When Levin arrived at the stadium, it was not Roger Davis, the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, who was waiting for him, but his recommender:

Cirilla Leanan.

The gray-haired girl was tall, with soft and tight lines.

Levin had to admit that even in the flowery Ravenclaw, she was still a rare beautiful girl, but in temperament, she was different from most Ravenclaw girls Levin had seen.

Her gray hair was casually tied behind her head, and the tight clothes she wore for sports made her look more heroic.

She held a flying broom and stepped on a large box, like a graceful and agile cheetah, ready to go.

As expected of Geralt's adopted daughter, the female witcher in the original book, even though she has become a wizard now, you can still see a hint of the style of a witcher.

"Hey, Professor Flitwick, Mr. Levine Green, here!"

Almost at the same time, Ciri also found them and waved at them in the sun.

"The rest is up to you, Mr. Green, do your best." Professor Flitwick patted Levin on the shoulder encouragingly, and then walked towards the castle.

Levin took two steps at a time and came to Cirilla's side.

The girl patted her shoulder enthusiastically:"Hi, Mr. Green, this is not the first time we meet, huh?"

Levin understood that she was referring to the first day of school, when he was so shocked that he accidentally called out her name.

But Levin was not embarrassed at all, and said generously:"You are right, Senior Lei Anlun, this is the first time I see a senior with gray hair, and she is so beautiful. I was a little surprised for a while"

"Call me Ciri, or Ciri, Mr. Green, so I can call you Levin."Ciri happily covered her mouth with her hands after being praised by the handsome boy."By the way, I thought you would be stronger." That's because I didn't have time to cast the attribute enhancement spell.

Levin pouted:

"Of course, Ciri, nice to meet you."

Just a simple greeting, the distance between the two of them narrowed a lot.

Then, Ciri kicked the edge of the wooden box with a cool foot, and the lid popped open, revealing the Quidditch game props inside.

"Mr. Green, do you know anything about Quidditch?" Ciri asked."Not the kind of knowledge that a fan would have."

"I am a Muggle, Ciri, I only got rid of the magic this summer vacation," Levin smiled bitterly and replied,"I only know that the red ball is the Quaffle. Chasers pass the Quaffle and try to pass it through the opponent's hoop. Each time they can get 10 points, the goalkeeper is responsible for guarding the hoop of his team.……"

Ciri soon discovered that the boy in front of him was not simple.

Although he claimed that he had never played Quidditch, he knew all the rules of Quidditch like the back of his hand: the basic rules, the use of each ball, the responsibilities of each position, the specifications of the court, and even some basic tactics.

Although his understanding of them was still at the level of words,

"……These are all things I learned from books."Finally, Levin added.

The books Levin stored in the database just happened to contain knowledge related to Quidditch.

"I've always heard that Ravenclaw has a genius this year, but I've never experienced it myself before and I know that you really deserve the title." Ciri sighed,"It seems that you don't need to make up for the theory class. To be honest, most of our Ravenclaw players don't necessarily know more about Quidditch than you do."

"Then, let's get straight to the actual test. Professor Flitwick said he would buy you a new broom personally, and before that, you can use mine first."

As she said that, she handed the broom in her hand to Levin and winked at him:

"Sweeping Seven Stars, Professor Flitwick gave it to me when I joined the team, so you must treat it well."

After hearing this, Levin immediately caught the message contained in it.

Professor Flitwick would give him a flying broom, but this was not the norm, as most people on the team bought their own brooms.

It was probably because he was born in a Muggle orphanage, and there was no wizard family behind him to provide funds to buy a broom.

In addition, he did have a talent for Quidditch, so it was worth spending some money on it.

This should be the reason why Harry received it. The fact that Ciri received this gift probably meant that her situation when she came to Hogwarts was similar to his.

This further shows that, to the world of Harry Potter, Ciri, like him, is also an outsider.

Levin nodded, turned around, waved his wand at himself in Ciri's curious eyes, and then got on the broom.

