After settling the money issue, Professor McGonagall took Levin to a nearby alley.

The Laerke Orphanage was located in a remote area, and there was no one around the alley.

Levin immediately felt something was wrong.

Then he heard Professor McGonagall say:

"Mr. Levin, in order to save time, we need to use magic to reach our destination. It may not be pleasant, please bear with it."

"Okay... okay."

Levin has realized what he is about to go through.

"Then please hold my hand... Apparition!"

Levin suddenly felt uncomfortable all over, as if he was stuffed into the drum of a washing machine, and then someone chose to spin dry.

One second seemed to last a century.

When Levin felt his feet touch the ground again, he almost fell down, his stomach was churning, and he almost vomited the low-quality bread for breakfast.

Professor McGonagall patted Levin on the back and handed him a chocolate frog.

"Excuse me, Mr. Levine, how are you feeling?"

"There are many new students to receive today, so I have to use this way of traveling. Eat something, so you will feel better."

""No... It's okay, Professor McGonagall, I'm fine."

He put the cold chocolate frog into his mouth, feeling the frog legs dancing in his mouth and the cold sweetness, which instantly killed all the low-quality desserts he had eaten in the past eleven years.

Sure enough, even if it was for the sake of appetite, he had to go to Hogwarts.

【You experienced Apparition firsthand, and you found this method of travel painful, so you learned the spell [Dimensional Anchor】】

【[Space Anchor]: This spell can temporarily imprison space and prevent others from using space movement spells.

Why didn't I comprehend the Dimension Anchor instead of the Apparition?

Levin suddenly felt a pang of regret. If his first reaction just now was to enjoy instead of feel disgusted, maybe he could master this incredible movement skill now?

But then again, the Dimension Anchor imprisons all space movement, which is at least more useful than the anti-Apparition array that only targets [Apparition].

Levin looked up and saw a very small storefront in front of him, which was probably only one-third the size of the orphanage gate. If you didn't know, you would think it was the door of a public toilet.

On both sides of the storefront are a bookstore and a record store.

Compared with the colorful neon lights of its neighbors, the sign here is very retro - it's just a big wooden sign with no words on it, but a leaky pot painted on it. Levin felt that he could get into it.

The style here is weird and very eye-catching, but people passing by don't even look at it.

"So, this is our destination, the Leaky Cauldron in Charing Cross Road."Professor McGonagall explained,"This place has been cast with a Muggle-Repelling Charm, and Muggles can't see it."

She took the lead and pushed open the door, leading Levin in.

The bar was a little dim, and the lighting was actually oil lamps.

Levin felt that with the brightness here, if a light ball was added, it would be like a nightclub.

Unfortunately, the wizarding world uses electrical appliances.

As a famous place, it is too dirty and messy. It is filled with long, square or round wooden tables. Some wizards are drinking and chatting. They look weird, which is very suitable for the bar.

Seeing someone coming in, many people took the initiative to greet Professor McGonagall.

Tom Abbott, the bald boss behind the bar, put down his glass and waved to the two:"Oh, Professor McGonagall, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you going to pick up this year's freshmen?"

Professor McGonagall nodded:"Yes, Tom, a little wizard born in Muggle, I took him to Diagon Alley to buy things."

"Welcome, little guy." The boss nodded to Levin again, his expression very friendly,"Look, what a great guy, by the way, my granddaughter is also a freshman this year, you will be classmates in the future."

Levin felt that this was his passive ability [Charm Human] taking effect

"Hello, Mr. Tom, I am Levine Greene, and I am honored to be a classmate of your granddaughter."

After a few pleasantries, Professor McGonagall took Levine out of the back door of the Leaky Cauldron.

It seemed to be a dead end, with a trash can placed next to the wall.

Professor McGonagall came to the wall and

"Remember how to open it." Professor McGonagall said as she demonstrated:"From the trash can, count three blocks up, then count two blocks horizontally, and tap it with your wand."

The next moment, the seemingly very thick brick wall began to change.

""Crack, crack, crack!"

Bricks began to recede and overlap, and an arched passage appeared.

Inside the passage was a winding cobblestone street with no end in sight.

Levin followed Professor McGonagall inside.

On both sides of the street were shops selling all kinds of pots, animals, herbs, books, and broomsticks.

Wizards in various costumes went in and out of the shops, and owls flew around in the sky...

This was Diagon Alley, the starting point of the wizarding world!

Levin was stunned by the dazzling array of things, which was much more exciting than in the movies.

Professor McGonagall smiled and said,"Okay, Levin, there will be plenty of time to surprise you later. Now, let's go to Gringotts first. You have a lot of things to buy.……"

Professor McGonagall took a step forward and pulled Levin forward.

After walking for five or six minutes, the two came to a fork in the road, and Professor McGonagall finally stopped.

Across the fork in the road was a three-story white building, Gringotts.

Among the ordinary wooden buildings, this tall stone building stood out and looked very impressive from a distance.

Of course, it was only limited to a distance.

After walking in, Levin discovered that the white marble columns outside Gringotts were crooked!

It would be fine if they were crooked, but the worst thing was that each stone column was crooked in its own way. Not to mention that they could not be connected in a line, they were not even in the same direction!

For Levin, a science and engineering man with mild obsessive-compulsive disorder, this was too sad.

He even secretly vowed that if he had the opportunity in the future, he would definitely reinstall it.

On both sides of the bronze gate of Gringotts stood goblin guards wearing red uniforms with gold edges.

Although they were short, they looked arrogant, and the way they looked at people made him a little unhappy.

Ignoring these annoying guys, the two walked further in and came to a silver-white door with a row of eye-catching characters engraved on it:

"Come in, stranger, but beware of the consequences of greed."

"Those who only ask for things without working for them will be punished most severely"

"If you want to take a fortune from our underground vault that never belonged to you"

"Thief, you have been warned, beware of the evil that may come to you instead of treasure."

"How do you feel after seeing this?" Professor McGonagall looked at Levin at the right time.

Levin did not show awe like ordinary little wizards and give some standard reviews. Instead, he snorted coldly:

"I only saw their outward appearance of being fierce but their inner weakness." Professor

McGonagall was stunned when she heard this, and nodded after a long time:"You...

are right.

" She suddenly found that the children around her were not only more mature than she thought, but also smarter than she thought.

She knew very well that goblins were proficient in smelting, but their ideas were very greedy and special.

They believed that anything they made was theirs, and the fees paid to them were rent.

As long as the first-generation owner died, they had the right to take back their creations.

This even included the original sword of Gryffindor.

For this reason, goblins and wizards had many conflicts and even started several wars.

But there was no doubt that they all ended in the defeat of the goblins.

Although the goblins control the only bank in the wizarding world and are in an equal cooperative relationship with the wizards, they are guilty and afraid in the face of wizards.

They are unwilling to give up their greedy and proud ideas and have long been trying to save face.

But the shadow of defeat forced them to obey the rules of wizards.

This phrase"strong on the outside but weak on the inside" is a perfect evaluation.

On the tall counters on both sides of the hall, Professor McGonagall quickly took out Levin's loan.

In order to highlight their superiority, the goblins designed the counters to be incredibly high, even higher than Levin himself.

As a result, the chairs behind the counters were also very high, and Levin probably had to step on a small ladder to get up and down.

"Okay, Levin, your loan has been obtained." Mag took Levin away from this annoying place,"The first thing to do next is to buy a wand."

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