If you want to get a glimpse of Ravenclaw's secret, Helena in front of you is the biggest obstacle, of course, she is also the best help.

So, Levin decided to speak his mind:"Ms. Helena, please don't hide it from me, I already know the secret of this statue."

Levin's words made the ghost panic:"How do you know... No, you think too much, this is just an ordinary statue, there is no secret."

Seeing that the other party did not touch the coffin and did not cry, Levin sighed, drew out the spell, and gently pointed at the statue


Unfortunately, because the magic power hidden in the statue was too high and Levin's level was not enough, the [Identification] did not succeed this time.

However, even if the [Identification] failed, it still played the most basic effect. A faint blue magic aura emerged from the statue, proving that it was indeed a magic item.

"This is the magic reaction detected."Levin looked at her calmly.

Seeing that Levin had produced the evidence, Helena sighed and had to admit:

"Well, you're right, I'm able to stay in this statue because of magic."

"But I am not lying, I can enter this statue because I am her daughter……"

"Oh? Where did this come from?"Levin was curious.

"In fact, this statue was not like this at the beginning."

Helena said slowly and sadly,"For thousands of years after my mother's death, this statue has been placed here to express my longing for her."

"But since ten years ago, I seem to be able to vaguely hear the statue replacing me. I tried to ask the little wizard, and even other ghosts, but I was the only one who could hear this call, and I was the only one who could respond to the call and enter the statue.……"


Levin suddenly interrupted her statement

"You just said that it has been like this since ten years ago?"

Another ten years ago.

Levin sensed something was wrong.

It was said that the water ghost also appeared ten years ago. Is there any connection between the two?

What exactly happened ten years ago?

Levin kept this doubt in his heart and asked Helena again:"How did you feel inside the statue?"

"I...felt a strong sense of longing." Helena gently closed her eyes, as if recalling the past,"The feeling of longing is very strong, it makes people feel tender and tender, just like a mother missing her child. I think this feeling comes from my mother."

No wonder she stayed in there all day,

Levin suddenly realized that female ghosts also need love and warmth

"Do you know where this power comes from?" Levin asked.

"I don't know." Helena shook her head, her eyes blank."It's as if it appeared overnight. I'm just a ghost. With my ability... I have no idea."

"However, I want to figure out all this. Maybe there is something my mother left for me hidden here."

After hearing this, Levin made a decision.

He looked at Helena and gave her the most gentle smile.

At the same time, he turned the aura of [Charm Humans] to the maximum.

"You look like you need help……"His tone was gentle and considerate."And I am a Ravenclaw, and I am proud of my house."

"If the descendants of the founder of the college need any help, I will be happy to help."

""Maybe you are right. You are indeed an excellent Ravenclaw, a student selected according to my mother's standards. However, there was once a young man who was very similar to you, equally excellent, equally elegant, and he also tried to persuade me, but in the end, he deceived me."

At this point, Helena's expression became angry, and the expression on her transparent face was a little distorted.

Levin certainly knew that he was talking about Voldemort in his school days.

By deceiving Helena, Voldemort found the crown of Ravenclaw and made it into a Horcrux.

However, Levin needed to pretend that he didn't know:"Then may I ask, what is his name? Which college is he from?"

His words implied a mystery, hinting at the difference between Helena and the other party.

As if awakened by Levin's words, Helena's expression softened.

The female ghost glanced at the boy's likable face and decided to continue:"That name, I can't say it, no one dares to say it, but I can tell you that his trophy is in the trophy display room."

Levin understood her fear and caution.

After all, that was Voldemort, and the entire wizarding world did not dare to say his name.

He had cast a spell on his own name, and if anyone read it out, he would know it.

Even though he has disappeared for so long, his remaining poison still deeply affects the current wizarding world - even if it is a ghost.

But since Helena is willing to speak, it means that she is still willing to trust him, so Levin continued to hint:"But, I am very frank with you, I did not deceive you, did I?"

This is also Tom Riddle's shortcoming. He always likes to use conspiracy and intrigue, violence and fraud to achieve his goals, while Levin prefers to rely on open conspiracy and manipulate people's hearts through concealment rather than lies.

"You're right, but... no... you're not the same as him."

The expression on Helena's face changed several times, and finally softened. The look she gave Levin was no longer one of resistance."Okay, you're right, I'm willing to... believe you."

Levin could sense the other party's hope, as well as her pitiful anxiety and pleading like a little animal.

She hoped that Levin could really help her, and prayed that she would not be betrayed by her new friend again.

Levin nodded and responded to her anxiety:"Don't worry, Helena, I won't be like that person."

"You are the student chosen by my mother, and I believe in you."

Helena nodded.

"Well, let me tell you my guess:"

"I think that in order to unlock the secrets of the statue, one very important thing is needed."

"It was my mother's treasure, and generations of students have forced me to tell them where it went. No one can resist its attraction.……"

She said in an aria-like tone,

"It was my mother's crown, containing all her knowledge and wisdom, but that man stole it from me."

"So that's how it is. I have a clue after hearing you say that."

Levin nodded. It turned out that if he wanted to discover the secret, he had to find the Ravenclaw's diadem.

He knew where the Ravenclaw's diadem was. He entered there the day after he came to Hogwarts - the storage room of the Room of Requirement.

As long as he wanted, he could get it anytime.

But at this time, the diadem was Voldemort's Horcrux, and all kinds of terrible black magic were cast on it.

If Levin just wanted to destroy the Horcrux, it was not impossible.

No matter how strong the defense of the Horcrux was, it was just a magical item. It could be destroyed with a weapon with magic-breaking properties.

Although Levin had neither the fangs of the basilisk nor the sword of Gryffindor, he had the low-level god-killing spell [Micro Meteor].

Relying on the forced penetration damage of [Micro Meteor], even if it was a divine weapon, he could wear it down bit by bit.

However, in order for the diadem to play a role in solving the mystery of the statue, it would probably be necessary to maintain the integrity of the diadem.

This is a bit troublesome.

Levin currently does not have such means.

But it doesn't matter, he has understanding.

If there is research related to the soul as a reference, it is not impossible to comprehend the method of dealing with the soul.

But if you want to find such a book in the library, you must at least enter the restricted book area.

Thinking of this, Levin has a plan:

"The first step is to find a way to enter the forbidden book area!"

Then, he looked at Helena and said,"Thank you for your advice. I have an idea now, but it requires further research. Please wait for me for a while."

"Of course, Mr. Green," Helena smiled when she learned that there was hope,"Ghosts always have enough time."

The two of them had reached an agreement and it was time to go to bed.

Before leaving, Helena suddenly reminded him,"I remember you were exploring the power of the mind. The human mind is the most fragile and uncontrollable place. A rash exploration can easily lead to irreversible consequences. I think you should wait until you are older before trying this.""

"Thank you for your reminder."Levin accepted her kindness.

In fact, his exploration of psychic abilities was based on his own understanding and the profession of psychic.

Without the professional framework, Levin did not dare to casually work on his own mind.

After bidding farewell to this new friend, Levin returned to the dormitory and fell asleep.

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