【Bear's Tenacity】、【The power of bull】、【[Cat's Grace] A set of three consecutive attacks has been completed.

Then, Ciri released a shiny black Bludger, which had been struggling desperately in the box. As soon as the Bludger was free, it quickly smashed towards Levin's face.

Levin picked up a bat from the box and swung it hard.

With the blessing of [Bull Strength], Levin's 7 points of strength were increased to 12 points, completely surpassing that of an adult.

The Bludger was instantly knocked away, whistling towards the goal post, and then accurately passed through the iron ring - as if it was not a heavy Bludger, but a clever Quaffle.

"Good job, Levin, you are stronger than I thought, I was wrong before……"

Before Ciri could finish, the unwilling Bludger fell from the sky again, but this time it was aiming at her head.

Ciri was not afraid, she dodged and grabbed the Bludger, forcing it into the box regardless of its struggle.

This skill is almost comparable to her own with the buff.

No wonder she can become a female witcher.

"You have the potential to be a batsman," Ciri commented,"but let's take a look at your talents in other positions."

So next, Ciri asked Levin to fly around the court twice and tried some difficult flying moves, which Levin completed perfectly.

Then came the test of the chaser.

Ciri asked Levin to cooperate with him in a series of complex passes and tactical moves, such as reverse passes, Pokov's tactics, etc.

This kind of technology that requires cooperation from teammates is naturally not something that can be accomplished by physical fitness alone.

Levin's psychic ability came into play at this time.

Although he has not yet mastered the ability to [detect thoughts], he can already read some simple emotions.

When Ciri is going to pass the ball and when it is inconvenient to receive the ball, Levin will know. Levin knew it all.

This made the two of them work together perfectly.

On the Quidditch field, when Ciri saw the boy catch her legend without looking back, she had a subtle feeling in her heart: this boy not only has excellent reflexes, keen observation, and agile skills, but also can communicate with her in just the first cooperation.

Maybe he is the teammate given by God, and they are born to play Quidditch together.

When the two finished this test, Ciri could no longer contain her excitement and held Levin's hand:"Come on, Levin, how about being a chaser with me?"

"Although you are talented, you can play any position well, but I think you are most suitable for the Chaser. If you are here, this year's Quidditch Cup will definitely go to Ravenclaw!"

As if she was afraid of accidents, she���"In addition to you, we also recruited a very talented player this year. Roger wants her to be the seeker because she is uh-very-cute?"

In order to be his teammate, Ciri directly gave up the most attractive seeker position and used Roger as an excuse.

But Levin believed that if Ciri really wanted to decide something, even the captain Roger Davis would have to obey - after all, he was the"Young Lion of Cintra". Levin was not surprised by Ciri's reaction, or rather, this was what he intended.

With his psychic ability, he could have a tacit understanding even if he replaced a fool as a teammate.

However, Levin would only give this tacit understanding to Ciri.

He had a clear calculation.

One of the four irons in life is"carrying guns together".

The friendship of fighting side by side is the most solid, and fighting side by side on the court has a similar effect.

And if the comrades-in-arms also have a tacit understanding like a telepathy, then the solidity of the friendship will be doubled.

And when his relationship with Ciri is close enough, some secrets involving his life experience can be asked.

Not to mention, Ciri's appearance alone is indeed a worthy person for Levin to make friends with.

So, Levin readily agreed to Ciri and officially became a chaser for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.

In the following period, Levin also became busy.

As the course progressed, the normal coursework naturally became more and more arduous.

He still spent most of his spare time in the library, but in addition to that, Levin also had to participate in Quidditch training three times a week and one-on-one tutoring classes with Hermione on weekends.

Except for not being able to find a chance to enter the restricted book area, his life was very fulfilling.


Ciri's grandmother is Queen Calanthe of Cintra, nicknamed"Lioness of Cintra", and Ciri has received a complete palace education.

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