The next morning, Levin got up as usual and went to the hall for breakfast on time.

Staying up all night did not affect his normal routine.

When the owls flew into the hall as usual, everyone's attention was attracted by the slender packages carried by six long-eared owls.

Who would have thought that the owls flew to the long table of Gryffindor, and several owls circled down and landed right in front of Harry Potter.

Levin could see the joy on Harry's face because he got a flying broom,"Nimbus 2000".

He understood that this was the first step for Harry Potter to embark on the road of Quidditch.

But Levin soon discovered that he also had letters.

Hemer came to ask for breakfast and play with him as usual, but when the eagle owl landed in front of him, Levin found that there was an unexpected note on the little guy's claws.

The note came from Professor Flitwick, asking Levin to find him after dinner.

Why did Professor Flitwick look for me?

Levin was a little puzzled, but he still quickly finished the last French fry.

In Filius Flitwick's office, the short professor smiled as usual:"Mr. Green, I'm glad you're here. Your performance since the start of the semester has been seen by everyone. I'm glad that another talented wizard has come to Ravenclaw."

"No matter what subject you are in, you are doing very well. Even Madam Pince in the library praises you highly."

"But I want to say that in addition to studying, there are many interesting things waiting for little wizards like you to try. If your only medium is studying, you will get bored in the long run, which is not good for you."

Professor Flitwick said earnestly.

"Thank you, Professor Flitwick, I will pay attention to it. But I want to say that reading is the best enjoyment for me."Levin replied.

Levin understood that humans like instant gratification and hate delayed gratification.

And the learning of the masses is a typical delayed gratification, so there are so many people who hate learning.

But for a genius like Levin, reading and learning is essentially instant gratification: as long as you read it, you can remember it, as long as you get started, you can learn it.

When you have such a talent, the instant sense of gain and accomplishment brought by learning makes people unable to extricate themselves.

But he also has to admit that Professor Flitwick is a responsible dean.

He not only pays attention to students' academic performance, but also to their ideological life. He is indeed a rare good teacher.

After hearing Levin's answer, Flitwick looked at him with more appreciation:"You are so studious at such a young age. You are much better than I was back then. No wonder you have such outstanding performance in just one week."

He paused and suddenly asked:"But you also need to pay attention to things other than learning, such as... Are you interested in Quidditch?"

At this point, Professor Flitwick finally revealed his true intentions.



Levin's eyes rolled, and he immediately guessed that this was probably related to Harry being helped by Professor McGonagall through the back door.

However, he still deliberately said:

"I must remind you, Professor, first years are not allowed to bring broomsticks or play on the Quidditch team."

"Yes, yes, that's the rule," said Professor Flitwick, with an intriguing smile,"but I heard yesterday that Harry Potter from Gryffindor was specially recruited to become the youngest seeker in a century. And you, Mr. Green, you are as good as him in flying class."

"Most importantly, Miss Leann strongly recommended you to me."


Levin began to search for this last name in his mind.

Cirilla Fiona Leann?

Ciri actually recommended him?

Flitwick continued,"Miss Leann is a chaser on the Ravenclaw team. After her arrival, Ravenclaw's Quidditch performance has improved a lot. I am always happy to consult her opinions."

Speaking of Quidditch, Professor Flitwick's eyes lit up.

"But Miss Rayanlen alone still can't save Ravenclaw. We haven't won the Quidditch championship trophy for a long time. After learning about your performance in the flying class, Miss Rayanlen believes that you are the last piece of the puzzle for the Ravenclaw championship, and I agree with this point."

As expected, they are going to recruit Levin to join the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

To be honest, although Levin likes flying, he has never been exposed to Quidditch. As a Muggle, he has no interest in Quidditch, but thinking that this is recommended by Ciri, he thinks he should agree.

On the one hand, he just wants to get to know Cirilla, a girl who should not appear in the Harry Potter world, and find out why she appears.

Originally, because the two were strangers, Levin did not contact her rashly.

Joining the Quidditch team is obviously a good way.

On the other hand, Quidditch is indeed very popular among wizards.

If you want to increase your influence, the identity of a Quidditch star is more effective than being a top student.

Don't you see Krum from Durmstrang, who has a group of fanatical admirers wherever he goes.

As he masters more and more arcane magic, Levin can no longer restrain himself and wants to show some edge and bring some"small changes" to this magical world.

Agreeing to teach Hermione magic is a start, and becoming a recognized top student and joining the Quidditch team will help achieve this goal.

After careful analysis, Levin nodded vigorously:

"Of course, Professor Flitwick, I'd like to join the team"

"Great! Come on, kid, I'll take you to the Quidditch team. I remember they applied for training this morning.

Professor Flitwick took Levin out of the office and met the little lion arguing with the little snake on the way.

"This isn't some old broomstick! This is a Nimbus 2000! What did you say you had at home, Malfoy? A Comet 260?"

Levin heard Ron Weasley's proud voice.

"Comets are quite dazzling, just right for a gloryless coward like you! But they are not even in the same league as halos."

Then came Malfoy's rebuttal, his voice just as sharp:"It was you, Weasley, who spread the rumor! You are a disgrace to the purebloods, you are just jealous of the glory of our family, so you want to discredit it, you poor bastard who can't even get a broom handle, I guess you and your brothers will have to save up twigs one by one."

Sure enough, Levin's suggestion worked,

Malfoy's words were indeed sharp, but Levin could hear the impotent rage in them.

Originally, Levin wanted to appreciate this wonderful quarrel for a while longer, but the conscientious Professor Flitwick had already stepped forward to stop both parties:"I hope you are not quarreling, kids?"

"Someone brought Potter a broomstick, Professor." Draco Malfoy hurriedly complained

""Yes, yes, that's right," said Professor Flitwick, smiling at Harry."Professor McGonagall told me all about the peculiarities of the situation. What model did you get, Mr. Potter?""

"Nimbus 2000, sir," said Harry, trying hard not to laugh at the look of horror on Malfoy's face.

"I was able to get it thanks to this Malfoy." He added.

If Malfoy hadn't stolen Neville's Remembrano, Harry wouldn't have had the chance to become a Gryffindor player.

"Congratulations, Mr. Potter," Flitwick said, and turned to Levin,"Mr. Green, you will receive the same gift soon."

In this regard, he did not want Professor McGonagall to be the only one who could take the cake.

Levin was surprised when he heard this.

Did he get a share?

He smiled and said to Professor Flitwick,"Thank you, Professor."

Then he turned to Malfoy,"It seems that I have to thank you."

Then, he left with Professor Flitwick in Malfoy's confused eyes.

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