allowed to bring their own broomsticks.

Although it is just two pieces of parchment, it makes people feel excited when they hold it in their hands.

"Ah, from now on, I will also become a member of Hogwarts Vocational and Technical School."

Levin seemed to hear an advertisement in his mind:

To learn magic, go to Old Dumbledore, eight hundred crucibles of stainless steel, good relations between the four colleges, a dozen professors with strong skills,

Hogwarts is large in scale, 200,000 students from all over the world, stable jobs with high incomes, and guaranteed lifelong employment.

It is certain that the job is stable and guaranteed, after all, Aurors and Death Eaters all graduated from here, and Old Dumbledore is still stable for self-production and self-sales.

Thinking of this, Ye Ting was excited again.

Although enrolling in Hogwarts this year means that he will continue to be a classmate with that elementary school classmate, and will have to suffer the threat of Voldemort and the Death Eaters in the next seven years...

But that is becoming a wizard!

Is there anything cooler than this?

What fame at a young age, what financial freedom, go to hell.

I won't play with you Muggles anymore, I will vote for wizards!

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